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Fridays @ 11am Eastern / 10am Central

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Host Doug Dahlgren

Georgia author, Doug Dahlgren, is an experienced interviewer with his own unique style. Having nine novels to his credit gives him credibility with other writers and his manner offers them a chance to relax and tell you, the reader, about their work. Doug’s books, six of which are a popular series known as The SON Series, are available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle version as well as through most places where books are sold. You can also learn more about his books through his web page: Join Doug Fridays at 11am to meet authors, artists, and other interesting people you may not know yet. Interested in being a guest?

Contact Doug at for details.





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April 29, 2022 Show

Award Winning Author and Journalist, Jedwin Smith

Twice nominated for the Pulitzer prize for work as a correspondent during the Vietnam War, Jedwin takes on an even older conflict.

In 2017, Jedwin took a trip to The Holy land to seek answers. He met Philip Haney, the first of many knowledgeable authorities on the region.

He learned much about this small strip of land, prophesized in the Bible and finally founded in 1948. A land that comes with a promise from God that many are bound to undo.

Jedwin brings his lastest work, based on that trip, “I AM ISRAEL – Lions and Lambs of the Land,” to our program.

Jedwin will be here to discuss this important book and hopefully help us understand what’s going on over there, and why.



April 22, 2022 Show

Author, Rev. Jimmy Deas

A Pastor himself for over forty years, Rev. Deas draws on that to tell the tale of his character, Rev. Mark Thomas, who is dealing with a tragedy.

Also the author of, "A Teacher's Gift and other Stories," Rev. Deas brings his first novel to our show, "Ran Like Joseph."

He holds degree from North Florida Community College and Luther Rice Seminary.

Pastor Jimmy Deas comes to our show to discuss his novel. 



April 15, 2022 Show

Cal Duke

is a Publisher, Song Writer, and Author. Starting life looking straight up, Cal followed his dreams of music and promotion while developing his idea for a new class of publishing. Over four award winning decades he became the publisher of 541 full-color magazines for 68 diverse communities, primarily in Georgia and Alabama. This effort took up to 80 hours a week for years on end, logging over two million road miles, collecting long lists of friends, and years of memories.

What was left to do except write a memoir? And that, he did.

“Keep on Smilin’” could be described as American Graffiti with a side of grits. Where were you, in 62’. Or 72’ or 82’. This book will stir your memories as Cal talks about his. Join us on March 23rd and we’ll let Cal explain it all to us. 


April 8, 2022 Show

Author Caroline Ailanthus

Science writer and blogger, Caroline Ailanthus hails from the North East and current lives in Maryland.

She is known for her well-researched fiction that are a blend of Science and story.

Such is the book she brings for us to discuss.

A post pandemic apocalypse leaves the survivors searching for answers.

The novel is “Ecological Memory” and the author Caroline Ailanthus will join us. 



April 1, 2022 Show

Author Susan Lindsley

Soon after receiving her B.A. degree, summa cum laude, from Mercer University, Susan began her writing career as a reporter for the Macon News. She wrote feature articles as well as news items. Her interest in writing had begun well before then, back in grammar school where she also loved her study of biology.

She wrote professionally at the Macon News (a daily), the Raytheon Manufacturing Co., the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Research Laboratory of Electronics), and at the Centers for Disease Control. At MIT, she wrote and edited the first paper on laser beams and the first on telemetry. She an article published in The Georgia Journal about a famed Atlanta writer, "Margaret Mitchell: A Portrait" (February/March 1983). Her interests run from Wildlife to Politics and she has written about all.

Her novel, “When Darkness Fell” won a Next Generation Book Award in 2016. Susan brings that book to our discussion of her work.



March 25, 2022 Show

Author Fran Stewart

Award winning author Fran Stewart, fresh from her short break in writing, has returned with an entertaining collection of work born from her newest hobby. BeesKnees #1 A Beekeeping Memoir is the start of a new series that will keep her fans and new readers in stitches.  Fran is best known for her award winning series, The ScottShop Mysteries and The Biscuit McKee Series, Fran has written and instructed writers for years.  Her classes on Memoir Writing have been a hit in the North Georgia area.

Join us as Fran bring book #1 of this new series to our show.

BeesKnees #1 : A Beekeeping Memoir



March 18, 2020 Show

Outdoorsman and author, Duncan Dobie

A full-time outdoor writer and photographer for more than 30 years. He is one of America's best-known whitetail authors. His stories and photographs have appeared in numerous books, magazines and newspapers across the country. He was a regular contributor to North American Whitetail magazine for more than 25 years.

Duncan bring his book about the man who was the most famous forest ranger to never wear a uniform. The man who brought white-tailed deer back to the North Georgia Mountains. Ranger Arthur Woody was a larger-than-life character who dedicated his life to helping others in his community during the very difficult economic times of the Great Depression.

Join Duncan and myself, for a great discussion of the man, the legend, and Duncan Dobie’s great new book: Arthur Woody and The Legend of the Barefoot Ranger. 



March 10, 2022 Show

Award-Winning Author

Kathryn Lane

Kathryn returns to our program with her latest Nikki Garcia novel, making the franchise a full series, at four volumes.

The latest is titled, “Missing in Miami,” and it finds our heroine searching for a missing teenager.

Always a great guest, Kathryn will tell us about how the venue for this latest story changed completely at the last minute.

Her strong research instincts, especially on locations used, lead her to the island nation off our coast line.

We’ll talk about the new book and what’s to come. 




March 4, 2022 Show

Retired FBI SSA James Furry

From almost three years ago, meet an author who spent his career in law enforcement.

Back when that meant something.

I had the pleasure to meet a couple of real-life FBI Agents, a few years back. This interview is from over two years ago, but is timeless in the message and his book.

There are all kinds of agents in The FBI. Real people with differing opinions and styles.

While the agency is taking hits these days, remember, not all were or are bad folks.

This is one of the good guys and I’m proud to know him. Enjoy his story, and his book…

After a short stint as a teacher, Jim Furry joined the FBI. Thirty-two years later, he retired having served in a clerical capacity and up to a supervisor in Counterintelligence surveillance.

The target, Russian ships in the port of New Orleans. He has also served in Washington, DC, Springfield, Ill, Newark, NJ. The Newark assignment was as a supervisor in the investigation of the Sept 11, 2001 attack on New York. After his retirement in 2005, Jim became a consultant to banks, both international and domestic, watching for signs of money laundering.

In 2016, James Furry retired again and began work on his book, "Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity, My Story.” It was published last year.

Jim brings his book to our show for discussion.




February 25, 2022 Show

Michael W. Paul

Author Michael W. Paul first brought us his memoir of growing up in Colorado. That was back in 2013.

“The Bridge Over Cedar Creek.”

Fans have asking for more and Mike has finally released a new novel, an historical fiction story, centered on this country’s Greatest Generation.

“Wild Horse – The Gods Await,” take the reader back to 1943 at an airfield in England, where young men with more courage than good sense, fly missions to defeat The Nazi Scourge.

Their weapon is the B-17 Flying Fortress. The story is gripping and filled with insights only a fellow pilot could share.

Join us for a discussion on this new novel you’ll want for your library.

Michael W. Paul and “Wild Horses – The Gods Await,” on this Friday’s Doug Dahlgren Show


February 18, 2022 Show

Doug’s Address to a Writers Conference

As we appear to be emerging from the Covid-19 Hibernation, there are more and more writers clubs offering their take on “how to be a writer,” or better yet, how to be “like them.”
Actually, being like them isn’t a requirement. Readers seek, and look for, original material.
That’s where you come in and if you’re just copying someone else?.......................?
Well, I have some thoughts on that and I offer them in this replay of a past program.
I had the honor and pleasure to be invited to  speak to a writers association at their annual conference last year.

There are lots of groups, and individuals, out there…willing to take your money to tell you how to be successful. Keep these thoughts in the back of your mind, “YOU….are what makes what you do original.” My other ideas are talked about in this presentation. Hope you enjoy!

If your group would like to hear me speak, in person, email me at:



February 11, 2022 Show

Southern Author

David Butler

David Butler has released his forth novel based on life, and death, “way down upon the Suwannee River.”

“Echo on the Suwannee” follows “Ellaville” and “Signal Six” with a mystery set in rural North Florida.

A cry for “help” carries along the water and spurs a man into action. As we know, action also bring consequences.

And with those, David also brings back many familiar characters while introducing us to a couple of new ones.

Join us for a discussion of this new book and David’s life and experiences, that make his work so compelling.

See you there….




February 4, 2022 Show

Author Alex Walker

An experienced author and historian, with the 28 chapter historical documentary, “From Our Past”, and other magazine articles as tune ups, Alex started his hugely successful series, “Toltec”, with the book of that same name.

Mixing history with science fiction, fact with speculation, these novels are exciting page turners.

The series began with “Toltec”, followed by “Cuzco”, “Zenox”, and now “Runes.”

Alex comes back to our program to talk about the latest of the series and the books in between.

Join us for a great conversation.




January 28, 2022 Show

Author & Poet, Ken Vance

Back in 2019, we visited with Author & Poet, Ken Vance. Thought quick trip back might be in order.

He called it “piddlin,’” back in the late 60’s in high school. Then, as a senior at Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School, he began to read poets like Keats and James Dickey, Milton, Shakespeare, and Allen Ginsburg, and the whole idea of poetry and the economy of words went from that earlier sprout to a deep root. He tried to write everyday but between milking cows every morning, school, and basketball, Ken didn’t feel all that prolific. Still, it was his way of coming to terms with social issues, the Vietnam War, and draft dodgers, hormones, and Jesus. At Young Harris College, he met Dr. Betty Sellers, a poet herself, who would become the Poet Laurate of Georgia under Governor Zell Miller. She made Ken write. She made him learn the names of mountain flora and why the mountain peaks and streams had names like Hightower Bald and Bearmeat Creek. She instilled in him the appreciation for the music of words and phrases and the idea of “making it new.” Ken published a few poems in the college literary magazine, The Corn Creek Review, with titles like “Can Kickin’ Kids” and “Woodstove Lament.” After college he went to the University of Georgia and became a certified Law Enforcement Officer. Now in his 44th year as a lawman, having worked in Georgia, Florida, and Arkansas as either a state or local officer. Once referred to in a newspaper article as “poet with a gun”, well, that he was. Continuing to piddle in another one of his black and white speckled notebooks, Ken brings a collection for our discussion…titled, “Wearing Johnny’s Shirt.”



January 21, 2022 Show

Lisa Reinicke

Author and businesswoman

From our achieves, we revisit a chat with gifted storyteller, speaker, and philanthropist, Lisa Reinicke. She’s the author of four published children’s books, opened an old Air Force footlocker that had belonged to her father. Inside were letters. Letters he had written from his time in the service, to his wife back in Oklahoma. These letters told of a man his daughter didn’t know, not really. Nothing bad or anything to be ashamed of. Quite the opposite. Just details of the personal relationship between her parents. One that a child rarely sees or thinks about. This book was born from a question she asked herself. “Does a good man’s life end at his death?” The answer is not only for the author, but all who enjoy the book. “Football Flyboy” is about a good man with a good life who made a difference. Lisa Reinicke brings her story to our discussion.



January 14, 2022 Show

Ernie Lisi  - Poet 

Ernie was brought to our attention by another guest author, Jude Wilde.

Jude has been working with Ernie to motivate him to publish his work.

His catalog is huge but has only published, thus far, in one of Jude’s books, Renegade Mountain.

( See Oct 15th 2021 for that program )

Ernie is a poet who can talk to regular people about anything, including poetry.

Sit back and enjoy our conversation.



January 7, 2022 Show

 Doug Dahlgren

 Author, Host, Veteran, Patriot

 A Review, Hopefully Not a Preview

As the old year crawls out of sight, beaten and bloodied, another chance to do it right cautiously creeps around the corner with its head down.

What happened last year? What can we look for? Well, let’s do something we appear to have forgotten about in our country.

Let’s talk about it.

Hope you’ll stay tuned but I warn you in advance…you can’t stop me.

Comments can be directed to

God save the Republic!



December 31, 2021 Show

Everything You Need to Know about Audio Books

(Provided you know almost nothing now!)

Let’s take a look at audio books. What they are, how they’re made, are they just for blind people?

I and my narrator, Ed Waldorph, are finishing up book six of my series known as The SON.

I’ve learned a bunch about this medium and the process that makes it work.

Are you a writer? Think about doing it yourself? Or wondering how to get started?

Why should I care, I like to read?

We’ll spend most of the hour looking at these questions and others.




December 24, 2021 Christmas Broadcast

An Interview with Santa Claus Several years ago, six to be exact, we thought it might be a great idea to go to the North pole and interview the golly old fat man, himself.

Travel was the big problem for this idea, being our budget was, well…there was no budget.

We decided UPS Next Day Air was the all we could afford, so Scott boxed me up and off I went.

Through the magic of radio…and with the help of Scott Z, Tony, Corey, Kevin, members of my family, and others, we offer this bit of Christmas levity and hopefully a smile or two.

Merry Christmas from The Doug Dahlgren Show !



December 17, 2021 Show

Doug offers his insights and experience on becoming a writer.

What should you look for?

What should you expect?

Can anyone do it?

Questions you’ll run into anyway…why not hear about them ahead of time?

Doug has nine action fiction novels available and he’s learned more with each one.

Join us! 




December 10, 2021 Show

Doug and Zman:  yada yada yada

There’s a bunch to discuss, but we’ll probably miss the good stuff.

Our circle is like a NASCAR Track, all left turns, but we have fun.

Georgia does have a Governor candidate that is attracting fire from the media.

He must be a good guy!

Covid is looking more like a diversionary tool and a virus.

CNN needs a new creep.

See? There’s always stuff to talk about!

See y’all there….  (Please direct hate mail for Zman to: )



December 3, 2021 Show

Doug ( aka : Santa ) Dahlgren

Gift Ideas for the Readers on Your List

 I’ve got a list of gift ideas in book form.

Writers you may not have heard of, but need to !!

Listen in, make notes, and buy those books !!!!



November 25, 2021 Show

Donna Dahlgren

Producer – The Doug Dahlgren Show


Avid reader and excellent judge of material, Donna Dahlgren will share her love of reading and it’s beginnings.

We’ll talk about her role as “the Producer” of The Doug Dahlgren Show on ArtistFirst Radio, and the writers we have met through the years.

Maybe no favorites mentioned, we’ll see, but we’ll discuss how she stays ahead of the show’s schedule, supplying me with critical information about the every book I discuss on the show.

It’s no easy task, but Donna handles it, and me, expertly.

She even has an opinion about self-published versus major house publishing errors!

Join us won’t you…




November 19, 2021 Show

A Look Back to June of this year

With Doug and Zman

My opinions haven’t changed much since June 11th. There have been things to reinforce my believes, like the debunking of the Russia, Russia, Russia nonsense.

More and more states demanding forensic audits of the election from a year ago. 

Huge questions still hang over the country and its future.  If you haven’t noticed, the media is starting to let on, that a few things may not have been as they first reported. 

Why would they do that? They seem to have won, even through all the arguing and name calling.

Or did they?

I have my take and I’d like to share it with you. Let’s talk about the left’s desire. “Moving on From Trump.”  Or if that’s even possible.



November 12, 2021 Show

Michael W. Paul

Author Michael W. Paul first brought us his memoir of growing up in Colorado. That was back in 2013.

“The Bridge Over Cedar Creek.”

Fans have asking for more and Mike has finally released a new novel, an historical fiction story, centered on this country’s Greatest Generation.

“Wild Horse – The Gods Await,” take the reader back to 1943 at an airfield in England, where young men with more courage than good sense, fly missions to defeat The Nazi Scourge.

Their weapon is the B-17 Flying Fortress. The story is gripping and filled with insights only a fellow pilot could share.

Join us for a discussion on this new novel you’ll want for your library.

Michael W. Paul and “Wild Horses – The Gods Await,” on this Friday’s Doug Dahlgren Show.



November 5, 2021 Show

DJ Garrison

Singer, songwriter, musician, author, and more….

Starting at a very early age, my guest has been involved in the performing arts most of his life.

First publishing a poem at age 8, and beginning his acting career at age 10, Denver, DJ, Garrison has been an active singer, songwriter for several decades.

His life’s experiences also led him to research and write a book that should be read by most of us.

That book, “GOD IS!”, will be among our topics to discuss. Join us ! 



October 29, 2021 Show

Jeffrey Hammerhead Philips

Author and former Dive Boat Operator

Hammerhead Philips began his life as a diver in 1967. He has worked close to home, and in international locations, as a charter diving instructor.

Certified by the NASDS and PADI, he brags about having been around since “Clorox” bottles were considered “buoyancy control devices.”

He became interested in writing about his experiences in 2011 and has three novels available currently.

Hammerhead brings his first book, “Murder on Devil Ray Reef” to discuss with us.



Garland Favorito

Founder of

October 22, 2021 Show

Another lawsuit over the 2020 election was tossed out last week.

The reason stated? “Lack of Standing.”

Many question this ruling and, if we can trust our legal system at all.

My guests today can discuss those things.

Garland Favorito brought the suit in Fulton County Georgia and

Brian K. Pritchard follows and reports the news to his listeners on every weekday morning at 8am.

They join me to help educate us on what the heck is happening.

Brian K. Pritchard

BKP of



October 15, 2021 Show

Author Jude Wilde

World traveler and writer turned novelist, our guest brings vast experience to her story telling.

Now splitting her time between California, Florida, and Tennessee, we caught up with her to discuss her latest release, Renegade Mountain.

Join us for a great discussion from an author you’ll want read.



October 8, 2021 Show

Debbie Dooley

Co-Founder and Chairman of The Atlanta Tea Party Patriots

Returning to our show to bring us up to speed on the election process in Georgia and the nation.

Debbie is a founding member of the Atlanta Tea Party and has worked in Georgia politics since 2009.

She is a strong proponent of Republican Governor candidate, Vernon Jones. Who up until just over a year ago had been a lifelong Democrat.

Will ask Debbie about that and what Mr. Jones can do to gain the votes of other republicans.

Join us for a lively discussion.



October 1, 2021 Show

Award-Winning Author Kathryn Lane

Returning once again, to our show fresh from their trip to Spain, is multiple award winning author, for not one, but two great action novels, is Texas’ pride, Kathryn Lane.

She been with us before, discussing her novels, “Waking Up in Medellin” and “Coyote Zone”, both winners at Killer Nashville in successive years.

Kathryn, and her husband, Bob, travel extensively to promote her books, meet her fans, and get new ideas.

Their recent trip to Barcelona was both pleasure and research for Kathryn’s latest installment, the third of her popular Nikki Garcia Series.

The new book is titled, “Revenge in Barcelona.” She brings that work to us for discussion. 



September 24, 2019 Show

Retired FBI SSA James Furry

I had the pleasure to meet a couple of real-life FBI Agents, a few years back. This interview is from over two years ago, but is timeless in the message and his book. 

There are all kinds of agents in The FBI. Real people with differing opinions and styles.

While the agency is taking hits these days, remember, not all were or are bad folks.

This is one of the good guys and I’m proud to know him. Enjoy his story, and his book

After a short stint as a teacher, Jim Furry joined the FBI. Thirty-two years later, he retired having served in a clerical capacity and up to a supervisor in Counterintelligence surveillance.

The target, Russian ships in the port of New Orleans. He has also served in Washington, DC, Springfield, Ill, Newark, NJ. The Newark assignment was as a supervisor in the investigation of the Sept 11, 2001 attack on New York. After his retirement in 2005, Jim became a consultant to banks, both international and domestic, watching for signs of money laundering.

In 2016, James Furry retired again and began work on his book, "Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity, My Story.” It was published last year.

Jim brings his book to our show for discussion.



September 17, 2021 Show

Author Gerald Gillis

Some books, and the shows about them, can be considered timeless. Such is the story of Dave Paige, a hard working pawn in the corporate world.

Our “Way-Back” machine allows us to revisit a conversation we had with author, Gerald Gillis, back in April of 2014.

His book, Dare Not Blink, was fresh and new then. Some seven years later, the story is still fresh to those who work in the world Gerald describes.

I’ve updated the start, commercial break and the ending, but please…enjoy this encore presentation of the introduction of author Gerald Gillis.

Dare Not Blink…it’s worth a look.



September 10, 2021 Show

DJ Garrison

Singer, songwriter, musician, author, and more….

Starting at a very early age, my guest has been involved in the performing arts most of his life.

First publishing a poem at age 8, and beginning his acting career at age 10, Denver, DJ, Garrison has been an active singer, songwriter for several decades.

His life’s experiences also led him to research and write a book that should be read by most of us.

That book, “GOD IS!”, will be among our topics to discuss. Join us ! 



September 3, 2021 Show

Your Host and Guardian of Truth!

Doug Dahlgren

It’s been a couple of months since we’ve talked. Much has happened.

Now, with Afghanistan in the trash heap of history, finger pointing has begun and I want in on that.

There are things to look at and angles you may not have of….that’s why I’m here.

We may even entice our leader, Scott the Z-Man to add his opinion.

All is in good fun, of course….right?  Tune in and find out !!  




August 26, 2021 Show

Author, Laurie Hyatt Ph.D.

Laurie Hyatt became a Doctor of Educational Psychology at the age of 60.

She wasn’t slow…just busy.

On the way to her Ph.D. she got a private pilot’s license at age 20, and a motorcycle license ( yes, they are different!) at the age of 47.

She has worked with and created facilities for women’s mental health and personal growth as well as being a therapist on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona.

An adjunct member of the faculty at Gainesville College, now known as University of North Georgia at Georgia, she was head of the Psychology Department at Barton College in Wilson, N.C.

Her new book, “Think Your Way to Happiness,” is a suggested strategy for a enjoyable and meaningful life.

Join us for a discussion of how to “deal with it” and feel better doing so.



August 20, 2021 Show

Author John Anthony Miller

With seven books already published and three more on the way, John Anthony Miller is what we call a “prolific writer.”

His stories mostly live in that era around WWII. He brings one such novel to us for discussion.

“For Those Who Dare” is set in Berlin, Germany, in 1961. While not directly of the war years, it certainly is a story of courage from events of that time.

A young East Berliner wants out. She posts a sign toward the West saying only, “Help Me.”

A true, page turning, thriller, John’s book is rich with detailed characters and places of that terrible time and place.

Join us to learn more about a book you’ll want for your own library.

His books are available on 




August 13, 2021 Show

Outdoorsman and author, Duncan Dobie

A full-time outdoor writer and photographer for more than 30 years. He is one of America's best-known whitetail authors. His stories and photographs have appeared in numerous books, magazines and newspapers across the country. He was a regular contributor to North American Whitetail magazine for more than 25 years.

Duncan bring his book about the man who was the most famous forest ranger to never wear a uniform. The man who brought white-tailed deer back to the North Georgia Mountains. Ranger Arthur Woody was a larger-than-life character who dedicated his life to helping others in his community during the very difficult economic times of the Great Depression.

Join Duncan and myself, for a great discussion of the man, the legend, and Duncan Dobie’s great new book: Arthur Woody and The Legend of the Barefoot Ranger.



August 6, 2021 Show

Author and Playwright

Emory Jones

North Georgia’s favorite story teller has turned his comedic novel, about Time Travel, into a stage play.

“Zipping Through Georgia on a Goat-Powered Time Machine with Ludlow Porch and a Parrott named Pete,”

Is now a play with a slightly shorter name.

“It’s About Time,” is being prepared for its scheduled opening on August 12th at the Sautee Nahoochee Cultural Center.

This is Emory’s third play, written from one of his book’s.

As with the others, to make sure it’s done right, Emory is also the playwright!

We’ll talk about the book, the connection and participation of Georgia Radio legend, Ludlow Porch, and the making of this, soon to be, major hit.




July 30, 2021 Show

Author, Laurie Hyatt Ph.D.

Laurie Hyatt became a Doctor of Educational Psychology at the age of 60.

She wasn’t slow…just busy.

On the way to her Ph.D. she got a private pilot’s license at age 20, and a motorcycle license ( yes, they are different!) at the age of 47.

She has worked with and created facilities for women’s mental health and personal growth as well as being a therapist on the Hopi Reservation in Arizona.

An adjunct member of the faculty at Gainesville College, now known as University of North Georgia at Georgia, she was head of the Psychology Department at Barton College in Wilson, N.C.

Her new book, “Think Your Way to Happiness,” is a suggested strategy for a enjoyable and meaningful life.

Join us for a discussion of how to “deal with it” and feel better doing so.



July 23, 2021 Show

Author Fran Stewart

From Sept of 2019 we revisit a chat with Fran Stewart

Award winning author Fran Stewart, fresh from her short break in writing, has returned with an entertaining collection of work born from her newest hobby.

BeesKnees #1 A Beekeeping Memoir is the start of a new series that will keep her fans and new readers in stitches.

Fran is best known for her award winning series, The ScottShop Mysteries and The Biscuit McKee Series, Fran has written and instructed writers for years.

Her classes on Memoir Writing have been a hit in the North Georgia area.

Join us as Fran bring book #1 of this new series to our show.

BeesKnees #1 : A Beekeeping Memoir



July 16, 2021 Show

T. J.  (TOM) Fincher

Author and musician Tom Fincher has four novels and eight short stories to his credit.

A man of many talents and experiences, Tom has traveled and work around the globe.

His latest work, a novel, is titled, “The Girl Who Was Trouble,” ands if ever a heroine fit her title, Christina certainly does.

Tom is with us this Friday to discuss his book, his life and what’s coming next.

Join us for a great chat with a true renaissance man.



July 9, 2021 Show

Current Events, Shaken not Stirred

It time for those “wits of the airwaves,” Doug and Scott the Z Man to compare notes on what the heck is happening, here, there, and everywhere.

You are welcome to join in via email : or .

The topics will be random and have some relation to actual occurrences.

The opinions expressed will be our own, and not those of the station or any reasonable party.

Donations, for our further educational process, would be appreciated !



July 2, 2021 Show

Gary DeRigne

Gary DeRigne served as an Army infantryman and platoon sergeant in the Vietnam War, an experience that indelibly altered his spirit, and his life. Since the war he has been a husband; a father and grandfather; a youth baseball and soccer coach; a business executive; an entrepreneur, a philanthropist; an adjunct professor of ethics and corporate social responsibility; and a Storyteller, a novelist and speaker. He lives near Kansas City with his wife, Kitty, close to his sons and their families. Angie’s War is Gary’s second novel, a sequel to One Young Soldier.

Gary is a frequent speaker to groups of all kinds, entertaining listeners with his stories of the Vietnam War and its aftermath, and encouraging their support for America’s veterans and their families.

Join Linda as she discusses Gary’s writing and his work with veterans.

Guest Host: Linda Hughes



June 25, 2021 Show

Garland Favorito

The main spotlight is on Arizona these days, but election integrity is hot on the minds of folks in Georgia as well.

Garland Favorito is the co-founder of VoterGA, a nonpartisan, non-profit, all-volunteer, dues free organization that has led the election integrity movement in Georgia.

His organization is the plaintiff in one of the cases against the voting and counting procedures in Fulton County ( Atlanta ) Georgia, on Nov 3rd of last year.

This is still an on-going case, but Garland has agreed to share with us what he can, about the suit and the findings to date.

Join us for the story, from A to wherever we are now.



June 18, 2021 Show

Chuck Holmes

Author Chuck Holmes returns with his third contribution to our program.

Another collection of his writing, this time with a bit of a theme.

“The World Beyond the Window and Other Stories” is a look at how we deal with life and death.

Six separate, yet connecting, stories you’ll read over and over again.

Join us for our discussion of the new book and last year’s impact on the writing community.



June 11, 2021 Show

Moving on from Trump

It’s been eight months since the voting. Huge questions still hang over the country and its future.

If you haven’t noticed, the media is starting to let on, that a few things may not have been as they first reported.

Why would they do that? They seem to have won, even through all the arguing and name calling.

Or did they?

I have my take and I’d like to share it with you.

Let’s talk about the left’s desire. “Moving on From Trump.”

Or if that’s even possible.



June 4, 2021 Show

Michael W. Paul

Author Michael W. Paul first brought us his memoir of growing up in Colorado. That was back in 2013.  “The Bridge Over Cedar Creek.”

Fans have asking for more and Mike has finally released a new novel, an historical fiction story, centered on this country’s Greatest Generation.

“Wild Horse – The Gods Await,” take the reader back to 1943 at an airfield in England, where young men with more courage than good sense, fly missions to defeat The Nazi Scourge.

Their weapon is the B-17 Flying Fortress. The story is gripping and filled with insights only a fellow pilot could share.

Join us for a discussion on this new novel you’ll want for your library.

Michael W. Paul and “Wild Horses – The Gods Await,” on the Doug Dahlgren Show.


May 28, 2021 Show

Captain William G. Haneke

With the Memorial Day weekend upon us, I wanted to share this achieve from way back…
From 2014 comes one of our listener favorites.

I’m a veteran myself, US Army, 1968 – 1971. So just knowing this man is a special honor.

Capt. William G. Haneke ( Retired ), a five time amputee and survivor of the Vietnam War, came on to talk with Doug about his book, “Trust Not.”

The story and the book are amazing. If you’re not familiar with his story, please take this next hour, sit back, and be inspired by Capt. Haneke’s story of war, injury and survival while helping others.

And please, remember all those who served to make this country free and try keep it so.


May 21, 2021

Johsie Cruz

Born in Venezuela, immigrated to the United States in her mid twenties and becoming a full citizen in 2005, Johsie has worked in the medical insurance field, helping small businesses and acting as the VP for RACI, ( Red Alternative Capitalist Information ) which educates the Latino Community about our Constitution and the law.

She is a member of the Georgia GOP and calls herself a “small government, Reagan style, Republican.

She has worked as part of a grass-roots movement known as Latinos for Trump of Georgia.

She ran against Ga District Four, Democrat Congressman, Hank Johnson in 2020.

Johsie is here to talk about where she sees our State in the current political environment.


May 14, 2021 Show

Doug Dahlgren – Talks Audio Books

Can you believe it? In less than an hour, I can tell you everything I know about Audio Books!

Now, before you turn away…from what I see in interest of this new format, I know more than many of you.

So…for authors thinking about trying an audio version of your own work, or for the reader who has gotten busy and lost the time they used to enjoy reading…

Here’s some stuff for you to consider.

It’s a learning curve…sure, but you can do it.

So, take and hour, sit back, and let this soak in!!!



May 7, 2021 Show

Marci McCarthy

Chairman – DeKalb County Georgia Republican Party

We continue our series on current events with the newly elected leader of the Republican Party in one of Georgia’s most urban areas.

DeKalb County is known, across the country, for being in the firm control of Democrats for many years.

Since the days of Billy and Cynthia McKinney, to the more recent rule of Rep. Hank Johnson ( you recall the Guam is going to “tip over” speech ) this suburban area of Atlanta has been an afterthought and frankly, a write-off at election time.

My guest today is determined to change that, and she has the experience and credentials to do it.

Recently elected Chairman, at the county GOP Conference, Marci McCarthy is with us to talk about her plans and her roadmap for success. 



April 30, 2021 Show

Debbie Dooley

Co-Founder and Chairman of The Atlanta Tea Party Patriots

Always with her hand on the pulse of Georgia politics, Debbie saw a need for folks to assemble and be heard.

In 2009, she founded The Georgia Tea Party Patriots and has remained active within and around the state of Georgia.

With Georgia in the news almost every evening these days, it’s time to find out what going on.

Join me and Debbie Dooley for a conversation about just that, “what’s going on?”



April 23, 2021 Show

Michael W. Paul

Author Michael W. Paul first brought us his memoir of growing up in Colorado. That was back in 2013.

“The Bridge Over Cedar Creek.”

Fans have asking for more and Mike has finally released a new novel, an historical fiction story, centered on this country’s Greatest Generation.

“Wild Horse – The Gods Await,” take the reader back to 1943 at an airfield in England, where young men with more courage than good sense, fly missions to defeat The Nazi Scourge.

Their weapon is the B-17 Flying Fortress. The story is gripping and filled with insights only a fellow pilot could share.

Join us for a discussion on this new novel you’ll want for your library.

Michael W. Paul and “Wild Horses – The Gods Await,” on this Friday’s Doug Dahlgren Show.



April 16, 2021 Show

Artie Kornfeld

Imagine working with Brian Wilson, Jan and Dean, the Cowsills and other great musical legends.

My guest on this encore from 2015, did just that.

Artie Kornfeld is known today, for Woodstock, which he and Michael Lang created from scratch.

Artie and I talk about his growing up in New York and the music business.

Listen up, listen to The Pied Piper and enjoy!!


April 9, 2021 Show

Brian K. Pritchard (aka : BKP)

Talk Host and Writer

Brian is a reporter, one that actually looks for the news, not just an opinion he agrees with.

In 2010, he and his wife started FYN Media Group. That company has grown to a TV company, a sports network, and BKP Politics.

Brian’s political program runs Monday through Friday at 8am till 10am.

With our state, that being Georgia, in the national news for it’s so-called Election Integrity Act, I asked Brian to come and share what he knows about, “what’s going on.”

We’ll discuss the current situation and where our state is heading.



April 1, 2021 Show

Children's Author Andrea Cassell

Our guest is a native Floridian with a resume' that goes from beauty queen, to TV Host, to NFL Cheerleader ( at a very special time ! ), to singer with a traveling rock band, and much more. After talking to her, I dare say she is most proud of her role as a teacher for Special Ed Kids. Andrea was raised in south Florida, went to college in North Carolina, married and moved to Wichita, Kansas where she taught for several years. She and her husband raised a family and along the way they were adopted by Kibby, their miniature Labradoodle. Kibby would become the emphasis for Andrea's children's book. Each of which has won The Golden MOM Choice Award of excellence. Her books are entertaining and, as you might imagine, offer lessons to kids on subjects meaningful and universal.

Join me and Andrea for a discussion of her books and details about how they came to be. She brings all three of these award winning works to the show.



March 26, 2021 Show

Literary Agent Cherry Weiner

A few years ago, I was able to interview an established, veteran, literary agent on the program.

Please note…I said a few years ago.

Cherry offered information about the publishing business that is still relevant today, but some personal info;

Such as her email, may not still be active.

In business herself, as an agent to authors, since 1977, Cherry has represented authors in most every genre’ other than non-fiction. Her client list currently includes some 40 to 45 active writers in varying markets. Australian by birth, Cherry moved to the U.S. when she got married. She opened her own agency at the insistence of former clients from an agency she had left. Cherry and I discuss the publishing business and she will be responding to questions, you the audience, send in to me. Do that through email to : 

Cherry does not currently have a website.



March 19, 2021 Show

Author Jonathan Gould

An Encore from over three years ago, when Jonathan took time to visit The Doug Dahlgren Show for an hour long discussion of his latest biographical work, “Otis Redding, An Unfinished Life.”

Known internationally for his in-depth research and attention to detail, Gould first came into prominence in 2007 with “Can’t Buy Me Love,” a book called, “everything you’d ever want to know” about the Beatles.

Jonathan worked with Otis’ widow, Zelma and others to capture the man who was, the King of Soul.

Fresh from an appearance on The View, Jonathan joins Doug for a conversation.




March 12, 2021 Show

Author and Historian Victoria Wilcox

 Victoria Wilcox has lectured across the country, guested on NPR affiliates, appeared in local and regional media, and was featured in the Fox Network series Legends & Lies: The Real West. She is the author of the documentary film In Search of Doc Holliday and  is a member of the Western Writers of America, Women Writing the West, the Wild West History Association, and the Writer’s Guild of the Booth Museum of Western Art. She has been a featured contributor to True West Magazine. In the summer of 2017, she joined actor Val Kilmer (Tombstone) as guest historian at the inaugural “Doc HolliDays” in Tombstone, Arizona, site of the legendary OK Corral gunfight.

She brings book one of her trilogy on John Henry “Doc” Holliday to our show.

That book is “Southern Son. The Saga of Doc Holliday.”



March 5, 2021 Show

Author Doug Dahlgren

I spoke about my novels last year, right before the pandemic broke loose. What a mess 2020 was, and 2021 is getting off to a slow start.

I wanted to replay the program from last year. Many of you have gotten in the rhythm of our new normal and as long as that lasts, we all are hopefully better at dealing with it.

Maybe you’d even started reading to spend the time.

My books are plausible fiction. That’ll make sense once you get into one.

The first of series is The SON Silas Rising. The series is a total of six complete adventures.

Take an hour and let me tell you a bit about them….

Then order yours through old Amazon…paperback, Kindle and now Audible!



February 26, 2021 Show

Author John Anthony Miller

With seven books already published and three more on the way, John Anthony Miller is what we call a “prolific writer.”

His stories mostly live in that era around WWII. He brings one such novel to us for discussion.

“For Those Who Dare” is set in Berlin, Germany, in 1961. While not directly of the war years, it certainly is a story of courage from events of that time.

A young East Berliner wants out. She posts a sign toward the West saying only, “Help Me.”

A true, page turning, thriller, John’s book is rich with detailed characters and places of that terrible time and place.

Join us to learn more about a book you’ll want for your own library.

His books are available on



February 19, 2021 Show

James E. Alford

Another encore for you today, from back in 2015.

Mr. James E. Alford wrote a book about the Civil War. Not just any book about a war, but one based on letters written by the participants of that war.

To add more to it, those participants were his ancestors. Blood relatives, two that he had actually met as a child.

“Letters From the Front – Echoes of the Civil War” is a special book. This interview, with a rare surviving relative of warriors who fought in that war, was special to me.

Please enjoy this replay of that program from years ago.




February 12, 2021 Show

R. Wayne Steiger

Three questions for you….Where are we, ( as a Nation ), How did we get here, and Where are we headed?

My guest and I could both take the hour carping on what’s happened, especially in the last year.  This current show trial, “impeachment”, included. But to date, nothing out there will change anyone’s mind.  So….we decided to talk about the “what is”, the “why”, and the “where to”.

My guest? R. Wayne Steiger will be here live.

Wayne has 40 years as a technologist and visionary in the video, Internet, software and payment technologies. He also has his own weekly program, right here on ArtistFirst, Thursdays at 10 PM.  Like me, Wayne has opinions, lots of them.

Tune in, email at to join in, and see if you agree !



February 5, 2021 Show

Author Gerald Gillis

Some books, and the shows about them, can be considered timeless. Such is the story of Dave Paige, a hard working pawn in the corporate world.

Our “Way-Back” machine allows us to revisit a conversation we had with author, Gerald Gillis, back in April of 2014.

His book, Dare Not Blink, was fresh and new then. Some seven years later, the story is still fresh to those who work in the world Gerald describes.

I’ve updated the start, commercial break and the ending, but please…enjoy this encore presentation of the introduction of author Gerald Gillis.

Dare Not Blink…it’s worth a look.




January 29, 2021 Show

 Emory Jones

North Georgia’s author, playwright, and “pulse of the people,” has gathered a collection of his wildly popular, newspaper articles about his sidekick and partner in crime, Cunningham the Pig.

If the name Cunningham doesn’t ring a bell, Emory’s surely should. He’s the author of The Valley Where They Danced and Distant Voices, among other great books about the North Georgia Mountain area Emory calls home. Two of his books have been transformed into equally popular plays that are produced regularly in the Helen, Georgia area.

Due out this month, this newest book will set the pace for a new year that has to be better than what we just been through.

Simply titled, Cunningham and Other Pigs I have Known, it chronicles the adventures a pig can lead you through. From Rock City to the Mayor’s Barbecue invite, Cunningham will keep you in stitches.





January 22, 2021 Show

Dr. Bill Keeton

We revisit an interview from December 2014, with Dr. Bill Keeton.

He brought us his then, new book, “A Boy Called Combustion.”

A great story of growing up in the 1940’s in Mississippi.

Please enjoy this encore presentation of that interview.




January 15, 2021 Show

Where Do We Go From Here…and Where is Here?

Doug offers insights on the last few weeks in our history and The Z-Man will of course agree with everything Doug has to say!

Elections, Censorship, Hypocrisy, it’s a target rich environment today, folks…

Sit back, pull your seatbelt tighter and hang on…..




January 8, 2021 Show

Donna Dahlgren

Producer – The Doug Dahlgren Show


Avid reader and excellent judge of material, Donna Dahlgren will share her love of reading and it’s beginnings.

We’ll talk about her role as “the Producer” of The Doug Dahlgren Show on ArtistFirst Radio, and the writers we have met through the years.

Maybe no favorites mentioned, we’ll see, but we’ll discuss how she stays ahead of the show’s schedule, supplying me with critical information about the every book I discuss on the show.

It’s no easy task, but Donna handles it, and me, expertly.

She even has an opinion about self-published versus major house publishing errors!

Join us won’t you…



New Years Day Show 2021

Everything You Need to Know about Audio Books.

Provided you know almost nothing now!




December 25, 2020 Christmas Broadcast

An Interview with Santa Claus (2014)

Several years ago, six to be exact, we thought it might be a great idea to go to the North pole and interview the golly old fat man, himself.

Travel was the big problem for this idea, being our budget was, well…there was no budget.

We decided UPS Next Day Air was the all we could afford, so Scott boxed me up and off I went.

Through the magic of radio…and with the help of Scott Z, Tony, Corey, Kevin, members of my family, and others, we offer this bit of Christmas levity and hopefully a smile or two.

Merry Christmas from The Doug Dahlgren Show !



December 18, 2020 Show

Emory Jones

North Georgia’s author, playwright, and “pulse of the people,” has gathered a collection of his wildly popular, newspaper articles about his sidekick and partner in crime, Cunningham the Pig.

If the name Cunningham doesn’t ring a bell, Emory’s surely should. He’s the author of The Valley Where They Danced and Distant Voices, among other great books about the North Georgia Mountain area Emory calls home. Two of his books have been transformed into equally popular plays that are produced regularly in the Helen, Georgia area.

Due to be available in early January of 2021, this newest book will set the pace for a new year that has to be better than what we just been through.

Simply titled, Cunningham and Other Pigs I have Known, it chronicles the adventures a pig can lead you through. From Rock City to the Mayor’s Barbecue invite, Cunningham will keep you in stitches.




December 11, 2020 Show

Observations From the Front – Georgia

    By your reporter: Doug Dahlgren

As things seemingly, come to a boil here, and elsewhere, I’d like to offer my eyewitness account of the reports and things I’ve noticed about this 2020 National Election.  This will be my opinion, which I back with facts, but I’m aware that some may not agree with me.  That would be…well…”too bad” as we say.

So, with both hands completely on the third rail, or part of it, here we go.

Comments?  Email to  or



December 4, 2020 Show 

Professor and Author Gary Laderman

Do you ever think about death? Does it occupy time on your list of concerns?

Gary Laderman has thought about it, he’s taught and lectured about it, and decided we should not think about it.

A Professor of American Religious History and Cultures at Atlanta’s Emory University, Gary is the author of several other books, discussing death and its perception by our society.

His latest is titled, “Don’t Think About Death  - A Memoir on Mortality.”

Join us for an enlightening talk as Professor Laderman bring this book to our show.



November 27, 2020 Show

Author William Rawlings

The works of William Rawlings travel amongst varying genre’s. From Fiction, to Historical-Fiction, to True Crime. He has been recognized in each for his attention to the characters and the detail of the stories.

His latest is a True Crime story. A missing persons case becomes a murder trial in South Georgia. The wealthy family of the accused is put against the local prosecutors in what appeared  from the start to be a mismatch.

Truth can be more stranger, and more fun, than fiction at times.  Dr. Rawlings tells the tale and shed light on the case.

Six Inches Deeper – The Disappearance of Hellen Hanks is the title.