Harriet Tramer's New Book

Growing Up As She Grows Old

Family care giving is almost by its very nature stressful; no tidbit of advice you might receive can magically turn it into a relaxing experience. But having some essential information can help you to support your elder while you simultaneously tend to your own needs. And that is exactly what this book is designed to provide.

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with Host Harriet Tramer

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Host Harriet Tramer

has long worked as both a journalist and as a college instructor, two professions she believes have much in common because they both demand good communication skills, not to mention patience and understanding. Most recently, she has taken her journalist ventures on line, having her own blog   - which interprets “aging” from the broadest perspective possible. We are all aging from the day we are born. She has also written Rounding the Circle of Love: Growing Up As She Grows Old – which focuses upon care giving for the elderly.

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March 19, 2025 Show

Lauren LoGuidice

We have all felt like misfits – people who were dancing to the wrong drummer - at some point in our lives. That uncomfortable feeling might have overwhelmed us as we were sitting in a high school cafeteria and began sensing that everybody else was moving in harmony with one another. Or, it might have sent us reeling at a later point in our lives.

No matter what the specifics, most people want nothing more than to put those uncomfortable feelings in our rearview mirror. But Lauren LoGuidice is taking a very different approach to these matters as she works to bring them front and center by touring with her show, the Misfit Variety Show: A Joyful Comedy Nite. Click on for information about show times for this production. Lauren's work has been featured by The New York Times, BBC, Bust Magazine, McSweeney's Internet Tendency, Hyperallergic, among others.


Dan Barker

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution delivers a strong message: church and state must remain separated. But over the centuries considerable disagreement has raged as regards how this separation should express itself. And that debate has become particularly intense in recent years as many political candidates have made their religious beliefs the cornerstone of their campaigns.

Are they stepping over boundaries when they bring religion into realms where it night not belong? Or are they simply utilizing their freedom of speech rights? Nobody has the definitive response to that query. But it is the type of question that the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, which promotes separation of church and state, approaches from many angles. Dan Barker is the President and co-founder of this organization, coming to his position after gaining renown as a preacher with a bent for song.

The foundation’s web site is



March 5, 2025 Show  Second appearance

February 19, 2025 Show  First appearance

Dan Maier

Dan Maier is a musician. But that simple statement does not even begin to encompass his commitment to his artistry and his strong belief that music can benefit people's lives on many levels.

At one point in his career, he played with a list of celebrated musicians that includes Smokey Robinson, Gladys Knight, the Temptations, the Mills Brothers, and Leslie Gore. He also toured with composer Philip Glass. And since he returned to Cleveland from New York City he has performed at various local venues plus taught classes in jazz vocal performance at Hathaway Brown School. As the Music Director for the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland he has played for liturgical services, conducted choirs and led rehearsals for cantors and musicians.



February 5, 2025 Show

Carol Leslie

You hear a lot these days about the mental health crisis that young people are facing; anxiety, depression, and other challenges are disrupting their functioning. And a debate rages as regards how their imbalances might best be treated. Some argue that medication represents an essential aspect of their treatment protocol, while others favor talk therapy or simply encouraging children to rely upon their own strength. While Carol Leslie acknowledges that all of these approaches might have their value, she has found that they can benefit from hypnosis which allows the mind to calm itself. And working from that perspective she has experienced measured success with children as young as six.

In addition to working as a hypnotist, Carol, whose country of birth is Scotland, has also gained renown as a jazz singer, performing in many Cleveland area venues. And she worked for years as an occupational therapist.

Her web site is 

Dr. Colin Miller

The National Center for Biological Information has presented some startling statistics. Nearly 20 percent of young people aged 3 - 17 in the United States have a mental, emotional, developmental or behavioral disorder. And mental health challenges were the leading cause of death and disability in this age group. What might be done to help the young people who are experiencing these imbalances?

Naturopathic doctors have some intriguing answers to these questions. They maintain that these imbalances can often be controlled by encouraging the body to heal itself. And in working to achieve these healings, they employ a wide variety of strategies - clinical nutrition, botanical medicines, constitutional hydrotherapy, homeopathy, and acupuncture.

Dr. Colin Miller is a naturopathic doctor who owns the Ohio-based Dawning Light Health and Wellness. He is a graduate of the National University of Natural Medicine in Portland, Oregon. His web site is



January 15, 2025 Show

Christopher Cook

Graduating from high school is an important milestone in anybody's life. And the Ohio-based Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District sponsors a program that is designed to help students reach that goal even if they face some hard challenges along the way. Christopher Cook heads this effort.

Rather than simply expelling them for being disruptive, it helps students and their families learn to cope with the factors that stand responsible for their disruptiveness. Often, they are referred to professionals who can ease that process.

But while this program has a definite record of success, it brings to the fore some hard questions. A new administration will be coming into power this month. Will any changes that it initiates impact upon the funding for this program and others? Or, will these local matters not be touched by transfers of power that take place in Washington?

Christopher Cook heads the Alternative to Expulsion program. The district's web site is

Janice Lombardo

Until quite recently, death and dying were never openly discussed in America. Funerals were held and then for the most part silence prevailed. But times have changed. And death doulas who provide end of life support on many different levels - emotional, physical, and psychological - to both clients and their loved ones are working to spread a powerful message. Death is simply part of life, not something that should be shrouded in silence.

Expressing these sentiments, Janice Lombardo, a death doula and founder of the Ohio-based My Angel Janice CEOLD uses as her tag line: "We plan for birth, let's plan for death too." She has over 22 years' experience as a medical advocate, caregiver and earned Death Doula certification from IAP College during April 2020. And she is committed to serving the LGBT, Black, and Hispanic communities. Her web site is



January 1, 2025 Show

On the first half of the show, Harriet and Zman pontificate about the upcoming year.

Chris Burnett

For years, it was simply assumed that young people who were being bullied had only two options, neither of them good. They could simply let the harassment continue or they could build up some muscles and confront the bully with their fists.  Now, however, Chris Burnett, the owner of Green Dragon Tai Chi, Hillcrest Jujitsu Academy and Gracie Jiu Jitsu of South Euclid, maintains that they currently have another option. They can follow the lessons they learn through anti-bullying sessions conducted at Grace Jiu Jitsu. Young people who enroll in this program are not taught to attack anybody. But they do learn to warn somebody who is violating their boundaries and to handle themselves if those de-escalation efforts don't work.

The web site for Gracie Jiu Jitsu is   And the web site for Green Dragon Tai Chi 



December 18, 2024 Show


Jeff and Susan Eastman, North Canton Paranormal Detectives

If you are like millions of other Americans you have long been a fan of "ghost hunting" shows. But Jeff and Susan Eastman took their fascination with these programs to another level. An accomplished tinkerer, Jeff set up a workshop in his family home's basement and began devising his own "ghost hunting" devices. In time, his tinkering evolved into the Ohio-based North Canton Paranormal Detectives which has conducted "ghost hunting' expeditions over an increasingly broader geographic range. And they also market devices through their web site that are designed to detect the electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) it is believed ghosts emit. This equipment has been shown on various television shows - Kindred Spirits, Ghost Adventures, Sleepless Unrest: The Real Conjuring Home. The devices that area for sale include a Para-Light that lights up when it detects EMF and a trip wire that has the same sensitivities but works over a much larger range.


Tony Duell, Health Educator

People often consider the Holiday season to be a period during which celebrants experience great joy and happiness. It has, however, been shown to have its darker side, as it is marked by an increase in respiratory disease. But Tony Duell, a health educator, maintains that people can protect themselves against these challenges by working to eliminate any co-morbidities, such as heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure, that they might have.

By his reckoning, the pandemic proved that taking these precautionary steps is essential; in stressing this point, he notes that 95% of people who died from Covid had at least one co-morbidity. And Tony maintains that because the American health care system is often dysfunctional people must take responsibility for guarding themselves against these dangers.

Tony is the founder of the Alabama based Centurion Labs. Its web site is



December 4, 2024 Show

Norbert Heuser

If you are like literally millions of other Americans you are constantly journeying into virtual reality taking, any number of routes into that plane. And who can blame you because these excursions grant you a far wider reach than you might otherwise enjoy. And that can be exciting.

But according to Norbert Heuser, an expert in technology as it relates to personal health, your journeys into VR can have their dark side. Our devices, such as smart phones might be emitting Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) that can mess with your brain waves, cause headaches, or worse, lead to more serious issues like behavioral changes over time and even possibly cancer.

To protect yourself from these dangers, Norbert offers some guidelines. Turn off your devices when they are not in use, reduce exposure time, use EMR harmonizing devices, keep your devises at a distance from your body.

Norbert's web site is

Dr. David Kanani

The United States is often viewed as being a leader in technology whether it is employed in medicine or in a myriad of other field. But Dr. David Kanani,, president of Los Angeles ORT College, asserts that it currently risks losing this primacy, falling into a downward trajectory that result in its facing national security threats.

But he also maintains that this downward momentum can be turned around if our educational system is modified in positive ways. By his accounting, teachers should be empowered to turn classrooms into dynamic environments that motivate students to excel in STEM fields as they become prepared to provide employers with a robust pipeline of talent.

Dr. David Kanani is president of Los Angeles ORT College. He has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) from Princeton University.



November 21, 2024 Show

Debbie Darling

is a woman of many talents. She has won recognition as the author of a series of self-help books- Upsize Woman in a Downsize World™, Dress to Look Your Best: Fashion Secrets the Experts Don't Share (an International best seller) and her book PRESENT: 7 Keys to a Powerful, Persuasive Presentation. She conducted powerful, provocative workshops that guided participants towards personal growth and transformation on an emotional as well as physical level. Between 1997 and 2002, she was the national spokesperson for the largest retailer of women's plus size fashions in the world. In that capacity she appeared on numerous radio and television shows, including Hard Copy, The Richard Simmons Show and The Oprah Winfrey Show. When Debbie retired, she chose to communicate to audiences in still another way. She is a singer/songwriter who has performed a wide range of musical styles from opera to jazz to blues and everything in between. Her web site is  Having spent the last several years as a caregiver to her father with Alzheimer's and trying to navigate the healthcare system on his behalf, she is writing her next book - a How To Guide on becoming a good caregiver and what to look for when it is time to place your loved one into a care facility.


Lexi Ritt

People often feel overwhelmed by the challenges they face as they nurture a loved one with dementia. But the support that the Caregiving Coaching Program which is offered by the Cleveland branch of the Alzheimer's Association can help them regain their equilibrium. The Care Coaches are all master-level licensed social workers.

Often, they regain their sense of calm and confidence simply because their coach has made them more aware of the support that is available to them. But there are instances where the coaches have to go a step further.

They must guide participants towards making their care-giving challenges more manageable by involving friends and family in their efforts. And that can be a difficult step for people who are unaccustomed to asking for help.

Lexi Ritt serves as the program manager of support groups for this Alzheimer's organization chapter. Its web site is





November 6, 2024 Show

Bruce Silverglade

Like the NYC borough - Brooklyn – with which it is closely linked, Gleason's gym has passed through its rough times as well as its glam periods. After Peter Robert Gagliardi, first established it during the Depression (1937) he could not charge enough dues to maintain the place. So, he had to drive a taxi 10 to 12 hours a day just to keep it open.  But during the ensuing years, it has attracted a celebrity clientele that has included Jake LaMotta, Muhammad Ali and Roberto Duran and Hillary Swank as she prepared to star in Million Dollar Baby. However, Gleason's current owner, Bruce Silverglade, is committed to ensuring that the gym continues to serve people with a wide range of needs, not just bold face names. He remains particularly proud of its STOP-PD program, which helps people who are living with Parkinson gain mobility and strength.
Gleason's web site is

Jonathan Sprout

The residents of Bryn Gweled represent a diverse group of people who have come together for a good reason. They have chosen to live as a community in a wooded oasis – 240 collectively-owned acres in Bucks County Pennsylvania, right outside of Philadelphia. Each of the 75 families that live in this community builds a home and owns all the improvements they make to this home. But they do not own the land, which remains the property of Bryn Gweled Homesteads. When any major alterations, additional buildings, or landscaping of a homestead are contemplated, plans are submitted to the Community Planning Committee as well as to the immediate neighbors for approval. Jonathan Sprout is a long term resident of this community. He has recorded numerous albums in his American Heroes series which encourages listeners to reconsider whom they might consider a hero. His web site is



October 16, 2024 Show

  Carl Harmon

Cleveland Fit for Life

Cleveland Fit for Life's Senior Movement Fitness Program targets people over 65, the fastest growing age demographic in America. But this gym goes far beyond simply working to keep members of this demographic healthy. It also offers individualized programs to people of all ages, helping them achieve their personal bests. No matter what the specifics, wellness remains its major goal. And in addition to working with individual clients, this gym also markets its services to corporations as being a cost saving measure. It has been estimated that American corporations lose over $300 billion annually in productivity due to chronic diseases. By many accounts, these figures are linked to the fact that nearly 70 percent of all American adults are either overweight or obese and only 15 percent of them engage in physical activity on a regular basis. Carl Harmon is the owner and president of Cleveland Fit for Life. Its website is  


Malika Moore

Aging and Amazing

Despite the fact that they both begin with the letter "a" the words "aging" and "amazing" are rarely used in conjunction with one another these days. Rather, the elderly are often depicted in negative terms. None of that, however, deterred Malika Moore from forming Aging and Amazing during 2019.

They both begin with the letter "a." However, the words "aging" and "amazing" are rarely used in connection with one another these days. If somebody can still perform yoga poses with great gusto or play concertos in their 90s, superlatives – "wonderful," "inspirational" - might be tossed their way. Their talent and dedication might be afforded due respect. But less face it, most older people do not enjoy that degree of adulation; in fact they are often viewed in negative terms on the media and elsewhere. But these inconvenient truths did not stop Malika Moore are from labeling the organization she formed during 2019 Aging and Amazing. Based in Washington, D.C. it offers an online community for elders and their care givers. And it also connects people with local professionals whose expertise might prove very valuable to them.

Aging and Amazing's web site is     



October 2, 2024 Show

Michael Green

Over the decades, Nevada has become known for many things – glamorous casinos, glitzy performances presented at affordable prices, gangsters running the show. But these days it is gaining a bit of "notoriety" or whatever word you might chose to use for something entirely different. While some states tilt reliably Democratic or reliably Republican, Nevada's allegiance is unpredictable. That unpredictability could be attributed, among other things, to the fact that Nevada's population is growing and these new arrivals might not necessarily follow any established patterns. And as they set their own course their votes could help determine the election results in Nevada and possibly even in the entire country. So, it has come to be known as one of six or seven battleground states. Nobody knows exactly how the voting will turn out. But Dr. Michael Green, a professor at the University of Las Vegas Nevada, has some intriguing comments about these matters. His web site is



September 18, 2024 Show

Dr. Collin Miller

Naturopathic doctors work from a mindset that includes these principles: Natural healings occur when obstacles to healing are removed. Physical or mental symptoms can be resolved by treating the body, mind, and spirit as being a totality. Treatment plans should not have harmful side effects or control symptoms negatively. Self-care can help empower people against ill health. The body can only work optimally when all of its systems are in balance/homeostasis with one another. Gentle input can help the body to reestablish homeostasis. Naturopathic doctors have doctorates from schools that specialize in naturopathic medicine. The healing therapies they employ may include acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy and medical imaging. Dr. Colin Miller owns the Ohio based Dawning Light and Wellness. He has an undergraduate degree in Medical Anthropology from Stanford University and a Doctorate from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland Oregon. The web site for his wellness center is 



September 4, 2024 Show

Jason M. Joyce, M.Ed., LPCC-S, LICDC-CS

The Ohio-based Hitchcock Center for Women is distinct from other similar facilities in one important way. It allows children up to 12 years old to remain with their mothers while these women are receiving residential treatment for addictions.  It makes these accommodations available because of a deeply-held belief that women who are in recovery should not have to choose between getting the help they need and caring for their children. It also takes this step because it maintains that it has the major adage of allowing families to avoid the separations that could leave children with a sense of abandonment.  Jason Joyce is the CEO and President of the center. He has previously served in leadership capacities within several Ohio-based mental health and addiction recovery services. The center's address is 

Carol Leslie

A jazz singer, Carol Leslie has made a name for herself locally as she has performed with an impressive array of bands and venues in her adopted home town of Cleveland Ohio. But her resume goes far beyond these adventures. It includes some exotic stop offs as she made her way across the Atlantic from Scotland to her present home. Among other things, she had the opportunity to record radio jingles while she relaxed amongst the palm trees, sun, and pink sand that make Bermuda an island paradise. In addition to getting great satisfaction from her work as a jazz singer, Carol was long challenged by her day job as an occupational therapist, helping clients navigate their lives more effortlessly. And most recently, she has worked as a hypnotherapist, guiding people towards becoming less burdened by anxieties and stressors.

Her website is



August 21, 2024 Show

Dr. Thelma Reese

You hear a great a great deal these days about how schools are out of control. Many students are not even attending class and those who do attend are failing proficiency tests. Also widely broadcasted is the fact that the pandemic left students from low income families who were already struggling academically even further behind. And then there is the fact that fewer people are entering the teaching profession and many who do enter it are leaving.  Obviously, nobody has any easy means of resolving these challenges as we start the new school year. But Dr. Thelma Reese definitely has some ideas that deserve our attention. A retired professor of English and Education, she served as the director of the Mayor's Commission on Literacy for the City of Philadelphia and hosted a local cable show. Her book How Seniors Are Saving the World can be purchased at this link. You can read more about Dr. Reese at this link



August 8, 2024 Show

Jessica Pinsky

The Ohio-based Praxis Fiber Workshop does not give itself undue amounts of credit. But as it works to promote fiber arts, it hopes that in its own way it can in its own small way help to weave together our country which has become very fractured. Or, at least it can provide a setting for people who working in that direction while they practice their craft.  A huge space, the studio features 27 floor looms, 3 large print tables, a full dye lab, granting people who are already proficient at the fiber arts an opportunity to produce their art work. And it also has workshops for people who want to be introduced to looms and all the intricacies that surround them at their own pace.  Jessica Pinsky, who now serves as that fiber workshop's executive director, helped to form Praxis Fiber Workshop in 2012. Her artwork includes bridges, painting, weaving and sculpture. Praxis web site is

Pegi Robinson

An Ohio native, Pegi Robinson has won recognition for her work raising awareness about near death experiences whereby somebody ventures out of their physical body but returns to this earthly plane. Her interviews with experiencers have been viewed by thousands on NDETV .   But it is what she has done quietly in the privacy of her home that might be her most noteworthy accomplishment. She has fostered 60 children, many of them with special needs, nurturing them as they grow from their being toddlers to be adults. Her efforts bring to mind many intriguing questions for which she has replies that are warrant your attention.  What can be done to encourage more people to become foster parents? What governmental or other support can you get as a foster parent? What hints would you have for other people who are considering becoming foster parents?



July 17, 2024 Show

Michael Ungar

Many people's bodies seem to love adding on the pounds while being resistant to giving up this extra weight. And for some individuals this vicious circle only seems to grow more vicious as they age. An exercise regime might be able to help people who have fallen into this all too common trap. But they might be reluctant to head down that route, particularly if physical activity has never been a part of their lives and can bring back hurtful memories of having been chosen last for sports teams. That is where the support that Michael Ungar offers might prove essential. Working with clients in their homes or virtually, he helps them prevent falls by improving their balance and strengthening their muscles. He is an ACE (American Council on Exercise) certified Personal Trainer. He is a trainer with at Home Senior Fitness. Its web site is

Barbara Speicher

After Barbara Speicher earned a Bachelor's Degree in English and a Master's Degree in Education, she taught elementary school for 23 years. As her career progressed, the found that writing curriculum-based songs was a memorable, novel, fun, and easy way for the students to learn important facts and information in a number of subjects. Being concerned that young people are becoming less and less knowledgeable about our heritage, she created two CD's with companion workbooks: Learning American History by Song and Learning About Patriotic Holidays and Symbols by Song. She markets her music through an educational site, Songs for Teaching, and her personal website:



July 15, 2024 Show

Jonathan Sprout

Singer-songwriter and recording artist, Jonathan Sprout has dedicated the past 30 years of his life to creating meaningful and captivating "hero music" for children. His journey began during 1994 after he read the results of a nationwide poll which concluded that children's top 10 heroes included cartoon characters and professional athletes whose off-field antics were anything but heroic. Since that point, Sprout has written over forty songs and has released four American Heroes albums designed to acquaint children with remarkable men and women he whom he believes deserve to labeled "heroes." These individuals include a wide range of personages from Pochontas to Neil Armstrong. His American Heroes #3 album was nominated for a Grammy® during 2010. He has also performed more than 5,500 concerts and led more than 800 songwriting workshops for children.

His web site is  His compositions are also available through



June 19, 2024 Show

Tak & Mely Sato

The Center for Aging in the Digital World describes its mission as follows: To empower all seniors to become digitally literate and embrace the use of appropriate technology in their daily lives. We help them achieve this necessary life skill through education, services and advocacy.

Mely Sato, Executive Director, and Tak, President and Director of Curriculum of all educational programs, believe that "digital literacy" is a 21st century "life skill" that seniors should embrace. Its flagship program "Discover Digital Literacy!" is designed with that objective in mind. Each cohort is eligible to take part not only in the 16-class Discover Digital Literacy! program but upon graduation, also in continuing education classes and social events they provide. Mely describes their nonprofit as providing holistic support around digital literacy education so no seniors are left lonely or isolated, which also is their vision. Tak Sato, MBA has over 30 years of experience as a business and technology strategist and is a columnist for the "Northeast Ohio Boomer" magazine and also at the "Westlake | Bay Village Observer" newspaper. Mely has been in higher education for more than 25 years and has a Master of Education in Adult Learning and Development. The Center for Aging in the Digital World's website is


Anthony Nunez

is the CEO of INF Care where they have created the future of healthcare at home for older adults. Their systems helps the caregiver do their job better by using Ai and data to make home care more personalized, proactive and more affordable. Prior to the pandemic, he founded INF Robotics, which developed an autonomous robot called RUDY, to help older adults stay in their home longer. He volunteers his extra time as a Commissioner on Aging in Arlington where is the Legislative Committee chair, advocating for laws that support older adults. He also sits on the Board of Directors of Arlington Neighborhood Village. His passion is helping older adults remain independent.




June 5, 2024 Show

Marie Elium

Dating in your 20s or your 30s can be an emotional roller coaster. So, it is hardly surprising that it has become the topic of, among other things, innumerable dramas, songs, hit television shows and films. But all of the attention that has been paid to younger dating partners is definitely overlooking one thing.

Financial and health considerations, not to mention scars from pervious relationships, can make it quite challenging to form strong relationships after you have passed milestone birthdays. And that is why Marie Elium, editor of Northeast Ohio Boomer Magazine, suggests that people take a slow and patient approach to this challenge.

In making that point, she quotes Natalia Pajestka, a matchmaker with It's Just Lunch who stresses the need to remain in the present instead of overwhelming your date with details about your past.

The web site for Northeast Ohio Boomer is

Jerry Devis

The Farrell family learned an important lesson as they nurtured Carol who lived for years with Alzheimer's. The fact that there are precious few activities for people with dementia who are aging at home results in these individuals being burdened by considerable loneliness that worsens their condition. And they wanted to fill what they considered to be an oversight as they formed the Carolyn L. Farrell Foundation during 2011.

More than almost anything else they wanted the activities this organization offers to make obvious one essential point: It is often assumed that people who are experiencing serious cognitive declines can no longer participate in creative endeavors, but when they have access to appropriately designed activities they can thrive and find joy in these experiences.

Jerry J. Devis serves as the Farrell Foundation's Executive Director. He previously taught art at all levels, K-12. The Ohio-based organization's web site is 



May 15, 2024 Show

Barbara Becker Holstein

maintains that people of all ages, particularly women, are often so dragged down by the negativism which surrounds them that they become unable to reach their fullest potential. But a practitioner of what she labels "positive psychology" Barbara maintains that this negativism can be overcome by following a daily regime that begins with a blessing, such as this simple verse which reads in part: "You can work your way towards becoming what she terms your enchanted self. "As you clear off the ice, and watch your step may your dreams of delight be forming, so that as soon as the sun shines bright you will be ready and able for the wonderful treats in storage for you!" Barbara, a New Jersey-based psychologist, has written books and created podcasts that detail elements of the positive psychology that she espouses. Her web site is

Elena LaVictoire

Traditionally, America's public school system has been revered for the role it played in preparing young people to take their place in the world. However, times have changed, and these days millions of Americans no longer have faith in this system, questioning if it even comes close to serving its "intended purpose." And as this skepticism deepens many parents are looking for alternatives to traditional classroom learning, with ever increasing numbers of them turning to home schooling. However, despite the fact that it might be gaining in popularity, this arrangement brings some tough questions to the fore.  Does home schooling provide students with the same essential socialization that in class learning might? Are parents who might have no training as educators really equipped to teach their children? Although there are no easy answers to these questions, Elena LaVictoire who has home schooled her children and grandchildren for years does have some intriguing responses.



May 1, 2024 Show

Betinna Dickson Rusher

Caring for somebody with dementia or other disabling diseases has always proved to be a challenging undertaking even under the best of circumstances. Due to worker shortages and other factors, however, nurturing a loved one who has special needs has become particularly taxing these days.

But help might be on its way in the form of the products sold by Memorable Pets. Cuddly, these dogs, cats and baby dolls calm and occupy the people who interact with them. Joy for All robots are a particularly popular item, possibly because they have interactive features. For example, the Joy For All- Robotic Black & White Tuxedo Cat Companion Pet  becomes increasingly more relaxed when you pet him until he eventually closes his eyes for a short snooze.

Bettina Dickson Rusher and her sister, Frances, founded Memorable Pets in response to the lessons they learned as they cared for their mother. The company's web site is



April 17, 2024 Show

Troy Duell

You might feel that you are not harming yourself in any discernible way when you add a few cups of sugar to the coffee you enjoy every morning. And you might also think the grab-and-go breakfast bar you gulp down as you rush out the door to work is also essentially harmless.

But these small indulgences might end up harming you more than you might imagine. Before you even realize it, they can add up to nearly 77 grams, the average amount of added sugars American adults consume daily, placing yourself in danger of experiencing health issues in the future.

But Troy Duell, host of the Frontline Health Podcast and CEO of Centurion Labs, however, notes that you can easily avoid these imbalances. Among other things he suggests that you become adept at identifying added sugars –sucrose, fructose, and high-fructose corn syrup – in your food and drinks.

The web site for the Alabama-based Centurion Labs is

Udo Erasmus

has been known to say that he was born in hell - in Europe during World War II – and then proceeded to travel a long and crooked path that eventually led him to heaven. And by his own accounting, he was assisted as he travelled down that road by friends he met personally as well as by those he never encountered face to face. But he often suffered from a lack of self-discipline until he was poisoned by pesticides during 1980 and began devoting himself to improving his health and helping others to improve theirs. Accordingly, he spent countless hours developing an oil blend that is both better balanced and more effective than flax oil. And he later followed that discovery with probiotics blends and digestive enzyme blends. The web site for the Vancouver, British Columbia company he established, Urdo's Choice, is



April 3, 2024 Show

Claire White

The Las Vegas-based Mob Museum, the National Museum of Organized Crime and Law Enforcement is located in a restored former Post Office and Courthouse. And that building has special historical significance that makes it ideally suited to personifying the museum's mission: exploring the age-old battle between good guys vs. bad guys. Because it once housed one of the Kefauver Hearings which entranced a national television audience as Senatorial investigators and gangland characters did battle with one another to the delight of the American public. And the museum is not only designed to educate visitors, it also aims to entertain them. Accordingly, a "Speakeasy located in the museum's basement is designed to allow visitors to experience the ambience of the speakeasies that operated throughout the country during Prohibition.

The museum's web site is  Claire White serves as Its Director of Education.

Dr. Nuccitelli

Back in Wally and Beaver Clever days, bullies were pretty much limited to harassing others on a face-to-face basis; their reach was restricted to their immediate surroundings. However, the advent of computers has changed all of that. And well aware that modern day bullies - ipredators - can harm people over a broad geographic range the New York City based iPredator is working to keep young people and others safe online.

And hoping to achieve that objective it prioritizes informing people who might otherwise be vulnerable about the games ipredators play to gain power as they target others. It, likewise, provides essential infomation about the psychology that drives ipredators to wreak havoc over the internet. Dr. Michael Nuccitelli founded ipredators.



March 20, 2024 Show

Dr. Jeff Fisher

These days, a crimp in your back or a nagging pain in your shoulders might not necessarily have come from your being a weekend warrior who exercises vigorously but not often enough. And for that matter, parts of your body might not be throbbing because you have been working out in the gym full speed ahead. On the contrary, these discomforts might be attributable to something much less dramatic: your spending hours a day bending over your computer or otherwise interacting with technology. But Dr. Jeff Fisher, the originator of Fisher Traction, maintains that by making a few simple adjustments you can click away at your keyboard all day and still have virtually no aches and pains. One important hint: check your posture before you even begin bending over your computer, making certain that your shoulders are rolled back, your spine is straight, and your chin is tucked in.

The web site for the California-based Fisher Traction is 

Bruce Silverglade

Gleason’s Gym won fame and fortune as being a place where celebrities trained for matches. But its current owner Bruce Silverglade wants it to be a place where a much broader group of clients can test their athletic talents. These days, people tend to spend their time socializing and working with other folks who look like them. And the pandemic might have contributed to making that pattern even more the norm as people isolated themselves away from places people often socialize. But inclusiveness not exclusivity remains the norm at the Brooklyn-based Gleason’s Gym. People who might be preparing for professional bouts share close quarters with folks who are taking up boxing to get some exercise and try something new but have no intention of competing on any level. All sizes and show shapes, not to mention a great array of ethnic or racial backgrounds, are represented amongst its regular customers. That is hardly surprising as its current owner Bruce Silverglade remains committed to serving a broad clientele. Gleason’s Gym was first opened first during the Depression (1937) by Robert Gagliardi. Website is



March 6, 2024 Show

Dr. Michael Garko

These days, you hear a great deal about supplements and how they can help your body to achieve wellness. However, that dialogue has not necessarily offered a clear understanding of what they can accomplish and what common-sensical steps should be followed when you take them. Many questions remain.  Do supplements go through rigorous tests before claims are made about them? Are they tested by the FDA for safety and effectiveness? Will any supplements interact in negative ways with other medication that I am already taking?  If I go to a physician, I will be given a prescription that indicates precisely how much of a pharmaceutical I should take. But with supplements, I do not have that kind of certainty.  Dr. Michael Garko, a Florida-based nutritionist, can help to answer some ongoing questions you might have about supplements. He is  the spokesperson for Strauss Naturals and his website is:

Alice Burba

from Songs for Teaching

If you are, for example, a social Studies teacher who wants to enliven your lectures about the Civil Rights Movement, Songs for Teaching grants you an easily accessible way to achieve this objective. You can download excess of 55 songs from Songs for Teaching that address African American themes of pride, history, and culture.  And the Arizona-based Songs for Teaching not only benefits educators as it enriches their lessons. It also benefits musicians as it grants them a platform for the songs. By the standards of other platforms, the royalties they receive when their songs are downloaded are generous: 60% of all downloads sold for items that are sold exclusively on this website.  The Arizona-based Songs for Teaching has been in operation since 2012 . Its web site is Alice Burba owns this company.




February 21, 2024 Show

Christopher Cook

The Cleveland Heights – University Heights School District sponsors a program that runs against long-established educational traditions. Instead of expelling students whose behavior has become overly disruptive, it works to ensure they will graduate with their class. And many young people who have participated in that district's Alternative to Expulsion program have risen to the challenge as they achieved that goal.This program has garnered considerable praise, but it also raises many questions that prompt no easy answers. Might the participants in this program have managed to stay out of trouble in the first place if the schools had been more sensitive to their needs? Did the pandemic leave them with scars that cannot easily be healed by any program? Has their behavior reached the point where it would be next to impossible for them to steer themselves in more positive directions?

Christopher Cook heads this effort. The district's web site is  .

Jeannie Fleming-Gifford

When Jeannie Fleming-Gifford first began assuming caregiving duties for her mother, she was far from certain that she wanted to embark upon that journey. But in time she began to realize that being tossed into that role was actually a gift because it brought her great personal growth. And that is why she labeled the book she wrote about her experiences The Gift I Never Wanted: The Journey of Caregiving and Lessons Learned.

Jeannie hopes to help others who face the same challenges she did by passing along hints that will help them deal with the frustrations they encounter as they care for their aging parents' finances.

She suggests that they start this process by having a serious family discussion that might begin with open-ended questions such as "Are you concerned about anything related to your personal finances?" And then, the next step might involve working with them on a plan that will help to alleviate their concerns.



February 7, 2024 Show

Dr. Michael Scott Green

Does Las Vegas live by its own set of moral standards, remaining essentially oblivious to the ones that prevail elsewhere in America? Does it well deserve the title Sin City? Or is that simply a name the media has attached to it? Is it really a place where you can follow your whims without facing any repercussions because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas? Or is it actually more quintessentially American than some people might imagine. There are several reasons why that could be the case. It shares one thing in common with other American cities. Its growth has been supported by a strong profit motive. And at certain points in its historical timeline, it grew because the federal government was tossing large sums in its direction.  Dr. Michael Scott Green, a professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas has some unique insights about this fascinating city.



Carl Harmon

All of the programs that Cleveland Fit for Life markets have the same goal in mind: they each promote wellness. It targets people over 65, the fastest growing age demographic in America, through its Senior Movement Fitness Program. But it goes far beyond simply working to keep members of this demographic healthy. It also offers personalized programs to people of all ages, helping them achieve their personal best.  It has been estimated that American corporations lose over $300 billion annually in productivity due to chronic diseases. By many accounts, these figures are linked to the fact that nearly 70 percent of all American adults are either overweight or obese and only 15 percent of them engage in physical activity on a regular basis. So, as this studio markets its fitness programs to corporations it presents them as being cost reduction efforts.  Carl Harmon is the owner and president of Cleveland Fit for Life. Its website is



January 17, 2024 Show

Bill Laurenson

According to a report published by Feeding America, a major food assistance organization, an estimated 49 million Americans turned to hunger relief programs for support during 2022. And these figures might cause some people to look around them and ask: "I see help wanted signs virtually everywhere. So, why don't people just get a job and then they will be able to buy food and will not need food assistance? The work is out there for people to take it. And if they don't want to work, why should anybody offer them a helping hand?  There are no easy answers to these questions. But Bill Laurenson, president of the Board at the Heights Emergency Food Center has some interesting insights. The center serves an average of 900 individuals people a month and has been open since 1981. Its website is

Pegi Robinson

Traditionally, Americans have been reluctant to talk about serious illnesses, much less about death. If, for example, cancer was mentioned at all it was simply called the Big C. But times have changed, and they are now more willing to reveal that they had a near death experience (NDE).  What stands responsible for this increased openness? And is our world necessarily a better place because people have become more open about discussing NDE? Or is it simply moving along the same trajectory one way or another? Nobody can respond to these questions with any degree of certainty.  But Pegi Robinson has gained some strong insights as she has interviewed numerous experiencers, Many of them report that their NDE were life altering, directing them to take up a new profession or strengthening their personal experiences. She has recorded many of their recountings for her NDETV show which can be downloaded at



January 3, 2024 Show

Dr. Lisa Rainsong

Dr. Lisa Rainsong considers birds, crickets, katydids, amphibians not humans who lived during a long-ago eon to be the world's first musicians. And in keeping with that fact, Lisa, a professor at the Cleveland Institute of Music, has recorded their songs extensively.

But she acknowledges that this challenge has often proved difficult because, as is often true with birds, you're more likely to hear insects and amphibians before you see them. Their coloring can be perfectly camouflaged into their environment, so spotting them is a challenge.

Lisa's field research on the crickets and katydids of Northeast Ohio includes surveys for park districts throughout the region. Her online field guide, Listening to Insects, can be found at

Her educational blog, Listening in Nature, has six years of educational tutorials and stories from the field about her exploration of birds, insect song, and amphibian song.

David Nassaney

When David Nassaney's wife, Charlene, suffered a severe stroke that greatly limited her mobility and ability to talk, he was thrust into a role for which nothing had ever prepared him. And one he certainly did not expect he would ever end up assuming. He became a caregiver. And he soon learned how exhausting and stressful assuming that role can be.

The first 2 to 3 years he spent as a caregiver were rough on many levels, but he soon learned a lesson that helped him handle that role while maintaining his equilibrium. As he puts it, "When you get on an airplane, they tell you to put on your emergency equipment before you help others with theirs. And extending this mantra to the role caregivers assume, they must first take care of themselves before they can help somebody else."

His web site is



December 6, 2023 Show

Laura Marks

During the 1890s, a tree enjoyed many more years of life after Cleveland Heights residents protested against it being removed so a trolley line could be extended. And throughout the decades that community has continued to show respect for trees as witnessed by the fact the Heights Tree People recently planted its 1000 tree in that community. Its efforts have been supported by numerous grants, such as one from Future-Heights that enabled it to build an urban arbor to Cleveland Heights' Caledonia District.

In partnership with Heights Libraries, HTP is planting a mini forest behind one of that system's facilities. Mulk has already been laid for the saplings that will be planted in the spring.

Laura Marks is a cofounder of HTP and the great-grand daughter of Henry Caine who was involved in the long ago rerouting of the trolley line to save a tree. HTP's web site is 


Lexi Ritt

People often feel overwhelmed by the challenges they face as they nurture a loved one with dementia. But the support that the Caregiving Coaching Program which is offered by the Cleveland branch of the Alzheimer's Association can help them regain their equilibrium. The Care Coaches are all master-level licensed social workers.

Often, they regain their sense of calm and confidence simply because their coach has made them more aware of the support that is available to them. But there are instances where the coaches have to go a step further.

They must guide participants towards making their care-giving challenges more manageable by involving friends and family in their efforts. And that can be a difficult step for people who are unaccustomed to asking for help.

Lexi Ritt serves as the program manager of support groups for this Alzheimer's organization chapter. Its web site is



November 15, 2023 Show

Neal Owens

We are moving towards the holiday season, and that means we have reasons to celebrate. But it also means things are happening that generally make people less than joyous. The days are getting shorter. It might be dark when you drive home at night or get up in the morning. But Neal Owens who owns the Maryland-based Sunbox maintains that there are ways we can compensate for what nature is not providing in the form of light. He claims that sitting under a bright light lamp of at least 10,000 lux on a daily basis can go a long way towards helping people cope with the darkness that surrounds them.  And going a step further, he notes that these devices can benefit people living with Alzheimer's as it leaves them less prone to mood swings. The web site for Sunbox which sells a wide variety of different bright light lamps is

Queen Mother Falaka Fattah

Ever since it was first initiated by community activists David and Queen Mother Falaka Fattah during the 1970s, the Philadelphia-based House of Umoja has committed itself to making the word "umoja" (unity) a reality in people's lives. And it has lived up to this commitment by providing more than 500 young Black males housing, granting them a sense of belonging, identity, and self-worth. It has also turned the The Adella, a mechanism for conflict resolution and problem solving, into a widely used tool. A summer program, the Umoja Youth Peace Corps provides weekly field trips plus training in study skills and career development.  Queen Mother Falaka Fattah now serves as this organization's CEO. She previously worked as a journalist, writing for the Philadelphia Tribune, The Philadelphia Independent and The Philadelphia Afro-American, The Bulletin, and national magazines. The organization's web site is



November 1, 2023 Show

Dr. Lisa Corsa

Being a weekend warrior, somebody who exercises vigorously a few days a week but remains essentially sedentary the rest of the time, can benefit you in numerous ways. At the very least, it can help you achieve a wide array of personal best as you, for example, surpass how fast you have ever previously run. But it can also have a distinct disadvantage. It can leave you with aches and pains that keep you up at night. And it some cases, it can even result in your suffering from serious injuries - tennis elbow, hamstring woes, or rotator cuff issues.

People who suffer from these discomforts sometimes end up having surgery followed by long recovery periods that keep them out of action. But Dr. Lisa Corsa, the chief physiotherapist at the Florida-Based Premier Therapy Solutions, has had considerable success in managing them through physical therapy.

Her web site is





October 18, 2023 Show

Dr. Michael Garko

Good times lie ahead for us as the calendar turns towards a long list of holidays. But as we all know in addition to holiday fun the cooler weather will also bring the flu season in its wake. Nationally known nutritionist Dr. Michael Garko notes, however, that there are ways that we can avoid the sniffles and other discomforts that these infections can cause. 

It is all a matter of keeping our immune system strong. And he maintains that contrary to popular belief, "It is possible to enhance our immune resilience at any age. Lifestyle changes and the right nutritional balance are pivotal. There's no 'one size fits all,' but by understanding our bodies and addressing deficiencies, we can significantly boost our defenses."

Dr. Garko produced and hosted the popular health talk radio show called "Let's Talk Nutrition." His web site is  

Jarvis Wrazen 

Joseph Pilates had been unhealthy as a child. But by undertaking a strenuous exercise regime he gained enough strength to excel as a bodybuilder, wrestler, gymnast, boxer, skier, and diver.

And eventually he perfected what has become known as the Pilates Method. Adopted by both dancers and elite athletes, it won the attention of George Balanchine, a director of the New York Ballet, who meshed this fitness system into his classes and routines. Over the years the number of Americans who practice Pilates has grown to over 10 million and counting.

Recounting his own excursion into Pilates, Jarvis Wrazen recalls that: "I attained a degree in exercise Physiology and was working as a personal trainer at a typical fitness gym and also serving coffee at a coffee shop. When the owner of a local Pilates studio came in and started chatting about his place I was intrigued and eventually ended up starting my Pilates career there."



October 4, 2023 Show

Pegi Robinson

Concerned that others would not take them seriously, people have generally been leery about mentioning any Near Death Experiences that they might have had. And if they do relate them at all they remember these experiences as having followed a familiar pattern: They were lifted through a tunnel to what might be described as a higher plane. And they were, subsequently, returned to their previous existence which was little changed by their NDE.

But many people that Pegi Robinson interviewed about their Near Death Experiences report that their experiences did not necessarily follow that familiar partner. Rather, they had myriad twists and turns that impacted upon the remainder of their lives. They might, for example, have found themselves directed towards taking up a new profession or strengthening their personal relationships.

Pegi Robinson has recorded many of these recountings for her ndetv show which can be downloaded at



September 20, 2023 Show

Janice Lombardo

For years serious diseases, such as cancer, much less death were never openly discussed in polite company. The most anybody would say – and they said it under their breathe if at all – is so and so has the Big C. Now, however, times have changed. People are more vocal about these matters than was ever previously the case. And death doulas are working to make certain that end of life transitions are treated like what they are – another part of life - as they provide both physical and emotional support to clients and their families.

Janice Lombardo, a death doula and founder of the Ohio-based My Angel Janice CEOLD uses as her tag line: "We plan for birth, let's plan for death too." She has over 22 years' experience as a medical advocate, caregiver and earned Death Doula certification from IAP College during April 2020. Her web site is


Donna Halper

Donna Halper might be described as being a Jill of all trades in the best sense of that term, because she has worked in a wide variety of different professions.

She spent over four decades in broadcasting, including more than 28 years as a radio programming and management professional, working with both college and commercial stations throughout North America. And she gained considerable recognition, not only for discovering the band Rush but also for authoring, among other books, "Boston Radio 1920-2010," which tells the story of Boston radio in words and pictures. In recognition of her efforts, Donna was recently inducted into the Massachusetts Broadcasters Hall of Fame and given the Pioneer Broadcaster Award. The picture attached to this blurb shows Donna receiving her award from WBZ radio announcer, Jordan Rich.

But now Donna L. Halper, PhD has switched gears a bit. She is currently an associate professor of Communication and Media Studies at Lesley University in Cambridge Massachusetts. Her web site is




September 9, 2023 Show

Michael Green

Las Vegas has long been renown for being a place that does not live by the morality which rules the rest of America. But does it really deserve that distinction? Is the old refrain which promises that what you do there stays there actually true? Can you really have a good time there without facing any repercussions when you get home?

Or is Las Vegas more quintessentially American than you might be led to believe? Is it, as it has often been dubbed, sin city? Or is it the one remaining place in America where, thanks to the Culinary Union, people who have little formal education can gain entrée into the middle class by working hard?

Michael Green, a professor at the University of Las Vegas Nevada, has long studied Las Vegas' ongoing evolution and he has some intriguing responses to these questions. His web site is

Mike Malterre

You have probably always been told to apply sunscreen to your skin whenever you venture outside during the summer because it will protect you from the sun's harmful rays. But now many environmentalists are questioning that much repeated advice.

They maintain that sunscreen cannot accurately be described as being protective in any meaningful way because many brands contain Oxybenzone which can harm corrals. And residue from sunscreen flows into oceans at the staggering rate of 14,000 tons a year. That figure includes residue from people who apply it before they visit oceans as well as from people who apply it before they jog or picnic.

But Mike Malterre maintains that this environmental destruction does not have to continue as sunscreens that are safer than the traditional ones are now on the market. He is the executive vice president of Stream2Sea. Its web site is  .

Scientists have determined that sunscreen can harm our ocean's coral reefs. Why can this product prove harmful?



August 16, 2023 Show

Bruce Silverglade

Gleason’s Gym won fame and fortune as being a place where celebrities trained for matches. But its current owner Bruce Silverglade wants it to be a place where a much broader group of clients can test their athletic talents. These days, people tend to spend their time socializing and working with other folks who look like them. And the pandemic might have contributed to making that pattern even more the norm as people isolated themselves away from places people often socialize. But inclusiveness not exclusivity remains the norm at the Brooklyn-based Gleason’s Gym. People who might be preparing for professional bouts share close quarters with folks who are taking up boxing to get some exercise and try something new but have no intention of competing on any level. All sizes and show shapes, not to mention a great array of ethnic or racial backgrounds, are represented amongst its regular customers. That is hardly surprising as its current owner Bruce Silverglade remains committed to serving a broad clientele. Gleason’s Gym was first opened first during the Depression (1937) by Robert Gagliardi. Website is


Gayle Reeves
Many people dread one thing above almost anything else. As they need help with the tasks of daily living - walking, grooming, toileting, dressing, eating - they will end up having to enter a long-term nursing facility. But that dread can dwindle if they get the advice of an elder care attorney like Gayle Reeves who can steer them towards ways of making these challenges less foreboding.

They can, for example, inform clients about the asset and income guidelines they must meet to qualify for Medicaid benefits that will cover many of their medical expenses. And they can help them decide when they should begin the planning process that will culminate in their meeting these guidelines when the time comes?

Gayle Reeves is Past President of the Lorain County Bar Association. She currently a partner with the Ohio based Dooley, Gembala, McLaughlin, Pecora Attorneys at law Her web site is




August 2, 2023 Show

Lauri Scharf

The professionals at We Care...Because You Do, a program of the Ohio-based Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, are often called upon to help clients deal with difficult decisions that they might have been putting off for too long.  Has their loved one declined physically or mentally to the point where he or she can no longer be safely cared for at home? If the answer to that question is, for whatever reasons no, what alternatives are the most optimum? How can the alternative that they select be afforded? And possibly the most difficult challenges of all: How can they protect themselves from feeling they have failed their long-term partner if he or she ends up being institutionalized? How can they deal with the changes that will bring into their lives?  Linda Scharf is a care consultant with We Care and also trains other care consultants. The program's web site is 




July 19, 2023 Show

Sarah Dick

Sarah Dick has worked for more than 26 years as a message therapist and during that period of time, she has essentially kept her writing secondary to her day job. But recently, she has decided to take her scripting up to the next level as she wrote a book that is designed to help people who are new to her craft: New Massage Therapist's Guide: Proven and Practical Tips. Trained in a broad range of different techniques - Nuat Thai, Neural Reset Therapy, Craniosacral, Reflexology, Trigger Point, Reiki, Hot Stones, Pregnancy massage, Deep Myofascial Stretching, Medical massage, Swedish, and Deep Tissue – she generally sticks to one of these disciplines when working with customers. But when it seems appropriate, she relies upon her Signature Therapeutic Message, a blend of techniques that allows her to utilize whatever tool will best serve a client's needs.

Her web site is


Sherry Griffith

Griffith's writings and the sessions she shares with clients send a strong message: Only our restrictive beliefs about ourselves, coupled with everything we have have been taught about the world that surrounds us are stopping us from leading the life we desire.

She also maintains that individuals begin to transform themselves when they examine their core beliefs and, subsequently, replace the ones that are impeding their progress. And her recent book - "Discovering the Great I AM, One Woman's Journey to Find God," – presents some practical means by which people can work their way through this process.

As a practical nurse, Sherry worked in all areas of hospital nursing for 24 years. And then, at 38 after she decided to switch career paths, she obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and followed it with a Master of Clinical Social Work Degree.

Sherry's web site is .



July 5, 2023 Show

Dr. Michael Garko

Most typically, our kidneys perform their intended functions adequately: maintaining our overall health as they filter waste products and excess fluids from the bloodstream, regulate electrolyte balance, and produce hormones that control blood pressure. However, over time – possibly due to their becoming overloaded with toxins - they sometimes stop functioning at an optimum level. And if this malfunction is not managed properly, it can lead to serious complications and potentially even be fatal. Dr. Michael Garko, a credentialed nutritionist, maintains that by following a natural protocol, people can protect themselves from suffering these ravages. He suggests that they

Maintain a balanced diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats while also limiting the intake of processed foods, and unhealthy fats.

Reduce their sodium Intake, as excess sodium can raise blood pressure and strain the kidneys.

Michael is CEO and President of Nutralogics. Its web site is 



June 28, 2023 Show

Carol Leslie

Carol Leslie's journey as a jazz singer carried her thousands of miles away from her home country, Scotland, and included a stop-off in Bermuda. The opportunity to record radio jingles while she relaxed amongst the palm trees, sun, and pink sand she found there must have made it hard for her to leave that island paradise. But she kept moving until she finally settled in her American home - Cleveland, Ohio to be exact – where she has performed at numerous different venues and an impressive list of local bands.

In addition to getting great satisfaction from her work as a jazz singer, Carol has also been challenged by her

day job as an occupational therapist, helping clients navigate their lives more effortlessly. And most recently, she has worked as a hypnotherapist, working with people to make them less burdened by anxieties and stressors.

Her website is



June 7, 2023 Show


Udo Erasmus

We all know that concussions can have serious consequences. But Dr. Udo Erasmus, a health educator, has what he considers good news. He maintains that concussions do not have to leave permanent damage because the brain can heal itself if it is supplied with essential fatty acids. A concussion that occurs when somebody is playing sports might initially appear to be nothing more than the price of being physically active. These injuries, however, can lead to confusion, headaches, and even more serious consequences in the future. Dr. Udo Erasmus, a consultant to the dietary supplement industry, acknowledges that concussions, which occur when the brain bangs against the skull, cannot always be avoided. But he maintains that following nutritional guidelines can help the brain heal after somebody has suffered one. He notes that "We've learned if we saturate the brain with what it is made of we can create the nutritional foundation making it possible for the brain to heal itself." And he suggests that balanced omega 3-6-9 oil combined with bioactive essential fatty acids can prove particularly helpful in this regard. Udo's web site is  . He has made thousands of TV and radio appearances both in this country and internationally.




May 17, 2023 Show

Dr. Nuccitelli

These days, children play games over the internet before they can even read. And the older they get, the more valuable it becomes to them. They might discover that it can make completing school assignments much easier. Or they might start envisioning it as being a modern-day magical carpet ride that can take them to Oz even though they never actually left Kansas. And whenever they feel lonely, they can enjoy socializing over it with friends who live far away from them.

But Dr. Michael Nuccitelli, a New York City-based psychologist, has become acutely aware that the internet also has a dark side. Among other things, it can bring the people who use it into contact with abusers (ipredators) who can harm them psychologically and emotionally. And he formed ipredators to make more people aware of this inconvenient truth.

This organization's web site is

Dr. Michael Garko

We all realize that the heart is quite an amazing organ. However, becoming aware of some essential facts about it can help us better understand just how amazing it really is. Even though it is only about the size of your fist, it is the strongest muscle in your body. And it keeps you alive by pumping blood through your entire system about 100,000 a day. In fact, under certain circumstances, it can even continue beating outside your body. Also noteworthy: your heart can change shape depending upon which emotion you are feeling.

But despite the fact it is truly amazing, your heart needs your help to remain healthy. An expert in the field of nutrition and lifestyle medicine, Dr. Michael Garko maintains that regular exercise remains the most essential aspect of a heart healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Garko is CEO and President of Nutralogics. Its web site is



May 3, 2023 Show

Craig Matis

When Craig Matis formed Connect to One during 2013, he had one main goal in mind. He wanted to help people who are living with special needs gain more self-confidence as they develop strong personal relationships. He maintained that if it accomplished that objective it would serve as an important adjunct to organizations that simply encourage members to socialize as a group.  The applications that prospective members send to Connect to One ask them to indicate, among other things, the nature of their disability and the type of relationship they are seeking – dating, friendship, networking. Their responses are reviewed and verified before they are placed in a password protected directory.  Members can view the profiles that have been posted in this database and place requests to meet another member. The recipient of this request can either accept or refuse it. This organization’s web site is



April 19, 2023 Show

Christopher Cook

The Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District has adopted something that clearly runs against long-established educational traditions. Instead of expelling students whose behavior has become disruptive, this district makes it possible for them to graduate with their class by enrolling them in its Alternative to Expulsion Program. And many of these young people have risen to the challenge by earning their high school diploma.

This effort has garnered praise from many quarters. It has, however, also raised many questions that prompt no easy answers. Might the participants in this program have managed to stay out of trouble in the schools had been more sensitive to their needs right from the very beginning? Did the pandemic leave them with scars that cannot easily be healed by any program? Has their behavior reached the point where it would be next to impossible for them to steer themselves in more positive directions?


Bob Leslie

Influenced by the 1960s folk music boom, Bob Leslie, a Scottish musician, began his musical career playing acoustic music. But instead of sticking to acoustic instrumentation, he followed the siren sound of electric instruments. And this transition brought him recognition. He was approached by the Kinks managers – who recorded demos of his songs – and Chrysalis Records – who were looking for someone to write music that had elements of Total Eclipse of the Heart!  Those early contacts didn’t pan out. But Bob later had the opportunity to work with members of hit bands like Camel, The Hank Wangford Band, Corey Hart Band, Clancy, Orange Juice, and the Sensational Alex Harvey Band.   More recently, Bob has been presenting the Transatlantic Conversations during which he plays a wide array of songs. Some are ancient while others are modern. And they originate from both sides of the pond.  Bob’s web site is



April 5, 2023 Show

Pegi Robinson

These days, stories about people being brought back to life after they experience a near fatal drug overdose have become almost commonplace. And much has been published about the role that Narcan plays in leading them out of danger. But near-death experience (NDE) researcher, Pegi Robinson, maintains that while they might be dramatic these retellings fail to recount one important fact.  She maintains that at least some of these survivors might experience NDEs before they return to consciousness. NDEs occur when somebody’s soul enters a higher dimension before it rejoins the experiencer’s body; they often come in the wake of a stroke or other trauma, Pegi heads the Mid Ohio Valley Chapter of the International Association for Near Death Studies, which is committed to increasing the public’s awareness of NDEs. This North Carolina-based organization’s web site is

Lee Gerdes

maintains that people do not have to lie in bed night after night with a whole range of negative emotions – nervousness, anxiousness, frustration – surging through them because they cannot fall into a restful sleep. On the contrary, they can start getting the rest they crave sooner than they might ever suspect if they follow some simple procedures.

Among other things, he stresses the importance of creating a quiet, dark comfortable sleeping environment, keeping any possible distractions, such a television or a computer out of your bedroom. He also maintains that insomnia can be brought under control if you utilize newly developed technology that allows users to “even out” or “harmonize” their brains by listening to their own brain waves echoed by tones in real-time.

Lee is the CEO of Cereset, which he founded in the hopes of curing his own sleeplessness. Its web site is  .



March 15, 2023 Show

Aaron Zober

By some accountings, folks who prefer a plant-based diet and those who enjoy a juicy steak, or a hamburger, will never find common ground. But members of the California-based The Appropriate Omnivore have proved those skeptics wrong. Overlooking the fact that they follow very different diets, they have joined forces by taking up as their mantra - the exact diet you follow is not as important as is the fact you eat nutrient-dense foods, such as sourdough bread, that have long been mainstays of people’s diets. And these days they stress that eating an appropriate diet can do more than just benefit your health in a myriad of ways. It can also help you keep your food budget from spiraling out of control, an important consideration during this historical juncture when people experience sticker shock every time they visit a grocery store.  Aaron Zober originated the Appropriate Omnivore. Its web site over which it streams its podcasts is


Barbara Becker Holstein

 Dr. Barbara Becker Holstein, a New Jersey based psychologist, practices what she labels positive psychology, which has incorporated as its mantra: Women of all ages have a great capacity for happiness and purpose. However, they often don’t know how to use their strengths to their best advantage on any level. So, they suffer a loss of physical and emotional energy that interferes with their mental health and their ability to live out their desires. But Barbara maintains that these negatives can be overcome by following a daily regime that starts with a blessing, such as this simple verse which reads in part. “As you clear off the ice, and watch your step may your dreams of delight be forming, so that as soon as the sun shines bright you will be ready and able for the wonderful treats in storage for you!”



March 1, 2023 Show

Elizabeth Maxwell

People with Down syndrome and their families will find something that can greatly enrich their lives the minute they walk into GiGi’s Playhouse Cleveland: a supportive and welcoming environment. The commitment it makes to the people who participate in any of the 20 FREE educational and therapeutic-based programs it offers begins when parents receive a prenatal diagnosis that their fetus has Down Syndrome. This support can greatly reduce the anxieties these parents feel about the challenges that might lie ahead of them. And it continues in age-appropriate ways as people who are living with Down Syndrome reach adulthood. In addition to the purposeful programs, families are connected as they support and celebrate each other and their loved ones. 

GiGi’s Playhouse Cleveland is part of an international organization with 57 Playhouses located throughout the United States and Mexico. Its website is  Lizz Maxwell is the Site Director.

Wayne Elliott

Heart disease remains the leading cause of death for both American men and women; an estimated 670,000 Americans died from it during 2020. But according to health and wellness educator Wayne Elliott, these facts and figures, no matter how grim they might sound, do not have to represent cause for alarm. Because by his accounting simple and affordable non-surgical interventions can protect people from the devastating impact of heart disease.  Speaking to that point, he indicates that when taken in the right proportions and with regularity certain herbs – aged garlic extract, European mistletoe, Motherwort flower, Cayene fruit, Bilberry leaf - have significant cardiovascular benefits. He also notes that chelation therapy which uses a chemical compound (EDTA) can make blood vessels more flexible, removes hardening mineral deposits from blood vessels and release nitric oxide, leading to vasodilation

Wayne serves as the media spokesperson for Strauss Naturals. That company’s web site is 



February 2, 2023 Show

Susan Gibson

Probably nothing terrifies people more than does the thought that they or a loved one might slide into dementia as they develop Alzheimer’s. However, Susan Gibson, the formulator of Vivolor Memory Support, maintains that these declines can be managed, albeit not totally reversed, if people follow simple nutritional and lifestyle guidelines.  For example, Susan notes that that exercise improves cognitive function; in fact, she ranks it as being the most powerful thing somebody can do to ensure their brain remains healthy. By her accounting, taking a 30-minute brisk walk at least 3 times a week can lead to a 46% reduction in dementia. But she acknowledges that although the regime she recommends might help people at any stage of memory loss, it is generally most effective when started early. Susan brings to her efforts a diverse educational background – a pharmacy degree and Harvard MBA. Her company’s web site is  


January 4, 2023 Show

Neal Owens

These days, literally millions of Americans face serious mental health challenges. And a wide range of opinions have been forwarded as regards what can be done to help them regain their emotional equilibrium. Some argue that medication can make them better able to cope. Others, meanwhile, have claimed that everything from medication to acupuncture or exercise can serve this same purpose. While he doesn’t discount any of these observations, Neal Owens, who owns the Maryland-based Sunbox, claims they might be overlooking one important thing. He maintains that sitting under a bright light lamp of at least 10,000 lux on a daily basis can go a long way towards helping people cope with the emotional challenges they face. This therapy, he maintains, can prove particularly beneficial for people living with Alzheimer’s as it can leave them less prone to mood swings. The web site for Sunbox which sells a wide variety of different bright light lamps is 

Dr. Thelma Reese

A CNN report concluded that math and reading scores for 9-year-olds in the US fell between 2020 and 2022 by a level not seen in decades, and it interpreted this drop as being a foreboding sign of the state of American education. What can be done to bring these test results up to standards? Do students need smaller classes longer school hours. Should they receive counseling that could help them rebound from the pandemic which kept them out of the classroom for months on end? Obviously, nobody has any easy responses to these questions which touch upon very complex issues. But Dr. Thelma Reese definitely has some responses that deserve our attention. A retired professor of English and Education, she served as the director of the Mayor’s Commission on Literacy for the City of Philadelphia and hosted a local cable show. Her book How Seniors Are Saving the World can be purchased at this link.



December 21, 2022 Show

Special Guest: Udo Erasmus

Good nutrition provides the body with the basic building blocks and essential nutrients that support its many biological tasks. At Udo’s Choice, we make the greatest public health impact by purposefully focusing on the following areas of nutrition, to help you: Get your fats right, improve digestion, and increase your consumption of greens.

In addition to Udo’s Hall of Fame status with the CHFA and National Nutrition, our Udo’s Choice products have consistently won awards in the their respective categories for quality and effectiveness since the 1990s.


In the second-half of the program: Harriet and Zman take a look back at 2022.



December 7, 2022 Show

Gail Kerzner

People write every day without making certain their words are perfectly aligned with each one of them sending an important message. And when it comes to Tweeting, blogging, or filling up their Facebook page people might be more concerned about making an impact – possibly, even being a bit flamboyant - than they are about following established guidelines. They might figure that is the way that they will get “likes” and “followers.” 

There are, however, times when they become obliged to pay close attention to how they express   themselves. When they write college application letters. When they compose advertisements for their business. When they write research papers. When they finally compose that long awaited Great American novel and want to make it shine. These are the occasions when the services offered by the Savvy Red Pen can come in handy. That company’s website is  ,and it was originated by Gail Kerzner. 

Gary Growden

These days people experience sticker shock whenever they venture into a grocery store and notice how the prices on their favorite items have increased exponentially in an amazingly short period of time. And they are wondering, “These expenses are breaking my budget. What can I do that will make my groceries more affordable?” Gary Growden, a veteran of the food processing industry, does not claim he has any easy answers to these queries.

But he does maintain that learning some methods by which food can be preserved might in time become a real budget saver. For example, he notes that drying it in the sun or in an oven is considered to be the easiest and the least labor-intensive way to preserve food; it removes the water that most bacteria and mold need to grow.

This company’s web site is   



November 16, 2022 Show

Dr. Michael Nuccitelli

The internet has won hearts and minds because it can in a manner of speaking transport people virtually anywhere they might choose to go – a 21st century magic carpet ride. So, they speak about it in glowing terms. But as the New York City-based psychologist Dr. Michael Nuccitelli notes this technology has a dark side. All too often, it becomes a vehicle for internet predators (ipredators) or cyberbullies and other undesirable types to work their mischief. And because he realizes that this misbehavior can greatly harm those whom it targets, Michael has committed himself to spreading what he considers to be an important lesson. Keeping yourself safe online starts with taking one thing into account. Cyberbullies begin their games by worming themselves into people’s confidence. In that sense, their behavior mirrors that of predators who function through personal contact and the same precautions are needed.

Jeremy Manson

Young people who enter care centers have the same hopes and expectations as do others in their age grouping. They want opportunities to develop and hone their talents. And as long as they remain mentally alert, that might be a realistic hope even if they face serious physical challenges. Unfortunately, however, the facilities they enter are often ill equipped to answer their needs; they are designed to serve another generation. So, the young people who reside in them languish. Jeremiah Mason knows from personal experience the frustrations they face. After an automobile accident left him a triple amputee, he entered a Virginia care center. And since that point, he has been working to serve as an advocate for young people in care centers. While individuals under 65 years of age represent only a small percentage of individuals in these institutions, their number in the hundreds of thousands on a national level.



November 2, 2022 Show

Linda Krasienko

There is a question that individuals who are involved in social movements on an ongoing basis ask themselves regularly: Have my efforts and the efforts of many other people actually made this world a better place? And Linda Krasienko, a long-term gay activist is no exception to thus general rule. Sure, she obviously knows that the legalizing of gay marriage represents a great step forward. However, how far has that legalization really gone to make life easier for people whose lifestyle does not conform to accepted norms?  But now, however, help might be on the way for these individuals. Studio 117, an entertainment venue located on the boundary between Cleveland and Lakewood, Ohio will be expanding to include a wider range of facilities, including a retirement community, a clinic, and a motel. This project will be completed over the next two years.  
Studio West 117’s web site is    


Bridget Siljander

The Youth Legacy Foundation is committed to dispelling an assumption which it believes has gained far too much coinage - people with disabilities are by the very nature of things on the receiving not the giving end of assistance. And committed to accomplish this mission the Minnesota-based organization has been linking young people with volunteer opportunities that will help them gain confidence and experience. To help them along on this journey, it connects them with role models – some of whom are disabled and some of whom are not disabled – who will support their efforts. Some youths participate as individuals while others take place in various activities as part of a group, benefiting from companionship. The Foundation was formed during 2011. Bridget Siljander serves as its executive director. She has been active in the disabilities community since 1997 and this is the third organization she has helped to develop.
The foundation’s web site is



October 19, 2022 Show

Special Returning Guest: Eric Anderson

Throughout history, social norms have dictated that generations be separated from one another in ways almost too numerous to count. But the pandemic widened the gaps between age groups to a greater extent than had ever previously been the case as it kept people isolated from one another. As a precautionary measure against the virus spreading, grandchildren were not allowed to visit their grandparents. At the height of the health emergency senior citizens were advised not to leave their homes unless it was absolutely necessary.

But the Sherbrooke Centre in Canada’s Saskatchewan Province has progressed far beyond the point where such precautions were the norm. Togetherness is the name of the game as six graders attend classes in the center and socialize with residents. Eric Anderson serves as its Communications Leader. Information about the program can be downloaded from this link



September 21, 2022 Show

Bruce Silverglade

Gleason’s Gym won fame and fortune as being a place where celebrities trained for matches. But its current owner Bruce Silverglad wants it to be a place where a much broader group of clients can test their athletic talents. These days, people tend to spend their time socializing and working with other folks who look like them. And the pandemic might have contributed to making that pattern even more the norm as people isolated themselves away from places people often socialize. But inclusiveness not exclusivity remains the norm at the Brooklyn-based Gleason’s Gym. People who might be preparing for professional bouts share close quarters with folks who are taking up boxing to get some exercise and try something new but have no intention of competing on any level. All sizes and show shapes, not to mention a great array of ethnic or racial backgrounds, are represented amongst its regular customers. That is hardly surprising as its current owner Bruce Silverglade remains committed to serving a broad clientele. Gleason’s Gym was first opened first during the Depression (1937) by Robert Gagliardi. Website is



September 14, 2022 Show

David Nassaney

Speaking from long experience, David Nassaney is fast to note that the gas distribution industry has transitioned dramatically since he first entered it as a worker for family-owned gas stations during the 1960s. But alert to its nuances, he also maintains that much about the way this industry functions has remained constant.

The oil companies will almost invariably act in their own best interest even if their tactics rarely end up benefiting dealers. Consequently, these entrepreneurs are often forced to deal with customers angry about rising prices even though those increases do not necessarily lift their profits.

Interviews that Dave has had about these matters with numerous television stations throughout the country can be downloaded at And his book that details experiences as a gas station owner – Getting Hosed? Secrets, Confessions and Tales from a Gas Station Owner can be purchased from Amazon.



September 7, 2022 Show

Malika Moore

It might be a hard truth to accept. But despite the fact that they both begin with the letter “a” the words “aging” and “amazing” are rarely used in conjunction with one another these days. If somebody can still play a concerto with great gusto in their 90s, superlatives – “wonderful,” “inspirational” - might be tossed their way. Their concerts might be afforded due respect. But less face it, that degree of adulation is hardly the norm. For the most part older people are viewed in less than positive terms.

None of that, however, deterred Malika Moore from forming Aging and Amazing during 2019 and overseeing its development. This Washington, D.C. – based organization offers an online community for elders and their care givers. And it also connects people with local professionals who specialize in treating the elderly.

Aging and Amazing’s web site is 



August 17, 2022 Shows

Julie E

Registered dietician Julie E. runs against traditional thinking when she claims that despite the fact periods of forgetfulness are often labeled senior moments much younger people can experience them.

And in supporting that claim, she notes that brain fog is often attributable to candida (yeast) overgrowth rather than to the aging process. And this overgrowth is often accompanied by additional symptoms: gas, bloating, eczema and dandruff, nail fungus, headaches, mood swings, anxiety, depression, itching in the ears and in the genital region.

Working from that understanding, Julie E. suggests that her clients bring their candida overgrowth under control by making dietary changes-eliminate or seriously restrict all sugar and alcohol; restrict carbohydrates such as fruit, starchy vegetables, grains, and legumes. She also recommends that they take a high potency pro-biotic or an herbal anti fugal.

Julie’s web site is

Carol Leslie

People feel very relaxed as they undergo hypnotherapy. But as they enjoy that peacefulness, this process is having a powerful effect upon their body.

By retraining the brain, it can help people gain the strength to break negative patterns that have proved disruptive by creating stress in their lives. But while it can greatly benefit people it is not miraculously wipe away all their pain.

So, the Ohio-based Carol Leslie begins the sessions she holds with clients by helping them gain a realistic understanding of what hypnotherapy can accomplish for them. To use her terminology, she gently guiding them awaHy from a “Hollywood” vision of it as being a cure all. And she then works with them to evolve strategies that will allow them to relax their brains and allow healing to occur. She conducts all sessions virtually or by phone.

Carol Leslie’s web site is



August 3, 2022 Show

Tommy Fello

Staffing remains an ongoing challenge and smaller establishments are facing stiff competition from fast food that are better equipped to handle drive-through orders and can afford to charge lower prices. Then, there is the fact that many people, leery of becoming infected by the virus, are avoiding all public places.

Throughout history many businesses have become the victims of changing economic times. Are restaurants or are at least a substantial number of them slated to endure the same fate, no matter what anybody does to try and save them. Or can steps be taken to help ensure their continued viability? There are no easy answers to those questions. But Tommy Fellow who has run the Ohio-based Tommy’s for 50 years no doubt has some intriguing responses.

Tommy’s web site is 


Sam Kukich

At this point, many people are wondering: Is the fact that for profit nursing homes often fail to keep their promises tied to their desire to lower expenses? Does the fact that they are understaffed stem from management’s desire to save money as much as it does from the fact they simply cannot attract enough workers?

Working through the Virginia-based Dignity for the Elderly, Sam Kukich has studied many facilities and found that the suspicions she and others hold about them have been largely substantiated. This organization is not, however, content to merely document an inconvenient truth - these institutions are riddled with shortcomings that could endanger residents. It has teams that are working throughout the United States as well as in Canada and Kenya to upgrade the care that nursing home residents receive.

Dignity for Aged website is 



July 20, 2022 Show

Anthony Nunez


As the CEO of INF Care Anthony Nunez has been instrumental in developing RUDY, in common parlance a robot, who can help seniors or disabled individuals stay safe and connected. And he road tested this technology during the pandemic as he worked with Medicaid to bring just the software from RUDY into homes throughout the Washington DC area.  And now the Virginia-based INF Care is launching a new service called AT HOME CONCIERGE which is a support system to help independent older adults remain independent at home.  As the name implies it is designed to make it possible for seniors and others with special needs to age at home. These check-ins focus on daily connectivity for individuals at home, getting answers on informational requests and help with scheduling but most importantly, listening to the client. Subscriptions can be purchased on a month-by-month, with there being no fee for cancellations and everything is included.

INF’s web site is


Donna Halper

The years young people spend in college are traditionally thought to be the best years of their lives. They have evolved beyond their teenaged angst and are not yet obliged to take on adult responsibilities. Yet, that idealized image no longer seems to represent the realities of college life for many students. If nothing else, they are pressured by the thought of repaying college loans, debts that might oblige them to accept a high paying rather than an ideal job. And the pandemic continues to spread a somberness over everything.

Donna Halper, a professor at Leslie University in Boston, remains uniquely position to help us better understand the factors that are making their college years less than joyous for many students. She worked in youth orientated radio during the 1960s and 1970s, so she can compare the lives of students from two very different generations. Her website is



July 6, 2022 Show

Robert Adams

was instrumental in forming the Florida-based National Red Alert Company, which markets rapid response systems that allow people to bypass 911 as they contact emergency assistance. His involvement with this company evolves naturally from his passion for utilizing technology in ways that can save lives by speeding response times.  In discussing the potential of the system, he has helped develop, Robert notes that: “US regulators estimate that as many as 10,000 lives could be saved every year by reducing police response times by as little as one minute. In addition to saving lives, it could spare crime victims needless mental and physical trauma by faster police response.” Robert has also played a major role in developing web-based marketing systems for independent businesses. Intermeshing tried-and-true fundamentals with web-based system technologies, this system allows these businesses to compete effectively with known retail giants.

The web site for National Red Alert is 


Dan Barker

The First Amendment to the United States Constitution delivers a strong message: church and state must remain separated. But over the centuries considerable disagreement has raged as regards how this separation should express itself. And that debate has become particularly intense in recent years as many political candidates have made their religious beliefs the cornerstone of their campaigns.

Are they stepping over boundaries when they bring religion into realms where it night not belong? Or are they simply utilizing their freedom of speech rights? Nobody has the definitive response to that query. But it is the type of question that the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, which promotes separation of church and state, approaches from many angles. Dan Barker is the President and co-founder of this organization, coming to his position after gaining renown as a preacher with a bent for song.

The foundation’s web site is



June 15, 2022 Show

Mary Verdi Fletcher

Dancing Wheels delivers a strong message: performers in wheelchairs – seated dancers - can navigate around the stage with as much panache and dexterity as can dancers who move in more traditional ways. In fact, their presence can make a performance even more captivating than would otherwise be the case.  And their talent plus their resilience stands responsible for the fact that this troupe has received considerable recognition since it first began performing during the 1980s. The company has grown over the years until it currently serves as a training site for students from around the globe. Could Dancing Wheels become as successful as it has been if it was started now? Or would tough economic times make it virtually impossible for this venture to survive? There are no easy answers to these questions. But Mary Verdi Fletcher who originated the group has some intriguing responses.

Dancing Wheels web site is​ is 

Check the Dancing Wheels web site for information on its upcoming events.

Sara Lawrence-Sucato

As she describes it, Sara Lawrence-Sucato wears many hats within the Dancing Wheels organization. Retired after sixteen years dancing with the troupe that features both seated and standing dancers, she now serves as the company's rehearsal director and also handles outreach and in-studio classes for the School of Dancing Wheels.

Thanks to her experiences, she can offer valuable insights into some intriguing questions. Should integrated dancing be incorporated into more generalized programs for individuals with mobility issues? Can participating in integrated dancing help standing dancers gain more meaningful understanding of body movements than they might otherwise gain? Has integrated dancing ever been taught to veterans or others who were injured in wars as a means of helping them cope with their injuries?

Dancing Wheels was first organized during the 1980s and since its inception, it has become a leading source of inspiration and knowledge for other integrated dancing troupes. Its website is



June 1, 2022 Show


Mary Verdi Fletcher

Dancing Wheels delivers a strong message: performers in wheelchairs – seated dancers - can navigate around the stage with as much panache and dexterity as can dancers who move in more traditional ways. In fact, their presence can make a performance even more captivating than would otherwise be the case.  And their talent plus their resilience stands responsible for the fact that this troupe has received considerable recognition since it first began performing during the 1980s. The company has grown over the years until it currently serves as a training site for students from around the globe. Could Dancing Wheels become as successful as it has been if it was started now? Or would tough economic times make it virtually impossible for this venture to survive? There are no easy answers to these questions. But Mary Verdi Fletcher who originated the group has some intriguing responses.

Dancing Wheels web site is​ is 

Check the Dancing Wheels web site for information on its upcoming eventa..


Second Half of Show: 

Practical thoughts about guns and gun control from an enthusiastic gun-owner.



May 18, 2022 Show

Pegi Robinson


Near Death experiences occur when after an injury or other trauma, somebody’s spirit or whatever other word seems most appropriate within this context – moves into another realm before it returns to their physical body. Some people, however, think that this description remains overly dramatic. They maintain that NDEs might simply represent neural activity that closely resembles what goes on during a phenomenon called sleep paralysis.  However, they might conceptualize them, have people become more open over the years to accepting accounts of NDE? There are no easy answers to these questions? But Pegi Robinson who heads the Mid Ohio Valley Chapter of the International Association for Near Death Studies, which is committed to increasing the public’s awareness of NDEs should help us to gain some insights into these mysteries? The IANDS’ web site is



May 5, 2022 Show

Lauri Scharf

At one point, when an older person began to falter long term care in a nursing facility was almost the only available option for that individual. But times have changed and these days many even those who have been diagnosed with dementia, manage to remain in their own homes.

However, that arrangement might be contingent upon their receiving the type of support that We Care…Because You Do, a program of the Ohio-based Benjamin Rose Institute can provide. We Care can help the elderly and their care givers deal with major challenges: planning for long-term care; handling financial and legal concerns; exploring housing options and respite possibilities. And its offerings can prove more vital than ever as COVD precautions continue to make connecting with services more difficult than ever.

Lauri Scharf is a care consultant with We Care and also trains other care consultants. This program’s web site is

Dr Julie Gatza

The pandemic resulted in literally millions of people experiencing welcomed personal growth. They might have gained a greater appreciation for nature or strengthened their relationship with loved ones. But human nature being what it is, some less than optimum habits also came into play during the pandemic. People journeyed to their refrigerator and indulged in some high calorie treats more often than might have been optimum. The result of this indulgence: weight gains of 20 pounds or more became almost the norm.

How can people manage to lose that unwanted baggage? There are no easy answers to that riddle. However, Dr. Julie Gatza, co-founder of the Florida Wellness Institute, has some established some guidelines that can help people get back into their fighting shape. She maintains that, while this challenge might not prove easy, making lifestyle changes can help them reach their goals.

Her web site is


April 20, 2022 Show

Queen Mother Falaka Fattah

Initiated by community activist David and Falaka Fattah the Philadelphia-based House of Umoja began operating during the 1970s. And since that point, it has committed itself to making the word “umoja” (community) a reality as it has become a source of counsel and personal development for neighborhood youths. In addition to providing homes for many young males who might not otherwise have stabilized housing, it has also turned the The Adella, a mechanism for conflict resolution and problem solving into a widely used tool. Through its planting seeds program, The House of Umoja's Planting Seeds posts posters emblazoned with anti-violence messages throughout marginalized neighborhoods. While it acknowledges that this strategy is simple rather than elaborate, the messages these posters spread will have the power to counteract the negativism that is spread by the media and other sources. An array of them can be downloaded at    The House of Umoja’s web site is 



April 6, 2022 Show


Margaret Nash and Karen Graves


During 1974, Marjorie Rowland, a guidance counselor in Ohio’s Mad River School District was fired for being open about her bisexuality. Her case made its way to the Supreme Court after a lower court ruled that her openness was not constitutionally protected, because it did not touch upon matters of public concern. The Justices declined to consider it. However, in a spectacular dissent, Justice William Brennan argued that the First and Fourteenth Amendments apply to bisexuals, gays, and lesbians. That dissent became the foundation for LGBTQ civil rights advances ever since it was written.


And in recognition of that fact Margaret Nash and Karen Graves have written a book - Mad River, Marjorie Rowland, and the Quest for LGBTQ Teachers’ Rights – that commemorates that case and will be published by Rutgers University Press this August. Both of these women have previously written extensively about educational issues

Margaret Nash

Karen Graves



March 16, 2022 Show

Jeanna Davis


Statistics compiled by the Nursing Home Abuse Center indicate that one out of ten people age 65 or older who live at home suffer elder abuse. This mistreatment which can be physical, emotional or financial in nature remains a matter of serious concern as it often has a devastating impact upon the victims. In extreme instances, it can even increase their chances of dying by 300%.   


Yet, for years, this problem has remained largely hidden from public view. The news media rarely if ever mention it. Victims remain too embarrassed or too intimidated to seek help. However, the Ohio based Eliza Bryant Village Elder Justice Center is not only working to bring this abuse out into the open. It is also provides care for victims of this mistreatment.  


This center offers them a shelter, where they are safe from mistreatment and their dignity is respected. The center’s web site is   



February 17, 2022 Show

Dr. Thelma Reese

Particularly during the early days of the pandemic it was announced ad infinitum that older Americans face more dire circumstances if they contract the virus than do younger Americans. And in substantiating these warnings, medical authorities pointed to two factors: Seniors tend to have weakened immune systems plus underlying health problems. However, these pronouncements overlooked the fact that seniors can be more resilient than some give them credit for being. And the fact that they have attained their advancing age attests to the fact that they are survivors who can withstand hard times.

Dr. Thelma Reese is well equipped to speak to these points. As they wrote “How Seniors are Saving the World: Retirement Activists to the Rescue” BJ Kittredge, a health editor and Dr. Thelma Reese, who blogs at , were determined to present their generation in a more positive light than is often the case.


Christopher Cook

Traditionally, students have been expelled if their behavior became overly disruptive. But the Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District’s Alternative to Expulsion Program grants them another chance to graduate with their class. Christopher Cook heads that effort. We all know how difficult the pandemic has been for young people. By virtually all accounts, a high proportion of them have suffered anxiety and depression; feelings of confusion or hopelessness are widespread. And these challenges might be even more extreme for young people who have already exhibited behavior problems as have participants in the Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District’s Alternative to Expulsion Program. This effort has one major goal in mind: ensure that participants graduate with their class. Has the pandemic made it more difficult for them to reach that goal? Have the uncertainties that have come in its wake created turmoil that prevented them from moving forward? Has it lessened their motivation to take positive steps towards securing their future? Christopher Cook who heads this program can provide us with some responses to these quandaries.



February 2, 2022 Show

Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci

Medical students generally spend much of their time attending classes or working in laboratories and medical facilities. But Dr. Marilyn R. Gugliucci has spearheaded programs that takes students far outside their usual comfort zone. They might learn through virtual reality learning labs how visual or hearing issues can make it difficult to function. Or they might spend time either living as a older resident for 2 weeks in a long-term care facility or providing care to patients who are dying as the students live for 48 hours in an acute care hospice home. No matter what the specifics, these experiences all have a similar goal: help students at the University of New England’s College of Osteopathic Medicine better understand the emotions patients encounter as they face aging and end of life issues.

Has the pandemic forced Dr. Gugliucci and her staff to totally curtail or greatly change their programs? Has it made their efforts more essential than was ever previously the case? You can read more about Dr. Gugliucci’s work at this link. She serves as a professor and director of geriatrics research at her Maine-based college, the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine.


Dr. Fran Parker

These days, psychological terms are tossed around with impunity, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is no exception to that general rule. But that outspokenness does not necessarily mean the public as a whole comprehends the challenges individuals who are living with this condition face.

And the pandemic has seemingly made these challenges more daunting than might normally be the case. The places they frequent regularly are open one minute and then closed the next. And the virus has also cut them off from the support systems that were nurturing them.

How are they managing to cope? Are they relying upon their own personal strengths which might not previously have been recognizing? Are they becoming adept at utilizing on line sources that help stabilize them?

There are no easy answers to these questions, but Dr. Fran Parker a Michigan-based psychologist who has long worked ADHD clients can provide some intriguing responses.



January 19, 2022 Show


Tom Hlavin

Tom Hlavin’s background is in sales. But his experience in the business world has taught him the importance of identifying a need and finding the most efficacious means of answering it. So, when he came to believe that a lack of technological skills was isolating many senior citizens, he swung into action.  Spending his own money, he bought 150 Fire tablets. And that purchase turned out to be the beginnings of the Ohio-based Simply Virtual which seeks to welcome seniors to today’s wired world.  It has distributed nearly 400 tablets - internet access - to participants. 

Along the way Tom has had to prove his mettle as a problem solver. For example, when shaky hands or arthritis proved utilizing the tablets challenging he bought styluses for participants to use. And he has sent technicians to work directly with seniors who needed that personal contact to improve their technical skills. 

This organization’s web site is 

Laurel Wittman


Caring for a disabled or chronically ill individual can prove stressful and wearing even under the best of circumstances, much less during a pandemic. But it can become particularly demanding when somebody is nurturing a spouse or partner. And that is why the New Jersey-based Well Spouse Association (WSA) is committed to supporting individuals who are dealing with these challenges.  


Although it is sometimes viewed in these terms, spousal care giving is not something that only involves the aged. Nor is it limited to supporting individuals who are living with any specific disease. And aware of that fact, Well Spouse provides a wide range of programs, increasing the chances that members will find offerings that fit their specific needs. That list includes Support Groups (currently meeting online), an online chat forum, mentorship, respites, and a bi-monthly publication. 


Laurel Wittman serves as President of WSA’s Board of Director. The organization’s web site is 



January 5, 2022 Show

Sam Kukich

After Sam Kukich became aware that long-term care facilities often provide residents with less than optimum, she became committed to fixing what she considered to be a great wrong. And that resolve led her to form Dignity for the Aged.  Soon after her mother-in-law moved into a long-term care facility, Sam Kukich became aware that this institution and others like it provide a level of care that veers far from what they advertise themselves as providing. And this awakening led her to form the Virginia-based Dignity for the Aged. This organization has worked to upgrade the care that nursing home residents receive. It has teams that are working to achieve that objective throughout the United States as well as in Canada and Kenya. And this organization is also committed to increasing awareness of some economic realities: Understaffing in long term care facilities is often attributed to the fact that these facilities are not managing to attract workers. But much more might be involved. Financial interests might welcome understaffing as being a means by which they can boost profitability by cutting costs. Dignity for Aged website is 

Aaron Zober

Some of the people who visit the Appropriate Omnivore web site might be strict vegetarians, while others might regularly partake in a juicy steak. No matter what their personal preferences, however, it strongly encourages them to eat nutrient dense foods, such as sourdough bread or grass fed cheese, that have long been mainstay’s of human’s diets. And it emphasizes that health-giving treats such as a popsicle made with real fruit can be just as tasty as might be a treat loaded with sugar.

Aaron Zober, a transplanted Midwesterner, originated the Appropriate Omnivore after he moved to California. Reading The Omnivore’s Dilemma by Michael Pollan push him to make that commitment as it convinced him that animals which are pastured and raised humanely are needed to save the planet.

The Appropriate Omnivore web site on which its podcasts are hosted is



December 16, 2021 Show

Harriet and Zman discuss what might be expected during the coming year

and what people will read about our decade 20 to 40 years from now.

Paul Kidd

When Paul Kidd moved to Cleveland during 2019 he became determined to do something that to the best of his knowledge nobody had ever previously done. He decided to acquaint himself with his adopted hometown by running down each of its streets. By his estimation, he will have travelled about 1500 miles by the time he reaches his goal. And he has been keeping a blog so he can share his adventures with others.

This project, which has become a passion for him, is not only acquainting Kidd with Cleveland. It is also helping him stay active physically. He has long been a recreational runner but most of his runs have been in gym. When they were closed during the pandemic, he had to find an alternative means of exercising and that is exactly what his project has afforded him.



December 1, 2021 Show

Jill Cohen

In a manner of speaking our entire country – not only people who have lost somebody to the virus – is experiencing a state of mourning.  And there are many reasons why people are feeling overwhelmed. They might have lost their job as their business closed or laid off people during the pandemic.  Or, less dramatically, they might have come to perceive themselves as be  ng a stranger in a changing world where service is no longer delivered and the shelves are not stocked.  What can be done to support people who are enduring emotional and physical stress for any of the above reasons? Is their discomfort likely to become even more acute than ever as we enter the holiday season? There are no easy answers to these questions. But Jill Cohen, a New York City-based grief counselor, has some valuable insights. Her web site is  

Mark Cheplowitz

Great spectacles to commemorate major events or holidays have long been part of the American landscape. During the pandemic, however, they have not been nearly as vibrant, flamboyant or attention grabbing was once the case. In fact, most typically, pandemic restrictions have prevented them from taking place at all. But all of that might be changing as Americans begin putting the pandemic behind them. Will these spectacles ever reach their previous highs or will they forever be relegated to much toned-down versions. There are no easy answers to these questions as nobody can reliably predict the future.  However, Mark Cheplowitz, the founder and president of the New York City-based Wizard of Ahs, has some thought-provoking insights on these matters. Some of his credits: He served as the Creative Consultant for the Super Bowl, Orange Bowl, Gator Bowl, Pro Football Hall of Fame Game, and Monday Night Football.

His company’s website is 



November 22, 2021 Show

Craig Matis   Connect to One

Connect to One was formed during 2013 by Craig Matis who had come to believe that an organization which encourages individuals who have special needs to develop relationships was desperately needed. His experiences as the father of a son with special needs lent an urgency to his commitment.  And at least in one case, these relationships formed through Connect to one have resulted in something permanent. As Josh M and Katie M, who are engaged to be married, described it: "Hey, Craig. Thank you for all your help. I can't tell you how thankful me and Katie are for your helping us find each other. Thank you."  The applications that prospect members send to Connect to One are reviewed and verified before it is placed in a password protected directory. Members can view profiles in this data base and place requests to meet another member; the recipient can either accept or refuse this request. This organization’s web site is

Email Craig: 



November 17, 2021 Show

Chief Annette Mecklenberg

Recent tragedies have led Americans to proclaim almost in unison that police departments are not exercising sufficient vigilance when they hire and retain officers, allowing officers who represent a clear danger to remain on the force. However, while Americans are generally united in making these claims they are much less unified when it comes to expressing what can be done to rectify the situation. Some people maintain that police forces should be defunded with kinder and gentler professionals, better equipped to deescalate rather than escalate situations, taking over their duties. Others favor civil reviews which will make it harder for police to hide behind what is often termed a blue shield whereby police protect their fellow officers from public scrutiny.  


Chief Annette Mecklenberg who heads the Cleveland Heights, Ohio police department has some thoughts about these matters that are worth considering. Her city’s web site is



November 3, 2021 Show

Nera Birch

Because it comes in such a wide variety of shapes and sizes autism can be very difficult if not virtually impossible to diagnose. And determining how people who are autistic – or more accurately placed within the autistic spectrum - might be gently nudged towards more socially sanctioned behavior can become even more challenging. That is the case because in today’s millennial world an increasing large number of individuals who are living with autism are claiming that they do not have to be treated at all. These self-advocates proudly proclaim that they should simply be allowed to follow their own individual paths instead of being expected to comply with what others might term normal. Nera Birch, has long proclaimed these self-affirming thoughts. She serves as a self-advocate with the Ohio based Milestones, which provides support of individuals on the autism spectrum. This organization’s web site is



October 20, 2021 Show

Kathryn McCamant


Americans have traditionally favored single family houses in the suburbs complete with all the amenities that they could afford. But these days, at least in part because of the pandemic, they are considering other options, including cohousing which combines private homes with common facilities in the hopes of creating cohesiveness among residents.  However, long experience has taught Kathryn McCamant that establishing cohousing arrangements is fraught with challenges such as zoning laws that cannot easily be surmounted. And that is why she formed the California-based Cohousing-solutions to help people overcome these stumbling blocks. It provides consultations that focus on everything from site search and acquisition to Project and construction management. That organization has developed the 500 Communities program a training curriculum which equips participants to play a role in the creation of the next 500 cohousing communities. The group’s web site is

Dan Barker 

Many events have captured the public’s imagination during recent years. They include among other things, the insurrection that took place on January 6th, 2021 the worker shortage which is obliging companies to reconfigure themselves and America’s efforts to work its way through the pandemic. But will these events resonate through the decades. Forty or fifty years from now will students read about them in history books? Or, will they essentially be relegated to history’s dustpan as have many other occurrences that seemed consequential on many levels as they transpired?  It goes without saying that nobody can answer these questions with any degree of certainty. The future is not that easy to predict. However, Dan Barker has some intriguing responses to them. He is the president of the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, which promotes separation of church and state. The foundation’s web site is



October 13, 2021 Show

Michael Daniel

During the pandemic, months of the year, not to mention days of the week, have begun to elude us. Is it Monday or is it Tuesday? Are we entering fall or are we approaching spring?  It is sometimes hard to know these things for sure.  Most of us have learned to rely upon our computers or upon our phones to settle any confusion we are experiencing as regards times or dates. However, some folks are turning to more time worn methods of keeping in sync. They are relying upon clocks of the old-fashioned variety, ones that might sit on a shelf or grace a living room.  And showing a love for these treasured instruments horologists are working hard to keep them in good functioning order.  Michael Daniel owns Cleveland Clock Repair can tell us more about their efforts. His company’s web site is



October 6, 2021 Show

Lauri Scharf


At one point, when an older person’s memory or health began to falter long term care in a nursing facility was almost the only available option for that individual. But times have changed and these days many persons, even those who have been diagnosed with dementia, manage to remain in their own homes.  

However, that arrangement might be contingent upon their receiving the type of support that We Care…Because You Do can provide. A program of the Ohio-based Benjamin Rose Institute, it can help the elderly and their care givers deal with major challenges that that they are facing: planning for long-term care; addressing financial and legal concerns; exploring housing options; understanding respite possibilities; bringing families together around care giving duties. And its offerings can prove more essential than ever as the pandemic creates considerable uncertainty and safety precautions can make connecting with services more difficult.  

Lauri Scharf is a care consultant with We Care and also trains other care consultants. This program’s web site is 



September 15, 2021 Show

Anthony Nunez

RUDY, a jovial and obliging fellow, would like to introduce himself to you. However, if you are planning on engaging with him, you will have to keep in mind the fact that he does not speak in the language to which you have become accustomed. That is only to be expected because as the folks at Maryland-based INF Robotics explain it he is: “…an AI-enabled mobile solution that helps users remain physically healthy, mentally sharp, and socially connected.” In common parlance, he is a robot.

And as is the case with virtually all technology, he has the potential to be useful in a multitude of ways. As he handles some basic, skill he could help to deal with the worker shortages that are plaguing many nursing facilities; going a step further, he might be very helpful to people who want to age at home but need a little help.

Lara Proegler


Essential oils, the chemical components that give plants their characteristic odors, have long been utilized in the production of perfumes and flavors. Now, however, they are also being widely touted for their unique ability to help the body rebalance itself. 


Some oils, such as sage, geranium and thyme, help woman regulate their estrogen and progesterone levels. Other essential oils, meanwhile, have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that help to boost immune. And still others relieve upset stomachs, indigestion, diarrhea, stomach spasms.  

When she markets these oils (manufactured by deTerra), Lara Proegler goes beyond merely noting that they can be immensely healing, she also alerts people to cautions that they must take when purchasing this product. She, for example, tells them that they should look askance at displays where all essential oils are sold at the same price (per weight).


Her web site is 




September 1, 2021 Show

Brian Anderson

Many of Cleveland Height’s small business have managed to survive the health crisis. Why have stores and restaurants displayed that great resilience? Brian Anderson who serves as that city’s business development manager can provide us with some insight into these matters.  Cleveland Heights, an inner ring suburb, has an array of small businesses that are renowned for their uniqueness as well as for the great resilience they have shown during our ongoing health crisis. And the city has attempted to make certain that their hard efforts will prove successful by foregoing parking fees and distributing CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) funds to qualifying merchants.  But will everybody’s good intentions eventually translate into that city’s small businesses surviving the pandemic? That question does not elicit a simple yes or no response. Some are managing better than ever while, even ones that have been fixtures in the community for decades, have closed permanently. And then there is the fact that they will soon be facing competition from a major development slated to feature high end stores.

Bruce Silverglade

When people enter the boxing ring, they most typically pit their strength and agility against that of a human competitor. However, these days boxers have been dealing with a very different type of opponent – a virus that despite its potential to knock people out remains essentially unseen. It has either kept them out of the ring all together or greatly limited the time they can spend between the ropes. Refusing to be defeated by this crafty and vigilant opponent, the Brooklyn-based Gleason’s Gym is now completely open.

Over the years, Gleason’s has attracted a celebrity clientele that has included Jake LaMotta, Muhammad Ali, Roberto Duran and Hillary Swank - as she prepared to star in Million Dollar Baby. However, Gleason’s current owner, Bruce Silverglade, is committed to ensuring that the gym continues to serve people with a wide range of needs, not just bold face names.

Gleason’s web site is 




August 18, 2021 Show

Pat Swann

Young athletes stand vulnerable to abuse as they push to become competitive, and their instructors take advantage of their youthful enthusiasm. That harsh reality has been brought home lately; the media have reported numerous instances of instructors becoming abusive on both a physical and psychological level. And as is the case in more popularized sports – basketball, swimming, gymnastics - young equestrians have on occasion been subjected to mistreatment.  What can be done to prevent a child’s love for animals renowned for their grace and beauty from being perverted into something ugly? Pat Swann who owns the Ohio-based Trumpeter Stables and has long committed himself to training riders has some meaningful responses to these questions. Having been involved in the equestrian world since he was quite young, he can also discuss how the sport has changed hopefully for the better over the years.



August 4, 2021 Show

NDE Survivor Pegi Robinson

There is no general agreement as regards what near death experiences actually represent. Many people envision them as being something spiritual. After an injury or other trauma, somebody’s spirit – or whatever other word seems most appropriate – moves into another realm before it returns to their physical body. Others, however, claim that there is nothing otherworldly about nds; they represent neural activity that closely resembles what goes on during a phenomenon called sleep paralysis. Has anything happened during the pandemic that has helped us to gain some clarity about these matters? Did the countless number of people who passed through life threatening stages of COVID but survived experienced NDEs?  Pegi Robinson who heads the Mid Ohio Valley chapter of the International Association for Near Death Studies, which is committed to increasing the public’s awareness of NDEs should help us to gain some insights into these mysteries? The IANDS’ web site is 



July 21, 2021 Show

Dr. Julie Gatza

People tend to accept many discomforts as simply being an inevitable part of the aging process. And constipation, diarrhea or gas are high on that list. But Dr. Julie Gatza, co-founder of the Florida Wellness Institute, does not think that these annoyances, ones people are often reluctant to discuss, are inevitable. On the contrary, she maintains that lifestyle changes – eating plenty of fiber, drinking a lot of water, exercising regularly, reducing stress whenever possible- can help to lessen their severity. And she also claims that digestive enzyme supplements can help you enjoy greater comfort.  A chiropractor with more than 30 years of clinical practice, Dr. Julie, acknowledges that making that the lifestyle changes she considers essential will prove a challenge for virtually anybody. But she maintains that this challenge can become manageable if handled in small steps, one after the other. Her web site is



July 7, 2021 Show

Karen Hatfield

During more normal times, people are left to grieve in their own way. Their emotions lead them along their personal path to recovery. However, the pandemic has torn apart these established patterns. It has, among other things, stopped people from being able to hold memorial services that involve more than a very few select individuals or gain strength from people who come from distances to help them heal. Then, there is the fact that bereaved individuals might struggle with the fact they could not comfort their loved one as she approached her final days. So, what can be done to help people work their way through their grief under such trying circumstances. Karen Hatfield, who serves as the Team Leader, Counseling Services at the Ohio-based Hospice of the Western Reserve has some intriguing responses to these questions.

The web site for the hospice is  Information on its efforts to help people through their grieving process can be found at this link.

Dr. Michael Lewis

In some form or another, the pandemic definitely unsettled every single one of us. Among other things, it separated us from our normal routines and in some cases resulted in our feeling considerable stress as uncertainty surrounded us. Does that mean we can expect to suffer some degree of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) as we might if we had experienced a concussion other traumatic injury?

Or will all those months of being isolated soon strike us as being nothing more than a bad dream, something that happened a while back and has no real impact upon our lives going forward? Dr. Michael Lewis, a former military physician, who is now associated with the Maryland-based Brain Care Center, has some intriguing responses to these questions. He employs Targeted Nutritional Therapy, Hormone Balancing, EEG Neurofeedback to treat brain trauma no matter what caused it.

His web site is



June 16, 2021 Show

Laci Cornelison

Throughout the years, long term care facilities have faced a real quandary. How do they respect residents’ privacy, allowing them to enjoy their individuality, while also making sure that they remain safe? And the pandemic has made this dilemma even more entangled as the need to protect residents grew overwhelming.  A resident, for example, might have become accustomed to socializing regularly, benefitting from these interactions. So, these questions loom: How do you isolate her from this contact in an effort to protect her without causing her more harm than good? Being isolated might have allowed her to survive the pandemic. But did it leave her permanently depleted and less resilient than had been her norm?  As a research assistant at the Center on Aging at Kansas State University, Laci Cornelison is involved in work with nursing homes aimed at working through these dilemmas and identifying best practices for nursing homes.

The center’s web site is


Sam Kukich

As Sam Kukich visited her mother-in-law over several years, she observed that the facilities where this elderly woman lived failed to provide the promised level of care and in many cases were negligent or even downright abusive. So, she established the Virginia-based Dignity for Aged, using the skills she had developed in civilian and military positions as she worked towards protecting vulnerable individuals.
This organization has spearheaded many efforts aimed at making life in nursing facilities more pleasant; for example, it arranges for volunteers to either visit residents who might not otherwise have visitors. However, it goes a step further by increasing awareness of the economics implicit in administering a nursing home. Its web site points out what might be viewed as being a harsh reality. By its accounting, understaffing allows these facilities to be run profitably even as they do not provide residents with an adequate (promised) level of service.

Dignity for Aged website is 



June 2, 2021 Show

Rebekah Ives

Some people are moving out of the pandemic and into their new normal with enhanced self-assurance, while others are finding that being kept away from others has resulted in their experiencing ongoing depression and anxiety. No matter what the specifics for each individual, however, in one way or another we have all been touched by the health emergency. It has left virtually nobody unscathed. But what about pets? As members of our household have they been impacted upon the pandemic? They cannot communicate their thoughts in precise sentences but do they realize that the lives around them have been upended? As an animal communicator, Rebekah Lee Ives might have some meaningful answers to these questions. She connects with animals through a wide variety of modalities: words, images, sensations in the body, sounds in the mind, emotions and sudden knowings. The web site for her Ohio-based practice is

Kathy Blackman

How have musicians survived during the pandemic and how are they managing to move into their new normal now that the health crisis might be receding from our lives. Kathy Blackman who owns the Ohio-based Grog Shop is here to answer some of these questions. Many musicians turned to the internet in an effort to share their music during the pandemic. Some even managed to employ technical wizardry so the music one person played could be blended with the music another person played in a different location. However, all too often, these efforts produced mix results and the pay was less than generous. So, they are now looking forward to the opportunities that the reopening of America will bring their way. It won’t happen immediately, but they remain confident that they will arrive at their new normal. And in keeping with that upbeat spirit, the Ohio-based Grog Shop has already opened its doors as it is returning to its accustomed schedule of shows 365 days a year. Kathy Blackman who owns that establishment is here to explain how it intends to safely carry out that agenda. The venues web site is 




May 19, 2021 Show

Ben Turshen

It is well established that meditation has a wide range of benefits. Among other things, it can reduce stress, lessening the symptoms of stress-triggered medical conditions. And it has also been credited with enhancing self-awareness, as it nudges practitioners towards making positive changes. All of which seems to indicate that it can prove particularly beneficial during the pandemic when many people are struggling with emotional health concerns and acclimating themselves to restriction. And it might, likewise, help folks who are who are trying to achieve their new normal as the pandemic ebbs for them.

Ben Turshen is anxious to spread this message. He came to meditation after he realized his usual methods of managing his emotional turmoil – exercise, therapy, and medication - were no longer keeping him centered as he worked at a high-pressure legal job. His web site is

Scott Z

There is a long list of reasons why Americans feel attached to their guns. Some folks consider them valuable because they take them hunting. Others view them in favorable terms because they feel challenged when they use them as they take target practice. And then, there are the millions of Americans who consider having a gun to be their birthright, not to mention their means of protecting themselves.

But other Americans view guns through a very different lens. They consider them to be dangerous. By their reckoning, there are too many guns in the wrong people’s hands. And they are particularly adamant about the fact that people should not be allowed to own what are essentially military armament.

What common ground can be found between people who express these two very different points of view? Scott Z who by the way is the engineer for his program is a gun enthusiast who thinks that a middle ground can be found by making people aware that if appropriate cautions are taken guns do not have to represent a danger.



May 5, 2021 Show

Angel Reyes

As the pandemic made people leery of taking public transportation or carpooling, bicycles became a popular item. In fact, N.P.D. Group, a market research firm, reported that during March, 2020 sales of commuter and fitness bikes in the same month increased 66 percent over the numbers for March,2019. The corresponding numbers for leisure bikes was 121 percent. Those same exponential gains are probably not being repeated this year. But bikes are backlogged to the point it might take months before you receive one that meets your specifications as interest in that mode of transportation remains high.  And in keeping with that fact, the Heights Bicycle Coalition is working to make biking safer and more pleasurable for residents of that city. It is, for example, working with the Cleveland Heights City Hall to improve the chances that stolen bicycles will be returned.  The coalition’s web site which has good information for bikers everywhere is Angel Reyes serves as its Communications Committee Co-Chair.

David Nassaney

During 1996, David Nassaney’s wife, Charlene, suffered a massive stroke that left her with severe speech and mobility impediments. In time, however, thanks to her strong faith and determination, she became able to resume many of the activities that had filled her life before she experienced this trauma. As she progressed, David also began challenging himself in somewhat unexpected ways. Anxious to support others who are also serving as caregivers, he hosts a podcast plus a weekly radio show called “Dave, the Caregiver’s Caregiver, Avoiding Burnout.” And he has also become a best-selling author, who marketed his fourth book It's Your Life Too!: Thrive and Stay Alive as a Caregiver by appearing on 35 morning talk shows. David has, likewise, formed a support group which members can join through his website  and grants them 24/7 online support, live weekly calls, and practical solutions to the challenges they are facing.



April 21, 2021 Show

Genevieve Gipson

Under the very best of circumstances nursing assistants in long-term living facilities have a difficult job - commitment that can prove both physically and emotionally exhausting - as they support vulnerable individuals. But the pandemic has, no doubt, made their work more challenging than might otherwise be the case; they have had to enforce precautions designed to keep residents safe. And then, there is the fact they often have to deal with understaffing, being obliged to care for more residents than might be advisable.  Is understaffing ongoing in these facilities because people are hardly anxious to apply for positions as nursing assistants? Or, is more involved. Are administers of nursing homes lax about hiring more nursing assistants because they want to boost their profits by bringing down expenses? Genevieve Gipson who heads Career Nursing Associates has some interesting responses to these questions.


Sharon Hatfield

Edith Maxwell was living a quiet life as a 21-year-old first year teacher in rural Virginia when a tragic incident landed her in the middle of a media feeding frenzy. She was accused of killing her father, Trigg Maxwell, after a fight they got into when she arrived home late turned fatal.  

Did Edith, terrified of his drunken behavior which she had long endured, kill her father in self-defense? Or did she resent his attempts to control her and deliberately strike him with a heavy object? There are no clear answers to those questions. In her book Never Seen the Moon: The Trials of Edith Maxwell, Sharon Hatfield leaves it to the reader to decide. Amid the legal twists and turns, Hatfield captures readers' attention as she relates the sensationalistic media coverage of the trials Edith had to endure until she finally earned her freedom. The book page is and Sharon’s bio page is Sharon’s Facebook page is


April 7, 2021 Show

Shalom Plotkin

Throughout its history, Right at Home has been committed to achieving one major goal: safeguard vulnerable individuals – those with special needs who chose to remain in their own home however they might define it. And in keeping with that fact it has helped, families devise care plans that matches each client’s individual needs and budget.

How did Right at Home manage to continue serving clients during the pandemic when so many safety precautions were in place? How will things change for the company now that many of its clients plus its workers are vaccinated? Shalom Plotkin who heads that company’s Cleveland franchises, one of 500 located across the country, acknowledges that it has often been quite a challenge. His franchise’s web site is 


David Lange

entitled his book “Virginity Lost in Vietnam.” And that title tells his story in more than one way, because he not only lost his virginity in a physical sense. He also lost it in a much broader sense as he came into contact with cultures that had previously been totally unfamiliar to him. That awakening led him to believe, among other things, that the privileged and the less resourced were living in two different worlds which rarely interacted with one another.

Lange also writes about the adventures he experienced after he came home from Vietnam. He hitchhiked across the country to visit and party with former shipmates. Liberal use of marijuana and alcohol lubricated those wanderings.

Before long, however, he settled into a career in journalism that lasted forty years and included the editing of a small local newspaper. His web site is





March 17, 2021 Show

Kathryn McCamant

Cohousing communities offer residents the best of both worlds; they live in their own private housing while still socializing extensively in common facilities. Most of these communities are organized as townhouse or condominium developments with a homeowners association; a few are organized as cooperatives. No matter what the specifics they have managed to function in as accustomed a manner as possible during the pandemic.

The modern theory of cohousing originated in Denmark in the 1960s after Bodil Graae wrote a newspaper article, entitled "Children Should Have One Hundred Parents, “ which spurred a group of 50 families to organize to organize themselves into a

The California-based Cohousing-Solutions has helped people across the country to establish cohousing developments. Katie McCamant, who has worked as a developer, architect, and now development consultant is, leads this organization. In 1988, she coauthored Cohousing: A Contemporary approach to Housing Ourselves, the book that introduced this housing model to the English speaking world. The updated version is Creating Cohousing: Building Sustainable Communities.



March 3, 2021 Show

Jonathan Clues  

Founded during1989, Teen Ink was dedicated to publishing work by teens for teens. Its editors selected submissions that were published in its web site and then picked the most appropriate of these for its print edition that reached hundreds of thousands of students across the country, This Georgia-based publication enjoyed support from a wide range of sources: advertising revenue, donations, payments from subscribers, royalties from the sale of the Teen Ink books and products.  Unfortunately, Teen Ink became an economic victim of COVID; the previous ownership team dissolved in 2020. But it is nothing if not resilient and, under new leadership, it will be re-launched as an online vehicle next month. Jonathan Clues is the owner of this publication. Its web site is 



February 17, 2021 Show

Cory Chalmers

When Cory Chalmers started Steri-Clean, he wanted his firm to do more than simply clean the debris from hoarders’ homes. He hoped that its employees would guide clients towards feeling feel celebratory about freeing themselves from the clutter that was engulfing them.  Cory Chalmers formed Steri-Clean after his 14 years as a paramedic made him acutely aware of one thing. A company which could handle challenging clean up jobs – crime scene sanitization, biohazard removal, hoarder disposal - was desperately needed. And that is why he started the Colorado-based Steri-Clean. But he wanted his firm to go behind simply cleansing environments that desperately needed that attention. He wanted it to exhibit humanity; its employees are, for example, trained to help hoarders feel celebratory about freeing themselves from the clutter that was disrupting their stability. They are being given what might be termed a second chance.  Cory, who also serves as host of “Hoarders” is CEO of Steri-Clean which has franchises in 40 different locations. He has been the keynote speaker at hundreds of conferences and seminars held throughout the United States and Canada. His company’s web site is

Beth Betcher

CaringBridge provides a service that can prove essential to people during very stressful times. Through its auspices, they can create a web site that disseminates information about a loved one’s medical condition. When JoAnn Hardegger and Darrin Swanson, had a premature baby named Brighid during 1997, their friend, Sonia Mahring, created a website through which they could pass along essential information about that baby’s progress. And her efforts proved to be the impetus for CaringBridge.  Through this organization’s auspices more than half a million websites like the one Sonia originally created for her friends have been generated, allowing people to stay in contact with friends and family at a stressful point in their life. Each of these web sites is programmed to ensure the privacy or all involved and, when appropriate, to incorporate calls for help.   CaringBridge is currently working to handle the challenges – the isolation of hospitalized individuals, the unpredictability of the virus’ progression – that the pandemic has brought its way. Beth Betcher is the Engagement Marketing Manager for that organization. Its web site is .





February 3, 2021 Show

Bettina Dickson Rusher


Vulnerable individuals, such as nursing home residents, often must be isolated to protect them from the virus. And these precautions will continue even after they have been vaccinated. But these precautions can lead to their experiencing loneliness and depression as they cannot enjoy their accustomed human contact. So, keeping distancing these individuals might be an instance where the cure is worse than the disease.  Can robo-pets, mechanical instruments that are programmed to bark and do many other things on demand, provide a means by which individuals can have some interaction/ contact even if they are isolated? Or, do they simply represent a toy better left to children than to adults?  There are no easy answers to that question. But Bettina Dickson Rusher has some valuable insights. She and her sister, Frances, started Memorable Pets after they had been challenged by their care giving journey with their mother.  

The web site for the Georgia-based Memorable Pets is  

Shannon Leavitt

There are good reasons why yoga has earned a wide following during recent years; it not only helps those who follow its many paths to gain body acceptance it also enhances their strength, flexibility, and balance. And designed for those who want to both lift weights and do yoga in one sitting, yogalift adds another dynamic to yoga as it has been traditionally practiced. A certified health coach, personal trainer, and also authored Learn to Be Lean. Intended as a workbook, this text offers an alternative to crash course diet plans, guiding readers to take charge of their health in a way that will prove sustainable. It seeks to realign lives, not just move the numbers on a scale downward. Her web site is



January 20, 2021 Show

Anthony Hitch 

A quick glance might leave you with the impression some people are gliding through the pandemic essentially untouched. They are working from home so they are safe, and they appear to be encountering little financial stress. But despite the fact they are privileged in some regards, they still might be feeling disconnected as they miss the gentle hugs or friendly handshakes that were once part of their normal routines. And aware of that fact, Anthony Hitch hopes to help them overcome these negative sentiments by incorporating a carefully blended mix of modalities into the sessions he shares with clients.

As he explains it: these meetings offer “massage and energy work fused seamlessly into a powerful, sensual, hypnotic flow with an emphasis on Myofascial Release, Craniosacral techniques, and Yoga positions/ breathing techniques.” An active Usui/Tibeten Reiki practitioner since 2013, he remains impressed by its potential to guide people towards more peaceful states. The website for Anthony’s Ohio-based practice is 


Megan Hustings

You might imagine that people who are homeless during the pandemic are at high risk of getting the virus because they lack the facilities to practice good hygiene and enjoy little personal space. But the facts do not necessarily support that assumption. Infection rates among that population are lower than anybody might suspect. For example, across the bay from San Francisco, the Alameda County Health Care for the Homeless, across the Bay from San Francisco. Of the 3,200 coronavirus tests that the organization has conducted in Oakland, only 2.9 percent were positive. Yet, their lack of shelter and lack of proper medical care places the homeless at increased risk of other diseases. And their numbers are growing.

Megan Hustings serves as the Interim Director of the National Coalition for the Homeless, and she is working to keep this group as safe as its difficult circumstances will allow. The organization’s web site is 



January 6, 2021 Show

Michael Unger

Although you might generally be quite active, the pandemic might have turned you into more of a couch potato than you ever imagined anything could. That lack of movement could have resulted in climbing steps or maneuvering through uneven pavements becoming a challenge for you.  

So, you know that you must do something to get yourself back into shape. But several roadblocks are standing in your way of achieving that objective. Due to ongoing pandemic restrictions the gyms are closed. And exercising has never been easy for you; it might even bring back hurtful memories of your being chosen last for sports teams.    

That is where Michael Ungar might prove helpful. Working with clients in their homes or virtually, he helps them prevent falls by improving their balance and strengthening their muscles. He is an ACE (American Council on Exercise) -certified Personal Trainer. His web site is 




December 16, 2020 Show

Dr. Cass Ingram

The pandemic transformed our lives at breakneck speed. We were going about our business as normal. And then what seemed to be only minutes later we were tossed into a world that bore an eerie resemblance to “The Twilight Zone.”

Hemp oil or CBD also entered our world at an amazingly swift pace. Just a few short years ago people were struggling to pronounce its scientific name “canabiodol,” and now they are maintaining that it can help ease us through our ongoing medical crisis by keeping us calm. Are the claims that some people are making for this substance valid or they more of a hype than anything else? That question cannot presently be answered with any degree of certainty. But Cass Ingram should be able to clear up some of this confusion.

He has since written over 20 books on natural healing, including his latest, The Canabis Cure.” A popular media personality, he has appeared on over 5,000 radio and TV shows. His web site is 


Marcia Flesner

Statistics published earlier this year concluded that nursing home residents accounted for almost half of all pandemic deaths in the United States. Those findings are hardly surprising considering as these individuals are fragile medically and tend to enjoy limited personal space. But can anything be done at this point that would ensure their well-being on a medical level without harming them on a psychological level as might isolating them?  

There are no easy answers to these questions. But relying upon data collected over 40 years, researchers at the University of Missouri’s Sinclair School of Nursing, have determined that keeping and retaining staff members who work long term in homes can make them more equipped to benefit residents even during crises. 

Marcia Flesner has since retired but she worked as the project coordinator for this ongoing research. 



December 2, 2020 Show

Elena LaVictoire

These days people are asking hard questions when it comes to the public schools: Can students safely attend traditional class sessions during the pandemic? If the schools are opened and are then forced to close shortly thereafter could the ensuing confusion harm children? If they learn on line are students really gaining as much as might be desired from their lessons? Are the schools so preoccupied with protecting students and staff members from the virus that educating students is not receiving the attention it merits?

Possibly, your answer to one or all of those questions is a resounding “yes.” But that does not necessarily mean that home schooling is an acceptable alternative to the public educational system? Although there are no easy answers to that question, Elena LaVictoire who has home schooled her children and grandchildren for years does have some intriguing responses.


Vanessa Tennyson

The founder & CEO of Capitalize Your Humanity, Vanessa Tennyson does not assume a one size fits all approach when she provides her clients with Leadership Coaching. Rather, building upon her decades of experience in the business world, she encourages her clients to evolve their own unique managerial style.

This growth process often involves their taking psychological inventories, such as the the Neethling Brain Instruments (NBI). This tool helps clients determine if they are a realist/analyst, strategist/ imaginer, preserver/ organizer, socializer/ empathizer or a unique combination of all these mind sets, knowledge that can prove essential as they develop effective management styles.

Vanessa maintains that: “A professional coach is skilled in the art of asking insightful and explorative questions to flush out the understanding within, so the coach can help to move you from where you are to where you want to be.”

Her organization’s web site is 



November 18, 2020 Show

Kenn Israel

Your doctor has prescribed medication to bring down your blood pressure, lower your cholesterol or help you regulate your weight. And you understand the importance of keeping these numbers under control. But you went online and encountered a long list of side effects you might experience if you took this medication as prescribed. They sound gruesome at any point in time but they are particularly scary while the pandemic is racing through our country. Could they compromise your immune system and make you vulnerable to serious pandemic complications? 

So, you look to wellness products as an alternative, and you are intrigued by the fact they have no listed side effects. You cannot help wondering, however, if the promises they make are too good to be true. There are no easy answers to that question. But Kenn Israel who has been decades of experience with  these supplements should supply some helpful responses. His web site is 

Brian Anderson


Heights’ shopping strips are not only appealing in their uniqueness. They are also showing great resilience as they work to survive hard times in the form of a pandemic. Restaurants in that inner ring suburb, which has a population of 46,000, have served meals on socially distanced patios or offered take outs. Some entrepreneurs have established pop ups in anticipation of a busy holiday season. While others have increased their footprint on Social Media or worked to make customers feel safe by following strict COVID regulations. 

And the city has worked to make certain that their hard efforts will meet with success. Among other things, it has foregone parking fees and distributed CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security) funds to qualifying merchants.  


Brian Anderson serves as that city’s business development manager. The city’s web site is 



November 4, 2020 Show

Ben Turshen

Ben Turshen’s work as a corporate lawyer in New York City challenged him on many levels. But a few years back he began realizing that he had to make some lifestyle changes as his usual methods of managing his emotional turmoil – exercise, therapy, and medication - were no longer keeping him centered.

So, at his therapist suggestion, he tried meditation. And It had such an immediate positive effect on him that he left his high-pressure job behind and opened a New York studio that eventually began attracting Olympic athletes and Fortune 500 executives.

This brief account of Ben ‘s adventures recall some intriguing questions. Can meditation be even more beneficial to everybody these days than was ever previously the case? Can it bring people the calm and serenity that the pandemic has made outdated for most people?

Ben ‘s web site is

Dan Barker (left)

Dan Barker once served as an evangelical minister with a bent towards the musical and dramatic. However, during 1984, his life changed, He broke with precedent as he announced that he had become an atheist. And he revealed his break with the past in an extremely public way – on AM Chicago which was then hosted by Oprah Winfrey. He subsequently went on to work as the co-president of the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation, which promotes the separation of church and state. And he also co-hosts Freethought Radio, which is broadcasted nationally over several different stations and has welcomed luminaries, such as Steven Pinker and Richard Dawkins, as guests.

His strong efforts, however, bring an essential question into play. Has the pandemic and the Presidential campaigns pushed the issues that this foundation so far into the background that his group’s effort to publicize them serves little purpose?

The foundation’s web site is .




October 21, 2020 Show

Paul Malley

Aging with Dignity has remained committed to the same motto since it was first formed during 1996: affirm and safeguard the human dignity of individuals as they age and promote better end of life care. And as it has worked to carry out its mission, this Florida-based organization has created and distributed an estimated 20 million copies of Five Wishes. Valid in most states, this document includes all the instructions and information that you might need to create a legally enforceable advance directive. As part of its advocacy efforts, Aging With Dignity has also established a hot line (1-888-594-7437) that provides callers with guidance as regards their advance care planning

Stories about its efforts have been broadcasted over ABC, CBS and NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the Today Show, Good Morning America and published in USA Today. This organization’s web site is . Paul Malley serves as its president.  



October 7, 2020 Show

Eric Anderson

Some students bike to their classes at the Sherbrooke Community Center, while others are car pooled or driven there by their parents. No matter what their specific mode of transportation, however, they attend school in an unusual setting for elementary-aged youngsters – a care home for the elderly and those who have special needs. And this arrangement- the iGen program - allows them to participate in some unique educational opportunities as they interact regularly with people from other generations and backgrounds.  

The Saskatchewan-based Sherbrooke prides itself upon the fact that residents are housed in structures designed to be more residential than institutional, making it possible for them to live as normal a life as possible. In addition to the almost 300 people who make Sherbrooke their homes hundreds of others take part in its Community Day Programs. The web site for the center is   . Eric Anderson serves as its Communications Leader. 

Ed Guion

Decades ago, it was the norm for elders to live in a cottage next to their family’s main house as they aged. This arrangement had some decided advantages: it allowed seniors to retain their privacy while also having ready access to the support of family members. And because he admired the way it made it possible for loved ones to care for one another, Ed Guion wanted to bring this arrangement up to date and market it.

At between $44,960 and $60,440.00, the model he evolved is quite affordable, particularly when compared to the expense of retirement communities. And it has garnered considerable attention, being featured on the NBC Nightly News and the Today Show plus the AARP’s Modern Maturity Magazine. However, zoning regulations and other factors prevent it from becoming a viable option for every family and the pandemic might complicate its use.

The web site for Elder Cottages is




September 16, 2020 Show

Anthony Nunez

When we are tired after a long day at work or just feeling a little lazy, we might wish that we had a genii-like creature that would perform unappealing tasks for us. It might, for example, wash the dishes or bring our medicine to the table. Well, now there is a machine – a robot in common parlance – who could pamper us on demand in much the same way our imaginary genii might. His name is RUDY and he is the brainchild of the Virginia-based INF Robotics.

Adaptable, RUDY can protect seniors who are aging at home or in care facilities, as it transmits information that can prevent/ detect falls plus also offers touch-free emergency response. And no matter where it might be performing its good deeds, it can facilitate telemedicine and always flashes a broad smile.

Anthony Nunez is the founder of INF Robotics; its web site is  .

Susan Kurowski

Research shows that loneliness - not cancer or heart disease – is the most serious threat the elderly face. But that does not mean seniors have to fall prey to this malady; there is a simple cure for it that does not even involve medical intervention: pets. And keeping this fact in mind, the Pets for the Elderly Foundation helps pay the fees to participating animal shelters throughout the United States for senior citizens (age 60 and over) who adopt a companion dog or cat.

The program which began during 1992 with the participation of two Ohio-based shelters began branching out nationally during 2002. Over the years this foundation has successfully placed more than 100,000 animals with adopter seniors and it hopes to eventually involve several shelters in each of the 50 states.

Susan Kurowski has been Executive Director of the Pets for the Elderly Foundation since January of 2009.The foundation’s web site is



September 2, 2020 Show

Pegi Robinson

People usually envision near death experiences as being events during which somebody is catapulted down a long tube into another realm and is returned to the earthly realm soon thereafter. By most accountings, a heart attack, stroke, or any other trauma might lead to somebody having a NDE. However, the pandemic might have changed that dynamic as it has changed so much else in our lives. Might a NDE be triggered by a bout with COVID-19 that ends somebody up in intensive care fighting for their next breath?  

There no easy answers to that question and there probably never will be. However, Pegi Robinson should have some responses worth considering. She heads up the Mid Ohio Valley chapter of the International Association for Near Death Studies. This North Carolina-based organization is working to increase awareness of NDE and the impact they can have on people. Its web site is

Mary Verdi Fletcher

Dancing Wheels presents a strong message: performers in wheelchairs – seated dancers- can navigate around the stage with as much panache and dexterity as do dancers who move in more traditional ways.  In fact, their presence can make a performance even more captivating than would otherwise be the case. And it has been pushing that strong point since it was first conceived by Mary Verdi Fletcher during 1980. The company has grown over the years until it currently serves as a training site for students from around the globe.

Born with spina bifida, a condition whereby the spine does not properly fuse, she always wanted to be a dancer. Being involved with Dancing Wheels grants her an opportunity to live out her dream while also helping others to evolve their creativity. During 2014, Mary was awarded the Governor’s Award for Arts Education in Ohio. The group’s web site is  



August 19, 2020 Show

Dr. Michael Lewis

Experiencing trouble falling and staying asleep has become a fact of life for virtually everybody during the pandemic. And there are many reasons why people are encountering this frustration. Although we are generally quite active, we are more sedentary now that the economy remains at least partially closed. So, when we slip into bed we are not as exhausted and ready to fall asleep as is usually the case.

The pandemic has removed us from our normal routines – interacting with colleagues, commuting to and from work, going out for the evening. And because our brains are receiving less stimulation, they are keeping us awake at night as they seek input.

Dr. Michael Lewis, a former military physician, acknowledges that all of these factors might make getting a good night’s sleep during the pandemic challenging. But he also maintains that some simple tricks can work to ensure that you get the rest you need. His web site is

Kristi Horner

During their better moments people who are living with mental illness might appear to be balancing beautifully as they interact with the world around them. Then, just shortly thereafter, they might cause alarm as they start acting erratically for no apparent reason. And that volatility can make nurturing them challenging, particularly during the pandemic when turbulence has become the new norm.

That is why Kristi Horner who formed the Ohio-based Courage to Caregivers is so anxious to reach out to care givers and provide them with valuable support. Currently, this organization is sponsoring virtual support groups, virtual meditation sessions and other offerings designed to help them understand them must look after their own well being. Its motto, - “Put on your own oxygen mask, before helping those around you” - delivers that message in a succinct but forceful manner.

The group’s web site is



August 5, 2020 Show

Dr. Steve Webb

As we have been sheltering in our homes, the internet has made us less isolated than would otherwise be the case; it has allowed us to remain in constant contact with family and friends. But while it might be serving a very real purpose as it eases us through hard times, this technology can also leave us vulnerable to abuses, everything from hacking and identity theft to cyberbullying. 

The latter often involves teens or even younger children. And although it generally begins with in ways that seem harmless enough - unpleasant images – it can quickly escalate into threats or, in extreme cases, into physical violence. How can you, as a parent, make sure your child does not fall victim to cyberbullying? Or, for that matter how can you make certain your child does not instigate this harassment? 

Dr. Steven Webb, author of the Amazon best-selling book Education in a Violent World can provide some helpful responses to these questions. His web site is 

Kyle Woody

Being a caregiver for somebody with cancer can prove stressful under even the very best of circumstances. However, it is likely to become downright grueling during the pandemic as you are expected to constantly answer questions that forward no easy responses: Is it safe for somebody to venture out the house when treatments they are receiving have left them immunosuppressed, vulnerable to COV-19? Can surgery be safely delayed as the virus forces us to follow its time table not medical advice? If you need a short reprieve from your care giving responsibilities is it safe to have somebody come into your homes and spell you?

There are no easy answers to these questions. But Kyle Woody, which supports caregivers can provide us with some meaningful insights. He is the founder of Jack’s Caregiver Coalition which supports men who are nurturing a loved one. This organization’s web site is

Jack's Caregiver Coalition - Home  Our guy only program events are on a mission to make you wiser, more intriguing, and maybe even harder to kill. 



July 15, 2020 Show

Topher Wurts

As the word “spectrum” implies, individuals who have been diagnosed as belonging to the autism spectrum come in a wide range of different shapes, sizes and personality types. However, many of them do share one thing in common. They can easily be over stimulated by sights or sounds that might not necessarily disturb most other people. And that is why an app – Autism Village - that guides them to places where they will feel comfortable is so essential to them. But is this app serving any real purpose when many of the establishments it lists are closed or only open on a partial basis? And how are folks who are on the spectrum dealing with the uncertainty that the virus has brought our way?
Topher Wurts who conceived the concept that became Autism Village can help to answer some of these questions.

The web site for Autism Village is  .

Argerie Vasilakes

The Listening Circle,

The pandemic has, in many ways, separated us from the interpersonal communications that enrich our lives. So, we are searching for means by which we can keep ourselves connected with others. And deep listening is presenting itself as a way to accomplish this objective. It involves giving full attention to what is being said without trying to control or judge it; we practice putting our assumptions to the side to make room for curiosity and care for what really matters to other people. In a time of political unrest and uncertainty in our work and family lives, we will certainly encounter people with experiences and needs that are different from ours. By making ourselves vulnerable, we open ourselves up to a shared vitality which much of our modern world has trivialized.

Argerie Vasilakes, who has long worked as an organization development consultant, has spearheaded a Zoom series – The Listening Circle – that re-acquaints people with deep listening. Each 90-minute Listening Circle is limited to 12 people, but anybody can register at this link --  Learn more about deep listening and other ways of authentic connecting with colleagues, family and strangers at  and on Facebook @SpaceBetweenTeam.




July 1, 2020 Show

Bryan Lanham

The McDowell Wellness Center offers everything you might expect a wellness center to offer – group exercise classes, weight lifting equipment, cardio machines and a six lane indoor pool. However, it provides much more than these basics. The minute they join, they automatically become eligible for an individual health assessment, free sessions with a personal trainer plus counseling from a nutritionist.

These days, however, as is the case with similar facilities located throughout the country – throughout the world actually – it has reopened with strict safety precautions being mandated. How are members reacting to these regulations being put into place? Has Danville, Kentucky, where the center is located, been impacted by the virus in ways that will leave their mark long after the pandemic is no longer raging?

Bryan Lanham who has worked as a personal trainer at the center and has also led a class called People with Arthritis can Exercise can answer some of these questions.
The center’s web site is


June 17, 2020 Show

Dr. Cass Ingram

The pandemic transformed our lives at breakneck speed. We were going about our business as normal. And then what seemed to be only minutes later we were tossed into a world that bore an eerie resemblance to “The Twilight Zone.”

Hemp oil or CBD also entered our world at an amazingly swift pace. Just a few short years ago people were struggling to pronounce its scientific name “canabiodol,” and now they are maintaining that it can help ease us through our ongoing medical crisis by keeping us calm. Are the claims that some people are making for this substance valid or they more of a hype than anything else? That question cannot presently be answered with any degree of certainty. But Cass Ingram should be able to clear up some of this confusion.

He has since written over 20 books on natural healing, including his latest, The Canabis Cure.” A popular media personality, he has appeared on over 5,000 radio and TV shows. His web site is 

Dr. Thelma Reese

When future generations talk about our ongoing health emergency, they will no doubt mention the bravery of first responders, medical personnel and others who saved lives. However, some astute individuals might ask hard question that go beyond these facile impressions.

Throughout the pandemic we have all been warned that anybody over 60 could more easily fall victim to the virus’ ravages than could younger individuals. Were these warnings based upon solid medical data or were they an indication that ageism – the negative stereotyping of the elderly – was coming into play? Did they fail to take into account the resilience many senior’s display?

They do not claim to know the answer to that riddle. But as they wrote “How Seniors are Saving the World: Retirement Activists to the Rescue” BJ Kittredge, a health editor and Dr. Thelma Reese, who blogs at, were determined to present their generation in a more positive light than is often the case.



June 3, 2020 Show

Jordan Levine

The pandemic has brought stress into all of our lives as it creates vast amounts of uncertainty. And restaurant owners and employees are no exception to that general rule; they grapple with some hard questions. Will health precautions that limit the number of people who can eat in an establishment totally decimate its revenue beyond repair? How will patrons respond to having their temperature taken before they even enter a restaurant? How can workers be kept safe as they prepare meals in kitchens that by anybody’s estimate are less than spacious?

Jordan Levine, general manager for the Ohio-based Edwins Restaurant and Leadership Institute, which currently runs a bakery, restaurant and a butcher shop, does not have answers to these questions. Nobody does at this point. But he does have responses worth considering. Edwins hires and subsequently trains ex-convicts, preparing them for careers in the hospitality industry. The institute’s web site is

Christopher Cook

Since the pandemic has closed schools, many students have been facing considerable stress as they are separated from a support system that has long buttressed them. And one particular group of students might be feeling these pressures even more acutely than are others. They are participants in the Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District’s Alternative to Expulsion Program.

These young people exhibited behavior that would have resulted in their being expelled if this second chance effort that guides towards eventually graduating with their class had not been established. Can the personal contact between students and teachers that has proved so essential to these students’ success remain ongoing when they are not meeting face to face? Can students succeed even though the pandemic might be working a real financial hardship on their families? Christopher Cook who heads this program can provide us with some responses to these quandaries.



May 20, 2020 Show

Dr. Connie Siskowski

Being a family caregiver is almost by definition stressful as it involves nurturing vulnerable individuals on a daily basis. However, that role becomes particularly challenging when it is being handled by a teen who is also facing the normal coming of age pressures. And these days the ongoing health crisis is making matters all the more difficult for these individuals as it separates them from their schools and other support systems.

That is where the Florida-based American Association of Caregiving Youth (AACY) is stepping in to help them cope with their difficult circumstances. This organization takes pride, among other things, in the fact that 90% of the young people it mentors end up graduating from high school. And it has been in the forefront of using tele-health to continue individual counseling and introduce new strategies for managing stress.

Dr. Connie Siskowski is the founder and president of this Florida-based association. Its web site is  

Johanna Jameson

The Illinois-based Memory Farm serves as a place where the participants, many of whom are living with Alzheimer’s, can gain self confidence plus a sense of purpose by staying physically, cognitively and socially active. And it carefully tailors activities so that they provide participants with the best possible benefits, something the fact it has both indoor and outdoor facilities makes it uniquely qualified to do. However, that is only one part of what is designed to accomplish. It is also committed to supporting the individuals who are care partners for the participants. Among other things it provides them with activity such as yoga, animal therapy and gardening.

Johanna Jameson was instrumental in forming the Memory Farm and currently serves as its Chief Executive Officer (CEO). She holds a BA in Marketing from Columbia College and an MA in Counseling and Clinical Psychology from The Chicago School of Professional Psychology

The farm’s web site is 



May 6, 202 Show

Stuart Tomc

Virtually all experts maintain that social distancing remains the most effective tool that our country has in its arsenal to fight the virus. Mental health experts warn, however, that strictly limiting human contact can have a strongly negative impact upon virtually anybody. And these challenges are exacerbated by the pressures that we are all facing as the medical crisis places uncertainties into our lives. Nobody knows for a fact when it will end and what form the new normal we will meet will when happens might assume.

However, according to Stuart Tomc, a national spokesperson for the California-based CV Sciences, makers of PlusCBD Oil there are commonsensical methods that can help us better manage our anxieties. And eating a health-giving diet is high on that list. Stuart suggests among other things complex carbs, such as brown rice, and omega-3 rich foods plus beef.

CV Sciences web site is

Learn more about CV Sciences' cannabidiol‐based pharmaceuticals and consumer products. The company's research and development offers new opportunities for enhancing health and well-being.

Jill Cohen

Greif has generally interpreted as being a very personal emotion that somebody feels after a loved one has passed. These days, however, it has taken on a much less personal but no less strongly felt meaning. We are all feeling a sense of grief as we realize that our world is being transformed by the virus and do not know what form it will assume when the pandemic eases. And the fact that many of us are spending our days at home – possibly without that much outside contact – is providing these negative feelings with ample opportunity to flourish.

And that is why the support that Jill Cohen, a New York City-based grief counselor can prove extremely valuable as our country works its way through this crisis. For well over a decade, she has helped both children and adults who are grieving to understand that they are not alone and support is available.

Grief Counseling | New York City | Jill Cohen grief counselor NYC area   




April 15, 2020 Show

Genevieve Gipson

It might be hard to conceptualize working with the orderly or infirm as being dangerous in any way.  But injuries are all too common as nursing assistants lift fragile patients out of bed or help them to walk. And any dangers they might face on a daily bases are exacerbated by the pandemic. Understaffing which is an ongoing problem in long term care facilities has become more acute. Then there is the fact they have to live with the constant fear that they could contract the virus. And that is why The Ohio-based National Network of Career Nursing Assistants considers its efforts to be so vital during this crisis. It advocates for and offers training to training to professionals who provide direct care in hospitals, private homes and other venues to be so vital during this crisis. Genevieve Gipson helped found this organization.

The group’s web site is

Alex Montaldo

Research is now ongoing in the hopes of evolving medication or other treatments that will alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease (PD). But stoPD (support and training to overcome Parkinson’s Disease) is not waiting for these efforts to produce discernible results. Rather, it is offering participants an array of efforts designed to make their lives more manageable on an immediate basis.  Among other things it spearheads a non-impact boxing program that is run out of the Brooklyn-based Gleason’s Gym disease. This effort guides participants through sixty-minute workouts that incorporate stretching, heavy bag work, cardiovascular conditioning, weight training, and balance work. These workouts can benefit fighters in a myriad of ways. It can create new neural pathways in their brains, improve their posture and balance as well as their overall mobility plus elevate their cardiovascular fitness.

stoPD was founded in 2014 by Dr. Roberta Marongiu and Alex Montaldo.  

The group’s web site is



April 1, 2020 Show

Dr. Steven Webb

Virtually everybody expresses great concern about the school violence that has sent shock waves through our country. But all that concern has not readily translated into responses that might bring an end to these tragedies. And that is why the recommendations that Dr. Webb, author of the Amazon best-seller, Education in a Violent World: A Practical Guide to Keeping our Kids Safe, has made about these matters merit strong consideration.

He maintains that only by addressing the underlying the student mental health issues that precipitate it can we prevent school violence from becoming even more widespread. And that is why he advocates for the adoption of a PARA Mindset (Preparedness, Awareness, Responsiveness, Advocacy) in schools. Among other things, this strategy involves remaining aware that some students harbor suicidal thoughts and providing them with support these individuals with essential support could prevent them from acting out their pain in tragic ways.

His web site is 

Charlie Mosbrook


When he was a younger man, Charlie Mosbrook sang original folk songs to passersby on street corners and subway platforms throughout the eastern United States. He now plays to much larger venues as was the case when he performed at the Woody Guthrie Folk Festival in Okemah, Oklahoma. But the fact his audience has increased exponentially has not changed one major aspect of his performances. He always works to build a strong connection with his audience as he spread his message of social justice.

A spinal cord injury that he suffered during 2010 might have limited his mobility to a considerable extent, but it did not damper his spirit. In fact, if anything it made Charlie more determined than ever to share his talent as he travels across the country. And the ongoing pandemic has also called upon him to demonstrate his inner strength.

Charlie’s website is



March 18, 2020 Show

Steve Gelerman

In marketing banana milk, Steve Gelerman does not simply mention the usual suspects: its taste, its nutrition value, its affordability. Rather, he goes a step further and notes that it is more protective of the environment than are other alternatives. As he makes this claim, he refers to research which concluded that producing dairy milk requires unacceptably high amounts of land for grazing and growing feed. And he maintains that almond milk takes 130 pints of water to produce a single glass of this product. So, satisfying the ongoing demands for it is placing unsustainable pressures on beekeepers.

A veteran of the natural foods industry for more than 20 years, Steve Gelerman (AKA Mr. Banana) is the CEO of Banana Wave, which produces the first non-dairy milk made from whole bananas. And he is also the founder of Ian's Natural Foods, makers of a wide variety of allergy-friendly meal solutions for kids.

Dr. Cass Ingram

Medicinal plant expert Dr. Cass Ingram, warns that bacteria can essentially change their genetic material until they become resistant to virtually all antibiotics. And she further cautions that even if only a small number of bacteria undergo these transformations, they represent a serious danger; as they multiply until they become the new normal.   

But he does not consider these warning to be a cause for panic. Rather, he believes that the danger drug resistant bacteria represent can be greatly reduced if the use of prescription anti-biotics is curtailed. And she strongly recommends replacing these pharmaceuticals with time-tested all-natural antibiotics - oregano oil, wild raw honey, garlic onions, Turmeric/Curcumin - that have the power to inactivate most pathogens.

Dr. Ingram has since written over 20 books on natural healing, including his latest, The Infection Connection A popular media personality, he has appeared on over 5,000 radio and TV shows. His web site is



March 4, 2020 Show

Kristi Horner

Virtually everybody would agree that living with mental illness can prove extremely challenging for a myriad of reasons. If nothing else, you might feel a considerable degree of isolation as your condition brings in its wake a strong stigma. But as its name implies, Courage to Caregivers wants to make people aware that the folks who care for these resilient individuals might also be facing some serious struggles. And that is why it constantly stresses that care givers must make caring for themselves their major priority.

Kristi Horner, Founder and Executive Director of the Ohio-based Courage to Caregivers, learned that lesson the hard way as she nurtured her younger brother for four years. And she ultimately had to deal with his tragic death. She hopes that by providing them with information her organization will bolster others as they travel through their care giving journey. This group’s web site is

Bryan Lanham

When somebody first walks into the Kentucky-based McDowell Wellness Center they might conclude that it is simply another facility where people grimace as they check their weight, exercise when they get the energy and socialize. And it is easy to see how they might draw that conclusion, as it offers all the usual suspects - group fitness classes, weight lifting equipment, cardio machines and a six-lane indoor pool.

However, the fact that the center offers members benefits they would not enjoy elsewhere becomes obvious the minute they join. They immediately become eligible for an individual assessment, free sessions with a personal trainer plus counseling from a nutritionist.. They can participate in additional training sessions or nutrition counseling for a fee.

In addition to working as a personal trainer at the center, Bryan Lanham leads a class called People with Arthritis Can Exercise.

The center’s web site is


February 19, 2020 Show

Dr. Michael Lewis

Dubbed the miracle molecule, cannabidiol (CBD) is currently generating positive feedback from some users as well as some healthcare practitioners. These enthusiasts give it high marks not only for easing pain but also for calming anxiety and banishing sleeplessness. However, their claims that it represents nothing less than a miracle molecule have not necessarily convinced the public of its safety much less its legality.

And the questions just keep coming: How do you know the correct dosage of CBD to take? Can you overdose on CBD, risking your health if not your life? Have any carefully structured clinic trials proved its worth? Could it prove dangerous if mixed with other medication?

Dr. Michael Lewis heads the Maryland-based Brain Health Education and Research Institute which he founded in 2011 upon retiring as a Colonel after a distinguished 31-year career in the US Army. And he has the expertise to help answer some of these essential questions about CBD. His web site is

Dr. Julie Gatza

Health educator Dr. Julie Gatza acknowledges that cutting back on sweets represents a major challenge, one that many people chose not to even attempt. But she maintains that it can become manageable if you follow these tips.

Don’t set unrealistic goals for yourself by cutting back your sugar consumption cold turkey. Begin your journey by cutting in half the amount of sugar that you eat and gradually further reducing your consumption of sweets. If you follow this time table, you should find that you have almost eliminated sugar from your diet within 2 – 3 weeks..

Instead of consuming your accustomed three meals a day, eat several smaller meals. Doing that, will help you curtail the sugar cravings that can occur after you indulge in a large meal.

Having an emergency snack bag of appetizing but low-sugar snacks will help you to fight sugar cravings.

Dr. Gaza is the Chiropractic Director and Clinic Director for the Florida Wellness Institute whose web site is 


February 6, 2020 Show

Christopher Cook

Not so long ago, if a student committed an infraction that was deemed serious enough to merit her being expelled, she had virtually no recourse. The ruling stood, disrupting her education to the point she might never graduate. But times have changed. And in keeping with that fact, the Ohio-based Cleveland Heights-University Heights School District has put in place an Alternative to Expulsion Program that has helped many students improve their behavior to the point where they are welcomed back into the classroom.

Christopher Cook who heads this effort admits that he does not have a magic formula. He simply works with each individual student, granting them more attention than a teacher with a large classroom possibly could. Often, he brings a social worker or counselor into the mix in the hopes of helping a student resolve home/community problems that that are impacting negatively upon their school performance.

Topher Wurts

Autism Village is not a place you would find on any map. Rather, it is an app that guides users who are on the autism spectrum to places – restaurants and other public facilities - that will not over stimulate them. The individuals who use the apps write the reviews.

Inspired by his son who was diagnosed with autism at a young age, Topher Wurts conceived the concept that became Autism Village. He began his efforts by creating a Facebook page. After it received thousands of visits within what he perceived to be an amazingly short period of time, he followed it up with a Kickstarter campaign that helped cover the cost of developing the technology.

In addition to sponsoring its app which is now being utilized by an estimated 70,000 individuals and their families, Autism Village also offers businesses training that will enable them to attract more customers as they become autism friendly.

The web site for Autism Village is


January 15, 2020 Show

Rebecca Gardner

The Gates Mills Environmental Education Center helps students evolve by boosting their knowledge about and their appreciation of our natural environment. And it even goes a step further as it starts them along paths which can turn that knowledge into a profitable career. The environmental center has turned ten acres that once housed a Coast Guard Station into its classroom.In addition to furthering students’ knowledge about commercial horticulture, the two-year programs that it offers - Cleveland Botanical Garden; Horticulture & Gardening Operations; Landscape Construction and Design - can serve as intervention efforts which increase the chances students will graduate. Post secondary opportunities are available at Cuyahoga Community College, ATI/Ohio State University, University of Akron and Kent State University. Students are encouraged to participate in paid internship programs to hone their practical skills. Rebecca Gardner, who graduated from the program, serves as the center’s coordinator. Its web site is

Sue Buddenbaum

As it recycles flowers that had been used in various events or are the unsold inventory of local stores and delivers them to nursing home residents, BigHearted Blooms brings joy and beauty to individuals who might be finding these things in short supply. And the numbers are impressive. During the past 18 months, this group has delivered 6,500 bouquets of recycled bouquets to recipients in 45 different care facilities located throughout the Cleveland area. Flowers have a very short shelf-life. So, these deliveries have to be made on a tight schedule regardless of weather conditions and other considerations, something that is only possible because the organization has a dedicated crew of volunteers. The group once faced a major challenge when it once had to pick up 90 feet of flowers after a wedding at the Cleveland Museum of Art.  Sue Buddenbaum established BigHearted Blooms.    The group’s web site is


January 1, 2020 Show

Dan Barker

who once served as an evangelical minister, gained considerable media attention during 1984 when he did something that was clearly unprecedented, not to mention unexpected. He announced that he had become an atheist, making this announcement in the most public way possible - on AM Chicago (then hosted by Oprah Winfrey). And he, subsequently, became the co-president of the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation which promotes the separation of church and state. And he also co-hosts Freethought Radio, which is broadcasted nationally over several different stations and has welcomed, as guests luminaries, such as Steven Pinker and Richard Dawkins.  Being an atheist is never easy and, as Dan has learned, it can become particularly challenging during the holiday season when religion becomes front and center in many people’s lives.

His organization’s web site is

Bruce Silverglade

Like the city – NYC – with which it is closely linked, Gleason’s gym has passed through its rough times as well as its glam periods. After Peter Robert Gagliardi, first established it during the Depression (1937) he could not charge enough dues to maintain the place. So, he had to drive a taxi 10 to 12 hours a day just to keep it open. But during the ensuing years, it has attracted a celebrity clientele that has included Jake LaMotta, Muhammad Ali and Roberto Duran and Hillary Swank - as she prepared to star in Million Dollar Baby.  However, Gleason’s current owner, Bruce Silverglade, is committed to ensuring that the gym continues to serve people with a wide range of needs, not just bold face names. He remains particularly proud of its STOP-PD program, which helps people who are living with Parkinson gain mobility and strength.
Gleason’s web site is


December 18, 2019 Show

Jill Cohen

When people suffer the loss of a loved one – most specifically their spouse - their life changes in major ways. Some of the transitions they will have to navigate are all too obvious. They will have to move onward without their companions; meals and long nights, not to mention vacations, will be spent alone. They will have to handle their finances and the upkeep of their house without the support they once enjoyed.

However, other transitions through which they are passing are generally left unspoken out of embarrassments or an inability to find the right words as they struggle to explain themselves. For the first tune in their life they might have to consider seeking help to stabilize their emotions. That is where a grief counselor such as Jill Cohen enters the picture. She attempts to provide her clients with a safe place where they can share their strong emotions: sadness, anger, numbness.

Jill’s web site is


December 4, 2019 Show

Annette Ravinsky

Many people almost begin to shake at the mere thought of encountering a rat. That reaction might be triggered by the fact they saw these vermin tormenting humans during horror shows.  Or, it might stem from the fact that they unexpectedly met up with one of them in a dark alley and were almost traumatized by that incident.

Annette Ravinsky, however, thinks that people who disdain rats are simply not aware that they are actually more playful than they are harmful and can make great pets that demand little in return for their loyalty. They also, she notes, have the distinct advantages of being litter trained and keeping themselves clean.  And it is with that thought in mind that she helped to form the Philadelphia Rat Rescue, making them available for adoption and healing them when they need that strong support.

The Rat rescue’s facebook page is


Bruce Bogart

Decades ago Bruce Bogart and Bob Snyder were friends in a neighborhood that closely resembled the one that Wally and Beaver Cleaver called home. However, despite the fact they were close, they played distinctly different roles. Bruce was an athlete, although he had a realistic enough evaluation of his skills to know he would never play center field for the Yankees. Bob, meanwhile, distinguished himself by being fun loving and the first in his group to get his driver’s license.

Fast forward more years than might want to count Bruce and Bob joined forces to host a radio show. But as is so often the case in radio their foray into the airwaves did not last all that long. So, they began directing their energies towards a new project – the Fabulous Boomer Boys, who performed regularly at many different venues along with other individuals from their generation. Their Facebook page is


November 20, 2019 Show

Kenyatta Neferkare

These days, people toss around a lot of words with more syllables than you might imagine when they talk about spiritual gifts. For example, the term “empathetic” is applied to somebody who can sense what other people are feeling; emotional communication flows between them and the folks they meet.

For most of her life, however, these words meant nothing to Kenyatta Neferkare. She simply knew that she had strong insights into the world around her. But recently she has become awakened to the fact her abilities might make her uniquely qualified to help herself and others. And she now makes extensive use of them during the consultations she holds with clients and her everyday life.

In addition to working as a sensitive Kenyatta has also followed more traditional paths. She became a professor who taught religion as well as a Church of God in Christ (Pentacostal) minister.

Anthony Hitch

uses body work – message - to help clients return themselves to a more stabilized state. But he wants to do more than simply connect with their body. His goal: turning the sessions that he shares with clients into nurturing and powerful experience that leaves them feeling more refreshed. And that is why he always brings yoga and reiki into the mix during these meetings.

An active Usui/Tibeten Reiki practitioner since 2013, Anthony has found this discipline, which relies upon transmitting healing energy through the hands, to be the most powerful tool of transformation he ever encountered. And he hopes that by intermixing it into body work sessions he will allow clients to share the rich depth of insight and healing that it continues to give him daily. He also maintains that bringing yoga medication into these meetings will help to ensure their benefits will prove long lasting.

The website for Anthony’s Cleveland-based practice is


November 6, 2019 Show

Kyle Woody

By many accounts, their cultural training makes it is difficult for men to openly express their feelings. There are times, however, when handling challenges, such as caring for somebody with cancer, becomes stressful to the point that finding an outlet for their emotions is essential. And Jack’s Caregiver Coalition is designed to support men who find themselves in that position.

Its Jack to Jack program provides the arrangements whereby caregivers can connect with one another, gaining strength from their shared experiences. The coalition does not guarantee that these connections will always provide participants with the desired results. However, they often significantly improve the way they think, feel and handle the responsibilities they have assumed.

The coalitions Caregiver 101 covers the fundamentals of care-giving, being specifically designed for people who are just beginning that journey.

The coalitions web site is   Kyle Woody serves as its founder.


Kate McCamant

Cohousing communities combine common facilities with private homes in the hopes of creating cohesiveness among residents. Most of these neighborhoods, which are scattered across the country, are organized as townhouse or condominium developments that feature a homeowners association. While the specifics of their arrangements might vary, they virtually all distinguish themselves from other communities by their efforts to create strong cohesiveness among residents.

That description makes cohousing sound like a concept whose obvious advantages should make it an easy sell. However, long experience has taught Katie McCamant that instead of being pretty procedural, establishing cohousing arrangements is fraught with challenges that are not easily surmounted. And that is why she formed the California-based Cohousing-solutions to assist people who want to accept these challenges

That organization has developed the 500 Communities program a training curriculum which equips participants to play a role in the creation of the next 500 cohousing communities. The group’s web site is


October 16, 2019 Show

Dr. Connie Siskowsk

Much is being written these days about care giving and the toll it regularly takes on family members. However, this dialogue generally focuses upon elderly spouses nurturing one another or adult children caring for their parents who suffer from the infirmities of old age. And the fact that literally millions of young people are making sacrifices as they handle these responsibilities tends to get lost in the mix.

The Florida-based American Association of Caregiving Youth is committed to making certain they receive the recognition and support they deserve. It remains particularly proud of the successes its Caregiving Youth Project has achieved. More than 90 percent of the young people who participate in this effort graduate from high school despite the fact that handling family responsibilities while simultaneously completing course work presents a major challenge for them.

Dr. Connie Siskowski is the founder and president of this Florida-based association. Its web site is

Jordan Levine

These days, much is being said by political candidates and others about prison reform, keeping people out of these institutions whenever possible and improving the conditions in them. However, less is being spoken as regards an essential question: How can people who have been incarcerated be returned to society? How can they be granted meaningful employment when so many businesses are reluctant to hire them considering their record?

The Ohio-based Edwins Leadership and Restaurant Institute offers responses to these concerns. Serving mostly a French cuisine it prepares former convicts to enter the culinary industry, providing them not only with training in the culinary arts but also with housing on its campus and job placement. It remains proud of the fact that 95% of the people who graduated from its program have found employment and only 1.4% have returned to prison.

Jordan Levine serves as Edwins general manager. The institute’s web site is 


October 2, 2019 Show

Dr. Fran Parker

These days, psychological terms are tossed around to an extent that was never previously the case. And ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is definitely an example of that trend. You hear it applied to somebody or to a whole group of people on a regular basis. But that does not necessarily mean that there is a general understanding of what having this condition means for people who are actually living with it.

Do people who are living with ADHD have trouble focusing themselves, constantly running in all directions? Do they get spurts of energy that enable them to scamper around the bases at breakneck speed? Do children who have this condition have different symptoms than do adults? Possibly, it means all of these things and much more.

A Michigan-based psychologist in general practice, Dr. Fran Parker has worked with the ADHD community for 30 should help to provide some clarifications about these matters.

Jay Westbrook

Activism seems to be very much in Jay Westbrook’s DNA. Yet, throughout his lifetime it has exhibited itself in some very diverse ways. These days, he devotes himself to his work with the Western Reserve Land Conservancy. But as a younger man, he immersed himself in an environment quite removed from the natural beauty the conservancy seeks to protect: the rough and tumble world of urban politics. And his political career was marked by more than his share of both victories and crushing defeats.

Political disagreements resulted in his being initially denied a seat in Cleveland’s City Council to which he had been legally appointed, he proved himself to be a survivor as he eventually became that body’s leader. But the drama continued as a coup toppled him from that position.

Jay serves as the as the Special Projects Manager for the conservancy’s Thriving Communities Institute. That organization’s web site is


September 18, 2019 Show

Johanna Jameson

The Illinois-based Memory farm is the home of Johanna and John Jameson. However, it is much more than simply a primary residence for an activist couple. The outside property is being renovated so it can more adequately serve its intended purpose. It is transitioning towards becoming a place where the – many of whom are living with Alzheimer’s - can stay physically, cognitively and socially active. And it is beginning to live up to that goal even as it is being reconfigured. Because many of the individuals who will eventually use it are gaining self confidence plus a sense of purpose as they assist in this process.

The farm is designed not only to provide services – yoga, animal therapy, gardening - who are living with Alzheimer’s but also to their care partners. They include social events, counseling and support groups.

Johanna Jameson was instrumental in forming the Memory Farm. The farm’s web site is 

Eric Anderson

Some of the students bike to their classes at the Sherbrooke Community Center, while others are car pooled or driven there by their parents. No matter what their specific mode of transportation, however, they attend school in an unusual setting for elementary-aged youngsters – a special care home for the aged and others who need support.

And this arrangement allows them to take part in some unique educational opportunities as they interact regularly with people from other generations and backgrounds. Among other things, they engage in “Literacy for Life” practices, such as: expressive daily journaling and shared use of technology. And because these professionals work at the center, the students in the iGen program might also be mentored by an artist or converse regularly with a pharmacist.

The web site for the Saskatchewan, Canada- based centre – home to 283 residents - is  Eric Anderson serves as its Communications Leader.


September 4, 2019 Show

Kim Bixenstine

If an individual believes that they have been wronged in a business transaction or by a medical professional and want compensation, people often assume that they have only one of two options. They can take the matter to court and endure a long process which can prove costly on many levels and might end up leaving them with nothing for their efforts. Or, they can simply let the unpleasantness that they encountered stand as a learning experience as they vow to never again let themselves be mistreated in the same manner.

However, they have another alternative which might prove more productive for them. They can have their case mediated, managing to settle their dispute in a manner that is mutually agreeable to all involved.

A lawyer with 35 years of legal experience, Kim Bixenstine is well acquainted with this process.

The web site of her law firm – Bixenstine Resolutions – is


August 23, 2019 Show

Tommi Avicolli

When Tommi Avicolli walked through his neighborhood as a young man, he delivered a strong message. Dressed flamboyantly – nail polish, long flowing hair, clothes that clunk to his slender frame – he announced his life style in ways that folks in his native South Philly did not always welcome. Although he realized that his was taking a risk by being that provocative he felt compelled to announce he was not moving aside for anybody no matter how much they disapproved of his orientations.

And that same unwillingness to be displaced or sit back while others suffer that same fate marks his present activities in a big way. Tommi director the Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco’s counseling program. As the name implies this organization, is dedicated to making housing more affordable for that city’s residents. The average rent for a one bedroom apartment in that city is approaching $4000.

His organization’s web site is


August 21, 2019 Show 

Frank C. Sacco, PhD

The professionals who developed the Create A Peaceful Learning Environment (CAPSLE) program do not credit the strategies they have evolved with being able to magically turn schools into places that nurture all students. But they do maintain that it can serve to make the environments in these facilities more conducive to learning.

And they note that it can achieve that goal by instilling self-esteem, respect and compassion in participants through the acquisition of social and physical skills. It, likewise, attempts to alert students to the fact they can deescalate bullying by not becoming part of the bully-victim-bystander power dynamic that fuels misbehavior. Possibly, more than anything else, however, it grants students tools for solving conflicts in nonphysical ways and teaching them to utilize better and more effective coping skills.

The CAPSLE program was developed by Stuart W. Temlow, MD, Frank C. Sacco, PhD and Sensei Stephen Temlow. The web The web site for the Back Up Bully efforts that promote and teach it is


August 7, 2019 Show

Bruce Silverglade

After Peter Robert Gagliardi, first established Gleason's Gym during 1937 he could not charge enough dues during the ensuing tough Depression years to maintain the place. So, he had to drive a taxi 10 to 12 hours a day just to keep it open.

But Gleason’s did not remain a hardscrabble business for long. Rather, it evolved into a New York institution where champions, such as Jake LaMotta, Muhammad Ali and Roberto Duran and Hillary Swank - as she prepared to star in “Million Dollar Baby” – trained.

However, Gleason’s current owner, Bruce Silverglade, is committed to ensuring that it will serve people with a wide range of needs, not just bold face names. He remains particularly proud of its STOP-PD program, which helps people who are living with Parkinson to gain mobility and strength. These efforts were the subject of a segment entitled “The Good Fight Parkinson’s Disease” that aired over Channel 4 in New York.

Gleason’s web site is .


July 17, 2019 Show

Joe Bautista

Stem Cell Therapy Plus is actually nothing all that new. On the contrary, it has been available, since the 1960s. At that point, however, virtually the only people who could benefit from these (stem cell plus) treatments were the rich and famous. Anxious to be relieved of degenerative diseases/ chronic ailments as well as to preserve their youthful appearance, they flocked to Swiss Clinics to receive them.

Now, however, this therapy is available to the general public in the form of high-tech softgel capsules that contain specific organ stem cells from sheep placenta extracts.

These youthful cells imprint their vigor upon old, tired, and degenerating cells and stimulate them to function with renewed efficiency, leaving the recipients less stumbled by chronic diseases.

The Delaware-based Stem Cell Therapy Plus is one of the world’s leading supplier of stem cell supplements.

Its web site is  . Joe Bautista plays a major role in its marketing efforts.

Dr. Margie Adelman

A 2018 survey conducted by the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) concluded that 75% of Americans 18 and older – an estimated 190 million people - regularly take a dietary supplement in the hopes of improving their health. However, Dr. Margie Adelman, a medical researcher and naturopathic physician, cautions that these impressive numbers do not necessarily mean that this medication is providing the promised results. Because the mere fact we put a pill in our mouth and swallow it, is no guarantee that the nutrients are able to work their way into our bodies and improve our health.

And that is why Dr. Adelman is so fast to tout the benefits of a new delivery system: Bioactive Gels capsules which release extremely small nutrient particles at specific locations in the digestive tract. She is the national spokesperson for Healthy Cell which markets this product and is the author of Living Lean: A Healthy Guild to a Beautiful Life.

For a FREE 2 DAY Sample of Healthy Cell Bio-Active Multi Vitamin  or call 800-975-9606


July 3, 2019 Show

Dr. Julie Garza

It is summer and the sunshine and the longer days are wonderful. But that magical season has one definite drawback. It brings more than its fair share of opportunities – beach parties, cookouts - to overindulge in foods you resolved only a few cold months ago to avoid.

Nutritional educator Dr. Julie Gatza (Dr. Julie), however, maintains that these over indulgences do not have to result in your experiencing stomach aches, gas, bloating, belching or constipation. It is a simple matter of following some guidelines. Don't pile everything onto your plate then gobble it down in the same sitting.

Avoid trying new unfamiliar foods and strange food combinations. Munch on veggie dishes that assist digestion. Eat steaks, burgers, and hot dogs slowly and as first course.

Dr. Gatza is the Holistic Leader of the Florida Wellness Institute. Its web site is Its services include everything from nutritional counseling to Amniotic Fluid Injections (Stem Cell Therapy).

Dan Shaki

When people visit New York, they often gravitate to landmarks such as Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the Empire State Building or Rockefeller Center. Dan Shaki and Andrew Silverstein who formed Streetwise New York during 2011 understand why these landmarks would fascinate the millions of people who journey to New York. They are awe-inspiring in a major way.

But as they lead tours of neighborhoods that are full of historic treasures and architectural wonder, they gently nudge them into gaining a broader understanding of the city. They want them to begin realizing that the real New York manifests not in that city’s wide avenues or skyscrapers but in the ever-changing stories of its 8.6 million residents.

Andrew describes himself as being a lifelong New Yorker; unlike most Americans, he does not drive a car, walks fast and wouldn’t dream of living anywhere else.

Streetwise New York’s web site is 



June 19, 2019 Show

Bettina Dickson Rusher

According to figures published by the Alzheimer’s Association, an estimated 5.8 million Americans of all ages are living with Alzheimer's. And that number is likely to grow even higher as America ages.

Responding to these figures, a wide range of professionals are working to determine what strategies might best benefit these individuals. Their research has concluded among other things that Alzheimer’s patients respond positively to baby dolls and animals – ones that are cuddly and never bark too loudly or have accidents in the house.

Bettina Dickson Rusher and her sister, Frances, reached the same conclusion after working their way through their care giving journey with their mother. Their experiences were, in fact, so strong they decided to start the Georgia-based Memorable Pets which sells a wide array of stuffed animals and baby dolls. This company even markets cats and dogs that have interactive or robotic features.

The web site for Memorable Pets is 

Jim Swanner

If you watch old time Westerns, you will probably see somebody trying to control a horse. They might be working to tame a wild mustang. Or, they might be pushing an equine to go faster and faster as they try to outrun the “bad guys.” Jim Swanner, however, maintains that relationships between horses and humans do not have to be marked by (sometimes rough) attempts to overpower animals.

And going a step further, he believes that humans can get the best performance from their horses if they learn to communicate with them as they form strong bonds. He calls this system natural horsemanship. And he teaches it at his Alabama-based KLN stables plus through his radio show “All About Horses” which is streamed over WAKC. He has also written several books that include: "7 Secrets to a Fulfilled Life and Natural Horsemanship from the Ground Up.

His web site is 


June 10, 2019 Show

Christina Hidek

Several different scenarios might leave you in need of somebody who can help you organize yourself. You know that it is time for you to downsize. Yet, you dread having to start that process because your home is cluttered with mementos that date back to your childhood. Or, your home-based business is beginning to become more profitable but some records are scattered around your computer room.

No matter what your personal circumstances, Stream Lined Living might be able to help you manage your way through the clutter. And it offers several pathways that might help you reach that goal. If you prefer the D.I.Y. (do it yourself) route it markets calendars and other items that might offer you guidance. Or, if you prefer a more social approach it can arrange organizing parties. And there is still another option: virtual organizing and coaching.

Streamlined Living’s web site is . It was started in 2011 by Christina Hidek


June 5, 2019 Show

Neal Owens

Evidence indicates that sitting under a bright light lamp of at least 10,000 lux on a daily basis can help reset your brain and balance your mood.

Sessions generally last only between 15 and 30 minutes; you can read the morning paper, watch television, or enjoy breakfast while sitting under the light. Bright light therapy works its wonders by stimulating the production of brain chemicals, including endorphins and serotonin.

This therapy can prove particularly beneficial for people living with Alzheimers. As it stabilizes their sleep, it can leave them less prone to agitation or mood swings during their waking hours. And a 2014 study by Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine has indicated that sunlight can help to regulate weight as it boosts metabolic functions and digestion if utilized early in the day.

The Maryland-based Sunbox sells a wide variety of different bright light lamps. Its web site is  Terri and Neal Owens manage the company


May 15, 2019 Show

Kristi Horner

Until quite recently, mental illness was a taboo topic in our culture, never mentioned much less discussed at length in polite society. Times have changed, however; emotional challenges no matter what form they might take are now being discussed much more openly. And as that has happened, increasing more attention is being paid to individuals who serve as caregivers for those living with mental illness.

The Ohio-based Courage to Caregivers is working to turn that attention into support that can make caregivers’ efforts less stressful.

This group administers a One-To-One Caregiver Program which matches caregivers for those living with mental illness with persons who have also handled these responsibilities. This effort is designed to help caregivers come to learn that the most vital aspect of care giving is caring for themselves.

This group’s web site is  Having experienced mental illness in her own family, Kristi Horner was instrumental in establishing this organization and now serves as its Founder and Executive Director.


Leah Cunningham

Appalachia has lost many of the coal mining jobs that once sustained it. But the West Virginia-based Solar Holler is committed to ensuring that despite those losses that region still serves as a major energy supplier to our country, if not to the world. Working towards that goal, this group is developing innovative approaches that bring (affordable) solar power to people who had previously never had access to this alternative energy source.

It has also joined forces with partners to launch West Virginia’s first solar energy training and apprenticeship program. And as it supplies businesses, homeowners and community organizations with a more affordable source of energy it is playing a major role in revitalizing the region.

Leah Cunningham serves as Chief Sunshine Officer at Solar Holler, leading sales and outreach efforts. Before joining this organization she managed WVU's (West Virginia University’s) community engagement and volunteerism efforts, and also served on that college’s Sustainability Committee.

Solar Holler’s web site is  Solar Power for Appalachia, West Virginia, Kentucky   We help Appalachian homes, businesses and non-profits mine the sun for clean and affordable energy that will power communities.


May 1, 2019 Show

Daniel Neides and Jessica Hutchins

When patients come to the Ohio-based Inspire Wellness they hear a message they probably never previously encountered in a doctor’s office, but one that both challenges and inspires them: Your body has the innate ability to restore itself to an optimum balance, with this potential being stronger than you might have ever imagined it is. And you can tap into your body’s healing power by providing it with optimal nutrition and opening all detoxification pathways.

These optimistic concepts form the cornerstones of what the doctors at Inspire Wellness – Daniel Neides and Jessica Hutchins – label functional medicine. This modality seeks to help people identifies the root causes of any diseases they might be experiencing and guides them towards living the highest quality of life they possibly can.

Some of the services that are available at Inspire Wellness include: Infrared Sauna, IV Therapy Thermography and Craniosacral. The website for Inspire Wellness is 

Inspire Wellness - Cleveland Functional Medicine - Disease Reversal

Are you ready to be awakened to live your best life and feel amazing instead of just "fine".?  Inspire Wellness is a Functional Medicine practice in Cleveland


April 17, 2019 Show

Sharon Hatfield

During the early 1850s, Jonathan Koons, an Ohio farmer, set out to debunk a nearby medium, but in an ironic twist of fate his efforts led him to evolve into a believer. And eventually, he became inspired to construct a spirit room; it contained, among other things, a modified table (spiritual machine) that acted as a battery which let the spirits manifest themselves plus an eclectic assortment of instruments. At least some visitors came to believe that when Koons played the fiddle the other instruments in the room would join in, playing strange melodies in unison while they danced above the sitters’ heads.

In her book, Enchanted Ground, the Spirit of Jonathan Koons, Sharon Hatfield, an Athens, Ohio native, set out to capture Koons’ flamboyance. And as she relates his story, she dispels the misconception that Koons’ ‘spirit room’ was just a trivial example of the public’s fascination with Spiritualism. She instead presents him as being a major representative of that nineteenth century movement.

Dr. Cass Ingram

Virtually everybody is familiar with turmeric, having consumed it in curry powder, as an individual spice added to recipes, or as one of the flavorings for tandoori meat and Indian or African rice dishes. But no matter how many times they might have savored it, most people do not realize this spice has great healing powers. It has been credited with helping people manage, among other disorders, arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, gastric disorders, cancer and Crohn Disease.

A nutritional physician, Dr. Cass Ingram has written more than 20 books and has appeared on over 5,000 radio and television shows, as he works to acquaint people with the benefits of tumeric and other spices. He received a B.S. in biology and chemistry from the University of Northern Iowa (1979) and a D.O. from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines, IA (1984). His latest book is The Wild Turmeric Cure.

Dr. Ingram’s web site is


April 3, 2019 Show

Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci

Medical students generally spend much of their time attending classes or working in laboratories. However, Dr. Marilyn R. Gugliucci was rewarded a grant by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine to spearhead a program that utilizes virtual reality to bring them out of what might have become their comfort zone. Their excursions into cyberspace are designed to help students at the University of New England’s College of Osteopathic Medicine better understand the emotions patients encounter as they face aging and end of life issues.

When a medical student puts on a head set and becomes Clay, a 66-year-old male veteran with terminal lung cancer who experiences being communicated bad news, goes on hospice and eventually dies at home. Other labs include becoming a person with macular degeneration and hearing loss or a person with dementia.

You can read more about Dr. Gugliucci’s work at this link. She serves as director of Geriatrics Education and Research at her Maine-based college.

Dr. William Schwab

Medicare, Medicaid and other governmental programs help to ensure that seniors receive the health care they need. But they do not always take into account the fact that many challenges – mobility issues, dementia - might make it difficult, if not virtually impossible, for an elder to keep appointments in a doctor’s offices. Thankfully, however, efforts such as University Hospital’s Medical House Calls Program, make this lapse less burdensome as they bring physicians and other professionals into patients’ residences.

This service might be particularly valuable for individuals who are returning home after a hospital stay and need to have their condition carefully monitored. It might, likewise, benefit caregivers in many ways. They are relieved from the strain they might encounter as they transport their elder to a medical facility, and are put into contact with valuable support - skilled nursing, nutritional counseling or wound care. Dr. William Schwab is a geriatrician who treats patients through this program.

You can find out more about UH’s Medical House Calls Program at this link.


March 20, 2019 Show

Dr. Michael Lewis

Concussions are often depicted as being an injury that only athletes who play contact sports sustain. However, research now indicates that a much broader group of individuals can suffer a mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI), commonly known as a concussion. In fact, it has been estimated that nearly three million people every year visit the emergency room for traumatic brain injuries

These injuries can result from something as commonplace as slipping down the stairs or banging into an open cupboard. And although they might appear to be the sort of thing that will resolve itself with time, they can result in long term consequences – an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease and dementia.

However, people can protect themselves against falling into that downward spiral. In his breakthrough book, When Brains Collide, Dr. Michael Lewis explains how therapeutic doses of omega-3 rich fish oil and hemp-derived CBD oil can effectively assist in the prevention, management, and healing of concussions.

Dr. Lewis’ web site is


Paul Sobel

At one point it was easier for seniors to age in place than might be the case today because they could rely upon the ongoing support from their neighbors. And members of the virtual villages that are now scattered across our country are working diligently to help members remain in their homes by providing one another with that exact same kind of assistance. One member might, for example, offer another member rides and in return receive some assistance as she completes needed home repairs.

This movement was born in 2001 in Boston, when a group of residents got together to form the Beacon Hill Village. Now, according to the Village to Village Network website, there are 200 open Villages and more than 150 in development stages scattered throughout the country.

Village in the Heights is one of them. Paul Sobel was instrumental in establishing it earlier this year. This organization’s web site is  ; it serves residents of eastern Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) suburbs.

Home - Village in the Heights
To support seniors aging in place in University Heights, OH. Welcome! Village in the Heights is a member driven organization of neighbors living in the eastern Cleveland, OH suburbs.


March 6, 2019 Show

Anthony Nunez

When we were young, many of us read books, such as One Thousand and One Nights and fantasized about having a genii who would answer all our wishes. Well, for some people getting older means that they really do have a genii of sorts willing to serve them. He goes by the name of Randy and was developed by the Virginia-based INF Robotics.

Rudy is designed to encourage his owners to become actively engaged in the world around them; with this engagement being specifically designed for each separate individual. He is, likewise, easy to use, intuitive actually; he responds to straightforward voice commands. And his personality – if, in fact, a robot can actually have a personality – promotes interactions.

Anthony Nunez, CEO and founder of INF Robotics, has worked in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for decades, writing extensively on these subjects and serving as a guest speaker at the Smithsonian. His company’s web site is 


Maura Horton

We have all heard the old adage that could be paraphrased as “clothes make the woman (man).” Well, the North Carolina-based MagnaReady is adding a new twist to that saying. The machine washable shirts it markets are held together with magnets instead of with buttons. So, people who have a wide range of physical challenges gain self-confidence and independence as they can easily manipulate them on their own.

Maura Horton is the Founder and President of this North Carolina-based business. She evolved the idea for her company’s product when her husband, Don, was embarrassed when his lack of muscular mobility made it difficult for him to button his shirts. A college football coach, he had been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease at an early age,

MagnaReady’s web site is  .

This firm sells shirts for boys at Magnamini. This company’s motto is “authenticity is magnetic.”


February 20, 219 Show

Kimberly Wilfong

Caring for a family member or other loved one can provide people with an opportunity to discover and then develop talents that they have talents they never realized they had. For example, somebody who never figured they were much of a cook might discover that they can prepare a very tasty meal when their care recipient needs that support. Or, somebody else might be surprised to learn that they had more of a knack for home maintenance than they ever expected they could.

However, despite the fact that it can prove self-affirming care giving can also prove exhausting in the extreme. And when the stress becomes too severe, they might benefit greatly if their elder spends some time in hospice, such as the one administered by the Ohio-based Cardinal Court Special Care Alzheimer’s Center.  Kimberly Wilfong is Resource Director. The website for that respite facility is 


February 6, 2019 Show


Laura Santoro

Observers interpret the term “yoga” in a myriad of different ways. To some people, it refers to a discipline whereby practitioners twist their bodies in ways that seem to defy the fact they are held together by bones instead of something much more pliable. Others, however, envision “yoga” as being a modality where by people can transport themselves to a more peaceful sphere.

And then, there are also individuals – Laura Santoro (Atmadarshan - "Vision of the true Self") is a prime example of that grouping – who believe that there is no real distinction between these two understandings. By their accounting, yoga enables practitioners to expand both their body and their mind in more directions than they had ever imagined.

Atmadarshan, who has an academic background in psychology as well as in biology, teaches both personal and corporate classes. She also worked for years in hospitals plus has a Black belt ranking in Aikido through Aikido Schools of Ueshiba You can learn more about her work at

Lawrence Bocchiere III

These days, people are entering into a wide variety of marriages that were not even dreamed of ten years ago. Among other things, there are gay marriages and marriages where the spouses live busy bi-coastal lives, seeing each other only when it can be arranged. And while these iterations on traditional marriages have gained considerable attention unions where one spouse has become incapacitated and is cared for the other have received much less note. In fact, they generally remain hidden out of sight.

And Well Spouse is working to change that lack of recognition as it supports these individuals. Formed in 1988, this New Jersey-based organization offers support groups and is also serves as a resource center.

Lawrence Bocchiere III is President Emeritus and Chairman of the Well Spouse Association. He cared for his spouse for 17 years and is now remarried to another former caregiver, an arrangement he claims is fairly common.

The web site for Well Spouse is


January 19, 2019 Show

Terri Corcoran

Caregiving involves nurturing vulnerable people on an ongoing basis, so it is stressful by anybody’s definition. It, however, can become particularly challenging when it becomes intertwined into the special relationship that spouses share. And that is why the New Jersey-based Well Spouse organization is committed to assisting individuals who find themselves handling these duties. It administers support groups that meet either in person or via phone calls and, among other things, it also offers members annual workshops, social events, special tours and conference sessions.

Terri Corcoran cared for her husband, who was physically and mentally disabled by a genetic neurodegenerative illness, during almost the entirety of their 17-year marriage. She received support from Well Spouse while her husband was still alive and has continued to be active in this organization since he died during 2016, serving as its PR Chairperson and co-editor of its bi-monthly newsletter Mainstay

Well Spouse’s web site is 


Adrienne Gruberg

What does a young girl - possibly, like the one pictured here - who occasionally helps her elderly grandmother cook meals have in common with a middle aged woman who tends to her disabled husband on a daily basis? Well, according to the definition that the Caregiver Space has evolved, they are both caregivers. And it maintains that term might also apply to a middle-aged woman who takes her father shopping every week.

No matter what role somebody is assuming as a caregiver, the Caregiver space strives to lend them the support that they need as they handle their commitments. This organization runs online support groups for young caregivers, spousal caregivers, caregiving daughters, caregiving sons and caregiving parents. And it even has a group for people who are experiencing grief after their care recipient passes.

Adrienne Gruberg took care of her husband and mother-in-law until they died of cancer. She founded the site to support other caeregivers.

The organization’s web site is


January 2, 2019 Show

Joan Hanson

Through its Navigator Program, the Ohio-based Hospice of the Western Reserve delivers palliative care to patients in a broad variety of different settings: in hospices, in private homes, in assisted living facilities. Although it is not designed to be curative, palliative care can greatly benefit patients as it helps them manage their pain.

And if they chose, they can continue to pursue aggressive treatment or further diagnostic testing while they are receiving this care. The Navigator Team is comprised of Advanced Practice Nurses, social workers and trained volunteers. A nurse is always on duty at a hotline it administers. Joan Hanson directs that hospice’s navigator services.

The Navigator program is not the only innovative effort that the hospice has established. Another example: the S.T.A.R.S. program - Supporting Tears, Anger, Remembrance & Sadness - which buttresses students who have experienced the death of a loved one.

The hospice’s web site is


December 19, 2018 Show

Sonia Marcello

is a 3rd year osteopathic medical student at the university, who participated in both programs. (see below)

Students who participate in “Learning by Living Nursing Home Immersion Project” are admitted into a nursing home where they live the life of a resident for approximately two weeks – 24/7, receiving both a diagnosis and standard care procedures. And students who take part in the 48 Hour Hospice Home Immersion Project reside in an 18 bed acute care in-patient hospice home for 48 hours. They sleep in a bed where many others have died. However, instead of being recipients of care the students are working with the hospice staff to provide inter-professional care for patients, support for family members and post mortem care after the patient dies.

Jordan Levine

Edwins Leadership & Restaurant Institute, a 501 (c) organization, not only grants formerly incarcerated men and women training in the hospitality industry. It also supports them as they complete their training by offering them free housing, legal counsel, basic medical care, clothing, job coaching, literacy programs.

And thanks to the comprehensiveness of its efforts, it has a very impressive success rate; 97% of those who complete its program find employment and only 5% return to jail. Edwins currently runs two French restaurants and it is in the process of opening a butcher shop.

Edwin's website, which in addition to providing essential information about that organization’s restaurants also offers online cooking courses, is 

Jordan Levine, Edwins’ General manager, has been working at restaurants since he was 16; he washed dishes in his cousin’s pizza parlor before moving up to cooking and serving responsibilities. Since that time, he has expanded his culinary skills to include Middle Eastern and French cooking. A man of many talents, he spends his free time reading and playing the guitar.


December 5, 2018 Show

Ed Guion

Decades ago, when people began to need a little extra help as they aged, arrangements were made for them to live in a little house next to the main house. And admiring the way that arrangement made it possible for families to care for one another, Ed Guion wanted to bring it up to date. So, he developed a prototype that evolved into the Elder Cottage concept which has been featured on the NBC Nightly News and the Today Show plus the AARP’s Modern Maturity Magazine.

Priced at between $44,960.00 and $60,440.00, depending upon their size and the number of rooms they feature, Elder Cottages remain quite affordable when compared to the expense of retirement community housing of similar dimensions. However, despite the fact that they have many strong selling points, zoning regulations plus other factors, might not make these structures a viable option for every family.

The web site for Elder Cottages is 

Lori Bishop

As Americans are aging, dialogues about end of life care have moved out of the shadows and into the mainstream. And that openness has translated into increasingly more American coming to understand that they this care can be delivered through a myriad of available options. The Alexandria Virginia-based National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization is working hard to further this dialogue by remaining active on many different levels: legislative, training, support to those receiving care and advocacy. It even offers a series of online classes and webcasts .

This organization defines “palliative care” in very inclusive terms, “family-centered (end of life) care that optimizes quality of life by anticipating, preventing, and treating suffering.” And it stresses that this care might be delivered in a wide variety of different setting: a home, a hospital a hospice.

Lori Bishop services as this organization’s Vice President of Palliative & Advanced Care.


November 21, 2018 Show

Gary Joseph LeBlanc founder of  Dementia Mentors

Eric Wegner is living with dementia and making his diagnosis manageable by working with Dementia Mentors.

Being diagnosed with any serious illness would leave virtually anybody terrorized. However, being told that you have dementia might have a particularly strong impact on many individuals as they equate it with losing their memory and subsequently themselves.

The Florida-based Dementia Mentors gives people who receive that diagnosis hope by connecting them through online video chats with another individual who has that same type of cognitive impairment. These dialogues offer them, among other things, practical advice that can make living with their condition more manageable.

And in addition to granting people an opportunity to discuss their symptoms, this organization also offers virtual memory cafes, a venue where people can share thoughts and opinions not necessarily related to their disease.

Gary Joseph LeBlanc who has long worked as a columnist and adviser to care facilities on dementia related matters started Dementia Mentors. The group’s web site is

Gary also has a web site that offers hints on care giving at  .


November 7, 2018 Show

Carter Strang

If you are a woman, or a man, of a certain age, some things are etched into your mind. You remember exactly where you were when John Kennedy was shot, when the Beatles first appeared on Ed Sullivan and also when the four students were killed at Kent State. The latter memories might be particularly strong for some individuals because they view them in starkly personal terms. They feel that it could just as easily been them who was killed as it was the four young people who met that fate.

Carter Strang has delivered numerous presentations on the Kent State Tragedies, discussing how the shootings impacted upon him. He is currently a partner with the Ohio-based Tucker Ellis, with a primary focus on environmental, mass tort, and product liability litigation. Before he attended law school, Carter earned both the Jennings Scholar and Taft Fellow teaching awards in his career as a high school teacher and coach.

Dan Barker

A former evangelical minister and graduate from the Azusa Pacific University, Dan Barker, gained considerable media coverage during1984 by doing the unexpected. He announced that he had become an atheist and subsequently appeared on AM Chicago (then hosted by Oprah Winfrey), proclaiming that he had “kicked the religion habit.”

Dan currently serves as the co-president of the Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion Foundation which promotes the separation of church and state. A show he co-hosts, Freethought Radio, is broadcasted nationally over several different stations. It has welcomed a wide variety of freethinkers - Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Steven Pinker, Julia Sweeney, and Michael Newdow.

His newest book is Free Will Explained: How Science and Philosophy Converge to Create a Beautiful Illusion.

A Baby Boomer, Dan works to stay young by playing professional jazz piano and walking the three miles between his home and his office every day.

His organization’s web site is


October 17, 2018 Show

Peggi Robinson

When people think about near death experiences some strong images pop into their heads. Somebody who has suffered an accident or medical trauma, such as a heart attack, is swept along a tunnel towards a bright light. However, instead of continuing along their journey to this light, they are hurled back to earth; it is not their time.

The North Carolina-based The International Association for Near Death Studies, however, maintains that a large percentage of NDEs diverge from this scenario in important ways. But it notes that no matter what form they assume these incidents deeply touch their people who experience them and might result in their needing support that will help them process these powerful incidents. And it is working to make their adjustment easier by increasing greater awareness of NDE and the impact they can have.

This organization’s web site is . Pegi Robinson heads up its Mid Ohio Valley Chapter.


Johanna Jameson

The staff at the Illinois-based Memory Farms does not claim that it can cure dementia. Rather, they recognize that it might be decades before medical science has progressed to the point where it can reverse memory loss. However, they do pride themselves upon helping people who are experiencing memory loss rebuild their self confidence through physical activity.

Visitors to the farm participate among other things in animal therapy – the facility has therapy dogs and goats – yoga and safe wandering. The latter involves encouraging them to explore the property that has wandering stations which offer a variety of physical and cognitive activities.

And the farm also offers services for caregivers, individuals whose commitments to their care recipient often leave them depleted and stressed. These offerings include respite care, support groups, counseling services plus an opportunity to share activities with their loved one.

The web site for the farm which was opened earlier this year is  Johanna Jameson was instrumental in establishing it.


October 4, 2018 Show

Shannon Reglus

During previous decades, when somebody could no longer carry out what are often termed activities of daily living few options were available to them. (ADLs include: feeding; toileting; selecting proper attire; grooming; maintaining continence; putting on clothes; bathing, walking and transferring, which involves moving from a bed to wheelchair.) They were sent to institutions that were not always as client-centered as might be desirable. Now, however, people are finding that other alternatives, ones that they might guarantee their comfort to a greater extent, are available to them.

A case in point is the Lantern, which is dedicated to helping people in need of memory care function at their highest potential as they live in a home-like environment. The centerfolds of its Fountain of Life program -“Brain Power” and ‘Svayus” - work to promote healthy aging as they keep clients’ minds and bodies active.

The Lantern has three Ohio-based locations. Its web site is  . Shannon Reglus serves as this organization’s director of marketing and admissions.

Toni Mulee

People who are living with Down Syndrome have an extra copy/ partial extra copy of their 21st chromosome, an anomaly that can cause them to experience intellectual and physical challenges. Yet, The Upside of Downs , is committed to spreading the message that despite the fact that they might need specialized medical care, these individuals can still contribute to society in many wonderful ways. Among other thing, they can attend school, work, form close relationships and participate in decisions that affect them. As is the case with virtually everybody else they simply need a chance to develop and then showcase their talents or abilities.

Toni Mullee became the executive director of this organization 5 years ago after having spent 12 years working in non-profits. In addition to conducting advocacy this non-profit holds an annual fundraiser, called the Buddy Walk, and provides support and education for families.

The group’s website is


September 19, 2018 Show

Louanne Ludwig

was a driven and successful real estate agent. However, she maintains that one thing often separated her from others who enjoyed her bounty. She was restless and unfulfilled; her disquiet culminated during one hectic season when she began to sense that could communicate with the Divine. These sentiments led her on a quest for spiritual enlightenment, not hot properties, and as her search deepened so did her feeling of peace and joy as well as a desire to share her discoveries with others.

And that is why she has worked assiduously to develop her ability to either read dreams or deliver psychic readings. She has come to believe that: "All dreams are filled with metaphors meant to help us see what is going on in our lives through the eyes of higher consciousness."

Her book is titled, A Journey Within, and her web site where you can arrange for a psychic reading or a dream analysis is

Philip Stotter

Everybody knows that being physically active could help the ever increasing number of Americans who are overweight to take off unwanted pounds. But what might seem like an easy challenge – go to the gym or just take a brisk walk – can become daunting for some people whose bulk makes movement uncomfortable.

The Cleveland-based Club Fitness can, however, make the challenges they face surmountable by boosting participants’ strength, agility, balance, flexibility, endurance and motor control rather upon guiding them to compete in triathlons.

The key "product" at Club Fit is Active Aging 360, a large piece of gym-like equipment that has eight stations simulating day-to-day functional tasks. At each station is a small screen programmed with a virtual coach, known as AAVA, who offers instruction and guidance tailored to the individual.

Club Fit’s web site is  . It is owned by Philip Stotter, a former physical therapist who invented much of the equipment in this facility.


September 5. 2018 Show

Joan Tabb

Many aging Baby Boomers face retirement with great anticipation, remaining convinced that it will free them from work routines that have become burdensome and allow them to progress along paths of their own choosing. Others, however, remain fearful about leaving the work force. What will they do during the decades of life that lie ahead of them after they close their office door for the last time? Hoping to ease their distress, Joan Tabb has outlined some guidelines they might follow as they come to accept retirement as being an opportunity, not something to dread.

Joan brings the experience she garnered during a twenty-year career at major corporations - Apple, 3Com, Intel - to her work as a career and executive coach. Her web site is 

Her latest book is titled Building Blocks for the NEW retirement: An easy, interactive 8-step guide for a retirement with meaning, purpose and fun.

The Barnes Twins

Over the years, Washington Square has gained renown for nurturing talent that later enjoyed great acclaim. Bob Dylan and Ramblin’ Jack Elliot are only two examples of people who have basked in its glory and moved on from that point. And because this park, with its arc that seems to spread over everything, has a reputation for putting people on track to live out their dreams, it attracts street performers of every shape and size.

Identical twins Kareem (Tac) Barnes and Tyheem (Tic) Barnes are only two examples of people who have enlivened that open space in the hopes of boosting their career. By virtually all accounts, their show which features the twins jumping over groups of people – all sizes, all shapes, all ethnic backgrounds - remains immensely entertaining, mixing drama with good natured bantering. However, complaints have been lodged against their shows which attract loud crowds and can become a bit boisterous. Such is the life of the street performer.

Tic and Tac’s website is  You can view their performances on link


August 15, 2018 Show

Kat Meyer

After Rebecca Meyer was diagnosed with a brain tumor (grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma) during August of 2013, her parents searched all possible treatment options. However, despite their valiant efforts and her considerable courage, Rebecca died on June 7, 2014, her sixth birthday. At that point she had endured almost 10 months of radiation, chemotherapy and experimental trials.

In the months after Rebecca’s death, the Meyer family took several trips together to work through their grief. And they found that being separated from their usual routine – daily chores, school, work - during these vacations, proved healing. So, they decided to form Rebecca’s Gift as a means of providing other grieving families with the same space away from their mourning they had enjoyed. During the ensuing years they raised NEED A Dollar Amount to help send six grieving families on vacations.

Kathryn Meyer, Rebecca’s mother, was instrumental in establishing this Cleveland-based program.

The organization’s website is

Dr. Clark Echols

Our world is changing and behavior that was once acceptable when men interacted with women is now viewed in strong “Time Over” terms. And Clark Echols, MDiv, MA, LPCC, would like to see this cultural upheavals go a step further. A counselor, he not only wants to help his clients become accountable for their actions towards others but also more accountable to themselves as they grow more closely connected to their inner feelings.

Clark was employed for 32 years as an ordained pastor in the New Church, which follows the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg. He now works with individuals as well as with couples, helping them to cope with anxiety, depression or PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). An activist, he has also been instrumental in forming CMG (Cincinnati Men’s Gathering), which works to guide members towards a fuller understanding of their masculinity. Mutual support remains its guiding mantra.

Clark’s website is 


August 1, 2018 Show

Karen Hatfield

Often, when children suffer a loss they cope by showing a brave face to the world instead of allowing themselves to heal as they openly express their pain. And that is why the Together We Can bereavement camps sponsored by the Hospice of the Western Reserve can play such an important part in their life. Within their welcoming confines, campers spend time with other kids who have experienced the death of someone special, and benefit from activities that encourage expression of feelings, enhanced coping, and remembering and honoring the person who died.

Hospice of the Western Reserve offers a variety of Together We Can camps and family events ranging from several hours to several days in different locations. From a family event at Mentor Headlands Beach, to working and riding horses in collaboration with Fieldstone Farm Therapeutic Riding Center, campers have multiple options for sharing their stories, understanding their grief and having fun at the same time.

Karen Hatfield is Team Leader for Counseling Services for Hospice of the Western Reserve. She part of the team who develops and facilitates the camps offered each year.

Lisa Scotese Gallagher

Residents at the Ohio-based Hospice of the Western Reserve might find it virtually impossible to revisit a locale that they remember with great fondness. Thanks to modern technology in the form of drones, however, they can make one last trip to a place, possibly an ancestral home or simply a local park, that has special meaning for them.

Flight to Remember makes their adventures possible. Formed during 2017 by Tom Davis, its pilots go to a site a patient has selected and capture videos of it by flying unmanned aerial systems (drones) as much as 400 feet above it.

These videos are then live streamed to the patient. And they also receive a highlight reel as they watch it accompanied by family and friends.

More information about this program can be downloaded at this link:

Lisa Scotese Gallagher is the Director of Staff Experience at the hospice and she has been an essential part of making this program a reality.


July 18, 2018 Show

Judy Valentine

was still quite young when she first made a name for herself singing around the Boston area. And although many decades have passed since she first ventured on stage – she is now in her 90s – her enthusiasm and ability to connect with audiences captivate people as much today as they ever did.

She and her then husband, Sherm Feller – he eventually became the public address announcer at Boston’s Fenway Park and a prolific composer – hosted a radio show called “A Feller and A Girl.” He did most of the announcing but Judy won renown for her singing. And she gained even more fans as she performed on an early show for children along with co-star Carroll Spinney; he soon grew feathers and became the legendary "Big Bird." Multi-talented, Judy also produced more than 30 recordings including the classic "I'm a Little Tea Pot."

You can read more about Judy’s career at

Charlie Mosbrook

Throughout his music career, Charlie Mosbrook has always worked to build a strong connection with his audience. His powerful baritone plus his expert guitar playing gave voice to that commitment when, as a young man, he sang original folk songs on street corners and subway platforms throughout the eastern United States.

And he remains true to it today as he travels across the country often by train, spreading the social justice message his music delivers. A spinal chord injury Charlie suffered during 2010 has limited his mobility but it has not dampened his spirit; in fact, it has made him more determined than ever to share his talent.

Earlier this year, Charlie's song "Remember Who We Are" was selected as the 2nd place winner of the Woody Guthrie Folk Festival songwriting contest. He has been invited to perform that composition on the main stage of that event in Okemah, Oklahoma.

Charlie’s website is


July 4, 2018 Show

Dr. Donna Halper

can claim bragging rights as being both somebody who helped to mold history as well as somebody who published books about it. While still in her 20s, she held an administrative position at the Cleveland-based WMMS, an earlier adapter of a rock and roll format.

And then decades later, she later gained renown as the author of six books and numerous articles. Her most recent book is a newly revised and expanded second edition of Invisible Stars: A Social History of Women in American Broadcasting, published during March 2014. She was previously the author of Boston Radio 1920-2010, which tells the story of Boston radio in words and pictures, which was published during 2011.

Donna currently teaches at Lesley University in Cambridge, Massachusetts; her areas of expertise are media ethics, media stereotypes, and social history. She has also worked as an advocate for an adult with autism, a mentor, a tutor, and a Big Sister.

Her website is 

Jay Westbrook

when his political passions were fueled when as a child his family lived in several different Southern states – Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, Florida – and he had ample opportunity to see a broad scope of the American landscape. And then years later when he moved to Cleveland, Ohio Jay put his fervor into action; he helped to form Ohio Public Interest which is now Ohio Citizens Action.

Eventually, his activism led to his being appointed to Cleveland City Council. The Council President, George Forbes, with whom Jay had strong political differences managed to block that appointment. But Jay was eventually elected to council and even ended up serving as its president.

After more than 30 years serving on council, however, Jay decided that it was time for him to utilize his talents in a different venue and he is now working as the Special Projects Manager of the Western Reserve Land Conservancy’s Thriving Communities Institute This organization seeks to promote responsible land use both in Cleveland and throughout Cuyahoga County.

Its web site is 


June 6, 2018 Show

 Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci

Medical students generally spend much of their time in the classroom, in laboratories or studying on their own. But Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci, Professor and Director of Geriatrics Education and Research at the Maine-based University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine (UNE COM) designed and implemented two initiatives that take them out of these accustomed environments.

These projects immerse medical students and other health professions students into acute care hospice homes and nursing homes so that they walk in the shoes or propel themselves in the wheelchairs of others to better empathize with what their patients and family members are feeling, working against a trend whereby medicine has become depersonalized and technology driven.

Students who participate in the “Learning by Living Nursing Home Immersion Project” are admitted into a nursing home by Dr. Gugliucci so they can then live the life of a resident for approximately two weeks – 24/7, receiving both a diagnosis and standard care procedures. And students who take part in the 48 Hour Hospice Home Immersion Project reside in an 18 bed acute care in-patient hospice home for 48 hours; sleeping in a bed where many others have died, but instead of being recipients of care the students are working with the hospice staff to provide Inter-professional care for patients, support for family members and post mortem care after the patient dies.

You can read more information about Dr. Gugliucci’s work at this

Paul Sobel

In responding to AARP surveys, at least 90 percent of the respondents indicated that they want to remain in their own homes as they age. And Virtual Villages are designed to make it easier for them to age in place by returning to the neighbor helping neighborhood model that was the norm in America during previous decades. Earlier this year, Paul Sobel was instrumental in establishing Village in the Heights which serves several Cleveland, Ohio suburbs.

The virtual village idea was born in 2001 in Boston, when a group of residents got together to form the Beacon Hill Village. Now, according to the Village to Village Network website, there are 200 open Villages and more than 150 in development stages scattered throughout the country.

Earlier this year, Paul Sobel was instrumental in establishing Village in the Heights which serves several Cleveland, Ohio suburbs. He has long worked on aging issues. His organizations website is


May 16, 2018 Show

David Nassaney

During 1996, David Nassaney’s wife, Charlene, suffered a massive stroke that left her with severe speech and mobility impediments. In time, however, thanks to her strong faith and determination, she became able to resume many of the activities that had filled her life before she experienced this trauma.

And David also found that he could challenge himself in new ways as he became committed to supporting others who were also serving as caregivers for loved ones. He began hosting a podcast plus a weekly radio show called “Dave, the Caregiver’s Caregiver, Avoiding Burnout.”

And he also became a best-selling author. His third book is It’s My Life Too! Reclaim Your Caregiver Sanity by Learning When To Say “Yes,” and When To Say “No” a volume he has marketed by appearing on more than 25 morning shows.

David has, likewise, formed a support group which members can join through his website  and grants them 24/7 online support, live weekly calls and practical solutions to the problems they are facing.

 Debra Muzikar

“Autism” defies any effort to define it 25 words or less. And that is the case because that term applies to a very wide spectrum of social and communication challenges, repetitive behaviors, sensory hypersensitivity that might not be typical of the public as a whole. However, as the Art of Autism is fast to point out people who are diagnosed as being “autistic” might have their real challenges but they also have unique strengths and sensitivities.

And to make people aware of that fact The Art of Autism is committed to providing a showcase of blogs, gallery art and films through its website and events. It also seeks to foster independence and self-esteem among its participants, as it encourages them to develop new skills and monetize their artistic and other efforts. It was formed during 2005 and its website attracts 2700 visitors daily. Debra Muzikar was a co-founder of this group.

This organization’s website is 


May 2, 2018 Show

Jalaja Bonheim

Circlework has the power to create sanctuaries where participants experience healings as they openly discuss abuse or other pain they have long kept hidden. More than anything else, they enjoy authentic intimacy, a life enhancing closeness that might not be available to them elsewhere. Joining in activities that grant them a greater awareness of their physical and spiritual selves encourages them to think with their hearts rather than with their heads.

Jalaja Bonheim is one of the one of the world’s foremost experts in the use of circle gatherings to empower and heal participants. The founder of the Institute for Circlework, she has trained hundreds of professionals to become Circlework leaders and she has even led groups that included both Palestinian and Jewish members. Her new book – The Magic of Circlework: The Practice Women Around the World Are Using to Heal and Empower Themselves – details in depth the essentials of this practice.

Jalaja’s web site is


April 18, 2018 Show

Lynda Shrager

Subtle differences in their behavior have gradually become less subtle over the years. They might not be walking with the same sprightly gait they once did. Or, newspapers might be beginning to pile up on their front steps. So, you have become convinced your parents are having trouble managing their affairs, and that realization worries you.

However, you dread having what might be termed the talk, a frank discussion about the fact that they need some help. That is where Lynda A. Shrager’s book – Age In Place: A Guide to Modifying, Organizing, and Decluttering Mom and Dad’s House – will come in handy.

Lynda’s newspaper column, Mom’s RX, has appeared in countless newspapers across the country, and she is a featured columnist for Everyday Health, one of the country’s leading health websites. She has practiced in the medical field of geriatric rehabilitation for more than 37 years.

Her website is 

Rick Shapiro

The individuals whom Rick Shapiro interviewed for his book Hope Never Dies: How 20 Late-Stage and Terminal Cancer Patients Beat the Odds might not think of themselves as being anything special. But they did manage to accomplish something that is almost by its very definition miraculous. They survived a diagnosis of terminal cancer. And the fact that some of them are still thriving years after they received this dire diagnosis remains noteworthy in the extreme.

A health crisis led Rick to write this book. During 2001, the results of many tests led his doctors, who suspected he might have cancer, to suggest that he should have a liver biopsy. But instead of following this suggestion, he drastically transformed his nutritional habits, consuming mostly plant-based foods and freshly made veggie juices. And within a relatively short period of time his body showed no evidence of liver disease.

Rick's website is


April 4, 2018 Show

 Kathy Hatfiel

An AARP survey concluded that nearly 90 percent of seniors want to stay in their own homes as they age, being able to age in place. And numerous other surveys have replicated these results. However, saying that you want something and being able to make it a reality are often two different things. So, people often have to move into an institution, even if that arrangement was hardly their first choice.

But times have changed and today’s nursing homes are not necessarily the sort of impersonal places that they have often been envisioned as being. Efforts are ongoing to make these institutions more homey, not to mention more sensitive to individual needs or desires.

Kathy Hatfield is proud that she has been a part of that effort. She was instrumental in establishing the North Carolina-based Almost Home Group which administers three homes in that state. Her organization’s web site is  .


March 21, 2018 Show

Garry Berman

These days it is almost hip and trendy not to own a television – or for that matter, a radio. Computers and mobile devices that can stream pretty much everything have made this technology obsolete for some people. However, things were very different when the Baby Boomers, folks born right after World War II, were coming of age.

Televisions and radios, bulky as they might have been at that point, were front and center during that historical juncture. They blared during times when entire families were gathered together in their living rooms and during times when teens journeyed out on their own. And Garry Berman has made a career out of writing about these cultural happenstances; the Beatles and comedians such as Ed Wynn remain an ongoing fascination for him.

Garry has also written in collaboration with Kelly Marie Thompson, a native of South Shields, England on comedy scripts and on a book From Me To You.  His web site is

Molly McMahon

Molly McMahon Graziano is a founding member of Ohio End of Life Options.

Its web site is

As is the case elsewhere, Americans have traditionally been reluctant to even discuss, much less to legislate, end of life issues. However, all of that is beginning to change as witnessed by the fact that five states – Oregon (1994/1997) Washington (2008), Vermont (2013), California (2016), Colorado (2016) - and Washington D.C. (2017) now have Death With Dignity laws.



March 7, 2018 Show

Kathy Hatfield

Nursing homes are often perceived as being insensitive to individual needs, the last place in the world you would want to spend your declining years. But, as it strives to live up to its name, the North Carolina-based Almost Home Group has long worked to prove that these facilities can be reconfigured to offer more personalized care. The three homes it administers are not only welcoming and homelike but also committed to benefiting residents by keeping them as mentally and physically active as possible.

Kathy Hatfield’s life underwent a major change during 2004 when she became the major support for her father who was then in the middle stages of Alzheimer, a condition that he would live with for 12 years. As she nurtured him through his journey, she quickly learned that there is an acute need for facilities that can properly care for people with memory loss. What she discovered led her to form the Almost Home Group, whose web site is 


February 21, 2018 Show

Mark Cheplowitz

At the end of the 1939 classic movie “The Wizard of Oz,” the wizard is exposed as being nothing but a charlatan hiding behind a curtain. As he produces extravaganzas for the Wizard of Ahs, however, Mark Cheplowitz prides himself upon taking an approach very much the opposite of the one the wizard assumed. While that creation of Hollywood was obviously trying to pull a ruse on Dorothy and her friends, Mark works to ensure that his shows are much more than just smoke and dagger routines lacking in substance. He considers himself to be an educator as well as a showman, as he helps people come to feel awed by the nature of the event they are attending.

Over the last 35 years, Mark has produced events for NBA All-Star Game and championship festivities and MLB All-Star and World Series events. He has also produced numerous musical stadium concerts, featuring entertainers such as Aerosmith, Ringo Starr and Aretha Franklin.

The Wizard of Ahs' web site is

Dale Picard

Some of the canines that are trained through East Coast Assistance Dogs work as service dogs for clients who have a broad variety of challenges, such as Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons Disease, Vertigo, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy or Spinal Cord injuries. Others, meanwhile, become facility dogs as they find their callings in hospitals, nursing homes court rooms and many other locations where they support distressed individuals. No matter where they might end up working their magic, however, all of these animals have one thing in common. Because they have an abundance of patience and love they are often able to support people in ways that another human simply could not.

Lu Picard and her husband, Dale, formed ecad more than 30 years ago, coming to this venture with considerable experience at administering businesses. This organization currently has facilities in both New York and Connecticut and has placed animals in 12 different states. Web site is


February 7, 2018 Show

William Pullen

 Fitness enthusiasts often claim that you have to engage in very strenuous workouts to gain any tangible results. But, at least as Psychotherapist William Pullen describes it Dynamic Running Therapy (DRT) takes a much gentler approach. It maintains that virtually any form of exercise has the power to guide us out of emotional pain as long as it is practiced with mindfulness and it can become particularly valuable when combined with talk therapy.

William maintains that DRT can benefit a large hare of the 18.1 million American adults who are afflicted with anxiety, even if their fitness level is far from optimum. By his accounting, far too many of them are turning to therapies – pharmaceuticals, talk therapy – that often prove ineffective over time.

More information about DRT can be found in William’s book Running with Mindfulness: Dynamic Running Therapy (DRT) to Improve Low Mood, Anxiety, Stress, and Depression . His web site is

Noreen Renier

Police officers generally conduct criminal investigations by collecting hard evidence – cell phones or even a few strands of DNA left behind at a crime scene. On the other hand, however, psychics almost by definition rely upon their intuitions when attempting to crack a challenging case. So, it would seem logical to conclude that two will never find themselves working harmoniously as a team, but Noreen Renier has long attempted to disprove that assumption.

A well-known psychic detective, she has worked on over 600 unsolved cases with city, county, and state Law Enforcement Agencies. Yet, she strongly believes that psychic like herself should only be brought in as a last resort when professionals using more traditional methods have hit dead ends in their efforts to untangle difficult cases.

Noreen’s web site is  And she discusses her career which has had its share of successes – not to mention more than a few controversies in her book “A Mind for Murder.”



January 17, 2018 Show

Dr. Ann Faraone

Being a caregiver, assuming responsibility for a vulnerable person, is almost by its very nature stressful for anybody. But it is particularly challenging for young people who are just past the stage when they needed a watchful eye to ensure their own safety.

Yet, the American Association for Caregiving Youth notes that nationwide there are approximately 1.3 to 1.4 million child caregivers between the ages of 8 and 18. To put that figure into perspective, it surpasses the total number of students currently enrolled in grades 3 – 12 in New York City, Chicago and the District of Columbia.

When the AACY was established during 1998, it focused almost exclusively on people who were housebound and caregiving families in Boca Raton, Florida. Now, however, it has expanded its efforts to support youth who sacrifice their education, health, well-being and childhood to provide care for ill or disabled family members throughout the country. As it provides direct services through its Caregiving Youth Project, it has evolved a growing affiliate network and established the Caregiving Youth Institute.

Dr. Ann Faraone, serves as that organization’s Director of Education Services. This organization’s web site is 

Josh Ruminski

The term “depression” is tossed around with increasing frequency these days. People can often be heard saying, “I am depressed” or “So and so has obvious depression.” Yet, the fact that “depression” has entered our common parlance does not necessarily mean people comprehend how devastating this condition can be.

And aware of that fact, Josh Ruminski started the Ohio-based Happy Thoughts Candles in the hopes of raising their understanding of these matters. He defines depression as being a serious but treatable unbalance that causes people not only to feel sad but also to lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, as their ability to function declines.

A suicide survivor himself, Josh contributes 20 per cent of this firm’s revenue to suicide prevention charities. The candles Happy Thoughts Candles markets are made of essential oil. Some are termed Mental Health Candles, while others are dubbed Seasonal or Year-Round.

Jossh’s company’s web site is


January 3, 2018 Show

Dr. Thelma Reese

Dr. Thelma Reese’s professional life has often evolved along unplanned paths. She taught because teaching offered her a convenient schedule; teaching led to her earning a doctorate and becoming an educational psychologist. And from that point on, she gravitated towards being a consultant for Hooked on Phonics, other educational products and consulting companies.

However, the fact that she has enjoyed some great adventures she never planned - or, for that matter, even anticipated - has not left Dr. Reese with the impression others will be equally as lucky. Rather, she strongly believes that in today’s world careful planning is essential during every phase of somebody’s life. And she maintains that men who ignore this advice as they fail to prepare for retirement often end up losing their identity along with their job.

Previously the author of The New Senior Woman: Reinventing the Years Beyond Mid-Life, Dr. Reese recently wrote The New Senior Man in the hopes of spreading this message. Her website is  .

Jordan Goodman

There was a time not so long ago when people could safeguard their Golden Years by simply putting their money into investments that involved little risk but paid relatively high rates of return. However, times have changed. These days, bonds, savings accounts, CDs and other investments that once provided people with at least a modicum of security are essentially a losing proposition. The interest they pay is lower than is the rate of inflation and you owe taxes on the minimal return they do deliver.

So, taking all of this into account, folks are turning away from the investments their parents or grandparents favored and trying their hand at those which carry a higher risk. And as that happens many of them are relying upon the advice that people such as Jordan Goodman – America’s Money Answers Man – dispense. For 18 years, Jordan served as Wall Street correspondent for Money magazine. He is also the author / co-author of 13 best-selling books on personal finance, including Master Your Debt Fast Profits in Hard Times, Everyone’s Money Book, Master Your Money Type, Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms and Barron’s Finance and Investment Handbook.

Jordan’s web site is


December 20, 2017 Show

Laura Golino de Lovato

In Portland Oregon, as is the case throughout the entire country, the recovery from the Great Recession (of 2007 – 2009) has been quite uneven. Some residents of that city are now earning impressive salaries in the tech companies that have made it their home base. And armed with ready cash, they have pushed the price of housing in Portland past rates that are affordable for the elderly. And being acutely aware of this fact, the Northwest Pilot Project is working to ensure that these individuals do not end up homeless.

It advocates for them by constantly working to increase financial assistant that will enable them to pay for application fees, security depots or other move-in costs. And it also keeps a careful tracking of affordable housing in Portland, providing essential documentation that more needs to be made available, particularly in the city’s downtown area.

Laura Golino de Lovato is the group’s executive director.  Its web site is

Megan Hustings 

Official jobs reports issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimate that about 550,000 Americans are homeless on any given note. And although it is often assumed that many, if not all, of these individuals are unemployed, the National Coalition for the Homeless notes that many of them do work. But their wages so low they cannot afford housing. 


The average hourly wage needed to afford a two-bedroom rental home in America is $13.96, a sum much higher than the wages many people earn. Hoping to make the public aware of these realities, this organization sponsors a speaking bureau as well as an annual Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week and Homeless Persons' Memorial Day.


Having been with the organization for 8 years, Megan Hustings serves as the Interim Director at the National Coalition for Homelessness.


This organization web site, which provides extensive information about the demographics and causes of homelessness, is


December 6, 2017 Show

Mary Verdi Fletcher

Dancing Wheels dramatically delivers its message of inclusion by presenting dances that feature both wheel chair and stand-up performers. And a quick glance at some impressive numbers indicates that its efforts to inspire audiences by celebrating the universal spirit of dance have made a major impact.

Over the years its repertory has expanded to include more than 40 works by choreographed by nationally recognized professionals. It has reached an estimated 5 million people through performances, school assemblies, residencies and workshops. Millions more have enjoyed its artistry during appearances on CNN, Good Morning America, and the TV special “Christopher Reeve: A Celebration of Hope.”

A pioneer in the field of integrative dance, Mary Verdi Fletcher is the President/ Founding Artistic Director of The Ohio based Dancing Wheels Company & School. Mary started the company in 1980 and the school came about 10 years later.

The organization’s web site is

Cindy Spertner

Teen aged angst has been given voice in numerous popular sings, such as “A Teenager in Love,” and in reading list mainstays, such as Catcher in the Rye. Teen Ink, however, takes a different approach to these matters. Instead of allowing recording artists or middle aged writers to express the emotions young people are experiencing, it encourages teens to speak for themselves through their essays, poems and art work.

Hundreds of thousands of students, aged 13 -19, have submitted their work to Teen Ink and it has published more than 55,000 teens since 1989 both in print and on line. Teen Ink magazine is distributed through classrooms and libraries nationwide. All the proceeds from the print magazine, website and Teen Ink books are used for educational purposes, furthering the group’s goals.

Cindy Spertner is Teen Ink’s executive editor. She has been with this organization for 9 years.

Based in Georgia, Teen Link’s web site is



November 15, 2017 Show

Leah Cunningham

Appalachia might have lost many of the coal mining jobs that once sustained it. But Solar Holler is leading the effort to ensure that despite those losses it still serves as a major energy supplier. Not only is this group developing innovative approaches that can bring (affordable) solar power within the reach of people and places who never previously enjoyed this advantage. It has also worked with partners to launch the first solar energy training and apprenticeship program in West Virginia, where it is based. And as it supplies local businesses with energy at lower costs, it is playing a major role in revitalizing the region.

Leah Cunningham serves as Solar Holler’s Solar Guide, helping families understand solar power, being assured that the equipment that they are having installed in their home/ business fits their needs. Before joining this organization she managed WVU's (Wet Virginia University’s) community engagement and volunteerism efforts, and also served on that college’s Sustainability Committee.

Solar Holler’s web site is 

 Jacqueline Proctor

Census Bureau statistics indicate that almost 19% of West Virginians are over 65; an estimated 27,000 of that state’s baby boomers turn 60 each year. So, the programs offered by the West Virginia Department of Senior Services are essential to a large number of individuals. And they often have the distinct advantage of providing support that can enable seniors to age at home.

Its’ FAIR (Family Alzheimer’s In-Home Respite) program grants individuals who are care givers for a loved one respite from their “responsibilities.” The West Virginia of Medical Services handles administrative functions for the department’s medical program through which qualified services receive assistance with personal hygiene, dressing, feeding, nutrition, housekeeping and other health-related tasks (activities of daily living).  Jacqueline Proctor is the Deputy Commissioner of this Department. She has also served as the deputy commissioner for the West Virginia Division of Culture and History, director of communications for Governor Earl Ray Tomblin and deputy commissioner for the West Virginia Division of Tourism.

The Department’s web site is



November 1, 2017 Show

Nancy Clark

Near death experiences are usually interpreted as having a very dramatic quality whereby somebody literally returns from the dead. But the International Association for Near Death Studies grants this term a broader meaning: any event that places somebody in an emotional or physical crisis. And working from that that perspective it maintains that NDEs should be considered life enhancing – not something to fear – and encourages an open dialogue about them.

Nancy Clark, serves as the Coordinator for the IANDS’ Columbus, Ohio Chapter, the second longest surviving group of its kind in the world. She had her first NDE when she was diagnosed with toxemia pregnancy, a medical condition marked by extremely high blood pressure edema and convulsions, as she gave birth to her first child.

Nancy has authored several books, the most recent being Revelations from the Light: What I Learned About Life's Purposes.

Her organization’s web site is  . Her personal web site is

Adaire Petrichor

In many ways, the Heart of Dying Project is, if nothing else, bold. Because it encourages people to openly discuss end of life issues, a topic they would probably prefer to avoid. Some of its outreach efforts include care giver training and the evolution of communities that can support care givers.

Adaire Petrichor – her last name translates from the Greek as being a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather - is the founder and CEO of this organization. And she comes to this effort after having long dealt with end of life issues.

As far back as 1980, she guided her grandfather through his cancer treatments and eventual death. Then, she gained a still strong understanding of death and the grief process when her younger sister’s life was cut short in a motor cycle accident. Her sensitivities were further strengthened when you son was diagnosed at age 11 was diagnosed with a rare form of cutaneous lymphoma.

The group’s website is


October 18, 2017 Show

Todd Thomas

In his book The ‘It’ Factor Action Guide, Todd Thomas encourages readers to unleash their potential, becoming the person they always knew they could be. And while he admits that achieving that goal will not be easy for anybody, he maintains that it can be made manageable if somebody forgoes perfectionism for a strong belief in their abilities. It is simply a matter of learning not to be your own worst enemy.

Todd has long worked as a motivational speaker; he has gained recognition for, among other things, his “Todd Talk” which is entitled “How To Get Out of Your Own Way and Be a Better ‘Blank.’” He has had his own national radio show which is heard on more than 100 radio stations nationwide through ABC Radio, Citadel, Cumulus Media and Fox Sports Radio Dallas. A mind coach, he helps athletes mentally prepare themselves to enjoy playing again, and compete at progressively higher levels.

His web site is


October 4, 2017 Show

Marcia Flesner

Virtually everybody would prefer to think that they will never need nursing home care. However, as our country ages, we are being forced to realize that we might not all be that lucky and that instead of avoiding the topic altogether we should instead start asking some hard questions: How can these institutions provide more personalized care? How can they improve residents’ quality of life?

Relying upon data collected over 40 years, researchers at the University of Missouri’s Sinclair School of Nursing, have devised some guidelines that might help nursing homes achieve these objectives. One: Low turnover is essential. Long term employees know residents’ habits and needs. This knowledge can sometimes make them aware that a resident might soon be experiencing an acute illness.  Two: A team approach is essential, with all employees being involved in ongoing reviews. Three: Nurse practitioners should be on staff, providing care that can avoid trips to hospitals.
Marcia Flesner worked as the project coordinator for the ongoing research at the University of Missouri.


Genevieve Gipson

You might not hear all that much about career nursing assistants. Truth be known, they generally remain pretty much in the background, unnoticed. But the work they do is essential to the safety and health of literally millions of nursing home residents plus others. And that is why the efforts that the CNA-Network (Career Nursing Assistant Network) is undertaking to upgrade the professionalism of these individuals are so vital.

In addition to training/ testing nursing assistants, this organization also advocates for them and strives to increase their numbers through recruitment. An example: the Task Force for Nursing Assistants which is focused on broadening the pool of these professionals by bringing more men into the field.

Genevieve Gipson, who serves as the director of the Ohio-based CNA-Network has both a nursing degree and a Masters degree in education. Her group has local chapters located literally throughout the country. The CNA-Network’s web site is . Its Facebook page is


September 20, 2017 Show

Jordan Goodman

There was a time not so long ago when people could safeguard their Golden Years by simply putting their money into investments that involved little risk but paid relatively high rates of return. However, times have changed. These days, bonds, savings accounts, CDs and other investments that once provided people with at least a modicum of security are essentially a losing proposition. The interest they pay is lower than is the rate of inflation and you owe taxes on the minimal return they do deliver.

So, taking all of this into account, folks are turning away from the investments their parents or grandparents favored and trying their hand at those which carry a higher risk. And as that happens many of them are relying upon the advice that people such as Jordan Goodman – America’s Money Answers Man – dispense. For 18 years, Jordan served as Wall Street correspondent for Money magazine. He is also the author / co-author of 13 best-selling books on personal finance, including Master Your Debt Fast Profits in Hard Times, Everyone’s Money Book, Master Your Money Type, Barron’s Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms and Barron’s Finance and Investment Handbook.

Jordan’s web site is


Jim Swanner

If you watch old Westerns, or even some television shows, you will see people trying to control horses, literally forcing them to jump higher or race faster. But when he instructs his riding students, Jim Swanner encourages them to forget about these images and practice natural horsemanship, which relies upon communication.

And he believes that the techniques he teaches can be just as effective with advanced riders as they are with beginners. Working from that perspective Jim has dedicated himself to his mission of helping horses become more comfortable with humans and humans more adept at communicating with these animals.

A man of many talents, Jim Swanner has gained recognition not only for being an instructor but also for being a communicator, clinician, writer and the host of “All About Horses Radio.” His efforts are based at KIN Stables in Athens, Alabama. His web site is  His CDs include "7 Secrets to a Fulfilled Life" and "Natural Horsemanship from the Ground Up."


September 6, 2017 Show

Genieve Gipson

There seems to be a general consensus that the care residents receive in nursing facilities is often less then optimum. But that certainly does not mean there is any agreement as regards how it can be improved. And that is where The National Network of Career Nursing Assistants steps into the debate. It is working to ensure that support residents of these institutions receive is upgraded by promoting the professionalism of its members through training and certification programs.

And hoping to bring more people into this profession, relieving the current shortage, it has established recruitment programs. An example: the Task Force for Nursing Assistants which is focused on broadening the professional pool (of nursing assistants) by bringing more men into the field.

Genevieve Gipson, who serves as the director of the Ohio-based CNA-Network has both a nursing degree and a Masters degree in education. Under her leadership, the group has involved hundreds of individuals on the local, state and national level.

The CNA-Network’s web site is

Stan Brock

Recently, debates about reforming our nation’s health care system have filled the air waves and filtered into private conversations. Remote Area Medical, however, is committed to taking these concerns beyond talk and into action. Supported by donors and volunteers, this Tennessee-based organization sends mobile medical centers to sites throughout the United States. Since 1985, it has treated more than 700,000 individuals and 67,000 animals; it has delivered $112 million worth of free health care services. Much of its work is completed in conjunction with Community Host Groups that help organization and pay for these efforts.

Stan Brock, Remote Area's founder and president, first conceived the idea for this organization when he was living among the Wapishana Indians in Guyana, South America and witnessed how this tribe was being devastated by illnesses that could have been easily treated in more technologically advanced cultures. And then, when he left this region he vowed to play a role in delivering basic medical care to people in inaccessible areas; Rural Area Medical grew out of this promise.

This group’s web site can be accessed at



August 30, 2017 Show

Andrew Silverstein

who runs this company, with his partner, Dan Shaki, describes himself as being a lifelong New York. And pretty much everybody knows what that means: Unlike the majority of Americans, particularly suburbanites, he does not drive a car. He walks fast and he could not envision himself living anywhere other than in one of the five boroughs. For Andrew, being a tour guide in NYC, is a dream job because over the years he has acquired a surplus of information about his hometown and he loves sharing it with others.

For many tourists, visiting New York City means going to Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building. But Streetwise New York is dedicated to expanding people’s knowledge of the city far beyond these iconic structures. And with that purpose in mind, its guides lead them on tours that uncover a part of this city – graffiti art, fish markets – that is not found in guidebooks or displayed in guidebooks. Founded during 2011, this company has been written up in Fodor’s, Reuters, NY Daily News, The Village Voice.

website is


Branden Pedersen

is operations manager for the Little Free Library; he handles community engagements, works with builders and develops partnerships

The Little Free Library is headquartered in Wisconsin. But it, in effect has branches located literally throughout the world. These “branches” are not offices in the most traditional sense. Rather, they are depositories that resemble bird feeders but have handles people can use to open and close them instead of holes through which birds can fly. People place books into these depositories, making a contribution, and then others can take a volume for free when they visit them.

This organization’s ongoing campaign to connect people with reading material – millions of books have been distributed through its efforts - can help fill an important gap. Children who have access to books, especially at home, become more proficient readers than do other children. But, according to the U.S. Department of Education 61 per cent of low-income families do not have home libraries.

The organization’s website is


August 2, 2017 Show

Linda Krasienko

A Place For Us has much to recommend it. Located on Cleveland’s West Side, it features lounges, 24-hour emergency maintenance, community rooms, plus a fitness center. And then, there is the fact that it remains extremely affordable, with some residents paying rents as low as $500 a month, a percentage of their income. For many residents of this apartment complex, however, all of these selling points are not necessarily what attracted them to this 55-unit complex. They remain impressed by the fact it is designed specifically for people over 55 and is gay friendly. Linda M Krasienko who serves as that facility’s service coordinator takes great pride in the fact it has evolved into housing that should greatly benefit the people who make it their home. For her, its opening earlier this year represented the culmination of a seventeen-year effort. She brought to the project an impressive resume that includes work as a pastor, counselor and an occupational therapist.

A Place for Us’ website is

 Carey Gibbons

People who visit the Cleveland Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual Center of Cleveland can take advantage of an impressive range of opportunities. Its offerings include everything from counseling, advocacy and social gathers to free Massage, Reiki and Herbal Medicine instructions. But the center is not content to merely serve its community. Many of its efforts are specifically designed to help its members mesh more comfortably and safely into the broader world around them. Its SafeZone Training is a case in point. It has established a core of volunteers dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for lgbt people. SafeZones have been established in academic as well as business settings. Corey Gibbons presently serves as the center’s community relations coordinator. Before coming to the center during 2112, she worked as a Site Director at Camp Happiness and as a Family Service Assistant at Dayton, Ohio’s Habitat for Humanity. She previously served as the center’s Youth Coordinator.

The center’s website is 


July 18, 2017 Show

Jeanine Moss

After she had a hip replaced during 2014, Jeanine Moss’ doctors, as is pretty much the norm, sent her home from the hospital with a bag full of painkillers. When this medication began leaving her disoriented, however, she made a decision that some might find controversial but has paid off in big dividends for her. She turned to cannabis; it relieved her discomfort almost immediately.

And Jeanine soon discovered that many of her friends were also using cannabis to manage their disorders but wanted to mask the odor that could make their reliance on it obvious. So, seeing a real need, she started Annabis which markets stylish purses and clutches specially designed to hide the smell of the marijuana that is tucked inside them.

Visitors to the company’s website are informed that: “AnnaBis is about integrating our journey with cannabis into the journey of our lives. You know what you need for the beach. You know what you need for your cannabis.”

Tristan Rader

As its name implies, the Cuyahoga County Progress Caucus supports a long list of left-leaning initiatives each of which falls into one of the following broad categories: social justice, international justice, environmental justice, racial justice, political justice, economic justice. And hoping to remain as grass roots as possible, this group works through the efforts of what it calls the Trump Response Team. Members of this group swing into action when measures the caucus strongly opposes come before the public, encouraging others to voice their opposition by contacting office holders or joining protests.  Tristan Rader has serves as the Operations Director for this caucus. He has spent his entire career in the non-profit sector, working extensively in digital media and social services for groups such as the Cleveland Food Bank. Tristan holds a BA in Business Administration from Kent State, an MPA in Economic Development from Cleveland State and a certificate in leadership and organizing from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.

The caucus’ website is 


July 5, 2017 Show

Carol Kershaw Ed.D. and Bill Wade Ph.D.

are not necessarily trying to change the world. They are, however, dedicated to helping clients adjust their thought processes in ways that might positively transform their lives. Pragmatic in the extreme, their efforts often involve things as simple as encouraging people to calm their minds by improving their posture. An exercise outlined in their book – The Worry Free Mind: Train Your Brain, Calm the Stress Spin Cycle, and Discover a Happier, More Productive You - for example, instructs readers to strike a “Wonder Woman” pose with their hand on their hips.

Dr. Kershaw is a licensed psychologist in private practice and Co-Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Houston. She has employed hypnosis to help clients manage everything from diabetes to trauma and asthma. Dr. Wade is a psychotherapist at the Institute for Family Psychology and Co-Director of the Milton Erickson Institute of Houston in Houston, Texas. Traveling nationally, he has led workshops on overcoming depression and anxiety.

Their web site is 

He Gin Lee

An architect, He Gin Lee has designed literally hundreds of buildings spread across New York City's five boroughs and more outlying areas. His projects include structures as diverse as The First Korean Baptist Church in Queens and the Fort Lee Development in Fort Lee, NJ. All of these structures are what might be termed green buildings designed to protect the environment by keeping carbon output to a minimum.

Hoping to expand, his impact on New York City beyond his architectural efforts, He Gin ran for mayor during 2009 and then again during 2013.

More recently, he has received more than one million hits for a song he posted on Youtube entitled 100 Years of Life  Sung against a backdrop of New York City skylines, it remains a strong tribute to his mother, Hoa Yun Chun, Hoa Yun 95. A South Korean resident she now lives in New York City.

He Gin’s web site is


June 21, 2017 Show

Bev Haettich

Adoption Network Cleveland provides a broad breadth of services for anybody touched by adoption for the lifelong journey – adoptees, birthparents, adoptive parents, foster youth and alumni, foster parents and professionals. Among other things, it helps adoptees reunite with their birthparents and also guides birthparents through the process of finding their biological children. Under Ohio law, it has always been possible for adoptees who were adopted before January 1, 1964 to obtain their original birth records. Thanks to Adoption Network Cleveland’s efforts, however, a law went into effect on March 20, 2015 that extended that right to persons who were adopted between 1964 and 1996. Adoption Network Cleveland is supported by memberships, and donations from individuals, foundations, government, and corporations. To learn more about their services visit their web site at  A birth mother, Bev worked with Adoption Network Cleveland as she successfully sought to connect with her adult daughter in 1993. Her husband, Rob, is the birthfather.  Read more about Bev’s story in Cleveland Scene magazine. Click link Content-oid=7239156

Ora Nadrich

Ever since she was a young child, Ora Nadrich, has been relentlessly curious about the thought processes that swirl through people’s minds. And over the years her curiosity led her to become a therapist who trains clients to ask this series of questions when confronted with hurtful comments:

1. Who made this statement - “Says Who?”
2. Have I heard someone say this thought before?
3. Do I like this thought?
4. Does this thought make me feel better?
5. Does this thought work for me?
6. Am I in control of this thought?
7. Do I want to keep this thought or let it go?

Ora is a frequent radio guest, writer and featured Huffington Post blogger. The Huffington Post has included her essays in "GPS for the Soul" app and vertical. She has also mindful meditation seminars, as well as developed and facilitated workshop at local Los Angeles-area schools.

Her book is entitled Says Who? How One Simple Question Can Change the Way You Think Forever. Her website is 


June 7. 2017 Show

Shannon Leavitt

Yoga has earned a wide following during recent years because it not only helps those who follow its many paths to gain body acceptance. It also enhances their strength, flexibility and balance. YogaLift adds yet another dynamic to this mix. It is designed for those who want to both lift weights and do yoga in one sitting.

This discipline was devised by Shannon Leavitt. A certified Hatha Yoga instructor, she also has a Masters degree in Nutrition from the University of Lincoln, Nebraska. For the past 15 years, Shannon has been helping people of all ages achieve spiritual and physical wellness.

Her web site is  and she authored Learn to Be Lean. Intended as a workbook, it offers an alternative to crash course diet plans, guiding readers to take charge of their health in a way that will prove sustainable. It seeks to realign lives, not just move the numbers on a scale downward.

Jordan Levine

Edwins Leadership & Restaurant Institute, a 501 (c) organization has a strong mission: It grants formerly incarcerated men and women training in the hospitality industry. And going a step further, it also provides them with support that will guide them towards long-term employment - free housing, legal counsel, basic medical care, clothing, job coaching, literacy programs.

Thanks to the comprehensiveness of its efforts, it has a very impressive success rate; 95% percent of those who complete its program find employment. It currently graduates almost 100 students, with this figure including its prison program and efforts conducted in its Cleveland, Ohio location. Edwin's website is

Jordan Levine, Edwins’ General manager, has been working at restaurants since he was 16 and washed dishes in his cousin’s pizza parlor before moving up to cooking and serving responsibilities. Since that time, he has expanded his culinary skills to include Middle Eastern and French cooking. A man of many talents, he spends his free time reading and playing the guitar.


May 17, 2017 Show

Adaire Petrichor

An end of life doula (EOLD), Adaire Petichor provides compassionate care for people challenged by a life altering diagnosis or a terminal illness. Among other things, she works to ensure her clients receive interventions that will ease their symptoms to the greatest extent possible. Always anxious to touch as many people as possible, she conducts outreach efforts in conjunction with religious organizations, support groups and workshops.

Her passion to help those in need began long before terms such as hospice or palliative care became acceptable, almost trendy. In fact, Adaire has been caring for the dying ever since she was a small girl who championed her grandfather through his life altering cancer treatments and eventual death. Decades later, she offered support for her youngest son after he was diagnosed at age 11 with a rare form of lymphoma.

Her web site is and she is working on a book to be entitled The Heart of Dying Project.

Doreen Berts

These days, people seem to be more politically motivated than they were at any other point in recent history; they remain determined to enact change. Their challenge: Nobody seems to know how they might the changes they so obviously want. That is where Life Obstacles comes into the picture.

It supports families on a one to one basis as they work to handle their personal challenges, hoping these efforts will have a strong ripple effect that can be felt on a broad level. And that hope might be becoming a reality. Representatives from this group - among them, J.R. Washington, Doreen Berts, Gerri Knight and Evangelist Brenda Vereen – travel throughout the country, spreading their message.

Life Obstacles was established during 1992 as a front porch effort - Informing Our Children, Inc. (I.O.C.) - by Doreen Berts who was then an officer on the East Cleveland Police Force. She now serves as its CEO. The group’s web site is


May 3, 2017 Show

Laurel Howes

When she opened her Ohio- based It’s So You! Boutique, during 2010 Laurel Howes had only recently survived a rough stretch that she considers her own personal Annus horribilis (horrible year). Her mother had died of cancer and she had lost her job within a very short period of time.

Laurel had planned to start her own boutique after she retired but becoming unemployed pushed her in that direction long before she would have made that move on her own. And her deep faith helped her to start her business along a path which she believes has brought her success. She makes customers feel, comfortable; the boutique features oversized dressing rooms, a fireplace and a sitting area.

Plus, Laurel notes that “From the time I was young, I see a woman walk into a room, and I would immediately know what she should wear to look fantastic.” She puts that talent to good use, as she interacts with customers.

Laurel’s web site is

Author Larry Toombs

has experienced what might politely be termed a life full of adventures, one that might have led a less determined individual to stop trying. He has endured the humiliation of homeless and the trials of drug rehab.

Then, there were the rejections from publishing houses, not to mention being booted off stage for giving a performance that proved too controversial. He relates all of the challenges he has faced in a self-published autobiography, entitled The Life Story of Author Larry Toombs, which he wrote when he was 44.

And many people have benefited the tenacity he has displayed. Serving for years as the host of radio program - “The Author Larry Toombs Gospel Show” which is streamed over blogtalk radio. This program has granted a voice to individuals who might otherwise remain silenced – the homeless, abused women, unpublished authors, gospel missionaries. It has also paid tribute to literary luminaries, such as Maya Angelo.

His Facebook page is



April 5, 2017 Show

Edward Hoagland

It might be natural to assume that stuttering would make it harder for somebody to reach his/her career or personal goals whatever those aspirations might be. But Edward Hoagland maintains that his inability to speech distinctly is, at least partly, responsible for his having gained success as a writer.

As he relates in Compass Points: How I Lived, putting words on paper provided him with something he desperately wanted: a means of communicating without facing embarrassment. A member of Arts and Letters and the American Academy of Arts and Science, Edward’s latest book – his 25th – is entitled In the Country of the Blind.

In addition to being acclaimed as a travel and nature writer, Edward has also taught at numerous colleges - The New School, Rutgers, Sarah Lawrence, CUNY, the University of Iowa, U.C. Davis, Columbia University, Beloit College, Brown, and Bennington. His decades-long academic career began during 1963 and ended during 2005.

Edward’s web site is


John Thibault

If you listen to even the most casual conversations these days, you cannot help noticing how often they turn to politics. But that does not necessarily mean people know how they can transform their concerns into an effective message, enacting laws. And iLobby remains determined to close that gap.

It invites participants to move through three steps: chose an issue from amongst those listed on the iLobby web site, or select an issue of your own; join the debate that focuses on this issue; have an opportunity to have your concerns reach a Congress person or Senator.

John Thibault is the founder and CEO of iLobby and the author of “How to Change a Law,” a number one best seller. He previously was the first VP of business development and marketing at eBay. With his wife, he founded and is Chairman of the Thibault Foundation, which focuses on children’s health, entrepreneurial financial literacy, education and self-sufficiency.

His web site is



March 15, 2017 Show

David Nassaney

As she passed through her middle years, Charlene Nassaney was enjoying pretty much everything about her life: her family, her home, her community, traveling. All of that changed, however, during 1996 when she suffered a massive stroke that left her severely speech impaired and paralyzed on her right side. The first 2 years after her stroke were the toughest. But in time, her belief in God grew until she finally became not only accepting of her situation but also anxious to help others who faced physical challenges. And as her life transitioned in unexpected ways, her husband, David Nassaney, also experienced some exciting personal growth. He is now the host of Dave, The Caregiver’s Caregiver, a show on blog talk radio, and his latest book is entitled The Capable Caregiver, How To Protect Yourself From Burnout While Giving Excellent Care To Your Loved One.

David’s web site, which lists valuable resources that can help caregivers manage stress is

Jackie Kelm

Appreciative living has long been applied within the business world to help employers become more productive and form closer bonds. But Jackie Kelm maintains that it can prove just as impacting within people’s personal lives; she has spent the last 14 years educating people about its benefits.

Jackie has an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering from Kettering Institute of Technology and a MBA with a specialization in Organization Behavior from Case-Western Reserve University.

Her web site is Jackie’s book is The Joy of Appreciative Living Book: Your 28-Day Plan to Greater Happiness in 3 Incredibly Easy Steps.


March 1, 2017 Show

Dr. Greg Tefft

We are regularly bombarded with promises that a specific diet will in variably produce tremendous results in terms of weight loss and other health benefits. But Dr. Greg Tefft maintains that these regimes will not necessarily live up to these sales pitches for a good reason.

One size does not fit all when it comes to diets. You have to find the nutritional mix, being exacting in that effort, that will most benefit your body. And he adds a bit of intrigue to those comments by noting that testing one lock of hair can reveal precisely what nutrients your body needs and which it has been producing in excess.

A board-certified naturopathic and chiropractic physician, three-time Natural Mr. America, former Olympic and U.S. Swim Team sports-med staff doctor, Dr. Tefft now serves as a physician at the Malibu Health & Rehabilitation Center. He is the author of Your Personal Life, Measuring What Your Body Needs to Live Lean, Long, Strong & Better. His website is


Jenny Maher

Possibly, because she is modest by nature, Jenny Maher often becomes uncomfortable when somebody refers to her as being an “inspiration.” It is, however, easy to understand how people might view her in these terms. After a suicide attempt left her physically disabled she was told she would live in a hospital the rest of her life. But she was determined to set her life along a more positive course. And she is now living independently as she gains recognition both as a published author and a painter.

Jenny’s challenges began far before she lost her mobility. Her father died from a hit and run accident when she was still quite young. She subsequently spent some time in foster homes while her mother who has a Bipolar disorder was hospitalized.

Her website is  and her book is Never Give Up: How Determination and God Gave Me A Better Look at Life.


February 15, 2017 Show

Joy Loverde

For the past 15 years, Joy Loverde has given workshops on aging issues, helping family members and organizations cope with the financial and emotional burdens implicit in caring for elderly loved ones. The author of Complete Eldercare Planner: Where to Start, Questions to Ask, How to Find Help (Random House, 2009, Revised and Updated), her work has been featured on the Today show, and on CBS News. Articles she wrote have been published in Reader’s Digest New Choices, World @ Work Journal, American Compensation Association Journal, TEC International Organization of CEOs, Journal, Employee Services Management Magazine and others.

Joy serves on the faculty of Eden Across America and is the international eldercare spokeswoman for the Employees Services Management Association. She lives in Chicago, being a caregiver for her elderly mother plus other family members. Her new book Who Will Take Care Of Me When I'm Old? will go on sale on sale October 24, 2017.

Her web site is 

Dr. Eboni Green

Much has been written about the fact that family caregivers remain vulnerable to depression and burnout. But strategies that might help them to manage these feelings have received considerably less attention. And Dr. Eboni Green hopes to fill this gap by providing these individuals with some practical advice that might help them achieve greater wellness. She approaches these concerns from a unique perspective as she has worked as a registered nurse and a caregiver and also holds a Ph.D. with a concentration in health care administration.

In 2002, Dr. Green became the Nebraska State Representative for the National Family Caregiver’s Association. From 2004 – 2006, she was also the resource editor of Take Care, the National Family Caregiver’s Association’s newsletter. She and her husband are cofounders of Caregiver Support Services, a nonprofit organization that offers training and consulting for family caregivers and front-line direct caregivers.

Her most recent book is Reflections for the Soul. Her website is


February 1, 2017 Show

Daryl Wein

More than 30 million Americans have diabetes; an estimated 80 million also have the disease, or at least pre-diabetes, but don't know it. However, despite the fact diabetes can cause serious complications, these statistics are not as staggering as they might first appear. Many of these people are able to manage this disease by sticking to a strict regime of diet exercise and, if needed, medication.

And when Daryl Wein was diagnosed with diabetes during the late 1990, he became determined to fall into this category. A Physician Assistant, he has worked diligently to educate people about what he labels “carbosis,” because it is linked to high carbohydrate intake, but is more commonly known as Diabetes Type II. Daryl is also a licensed commercial pilot and flight instructor. His other interests include photography, music performance, water sports and amateur radio.

Deanna Adams

An Ohio-based free lance writer, Deanna Adams has had articles published in a wide variety of newspapers and magazines. Her article on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum appeared in The Encyclopedia of the Midwest.

Her books include Rock ’n’ Roll and the Cleveland Connection (Kent State University Press, 2002), Confessions of a Not-So-Good Catholic Girl (Infinity Publishing, 2008), Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Roots (Arcadia Publishing, 2010), Peggy Sue Got Pregnant (Soul Mate Publishing, 2013), and Scoundrels & Dreamers (Soul Mate Publishing, 2014).

Her latest book is The Writer's GPS: A Guide to Writing & Selling Your Book.

Deanna is also an instructor for The Cuyahoga County Libraries’ Literary Programs, Lakeland Community College, and Literary Cleveland, where she teaches and speaks on a number of writing topics. She serves as the coordinator of the Western Reserve Writers’ Conference, and director/founder of the Women Writers’ Winter Retreat.

Her web site is


January 18, 2017 Show

Rabbi Yossi Marazov

The Michigan-based Friendship Circle International offers teens and young adults with special needs social and recreational activities. But its mission is actually much broader than providing support for these young people as they gain self-esteem by interacting with one another.

This organization which has 80 chapters located around the global is working to create a world in which people with special needs and their families experience acceptance, inclusion and friendship, being viewed as contributing members of society.

The Friendship Circle’s Cleveland Chapter was formed during 2003 and presently serves 210 young people and their family. An estimated 250 teen-agers serve as volunteers for this group, which is supported almost exclusively by private and corporate donations. Its web site is

Rabbi Yossi Marazov is this group’s Executive Director and his wife, Esty, works as its Program Director. They both came to the Friendship Circles’ Cleveland chapter during 2003, as Emissaries for the Chabad House, which seeks to bring Jewish teachings and traditions to interested people.

Rev. Winn Henderson, M.D.

We all hear a great deal these days about addictions and how they might best be treated. But a pioneer in a very real way Rev. Winn Henderson, M.D. first began speaking about these matters 40 years ago. Over the decades, he has counseled literally hundreds of people both in person and on the phone.

And his message has been as consistent as it is straight forward: People develop addictions to many things – alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, overspending – because they are seeking (faulty) means of dealing with their poor self image. These excesses, however, can be overcome if people commit to leading lives that nurture their physical and spiritual well being, coming to understand their mission in life.

A prolific writer, Winn has written 40 books, the latest of which - Freedom from Addiction II was published during late 2016. His web site is   .


January 4, 2017 Show

Bert Rahl

Everybody knows that people who are diagnosed with dementia often suffer from memory or cognitive challenges. Less attention has, however, been paid to the fact that they might experience agitation, an excitableness that can deplete both them and their caregivers as it spirals out of control.

Caregivers might manage these outbursts in one of several ways. They might, for example, simply back away in an effort to defuse the situation. Or, they might calmly say words to this effect, “I'm sorry that you are upset. I know it's hard. I will stay with you until you feel better.

Bert Rahl, director of mental health services at Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, a social service agency that services the aging, has a long resume that makes him well positioned to discuss these matters. He has been employed at that institute for 42 years, spending the first 30 of those years as a social worker and mental health case worker. That organization’s web site is

Rev. Tracy Lind

Trinity Cathedral, which is currently celebrating its 200 birthday is known for being many things: a historic landmark, downtown Cleveland’s first green building a gathering place and center for meetings and events. It is, however, anxious to be known above all else as an inclusive congregation concerned about the world around it. And when the Very Reverend Tracey Lind became its Dean during 2000, she was intent upon continuing and expanding that tradition.

Since that point, she has and led the development of Trinity Commons, an award-winning, environmentally sustainable campus that is home to Trinity Cathedral and the Diocese of Ohio.

Reverend Lind has an undergraduate degree in urban studies from the University of Toledo and masters degrees from both the University of Cincinnati, and the Union Theological Seminary in New York. Her first book of photographs and essays, Interrupted By God, was published by The Pilgrim Press during 2004.

Trinity Cathedrals web site is


December 21, 2016 Show

Sheri A. Lunn

These days, increasingly more people are met with welcomeness and acceptance when they are open about their sexual orientation. Yet, many LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual and queer) youths are still feeling a strong sense of isolation or shame. And sometimes these sentiments can lead to tragedies. A national survey of adolescents that was published in American Journal of Public Health found that LGBTQ youths were more than twice as likely to have attempted suicide as were their peers.

The Trevor Project which was started during 1996 by Peggy Rajski and Randy Stone who produced the movie TREVOR is working to make these disturbing statistics a thing of the past. Among the services it provides is a crisis hotline at 1-866-488-7386.

Sheri A. Lunn is the Vice President of Marketing and Strategic Engagement for the Trevor Project. She has more than 20 years experience working with nonprofit organizations, focusing on marketing, public relations, communications and development.

The Trevor Projects web site is  .


Laurie Leonard,

executive director of End of Life Choices New York, maintains that too many people suffer needlessly as they are dying. And taking that point a step further she maintains that, at least in some cases, medical advances prolong the dying process instead of extending life. So, she takes pride in the fact her organization remains committed to ensuring that people have a peaceful passing which remains in keeping with their wishes and needs.

To achieve that objective, it educates the public about their options: advanced directives, pain management, hospice and palliative care. It also advocates for legislative that would legalize medical aid in dying and other new laws that improve end of life care as well as for individuals being poorly served in nursing homes.

The group’s web site is  It is funded by donations and grants and its services are free of charge. 




December 7, 2016 Show

Linda Krasienko

A Place for Us

Some tenants in a  Place For Us, a 55-unit complex on Cleveland’s Near West Side, pay as little as $400 a month in rent. And that price represents a real bargain considering as this complex features, among other things, a fitness center, meditation room, health and wellness suite, a garden terrace plus a resident lounge.

None of that, however, might be what attracts tenants to this facility. They might be more impressed by the fact it offers housing for a group that might not always feel comfortable elsewhere: gays and lesbians over 55 years old.

There is, however, one thing that people who remain impressed by A Place for Us might not recognize unless they have delved into its history. It represents planning efforts on the part of Linda Krasienko that began long before it opened earlier this year. She brought to the project an impressive resume that includes work as a pastor, counselor and an occupational therapist.


Carey Gibbons

People are coming out as being gay, lesbian or bisexual at much younger ages now than was ever previously the case. And their outspokenness is meeting little resistance. But does that necessarily mean that accepting their sexuality is any less stressful for them?

Well, the answers to those questions are not clear and simple.

And that is why young people need the support they receive at community centers such as the one located on Cleveland’s West Side. It has programs designed to promote socialization as well as those which teach young tools that will help them cope with a challenging world.

As Youth Programs Activity Coordinator, Carey Gibbons who joined the LBGT Community Center of Greater Cleveland during 2012 leads these efforts. Her previous work experience ranged from serving as a Site Director at Camp Happiness and a Youth Counselor at Eckerd Youth Alternative Camp to working as a Nursing Staff Coordinator at the Cleveland Clinic and a Family Service Assistant at Dayton, Ohio’s Habitat for Humanity.

The center’s web site is


November 16, 2016 Show

Jon Radulovic

Until quite recently, terms such as “palliative care,” “end of life choices” or “hospice” were rarely mentioned in polite society. Now, however, they have become an accepted part of our national lexicon. And at least some of that transition can be attributed to the ongoing efforts of the Virginia-based National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO).

It began its work on behalf of the terminally ill and their families as long ago as 1978 when it was founded as the National Hospice Organization. In addition to advocating for these individuals, it has also developed educational programs and materials to enhance understanding of the services hospice and palliative care teams can provide.

Jon Radulovic has worked with national organizations that seek to foster better understandings of hospice and palliative care. He joined the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization in 2003 and focuses and serves as that organization’s Vice President of Communication.

Barbara Feinberg

who functions as both a life coach and as a therapist, often brings a little something extra into the mix when she interacts with clients. Years of experience in the business world have granted her a strong understanding of how financial matters impact upon all aspects of people’s lives. And she feels that this approach makes her uniquely qualified to support people who are going through transitions, such as divorces or retirement.

“It is hard for people to talk about money and it is particularly difficult for different generations to get together and talk about it,” Barb said. “And for that matter, therapists are often uncomfortable discussing it, which might be unfortunate because it has such a strong influence on everything people do.”

Barb has worked as a consultant with the Jewish Federation of Cleveland’s Multi-generational Initiative and as an employee communications consultant with

William M. Mercer Inc., a human resources consulting firm. She has an undergraduate degree from Boston University and graduate degrees from both Yeshiva University and Case Western Reserve University. Her web site is


November 2, 2016 Show

Colleen Clark

The statistics are daunting. The Trust for America’s Health reports that deaths due to drug overdoses for people 12 – 25 rose from 3.1 deaths per 100,000 during 1999 – 2001 to 7.3 deaths (per 100,000) during 2011 – 2013. And these numbers represent what is happening on a national level; the figures in some states are even higher. Jeffrey Levi, executive director of that non-profit health advocacy group, said that these deaths are largely due to the nation's epidemic of prescription drug abuse, and a subsequent rise in heroin use

Preventing these depressing statistics from escalating even further remains an essential aspect of Colleen Clark’s desire to build a more peaceful world, one marked by people connecting with themselves and with one another. So, as she continued her decades-long career teaching both yoga and dance, she assumed new responsibilities as a Drug Prevention Specialist during 1999. She currently works as the coordinator for the East Cleveland Neighborhood Prevention Center. The web site for this effort is

Toni Mullee

Most typically, humans have 22 pairs of chromosomes plus two sex chromosomes - XX for women and XY for men. But sometimes, people are born with an extra 21st chromosome, having a condition known as Down Syndrome; trisomy 21 is the technical name. People with Down syndrome have an increased risk for certain medical conditions and developmental delays that range from very mild to severe. But these days, their challenges can often be managed, and these individuals attend school, work, participate in decisions that affect them, and contribute to society in many ways.

The Upside of Down of Northeast Ohio, which has an estimated 900 members, has long been conducting advocacy to make people aware of this fact. It also organizes an annual fundraiser, called the Buddy Walk, and provides support and education for families.

Having already spent 12 years working in non- profits, Toni Mullee became the executive director of this organization 3 1/2 years ago, feeling that it represented a good fit for her.

The group’s website is



October 19, 2016 Show

Nate Bishko

These days, you hear a great deal about students going to college and then graduating with a large amount of debt and virtually no job offers. Well, the Excel TECC program, which is administered by the Mayfield City Schools and services students from many other Northeast Ohio school districts, does not maintain that it can protect young people from encountering these frustrations. But it does pride itself upon granting them a more realistic view of how they can prepare themselves for a career path that represents a good fit for them.

Its offerings include everything from intervention programs - one of which is housed at a local community college and the other at a nearby agricultural center - to curriculums in cosmetology and auto mechanics.
Nathan Bishko has been the supervisor of Excel TECC since 2012. He has a Masters Degree in Education and previously served variously as a teacher, principal and assistant principal at local schools.
Excel Tecc’s web site is

Daniel Stokar

These days, an ever increasing number of elderly Queens and Brooklyn residents have an alternative to the long waits and other inconveniences they might encounter in doctors’ offices. House Calls for the Homebound is living up to its name as it sends physicians to their homes. These doctors, however, arrive (at their patients’ houses) with much more than the little black bags that were the mainstay of professionals who practiced during previous decades. They come equipped with equipment that allows them to draw blood or do x-rays on the spot.

Soon after graduating with an accounting degree from Yeshiva University, Daniel Stokar turned down a job offer from an accounting firm to start House Calls for the Homebound. He was joined in this venture which he now supervises by his grandfather—an internist who visited long-time patients in their homes—and his father, a software engineer.

The organization’s web site is


October 5, 2016 Show

Judith Eugene

Some people might figure that they will face nothing but frustration if they try to learn something new at an advanced age. So, as they age, they become reluctant to attempt anything they consider even the least bit adventuresome. But Judith Eugene, founder of the Ohio-based Loving Hands Group, is determined to put an end to their reluctance.

Her organization employs a wide range of experts that can help guide elders towards growth they never thought they could achieve. Working in private homes, community center and other facilities, these professionals give instructions in everything from tai chi and laughter yoga to flower arranging.

A licensed architect and interior decorator, Judith is also a certified yoga instructor with specialized senior adult training through the YogaFit training program. And she, likewise, perform as a singer and guitarist at innumerable local venues. An antique car enthusiast, Judith judges and plans shows that feature these vehicles.

He web site is


Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci

Most typically, medical students receive training intended to teach them what it means to be a doctor. But two innovative programs at (the Maine-based) The University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine (UNECOM) are taking a very different approach. They are designed to immerse students into care environments to advance understanding about what it means to be a patient.

Students who participate in the Learning by Living Nursing Home Immersion Project are “admitted” into nursing homes where they live the life of an elder nursing home resident for approximately two weeks – 24/7, complete with a medical diagnosis. And students who take part in the 48 Hour Hospice Home Immersion Project reside in an in-patient hospice home for 48 hours sleeping in a bed where others have died and providing care to patients and their loved ones.

Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci, Professor and Director of Geriatrics Education and Research within the Medical School’s Division of Geriatric Medicine, was instrumental in establishing both of these programs. She serves on the Review Board for the Aging International Journal and on the Executive and Review Boards for the Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics Education, among others.

The school’s web site is



September 21, 2016 Show

Dr. Winn Henderson

Although innumerable volumes have been written about it, “addiction” remains a difficult term to fully conceptualize or – for that matter – even to define. And that is hardly surprising considering as it can assume so many different forms; drinking, smoking and gambling to name just a few. Despite all the ambiguities that swirl around this condition, however, one thing remains certain. It represents a serious public health problem as it precludes millions of Americans from functioning at their optimum best.

Dr. R. Winn Henderson, a retired physician with more than 20 years of clinical experience, maintains, however, that there is hope for people who suffer from addictions provided they truly want to get well. The author of 39 books, Winn is also the is the host of “Share Your Mission,” a radio show which for the last 16 years has encouraged listeners to realize the importance of having a life purpose.

His web site is 

Dr. Lee DeLorge

Most of the time cognition, the process by which the brain sequences and organizes information, works seamlessly to a timed rhythm. Sometimes however, their timing is off and children need to have their cognitive processes "rewired." The Center for Cognition and Development utilizes innovative techniques to help them acquire the requisite proficiency.

For example, Interactive Metronome Therapy provides immediate feedback that helps participants more efficiently align the timing with which their brain manages information. It is thought to benefit people who have ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Reading Disorders, Auditory Processing Disorder, or Parkinson’s.

Dr. Lee L. DeLorge, a Cognitive & Educational Specialist, founded the Ohio-based Center during 2006. Before that point, Lee spent 10 years with the International Network of Children and Families training psychologists, teachers, and parents both here and abroad in behavioral modification techniques.

She also facilitated a 3 year research study (at the University of Michigan) the benefits of Brain Balance Academics and Neuroplasticity . Her involvement in this field grew out of her personal experiences as her son struggled with ADHD and dyslexia.

The center’s web site is


September 7, 2016 Show

Genevieve Gipson

As it moves towards its 50th anniversary the National Network of Career-Nursing Assistants is committed to upgrading the working conditions and professionalism of people employed in this field. It is, likewise, trying to help resolve a serious challenge that will become even more acute as aging Baby Boomers begin needing assistance – an ongoing shortage of nurses aides.

And that is why the CNA-Network is conducting programs aimed not only at advocacy but also at recruitment. An example: the Task Force for Nursing Assistants which is focused on broadening the professional pool (of nurses aides) by bringing more men into the field.

Genevieve Gipson, who serves as the director of the Ohio-based CNA-Network has both a nursing degree and a Masters degree in education. Under her leadership, the group has involved hundreds of individuals on the local, state and national level. The CNA-Network’s web site is


August  17, 2016 Show

Jill Mattson

Modern day physicists and visionaries from as far back as ancient Egypt might have their strong points of disagreement. But they virtually all agree on one thing. The health of our bodies - of any organism for that matter - is determined by the extent to which their vibrations remain in balance. And that is why sound healing can prove so effective.

In an ironic twist, despite the fact that sound healing dates back to ancient times when it was a popular modality, it is a major component of state of the art therapy. A case in point: the Lithotripter, which can pulverize kidney or gall stones in a matter of hours. Sound therapy might prove particularly effective for elderly patients whose bodies might not respond well to various medicines.

Jill Mattson has long been a proponent of sound healing, combining her knowledge of modern techniques with an extensive study of ancient civilizations. Her web site is

Is it possible to put a short segment of this music on the air. I know there are certain restrictions but even a few seconds would be good.

Sound Healing Music - Sounds of the Stars by Jill


Dr. Eboni Green

Dr. Eboni Green and her husband, Terrence Green, have combined their talents to ensure that the Nebraska-based Caregiver Support Services will live up to its potential as it bolsters caregivers. Terrence handles much of the marketing; he has worked for an impressive list of technology companies: IBM, Gateway, Western Wireless, and Xerox where he earned the Star award for his stellar sales record. Eboni, meanwhile, has both a nursing degree and a doctorate in human services.

And she puts her education to work developing programs that help caregivers avoid stress and burnout. During 2002, she became the Nebraska State Representative for the National Family Caregiver's Association.  Having contributed to a number of publications and given presentations that focus on training, assessing and supporting caregivers, she is the author of At the Heart of Matter and Caregiving in the New Millennium.

Her web site which contains much valuable information plus self-assessment surveys for caregivers is



August 3, 2016 Show

Lara Proegler

Essential oils, the chemical components that give plants their characteristic odors, have long been utilized in the production of perfumes and flavors. Now, however, they are also being widely touted for their unique ability to help the body rebalance itself. And when she markets these oils (manufactured by deTerra), Lara Proegler takes that fact into consideration as she stresses their immensely supportive powers.

But she also goes a step further and works to make people aware of cautions that they must take when purchasing this product. She, for example, tells them that they should look askance at displays where all essential oils are sold at the same price (per weight). That pricing she notes does not necessarily make sense because some oils are more expensive to extract than are others.

In addition to working as a wellness consultant, Lara is also very active in her community, serving as volunteer project manager for various events sponsored through the Mentor United Methodist Church and as a Den leader with the Cub Scouts.

Rosemarie Ousley

Eversight Ohio, which provides corneal tissue for transplantation and research, compiled some impressive statistics during 2015 Thanks to its efforts, 1478 people received corneal transplants, 1203 donors gave the gift of sight, and 59% of Ohioans are now registered as tissue donors.

This organization was originally established as the Cleveland Eye Bank during 1958, 50 years after the first corneal transplant was attempted. It is now an affiliate of the non-profit Eversight, a network that joins together eye banks in many Mid-Western States. Eversight Ohio receives funding from the Cleveland Eye Band Foundation and grants. This non-profit’s web site is

Rosemarie Ousley became the Community Relations Liaison for Eversight Ohio in the fall of 2013. She brought over 10 years of experience in the nonprofit world, focused on healthcare and education. As the Community Relations Liaison, she has the pleasure of signing people up on the donor registry, speaking with different community groups, and raising money for Eversight Ohio.


July 20, 2016 Show

Karen Roberts

An estimated one out of every four Americans (90 million individuals) assist loved ones who require help carrying out activities of daily living. And, needless to say, they are supporting a wide very wide range of individuals: special needs children, wounded soldiers, relatively young people with MS, elderly people challenged by the frailties of old age. No matter what the specifics the Washington, D.C.-based Caregiver Action Network (CAN) is committed to helping caregivers manage the “responsibilities” they have assumed.

Established during 1991 by Suzanne Mintz and Cindy Fowler, it has spearheaded the passage of the National Family Caregivers Support Program, lobbying on ongoing basis in support of caregivers. It has also worked diligently to help raise the public’s consciousness of the challenges caregivers face. The group’s web site is

Karen Roberts serves as this organization’s Director of Outreach and Special Projects. She previously worked for seven years as the Overseas Private Investment Corporation’s (OPIC’s) Director of Business Development.



Sona Mehring

During 1997, JoAnn Hardegger and Darrin Swanson, had a premature baby named Brighid. And anxious to help them connect with people concerned about Brighid’s well-being, their friend, Sona Mehring, did something that soon led to the inception of CaringBridge.

She created a website through which they could pass along essential information about that baby’s progress. Over the ensuing years, more than half a million CaringBridge websites have been created, allowing people to stay in contact with friends and family at a stressful point in their life.

During 2013, Minnesota Monthly placed Sona on their list of the "75 most influential people of the Twin Cities.” Sona is also the author of Hope Conquers All: Inspiring Stories of Love and Healing from CaringBridge and she is currently the Chief Ambassador of the organization.

The website is .



July 6, 2016 Show

Timothy Smith

As is the case with similar organizations elsewhere, Community Greenhouse Partners is committed to providing local customers with fresh fruits and vegetables. However, it confronts some considerable challenges as it strives to achieve that goal. The cold Cleveland winters are hardly conducive to growing food throughout the entire year. Budgetary restrictions make it hard for many Cleveland residents to afford (fresh) fruits and vegetables.

Not willing to be deterred, however, the group is working to meet these challenges by making extensive use of hard shell greenhouses which allow for cold weather (greenhouse) farming. And it is partnering with numerous local organizations and businesses, making its produce as widely available as possible.

These efforts have a great personal significance to Timothy Smith, who has helped to spearhead this organizations’ evolution. A Type 1 diabetic for more than 50 years, he knows the importance of healthy eating and his families grew vegetables long before this habit became popular so this practice is almost in his DNA.

The group’s web site is 

Dr. Connie Siskowsk

Much is being said these days about family care givers and the challenges they face. But that ongoing dialogue might be perpetuating a somewhat inaccurate picture of the individuals who are handling these responsibilities. It generally assumes that they are middle-aged or older when in fact many young people are supporting loved ones on a daily basis.

The American Psychological Association reports that among the millions of Americans who are serving as caregivers approximately 1.3 to 1.4 million of them are between the ages of 8 and 18. And the American Association for Care Giving Youths, notes that among teens who left high school 22% dropped out to care for a family member. Working with local school districts, however, this Florida-based organization has helped its students overcome any obstacles that might interrupt their education; more than 95 percent of them end up graduating from high school.

This group’s web site is  . Dr. Connie Siskowski, who has a nursing degree plus a doctorate in educational leadership, serves as its founder and president. During 2012, she was named one of CNN’s top ten heroes for her efforts.



June 15, 2016 Show

Mary Beth Bartholomew

first became involved with programs at the Cleveland Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center shortly after she and her partner moved from San Francisco to that city during 1996. Then, nine years later, she was drawn to the center’s SAGE (Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders) program as being a place where she could utilize the program development and leadership skills she had honed as an educator. She now heads that program.

Under Mary Beth’s leadership, SAGE is currently evolving an Intergenerational Theater project whose inception will coincide with the opening of the center’s new headquarters in Cleveland’s Detroit-Shoreway neighborhood. During October, 2016, it will be cosponsoring with the Cleveland-based Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging a conference that focuses upon the challenges facing LGBT older adults. And it is constantly trying to reach out to isolated (older) adults in the community.

The center’s web site is

Linda Krasienko

Some people interpret the fact that same sex couples now have the right to marry as being a strong indication a sea change in attitudes has occurred. However, Linda Krasienko’s views on these matters are somewhat more nuanced in nature. While she applauds the progress that has been made, she still thinks there is still work to be done.

And that is why she has played a major role in the establishment of a retirement facility that is designed specifically for the LGBTQ population and slated to open during fall, 2016.

Located on Cleveland’s West Side, this 55-unit project will be affordable, with apartments being priced at between $400 and $800 a month. Ms. Krasienko, president of A Place for Us Development LLC, notes that will this facility will feature a fitness room, meditation room, clinic, office space, lounge, conference room a foyer for art displays plus an outside garden.

Pamella Bittner who will be Linda’s assistant once A Place For Us will also be taking part in this interview.

The web site for a Place for Us is 



June 1, 2016 Show

Bob Finnie

When Bob Finnie first opened the Wisconsin-based  during 2008, he did not know quite what to expect. He, however, was not entering into this adventure without having some things working to his strong advantage. His academic background – a BS and an MBA from Marquette University – helped prepared him for that challenge.

By that point, he had already been employed in the health care industry for twenty years. During that period of time, he worked mostly in customer service, marketing, sales and management positions for companies that provided products to hospitals/ long term care communities. And he soon began to realize something that he kept constantly in mind as he directed’s inception: If these same items - devices like small puzzles and card games, falls prevention, meal time aids and wanderer monitoring. - became m ore readily available to them it would be easier for seniors to continue living at home.

David Nassaney

Charlene Nassaney’s life was permanently transformed when she suffered a massive stroke during 1996 that left her severely speech impaired, and paralyzed on her right side.

A woman of great strength, Charlene has come to accept, if not embrace, her challenges as she has rekindled her faith in God. And she has learned to communicate without speaking in ways that amaze and even entertain. David Nassaney, has been by her side throughout her journey, serving as both her caregiver and support.

He and Charlene, are the authors of One Arm, One Leg, 100 Words: Overcoming Unbelievable Hardships which can be purchased through Amazon. He is also host of the radio program Dave, The Caregiver’s Caregiver Radio Show which is aired over Star World Wide Networks and provides essential information for caregivers.

His website is


May 18, 2016 Show

Jay Westbrook

Jay Westbrook’s journeys began when he was a child and he and his family made their home in several different Southern states – Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, Florida. And when he eventually moved to Cleveland, Ohio more adventures awaited him. Always a political activist, he helped form Ohio Public Interest which is now Ohio Citizens Action.

Eventually, his political involvement led to his being appointed to Cleveland City Council. The Council President, George Forbes, with whom Jay had some political differences, blocked that appointment. But Jay was eventually elected to that council and even ended up serving as its president.

After more than 30 years serving as a council person, however, Jay decided that it was time for him to use his talents in a different venue and he is now working as the Special Projects Manager of the Western Reserve Land Conservancy’s Thriving Communities Institute This organization seeks to protect land both in Cleveland and throughout Cuyahoga County. Its web site is 

Dr. Paul Kurlansky

Despite the fact it was once thought that elderly patients could not withstand such procedures, Dr. Paul Kurlansky regularly performs heart surgery on octogenarians. And he reports that these patients record survival rates which rival those of much younger patients; the quality of life they enjoy after they undergo these operations is equally as impressive.

Dr. Kurlansky notes, however, that great care must be taken to determine what patients are good candidates for this surgery. By his accounting, their frame of mind is vitally important. They have to be involved in the decision making process and believe that the surgery will be in their best interest.

Dr. Kurlansky is currently Dr. Kurlansky is currently an Assistant Professor of Surgery at Columbia University, the Associate Director of the Center for Innovation and Outcomes Research and the Director of Research, Recruitment and CQI for Columbia HeartSource. He is a graduate of Tuft’s Medical School and he completed his post-graduate training at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. .

Dr. Kurlansky discusses his work at this link


May 5, 2016 Show

Judith Eugene

Some people might figure that they will face nothing but frustration if they try to learn something new at an advanced age. So, as they age, they become reluctant to attempt anything they consider even the least bit adventuresome. But Judith Eugene, founder of the Ohio-based Loving Hands Group, is determined to put an end to their reluctance.

Her organization employs a wide range of experts that can help guide elders towards growth they never thought they could achieve. Working in private homes, community center and other facilities, these professionals give instructions in everything from tai chi and laughter yoga to flower arranging.

A licensed architect and interior decorator, Judith is also a certified yoga instructor with specialized senior adult training through the YogaFit training program. And she, likewise, perform as a singer and guitarist at innumerable local venues. An antique car enthusiast, Judith judges and plans shows that feature these vehicles.

He web site is

Jim Swanner

A man of many talents, Jim Swanner might be variously be described as being not only a teacher and an instructor but also a communicator, clinician, writer and the host of “All About Horses Radio.” And as he stays busy juggling all of those roles Jim remains dedicated to his mission of helping horses become more comfortable with humans and humans more adept at communicating with these animals.

He encourages people to move away from the attempts to control horses that are often depicted in movies, television shows and elsewhere. And he maintains that -the natural horsemanship techniques he teaches can prove just as effective with beginners as they are with more advanced riders.

On numerous occasions, his horses do not simply interact with people at the stables, but also with the entire town as they participate in community events.

His efforts are based at KIN Stables in Athens, Alabama. His web site is


April 20, 2016 Show

Mike Saunders

As an Authority Positioning Strategist, Mike Saunders helps his clients, many of whom are business owners, evolve a unified online marketing blueprint. Taking a broad approach, he guides them towards making the most of every available marketing avenue – press releases, radio interviews or book publishing.

By his accounting, gaining credibility through some “shrewd maneuvers” can produce amazing results. It might even result in somebody running a powerful Best-Seller campaign without ever writing a word.

So, what might this mean for listeners who do not have any of these entrepreneurial goals in mind? How can the strategies he teaches help people of any age as they go about their everyday lives? Well, listen to his interview and find out for yourself.

Mike has written several books including The Prism Salvation: A 3-Step Solution to Social Media Domination for Busy Business Owners and Believing Your Why: The 7-Step “morning Huddle” System to Finally Achieve Your Goals!

Bart Smyth

calls himself a modern day shaman. To the uninitiated that designation might sound like a complete oxymoron. How can somebody be a modern day shaman when these healers belonged to a previous (post modern) age? But Bart definitely has found a receptive audience for his work, having assisted 35,000 people worldwide. Many of them have found relieve from chronic and debilitating conditions through his efforts which combine, among other things, Thai Shiatsu, Hansa Shiatsu, Massage, Reiki, Abayanga Massage and Neuro Muscular Movement.

Bart notes that, “I have so much appreciation to all who walked before me, the physical intelligence we have and life in general is Amazing! I know that it is possible to create and recreate new, improved realities and physical bodies.”

Bart came to his work as a shaman after he suffered serious injuries in a car accident. He had previously owned a successful architectural design/ construction company in San Francisco.

His web site is



April 6, 2016 Show


Todd Bartimole

If you asked Todd Bartimole what he does for a living, he would respond simply, “I am an attorney who specializes in Elder Law.” But that brief response might not give you a very realistic understanding of what he actually does. In addition to performing the usual lawyerly duties, he also helps clients apply for Medicare. And quite often, he is called upon to deal with disability and special needs planning..

Todd has long been active with efforts to protect elders’ rights. He advocated for nursing home residents with the regional Long Term Care Ombudsman program and directed a program to assist Medicaid applicants appeal wrongly denied claims.

A graduate of Cleveland Marshall Law School, Todd is presently an attorney with the Cleveland-based Cavitch, Familo & Durkin law firm. His web site is


Marc Halleck

By his own admission, Marc Halleck was never a natural athlete when he was a child or a teen. In fact, he rarely even became involved in extra-curricular activities until he joined a local martial arts school in 1982. From that point on, however, his expertise in this field evolved until he eventually became the owner of the Northshore Academy of Martial Arts in Libertyville, Illinois.

When he first opened that facility in 1997, it had virtually no carpeting and was only 1500 square feet in size. But currently, his studio measures four times that size and by his own estimation, he has “the best Martial Arts team in Chicagoland.” And despite the fact he might not have shown much athletic prowess at a young age, he now feels great at 50.

Marc is certified under the legendary Guro Dan Inosanto in Jun Fan/Jeet Kune Do and the Filipino Martial Arts. His web site is 




March 16, 2016 Show

Donna Halper

At a point in her life when many people are contemplating retiring, Dr. Donna Halper took an opposite approach. She decided to start something new as she worked towards her PhD. And her persistence paid off as it resulted in her taking a teaching position at Lesley University (in Massachusetts). In that position, she – a Baby Boomer – has had a unique opportunity to mix with millennials and discover how these two generations both differ and enjoy many commonalities.

Before she started walking down her current academic path, Donna had already amassed a varied and impressive work history. She had served at various times as a radio consultant, radio disc jockey and music director. Donna is also the author of six books, she wrote Invisible Stars: A Social History of Women In American Broadcasting, a volume about female pioneers in the broadcasting industry, which was considered ground breaking for its time

Her web site is 

John Zitzner

does not claim to have a plan – secret or otherwise – that can save failing urban schools. But he does point with proud to what he has managed to achieve as the President of Friends of Breakthrough Schools. This organization helps to close the gap between the public funding this group of charter schools receives and the monies it needs to operate.

Charter schools are organized under the umbrella of a local school district but are administered separate. The Cleveland-based Breakthrough Schools operates 11 highly-rated schools that educate 3300 scholars from underserved neighborhoods.

His current position definitely requires John to employ his entrepreneurial skills. But he is using these skills in very different ways than he once did as the CEO and President of Bradley Corporation. This Cleveland based software firm was started during 1983 and acquired by Xerox during 1998. It grew from 2 employees to more than 40 workers. It currently serves many Fortune 1000 customers throughout North America.

John’s web site is


March 2, 2016 Show

Lorraine Perillo

remembers that when she was still quite young her father who was an opera singer owned numerous books on psychology, reflexology and massage. And she would spend many happy hours going through them. These excursions began her lifelong mission to learn as much as possible about mind body connections.

For years she studied about how particular foods can improve your health and how teas can be tonic to the body. She was also fascinated by the extent to which essential oils, exercise, meditation and yoga can bolster somebody’s well-being. And in time, she found her true path as a practitioner of Touch For Health which incorporates acupressure, sound diet and massage. This healing technique helps to relieve emotional blocks, making the symptoms of migraines, muscle and back pains, anxiety less acute. She holds frequent workshop in her Long Island headquarters, training participants in the basics of this process.

Her web site is    516-676-4244

Quamran Taj, CPC

(Q) acknowledges he has treated life as if it was a “restaurant sample,” as he tried everything on the menu. His adventures included a stint as a Christian minister, public speaker, counselor and mentor, Interfaith minister, published author, writer, freelance artist, amateur musician, radio host and most recently a Certified Professional Life Coach. His experiences have left him with a strong spiritual faith.

And anxious to share his beliefs with others, he conducts seminars, classes, workshops at his New York State headquarters. His motto: Living as YOU personally were meant to live. Fulfilling your own purpose in life is the key to happiness.

Q remains very proud of his efforts but acknowledges that they are simply a reconfirmation of the ideas sensitive individuals have formed throughout the decades. We are really spiritual beings having a human experience and that we ALL possess hidden abilities.

His web site is



February 2016 Show

Jim Wilkins

Jim's extensive background in the construction trades stretches back several decades; he has worked, at various times, as a journeyman carpenter, senior cost estimator, design and engineering manager. And on more than one occasion, he even helped construct mega-mansions. About five years ago, however, Jim began steadily downsizing both professionally and personally.

He now enjoys living in a tiny house because of the freedom and security it offers him. And his commitment to these structures extends far beyond the mere fact he lives in one. He builds non-toxic tiny houses and micro homes for people who choose to enjoy a sustainable life style. He started his new business – the Minnesota-based Tiny Green Cabins – during 2008.

Priced at between $19,900 and $59,000, the tiny cabins come in various series – Sweet Life Tiny Houses, Breathe Easy Tiny Houses. Some can even be transported on attached trailers.

Jim’s web site is

Dan Barker

A former evangelical minister and graduate from the Azusa Pacific University, Dan Barker, announced during 1984, that he had become an atheist. He subsequently appeared on AM Chicago (hosted by Oprah Winfrey), talking about how he had “kicked the religion habit.”

Dan is now co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (in Madison, Wisconsin) which promotes the separation of church and state. He also co-hosts Freethought Radio. Broadcasted nationally over several different stations, this show has welcomed a wide variety of freethinkers - Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Steven Pinker, Julia Sweeney, and Michael Newdow.

A successful musician, Barker has composed over 200 songs that have been published or recorded.

His newest book, GOD: The Most Unpleasant Character in All Fiction by Dan Barker.  Foreword by Richard Dawkins  (Sterling Publishing, Feb., 2016)

To stay young, Mr. Barker plays professional jazz piano, and also walks home from work 3 miles every day.

His web site is


January 2016 Show

Clark Echols

is minister of the Glendale New Church, located in a Cincinnati suburb. And in that position, he remains committed to carrying out that congregation’s mission -  offering worshipers a spiritual framework to live by and supplying solutions to difficult life-questions. This church supports each individual in forging a personal relationship with God, providing direction, strength, and peace for everyday life.

And he has had a lifelong belief in the reality of life after death, being particularly attracted to the works of Raymond Moody who wrote Life After Life. So, taking all that into account, it is hardly surprising that he would become a spokesperson for Cincinnati INANDS, an affiliate of the International Association for Near Death Studies.

 Clark’s group attempts to provide people who have had a NDE (near death experience) with group or personal counseling that will allow them to discuss these spiritually transforming episodes within a non judgmental environment. By his accounting these people are gifted but not targeted.

Clark’s web site is


Adaire Pettry works as an end-of-life doula educator and consultant, dedicating herself to providing support and comfort for hospice patients and others for whom medical treatment is no longer an option.

She maintains that experiences she had a young girl during the 1980s set her on the path to her current profession. She accompanied her grandfather during his life-altering experiences with cancer and his eventual death. And she also dealt with cancer first hand when her youngest son was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma.

On September 11, 2001, Adaire began her training as a hospital chaplain, which would lay the professional foundation for her life’s calling as a doula. Adaire holds two certifications in end-of-life care.

One is as a Contemplative End-of-Life Care Practitioner through Naropa University and the (Spiritual Care Programme) of Sogyal Rinpoche's school based on The Tibetan book of Living and Dying. The second is a certification as a Level 3 end-of-life doula / trainer for Doulagivers, a new area of non-medical care for the elderly.

She also has training in massage and reiki therapy. Adaire has a private consulting practice in Cleveland, Ohio. She is the founder and owner of connecting Heart 2 Heart and The Heart of Dying Project which provides compassionate care and education. Her web site is 




December 2015 Show

Linda Krasienko

Having worked over the years as a pastor, counselor and an occupational therapist, Linda Krasienko has compiled quite an impressive resume. But the accomplishment she is most proud of might be one that remains essentially disconnected to her professional experiences. Long committed to this effort, she played a major role in the establishment of a retirement facility that is designed specifically for the LGBTQ population and slated to open during fall, 2016.

Located on Cleveland’s West Side, this 55-unit project will be affordable, with apartments being priced at between $400 and $800 a month. Ms. Krasienko, president of A Place for Us Development LLC, notes that this building will be conveniently located near a transit stop. And it will feature a fitness room, meditation room, clinic, office space, lounge, conference room a foyer for art display plus an outside garden.

The web site for a Place for Us is 

David Pirtle

David Pirtle was a restaurant manager in Phoenix, Arizona when the symptoms of schizoaffective disorder made it impossible for him to any longer maintain a job or a place to live. Shortly thereafter, he traveled across country, with his journeys eventually taking him to Washington D.C. where he lived on the streets until he was arrested and referred to a homeless shelter.

During the summer of 2006 David and the other clients learned that their shelter was slated to be converted into a boutique hotel. After they organized and launched after a series of successful lobbying events and rallies, it was announced that the facility would be renovated and remain open indefinitely. David now resides in south-east Washington, D.C. and he is active in fighting for the rights of people who are experiencing homelessness and mental illness in the District of Columbia.

David currently heads the Speakers Bureau for the National Coalition for the homeless. His web site is


November 2015 Show

Dr. Dennis McCullough

Medical advances have translated into our living longer than was ever previously the case or even the expectation. But as these advances have emerged, our health care system has become increasingly more reliant upon technology. And not all medical authorities think that is necessarily a “good” thing, particularly for elders.

Among them is family doctor and geriatrician Dr. Dennis McCullough who recommends an approach which he labels Slow Medicine. Shaped by common sense and kindness, slow medicine advocates a hands on approach that relies more upon patience and careful observations than upon technology; comfort rather than cures remain the major goal.

Dr. McCullough is the author of My Mother, Your Mother: Embracing "Slow Medicine," the Compassionate Approach to Caring for Your Aging Loved Ones (New York: Harper, 2008).

He is Honorary Associate Professor, Dartmouth Centers for Health and Aging, Department of Community and Family Medicine, Giesel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, Lebanon, NH.

Lynne Giacobbe

Kendal at Home works closely with seniors and their families, coordinating the support they need to age safely at home. And Lynne Giacobbe, that program’s executive director, points with pride to its admirable track record. Only one out of more than 250 elders who have become involved in this effort since it opened during 2004 have ended up requiring permanent nursing facility placement.

Ms. Giacobbe explains that Kendal at Home is simply an extension of the continuing care retirement community (ccrc) concept that Kendal has long espoused. Its (ccrc) centers, which are located throughout the country, offer independent living and assisted living as well as nursing facilities. Many of these facilities are located in college towns, such as Ithaca, New York or Oberlin, Ohio.

In total, Ms. Giacobbe has spent 30 years working in the non-profit sector, focusing on administration and program development. The Kendal at Home web site is


October 2015 Show

Karen Bowersox

An incident that might have missed many people’s notice is what led Karen Bowersox to start the Mentor, Ohio-based Downs Designs®. While visiting with her granddaughter, Maggie, she noticed that her pants were always too long and her mother was constantly rolling them up. Her long sleeve shirts were also too long for her and needed to be rolled up.
A quick trip to the internet uncovered no clothes that might fit Maggie and others with Down syndrome more appropriately. So Ms. Bowersox became determined to start her own business that would manufacturer garments that would accommodate the special measurements of people who have this genetic condition.
The ensuing years have meant trips to China, hours spent with designers and many other adventures. And now her company not only produces clothes for people with Down syndrome, it is also making available NBZ® Jeans which have no buttons or zippers, making it easier for people with a myriad of special needs to dress independently.

Mrs. Bowersox ‘s website is .

Mary Verdi

Far ahead of her time in seeing the need for integrative dancing, Mary Verdi Fletcher Dancing Wheels School in 1990. And it soon began attracting students from around the globe, eventually becoming the worldwide center for dance that involves both wheel chair and stand-up dancers. The group now regularly tours both in this country and internationally. Her efforts have helped pave the way for others working to gain complete access for dancers who have their own special abilities.

Mary’s recent professional affiliations include Executive Committee Member for the Careers in Arts Summit, Program Committee Member for The Association of Performing Arts Presenters Annual Conference, Advisory Board Member for The Arc of Greater Cleveland and Board Member for Ohio Arts Presenters. She has worked and studied with such esteemed artists as Donald McKayle, David Rousseve, Dianne McIntyre, Dennis Nahat, Keith Young, Ben Vereen, Christopher Reeve and many others.

 Her web site is



September 2015 Show

Rick Guidotti

had worked in NYC, Milan and Paris as a high fashion photographer, taking pictures of what were considered to be some of the world’s most beautiful people. But that phase of his career lasted only until a chance encounter on a Manhattan street totally changed the direction in which he focused his camera lens. While waiting at a bus stop he saw a girl whose beauty diverged from societal ideas – white hair, pale skin, albinism.

Returning home, he did some studying and found that the images he saw of people with genetic differences were startling and upsetting; always a black bar covered their eyes. And he vowed to stop working in the fashion industry and to start taking picture that were intended to help people see beauty through their own interpretations, not as the fashion industry has dictated it. Establishing Positive Exposure he has spent the last 17 years working to achieve that objective.

Rick's web site is  . A slide show of his photographs can be seen at

Betsy Otter Thompson

has had a varied career that has taken many fascinating twists and turns. All of her various efforts have, however, had one common thread: she has always gravitated towards the media. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Betsy worked as an account executive for several radio stations before becoming a commercial print model and actor in television commercials.

For seventeen years, she worked in Los Angeles at the motion picture and television company Castle Rock Entertainment as the Assistant to the Chairman and CEO. In August '99, she followed her boss to Warner Bros. as he took a new position there as President and COO, and became his Executive Assistant.

She is now writing full time, a commitment that began unexpectedly while she was passing through an especially difficult time in her life. Her latest book published earlier this year – LoveHuman - offers valuable guidance regarding how to find comfort in a world where uncomfortable things happen.

Her web site is


August 2015 Show

Megan Hustings

serves as Director of Operations at the National Coalition for Homelessness. Multitalented, she has handled grant writing, website construction and also developed social media strategies, awareness and fundraising campaigns during the more than 7 years she has worked at that organization.

Almost more than anything else, however, Ms. Hustings remains committed to dispelling myths about homelessness. She notes, for example, that while many people believe food pantries and soup kitchens answer the nutritional needs of the homeless that assumption does not take into account some “harsh realities” this population faces.

They might not have places where they can prepare or store food. And they, likewise, often have mobility and other challenges that prevent them from traveling to these facilities. Or, local ordinances might limit the outreach of these centers.

Founded thirty years ago, the Washington, D.C.-based coalition provides direct services to the homeless and also advocates on their behalf. Its web site is


Charlie Mosbrook

Among other things, Charlie Mosbrook is contemporary singer/ songwriter. Strong traditional folk sensibilities, utilizing guitar, mandolin, harmonica, fiddle, banjo and other acoustic instruments, accompany his rich distinctive baritone voice. One highlight of this 25-year career: he was voted Cleveland Scene Magazine’s "Best Singer Songwriter" in 2011.

Heard throughout the world, his music has been featured on radio programs such as and The Midnight Special national folk show. His newest CD Something To Believe (2013) was recently picked as CD of the week by Rich Warren for WFMT's Midnight Special.

In addition to his musical pursuits, Charlie has completed multiple Ironman triathlon's and marathons. Since becoming an incomplete quadripaligic in 2010, he has remained active with the use of a handcycle and as a swimmer. In an effort to give hope to others who have suffered similar injuries, he regularly performs for patients recovering at Cleveland's MetroHealth Spinal Cord Injury unit.

His web site is



July 2015 Show

Diane Snyder Cowan directs the Hospice of the Western Reserve’s Elizabeth Severance Prentiss Bereavement Center. And in that position, she attempts to be what might be termed a good listener. By her accounting, that entails not only paying close attention to what clients say through words or unspoken gestures but also remaining connected to the ever shifting climate that is transforming grief counseling.

And she is not reticent about approaching topics that were considered taboo only a few short years ago. Ms. Cowan has, for example, written about grief when it emanates from a drug overdose, acknowledging that the bereaved feel "guilty," as the "should haves," "could haves," and "if onlys" bubble constantly through their consciousness. She suggests that coming too understand the nature of addiction and the fact it can fly out of anybody’s control might help to assuage some of these painful feelings.

Ms. Cowan is certified as a Music Therapist and Palliative Care Administrator. You can reach her the center at 1-216-486-6838. .


Spencer Levine serves as the Vice President for Programs at the Washington-D.C. based Hospice Foundation of America. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, the foundation seeks to educate the public on end of life issues and provide clinicians with continuing professional education to improve care. Its mission: provide leadership in the development and application of hospice and its philosophy of care with the goal of enhancing the U.S. health care system and the role of hospice within it.

Mr. Levine’s previous experience is quite varied and includes serving as news writer for ABC News, assignment editor for CBS News and producer for HGTV (Home and Garden Television).

The foundation’s website is  Through that website it offers a service entitled “Ask the Expert” which allows visitors to make inquires of medical and other professionals. It also provides a directory of hospices plus resources on end of life care.


June 2015 Show


Dr. Donna Halper has always loved sports, particularly baseball. And when she was quite young, she had thoughts about becoming a sports writing. As a girl growing up back in the 1950s, however, she was discouraged from following that career path. So, she left it essentially unpersued.
But she has worked her way down many other roads as a radio consultant, radio disc jockey and music director.   The author of six books, she wrote Invisible Stars: A Social History of Women In American Broadcasting, which was considered ground breaking for its time And she has also gained much from working as Big Sister and as an advocate for an adult with autism
These days she is a professor at Lesley University in Massachusetts after having earned a PhD. in 2011. As an interesting point, she is obviously a woman who was ahead of her times but is still somebody who admits to having mixed feelings about digitalization.
Dr. Halper’s web site is 


Roland Halpern  Affiliated with the Denver-based Compassion and Choices, Roland Halpern lectures on end-of-life concerns and the need for aid-in-dying laws, such as those enacted in Oregon, Washington and Vermont. He maintains that American’s views on these matters have transitioned over the years. And in making that statement, he points to 2014 Gallup poll results. They indicated that 69 percent of Americans responded “yes” when asked: When a person has a disease that cannot be cured, do you think doctors should be allowed by law to end the patient’s life by some painless means if the patient and his or her family request it?

This survey utilized the same question that has been employed for decades. So, Mr. Halapern believes the fact an increasing number of Americans are responding in the affirmative is

significant. He also maintains that safeguards in death with dignity laws will prevent them from being utilized to jeopardize persons living with disabilities.

Mr. Halpern’s web site is 


May 2015 Show

Sean Caulfield  Most typically, when professionals discuss efforts that team people who have dementia with people who support them, they use terms like “caregivers” and “care recipients.” But Sean Caulfield, creative director for the I'm Still Here Foundation, refers to all the participants in the program he helps direct as being "care partners."

Sure, one of these "partners" might have memory issues. But by Sean's accounting, they are still an important part of the team as they contribute a great deal during the museum tours his organization arranges. He maintains that even if they do not always remember what happens during these events, they still have an amazing ability to draw impressions from the art they encounter as they make their way through galleries.

And in explaining why they display this talent, he notes "Art has the ability to transcend the limitations of conventional communication and language, leading to rich emotional connections and enabling people with Alzheimer's to break out of their shells, to become awakened."

Sean’s website is
Dr. Marilyn Rantz has been affiliated with Missouri University’s Sinclair School of Nursing (MUSSON) since 1992. And her pioneering work aimed at upgrading nursing home care quality spans an even longer period of time, going back 30 years.

During late 2012, Dr. Rantz secured a $14.8 million grant from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for their Initiative to Reduce Avoidable Hospitalizations among Nursing Facility Residents. This was the largest grant ever received across the entire University of Missouri-Columbia campus.

Much of the research she has supervised since receiving this funding has been conducted at TigerPlace. Named in honor of the university’s mascot, TigerPlace is seeking to evolve a new model of independent housing where people can safely age in place while enjoying maximized independence and function. TigerPlace provides both an independent living environment for the area’s seniors and an opportunity for students from a variety of professional areas to interact with older adults.


April 2015 Show

Abby Gilbert The living arrangement that can prove most nurturing for seniors might not be one that evolved off anybody’s drawing board. Rather, NORCs, natural occurring retirement communities might be the best possible place for elders to age in place. Some seniors who live in these communities move into them as they age while others are long term residents.

And serving as the director of Philadelphia’s Rhawnhurst NORC, Abby Gilbert has learned that little thing such as help changing a light bulb or a reliable ride to the grocery store can make a major difference. They can determine if a senior can remain in the comfort of familiar surroundings. The NORC is run as a partnership between Catholic Health Care Services and the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphiia.

In addition to her work with the NORC, Ms. Gilbert also serves as Vice President of the Board of the Klein JCC and is the immediate past president of the TriState Jewish Communal Professionals Association.

Dr. Gayle Doll

The book Gayle Appel Doll wrote about sexuality has received considerable attention. But no, her text is not something salacious or something akin to Fifty Shades of Grey. And she did not script it to shock, titillate or get on “Oprah.” Rather, Dr. Doll wrote "Sexuality in Long-Term Care: Understanding and Supporting the Needs of Older Adults" in the hopes of providing nursing facilities with guidelines that they could employ when dealing with these sensitive matters.

To her, the talking points this text presents – respect residents’ privacy and individuality – are an essential aspect of these institutions becoming more person-oriented. She maintains that they must make strides in that direction if they hope to remain marketable in today’s world. Dr. Doll’s book won merit honors from the 21st annual National Mature Media Awards Program.

Dr. Doll, now the director of the Center on Aging at Kansas State University has a Ph.D. from KSU in Life Span Human Development.


March 2015 Show

Dr. Louise Aronson, a Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), has impressive credentials, having graduated from Harvard Medical School and completed an internal medicine residency and geriatric fellowship at UCSF. She currently cares for frail older adults in the Care at Home Program and directs the Northern California Geriatrics Education Center and UCSF Medical Humanities.

A woman of many talents, Dr. Aronson has also won recognition for her writing. Her book A History of the Present Illness takes readers into the lives of doctors, patients and families in the neighborhoods, hospitals and nursing homes of San Francisco. Most recently, she wrote an article – “Necessary Steps: How Health Care Fails Older Patients, And How It Can Be Done Better” that appeared in the March, 2015 issue of Health Affairs. In this story, she employs narrative to make a strong point: establishment the medical establishment needs to redirect the care it provides seniors.

Dr. Aronson’s web site is


Derek Van Atta

took a fascinating and circuitous journey to become the founder of Solay Superfood. His voyage included: college in Northern California, jobs in a health food store, years spent as a monk in a small Yoga Community where he learned the value of discipline and service to others. Working long hours as the co-founder of a small Silicon Valley – Silly Valley to him – start-up tested Derek's dedication to well-being. But it did not stop him from continuing his study of foods that possess a super high "power-to-weight ratio,” being ultra-nutrient-rich, without having any excess fluff (superfoods).

He became inspired to develop his own health-giving products. And he has spent the last 25 years developing Solay Superfood. His web site is


February 2015 Show

Dr. Peter Whitehouse

believes that the memory challenges that we all face as we age deserve not just a medical, but a public health and community response. Claims we can cure Alzheimer’s in the near future are hype that creates false expectations of fixes. Genuine hope lies in asking deeper questions about the wonders of our brain, what it means to age, and how we need to support each other in community and in balance with nature. If it even exists it is not one disease but many as is the case with cancer. And it might not be distinguishable from normal brain aging, changes that come to all of us as we mature and that might in many ways make us more fully human. Dr. Whitehouse detailed these thoughts in The Myth of Alzheimer’s: What You Aren’t Being Told about Today’s Most Dreaded Diagnosis.

Dr. Whitehouse is the founder of the University Alzheimer’s Center (now the University Aging and Memory Center at Cleveland’s University Hospital Case Medical Center. He currently serves as a neurologist at Case Western Reserve School of Medicine. And he worked closely with his wife, Catherine, in establishing the Intergenerational School which has three campuses in Cleveland and has gained widespread recognition for bringing people in various age groupings together into the classroom.

His web site is


January 2015 Show

Artie Kornfeld might be best known as the “Father of Woodstock” the name given to him by the Woodstock Preservation Alliance. But even before he co-produced that music festival which rocked the world during August of 1969, he had begun to make his mark in the music industry. He composed the song “I’m the Pied Piper” which became a hit for many artists and “Dead Man’s Curve” which climbed to the top of the charts when sung by Jan and Dean.

In more recent years, Artie has promoted such artists as Alice Cooper, Linda Ronstadt, Pink Floyd and Melissa Etheridge. And he continues to do his good work and to soak up the sun from his home in southern Florida.

And by the way, he is not the young man you might have seen wearing a leather vest and riding around on his motorcycle in the movie “Woodstock.” That is his partner Michael Lang. Artie was spending his time promoting the event.

His web site is


December 2014 Show

Dr. Kenneth Dupin MEDCottages are designed to provide the best of both worlds. Residents enjoy all the comforts of home. Yet, they get a definite bonus in the fact that while their privacy is being protected, their security is also ensured.

The robotic equipment in these cottages, which have sleeping plus bathroom areas, monitor vital signs, filter the air for contaminants, and communicate with the outside world very easily. Sensors alert caregivers to problems, and medication reminders are provided via computers.

Dr. Kenneth Dupin has helped has helped N2C which markets MEDcottages grow from being an idea on drawing boards to an enterprise with a product. He has more than 25 years experience in non-profit administration, including organizational goals, capital procurement, financial oversight and membership development.

The website for MedCottges is

Karen Bowersox first began involved in an effort to establish a clothing line for people with Downs Syndrome when her granddaughter, Maggie, was four. Her daughter planted the idea for what became Downs Designs in her head and she moved onward from that point.

Ms. Bowersox had no prior experience in the apparel industry, but she was already administering her husband’s medical practice and wanted an opportunity to make good use of her business expertise. However, her journey has not necessarily been a smooth one.

Although she searched tirelessly, she could not find any clothing which was designed for people with Down Syndrome and could serve a model for the product she hoped to market. These individuals often have special proportions which makes fitting them difficult.

But she persevered and with is now selling not only jeans but also shirts, shorts and capris. She expects to expand her business she it can serve people who require accessible clothing for any number of reasons


November 2014 Show

Jim Swanner As a teacher, instructor, communicator, keynote speaker, clinician, writer and host of ‘All About Horses’ radio, Jim Swanner is dedicated to spreading the word about what he calls “natural horsemanship.” This technique helps humans communicate with horses and horses communicate with humans. Jim acknowledges, however, that reaching it can take riders a life time to reach this level of sensitivity. But he believes that the dedication working towards this goal pays off in big dividends. His web site is 

Deanna R. Adams is a multi-published author and speaker, whose latest novel is Scoundrels & Dreamers, the sequel to her debut novel, Peggy Sue Got Pregnant: A Rock 'n' Roll Love Story. Her first book, Rock ’n’ Roll and the Cleveland Connection (Kent State University Press, 2002), was named a finalist for the Ohioana Award for nonfiction, and the ARSC Award (Association for Recorded Sound Collections) for excellence in research. Other books are Confessions of a Not-So-Good Catholic Girl (Infinity Publishing, 2008) and Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Roots (Arcadia Publishing, 2010). Deanna is also an instructor and event coordinator at Lakeland Community College, and instructor for the Cuyahoga County Libraries Lit program, where she speaks and teaches on a number of writing topics. Her website is:


October 2014 Show

Frank Sansom's personal experiences caring for family members led him to form Senior Care Authorities which helps families find an appropriate (residential) placement for their elder. These days, there are many available options – assisted living, independent living - and the number is constantly growing. So, making these decisions can become daunting if attempted without professional guidance. Frank also hosts a weekly radio show called "The Aging Boomers" which educates family caregivers and seniors on pertinent issues facing them and makes them away of important resources. Prior to starting Care, Frank was a veteran of the travel industry for 34 years.

Laura Mitchell serves as the Chief Marketing Officer for the Wisconsin-based GrandCare which manufactures technology that connects elders with their caregivers, allowing careful tracking of their progress. And her marketing skills will be put to the test as the company evolves both nationally and globally at a rapid pace. It is currently balancing several large international contracts including one with Saga, the UK’s largest in-home care provider. In early 2014, GrandCare entered Canada, joining forces with the in-home care organization Proof of Care. And it is working together with a major homecare franchisor in Australia.


September 2014 Show

Jill Mattson first began studying Sound Healing and its ability to bring minds, bodies, emotions, and energies into better balance more than 20 years ago. Since that point, she has studied this field extensively on her own and has also interviewed leading experts in this modality. And she has turned what she has learned into ongoing efforts to benefit people by practicing this modality. Since the early 2009s, she has worked out of a studio in her home, recording compositions that blend her original music with ancient techniques. Jill's Deep Wave Beauty was a finalist for the COVR Specialty CD of 2012 award.

Donna Seebo has found many outlets for her natural talents: communicating with others and helping those with whom she connects to grow spiritually. She published an award-winning illustrated children’s book, “God’s Kiss.” Along with other texts, including “Mind Magic” and “The Miracle of 8 Pennies,” it is available at Since April of this year, she has hosted a radio program on her own station, Delphi Vision Broadcasting. Go to “The Donna Seebo Show for archived broadcasts. During September, 2014 she will be starting a new program “Warriors for Peace” that will feature veterans and others from around the world who are striving to achieve what many view as being an impossible goal: peace.

August 2014 Show


Mike Bentley is an Insurance Broker/Consultant who is active in working with non–for-profit organizations and small businesses in providing health insurance and other group benefits.  He is also very active in assisting seniors with their Medicare questions and coverage needs.  He established the Group Benefits Department at The Brooks and Stafford Company in 1998,  where he not only continues serving today as Vice President, but he is also an active educator.  Mike teaches continuing education courses for insurance professionals in Ohio and is also a frequent speaker on health insurance topics.  He is licensed in multiple states and has his office in downtown Cleveland, Ohio.


Joel Wrobbel began working with older adults in 1985 while guiding an intergenerational ministry with older adults and high school youth. Joel graduated from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago Illinois with a focus in Pastoral Studies. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Health Services from Roosevelt University in Chicago, Illinois. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from North Park University in Chicago, Illinois. Joel has experience serving older adults through his work as a nursing home Psycho-Social Director and providing leadership as a General Partner for a senior living company. He has served as a Director of Resident Services for an independent living community and as a Marketing Director for two continuing care retirement communities. Joel became an Associate of the Eden Alternative in 2005 and is passionate about spreading the message of culture change. Since 2001, Joel has served as the Marketing Director at Westminster-Thurber Community in Columbus, Ohio. To learn more about the Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Service visit

July 2014 Show

Dr. Steven Zarit
Zarit is a Pennsylvania State University professor, has conducted extensive aimed at finding ways whereby family care givers can reduce the stress they are they are experiencing. His most recent studies focus upon the benefits that caregivers derive when their elder attends a day care facility. This arrangement not only grants them a valuable respite from their care giving “responsibilities,” it also provides them with a support system. His studies indicate that having this support results in caregivers' level of stress hormones decreasing.

Dr. Zarit developed the Zarit Burden interview that measures the extent to which care giving might be placing a "burden" upon those who accept this "responsibility." This instrument has been used extensively in both therapeutic and research settings. His web site is

Paul Malley
Paul Malley is President, Aging with Dignity, a national non-profit organization with a mission to affirm and safeguard the human dignity of individuals as they age and to promote better care for those near the end of life. The life and work of Mother Teresa of Calcutta served as the inspirational foundation of Aging with Dignity. The Florida-based organization is best known as the creator and distributor of the Five Wishes advance directive, of which there are currently more than 20 million in national circulation. Five Wishes is easy to understand and use and addresses all of a person’s needs – medical, legal, personal, emotional and spiritual. It’s been called “the living will with a heart and soul.” You can preview Five Wishes by visiting

Paul Malley and the work of Aging with Dignity have been featured in national media including the CBS, NBC, and ABC evening news, CNN, MSNBC, NBC Today Show, Good Morning America, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time, and Consumer Reports.

6-18-2014 Show

Dr. Georgina Cannon
Georgina is an award-winning, board-certified, master consulting hypnotist. An accredited life coach, she is recognized as the public face and respected member of Canada's complimentary health community. In recognition of that fact, Georgina has appeared as a regular guest on national and international television and radio programs.

During 2004, Shirley MacLaine read Georgina’s first book, RETURN – Past Life Regression and You, and contacted Georgina for a radio interview. She subsequently invited Georgina to host her chatroom a few times a year

Suzanne Caplan
Suzanne Caplan who serves as the Founder and CEO of The Community Center for Aging in Place (CCAIP) is uniquely equipped to help this organization reach its goal of upgrading services for seniors in Southeastern Pennsylvania. She is the author of 13 books on business techniques, including her most recent volume - Strong Women: Confessions of a Smug Feminist. 

Ms. Caplan has also presented seminars throughout the US and the UK. Suzanne, providing older entrepreneurs with guidelines that will help them make their business more efficient.