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U  F  O      R  A  D  I  O

Live First Tuesdays @ 10pm EST / 7pm PT

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~~  Listen To Past Shows Below  ~~

Kevin has created a Patreon Account Click Here


"Kevin Estrella, much like Vai, and Satriani, can make his guitar truly communicate and display emotion. That’s what we know as ‘true-love;’ like the fairy-tale kind.  There’s a real passion that Kevin plays with that only comes along every so often…a real magic" - SleepingBagStudios

"Pyramids on Mars new release Echo Cosmic, easily the finest instrumental album since Joe Satriani’s Surfing with the Alien." - Steve Earles,

"Kevin Estrella is probably the most criminally unknown guitar player on the planet." - Dutch Metal Music

Host Kevin Estrella  

has been welcomed deep into the UFO community after having his own first-hand encounter in 2014 with something not of this world.  He speaks publicly and has been a featured guest on over 50 UFO radio talk shows.  Kevin comes to ArtistFirst to introduce guests who have been on-board craft, had direct contact with Extraterrestrial beings.  Kevin introduces us to Experiencers, Starseeds & Star Nation/Human Hybrids currently on the planet.  Find out how and why they are here helping humanity during this historic period of awakening.

Kevin is the guitarist and composer of the instrumental rock band Pyramids on Mars

Pyramids on Mars is the embodiment of who he is.  Kevin has always had a passion for UFO’s, Extraterrestrials spending over 29 years researching humanities long hidden history with Star Nations.  Kevin combines his music passion with raising consciousness and awareness of the UFO and Extraterrestrial presence.  He felt this was what he was born for.

This pre-birth contract was affirmed on August 21, 2014 in Hamilton, Ontario when Kevin had contact with an inter-dimensional craft of unearthly origin flying only one hundred fifty feet above the city of Hamilton, ON Canada.

Through investigation by M.U.F.O.N., verification through local sources, and consultation with International Researcher of the Year 2012 (Leeds UFO conference), Researcher of the Year at the 2013 (International UFO Congress, Phoenix Arizona) Grant Cameron, his sighting was authenticated.  It was verified he was the only one who sighted and reported the craft; the occupants were in direct contact with him.

Kevin’s ongoing experiences since includes telepathy, downloads, incredible synchronicities, music downloads, symbol downloads (Neck Illusions DNA Double Helix design on his guitar), and regular visitations by various Star Nations.  His musical downloads are discussed in Grant Cameron’s book “Tuned In: The Paranormal World of Music.”  Many of Kevin’s personal (CE5) ET encounters are discussed in “Inviting ET” by Su Walker. 

Kevin works with the P’ntl (Zetas) who reside at the Sandia Mountains, Albuquerque NM helping prepare humanity for Official First Contact fall of 2021.           

Kevin has a large network of friends and colleagues in the UFO community who are Experiencers, Starseeds & Star Nation/Human Hybrids.  He now brings their stories to the ArtistFirst Network.

How to Connect with Host Kevin Estrella

Website:     Facebook:

Twitter:     Reverbnation:

Double Helix Alien DNA Removable Neck Graphics:
Instructional Video Guitar Lessons:

Music by Host Kevin Estrella

Pyramids on Mars sounds like music from Mars

PYRAMIDS ON MARS is guitarist Kevin Estrella’s project, offering an aural palate of intense, emotional, 4-dimensional melodic progressive rock / metal which includes a range of influences from such as Baroque classical music of composers J.S Bach and Antonio Vivaldi, along with today’s guitar virtuosos Yngwie Malmsteen and Joe Satriani. 

What makes Kevin Estrella stand out from the crowd of other instrumental guitarists is his emphasis on songwriting and storytelling.

“The emphasis is not just on the lead guitar melody, but on the band as a whole; the transcendent synergy captured in bands like Rush, Tool and Led Zeppelin.  Harmonic variations on repeating melodic themes are strongly utilized; like rhyming phrases in spoken language that allows easier accurate retelling of the original story. This idea of repeating music phrases/themes so the audience can easily recall it and hum it all the way home.”  – Kevin Estrella

Kevin records, produces, engineers and masters all his own music.  He performs all guitars, bass, synthesizers, and drum programming.  With over 90 magazine reviews and over 90 radio interviews, Pyramids on Mars is quickly becoming a worldwide known phenomenon. 

  • Kevin Estrella is a Neck Illusions endorsed artist, alongside Steve Vai (David Lee Roth, Whitesnake) and Jennifer Batten (Michael Jackson)
  • Radio play in Canada, US, Brazil, UK, Netherlands and Germany
  • 100,000 Twitter followers
  • Over 90 radio interviews
  • Featured in over 90 magazine and webzines such as Bravewords, Metal Temple, Prog Metal Zone, Hellbound, Damnation, Metal Nation, Prop Sphere, Dead Metal Music, Music Life Magazine, Metal Addicts, Pure Grain Audio, Dutch Metal Maniac, Canadian Beats, Front Row Magazine, Musicnotez, AXS, Two-Guys Metal Reviews, Metal Underground, Greek Rebels, They Rhythm Authority, Metal Legends, Aristocrazia, Maelstromzine, and Boston Rock Radio
  • Host of Pyramids on Mars UFO Radio (ArtistFirst Network) and Starseed Ascension (Why Wouldn’t We Radio, Dallas TX)

Discography:    Pyramids on Mars (2013)    Echo Cosmic (2015)    Edge of the Black (2019) 

Kevin's Latest CD!  Edge of the Black

For CD Click Here


Kevin has created a Patreon Account Click Here

Click for Pyramids On Mars Store


Listen to past shows below.  2 Ways to listen:

1. Left Click date to "Stream" show (it will play like the radio)    or . . .

2. "Right Click" on date then select "Save Target As" (or similar i.e. "Save Link As" etc,) and a copy of the show will download to your device which you can then play anytime.


March 4, 2025 Show


Jeff Selver   Part II
Experiencer, Alien Contactee

(see part one below)



Jeff Selver, MBA, A lifetime of obscured memories of alien contact came out and Jeff began presenting on his contact events in UFO groups, sharing his story in detail, and providing research.  We discuss his recently published a book THE RISING, And the alien plan to build an enlightened city on Earth.  We talk about what this city will look like, who will be living in it after the major planetary catastrophe’s that will occur.  Jeff discusses the many hybrids who will be helping to aid in the spiritual development of Earth, and a bright new future that awaits us.




February 4, 2025 Show

Krystal Kelley

Krystal builds bridges and makes connections between the known and unknown. She had a near-death experience brain and spinal cord infection that Krystal questioning her path. In an attempt to heal, Krystal turned to meditation to heal her brain trauma. She had some incredible experiences with pre-cognition, significant synchronicities, and being taken on board a craft of unknown extraterrestrial origin that put her on the path to do the work she was supposed to be doing. Her travels have taken her North to the Siberian Wilderness to learn from illuminated beings, indigenous Altaian throat singers. Krystal has had the divine gift of sitting with shaman, sound healers, and energy portals in Egypt. Mystery School teachings that go deep into the cosmos are imbedded in her innermost knowing.



January 7, 2025 Show

Jeff Selver Part I
Experiencer, Alien Contactee

Jeff Selver, MBA, was a financial advisor for a bank. At the age of 41, screen memories came to light, and broken memories of unbelievable alien contact events began opening up. He would learn the details of this event that happened as a young adult matched what is now understood as a "genetic activation." A lifetime of obscured memories of alien contact came out and Jeff began presenting on his contact events in UFO groups, sharing his story in detail, and providing research and corroboration with other experiencers, like Suzy Hansen (The Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement). He currently resides in Vancouver, B.C. with his spouse. He recently published a book on his experiences THE RISING, And the alien plan to build an enlightened city on Earth.



December 3, 2024 Show

Patrick Giggey
Sasquatch Experiencer

Patrick Giggey was born and raised in Pawling, NY. He was always fascinated with the topic of Sasquatch and Star Beings since he was 5 years old. In May of 2019 he had a life altering experience with the Sasquatch and has been a Sasquatch experiencer for the last 5 years with constant visitations. He has learned much about their people and speaks regularly on radio podcasts like Pork and Beans. It is an ongoing wonderful journey for Patrick.

Contact Patrick at:



November 5, 2024 Show

Dr. Gregory Sova

The Apport/UFO Mystery: A Symbolic Understanding

Dr. Sova is a retired senior scientist in aerospace engineering, Boeing Company in Seal Beach, CA. He is a USC doctoral graduate in aerodynamics with minor in theoretical physics. He was active in the Analytical Psychological Club of the C.G. Jung Institute in Los Angeles exploring Jung's psychology for almost five decades. He is a UFO experiencer. Dr. Sova discusses the paranormal phenomena of Apports, objects materializing/dematerializing from nowhere. His book deciphers the symbolic meaning of apports. It will shed "new light" on the purpose of their miraculous manifestation. The use of apports is a strange way to communicate at first glance, but when you understand that they represent symbols that contain hidden symbolic messages, "the penny drops."

Contact him at:



October 1, 2024 Show

Sandra Deseke
Experiencer, Psychic Medium

Sandra Deseke, based in Germany, is a certified psychic medium and animal communicator, deeply connected to the vast and mysterious realms beyond our everyday perceptions. Her journey includes an unforgettable night in early 2023, when she levitated above her bed with an Anunnaki present, profoundly deepening her cosmic connections and affirming her role within a galactic alliance. Sandra's experiences extend to meeting various beings, witnessing diverse crafts, and actively working in the Astral realm. She teaches students about psychic connections and communication, animal telepathy, and extraterrestrial dialogues, guiding them through the intricate web of universal energies.


Instagram / TikTok: @aliencontactee



September 3, 2024 Show

Michael Ney   Beyond Being Human

Michael Ney is a digital media producer, filmmaker, photographer and author with over 4 decades experience. He is the founder of "Beyond Being Human."  The "Beyond Being Human" project first arose in 2015 after a life-changing angelic encounter which Michael had during a self-development workshop. Guidance and inspiration continues to develop the project to fulfill a spiritual mission. The public tagline is "exploring our multidimensional nature". Beyond Being Human aims to "ignite and sustain our divine spark" and is expressed in the investigation of the projects' key topics being exploring the extraterrestrial presence on our planet, which relates to the "experiencer" reality, the emergence of star children, UFOs, multidimensional realities, paranormal investigations, the gifts of psychic and healing abilities often reported with ET Contact and even ET/human hybrids. Through an educational program of interviews and panels - plus the documentary - they intend to inform a mainstream audience about these "new realities". 



August 6, 2024 Show

Michelle Desrochers

Experiencer, Paranormal Researcher, TV-Radio host, Medium, Film Consultant

Michelle is the host of “The Outer Realm”, and director of Canada’s Most Haunted. She is a professional paranormal researcher specifically on malevolent hauntings and attachments using both Science and Mediums. As an Extraterrestrial Experiencer her knowledge includes many areas of “High Strangeness”. She has consulted on several TV shows including Creepy Canada, Much Music, The Travel Channel, Haunted Casefiles, and Destination America’s Paranormal Survivor Seasons 2,3,4,5 to name a few. Michelle discusses her UFO and portal experiences growing up in Sudbury, ON, ET and ghost experiences in Niagara Falls and much more.



July 2, 2024 Show

Su Walker, Melanie Aguirre, and Kevin Estrella 

Live from Sandia Mountain with the P'nti

A special live broadcast with Su, Melanie and Kevin from Su's home at the base of the Sandia Mountain Information Station. Su, Melanie and Kevin have the P'nti answer questions in real time from the Twitter followers. We discuss why people cannot remember the P'nti visits. The Whales and Dolphin relatives from Plaiedes.  The coming changes to the Sun and Earth and pending cyclic Extinction Level Event.  And a special message from Commander Tlkm, of the Sandia Mountain Information Station. 




June 5, 2024 Show

Official First Contact UPDATE
(Su Walker, Professional Clairvoyant/Telepath)

Su Walker is the professional telepath for the P'nti Star Nations. Su returns to POM UFO Radio to talk about developments on Official First Contact. Su explains there are currently talks among government officials and one particular Star Nation about a formal ET disclosure to the public that may happen in the next 5 years.

Su discusses the changes occurring to planet Earth that have been observed by the P'ntl, and the warning that Earth is in the middle of an ELE (Extinction Level Event). And what preparations Star Nations have been making to assist Earth, and what we need to do to prepare.

There is a special message from T'ni and Pita, P'nti Star Nations. Su translates directly for them live on radio.    @Sandiawisdom



May 7, 2024 Show

Marlee Boone

Clairvoyant, Psychic, Telepathic Translator, Remote Viewer, and Astral Traveler

Marlee came into this life, with memories of past lives, not just on this planet, but on many. Her experiences started as far back as 3 years of age, having witnessed ships in the sky, & having conversations with them. Marlee does Quantum light Healing, Reiki, Spiritual healing, and other forms of energy work. She was nicknamed Dr. Marlee Doolittle by an ET by the name of Radar. She has been helping council people for a number of years with ascension/awakening symptoms and energy shifts, helping people assimilate new blue prints needed on this planet for the shifts in consciousness that are now taking place. She currently operates meditation groups on Twitter, WhatsApp, as well as a Skype group.

Marlee and Kevin discuss their experiences with telepathy, and explain why you cannot hide a lie or ill intent when communicating with telepathic Star Nations.

Contact Marlee for individual or group sessions at or Twitter: @Sati13167




April 2, 2024 Show

Zman interviews host Kevin Estrella

Kevin Estrella and Zman hang out for a show and talk about Kevin's first-hand experiences with extraterrestrials and the connection to his music. Kevin talks about the UFO sighting of August 21, 2014 that changed the trajectory of his life, and the many synchronicities that followed as he awakened to what his Earth mission was. Kevin discusses the many things the P'nti Zetas have taught him including telepathic communication through music, and tonal language of the Cetaceans.

Kevin discusses the many extraterrestrial visitors including the P'nti, a female Reptillian, Mantis, Arcturian's Peoples, Sasquatch and Ummo.



March 5, 2024 Show

Suzy Hansen

The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement

Suzy is the author of, The Dual Soul Connection – The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement (2014). At age twenty, Suzy Hansen's life changed. On a lonely country road, her car was engulfed by a massive ball of white light, resulting in ninety minutes of missing time. The experience resulted in her discovery of an alternative reality – time spent with extraterrestrials onboard their craft since her inception as a soul. The Dual Soul Connection uniquely combines scientific examination by Dr. Rudy Schild, Emeritus Astrophysicist, Harvard/Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics (USA).  Suzy Hansen and Kevin discuss warnings from the greys of catastrophic future predictions for humanity, 1st / 2nd / 3rd wave of off planet souls here assisting humanity. Pending disasters, and how they are helping prepare us for the future.  Significantly, the book outlines human participation in complex alien programs to assist and advance humankind, and how this off-planet civilization is preparing us for contact. The Dual Soul Connection highlights our interconnectedness with a wider universal family, revealing a process of disclosure by the aliens themselves – a journey of unfolding contact the whole of mankind is undertaking together.  Websites:   YouTube: 
Facebook:   The Dual Soul Connection - The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement  is available on Amazon in Kindle and paperback, and on Barnes and Noble.



February 6, 2024 Show

Julio R RA

Psychic/Medium, Experiencer, Teacher, Energy Healer, Shaman, Grid Worker

Julio R. RA was born in Lima, Peru. He became interested in Eastern mysticism and meditation. These esoteric studies led him to experience a kundalini awakening, and subsequently, enlightenment. In 2012, he was given access to Akashic records, past and future lives, the spirit world, and the quantum world of energy and timelines. Two years later, he would have his first ET contact experience.

Julio R. RA currently lives in Orlando, FL. He is a teacher, guide, and mentor to many spiritual students in our current planetary ascension. He is also a public speaker on topics such as ET contact and missions, divine and galactic origins, ancient civilization mythos, Ascended Masters, etc. He is also a grid worker, having traveled to many sacred sites, vortices, and locations of higher frequency. His travels, missions, and contact experience will be published in his first book called "Galactic Activator", coming out in 2024.



January 2, 2024 Show

Nikki Colombo


Starseed, Remote Viewer, Radio host, Speaker, Professional Singer

Nikki's spiritual mission revolves around supporting humanity in its evolutionary journey through ascension. She accomplishes this through remote viewing healing sessions, educational initiatives, and raising awareness by offering insights into the impacts of energy shifts on both the planet and human consciousness. Nikki embodies a diverse range of roles, including being a starseed, ET experiencer, psychic, empath, intuitive, spiritual guide, remote view healer, NDE (near-death experiencer), researcher of ancient Egyptian/Atlantean, ET, and Root Race history, as well as a writer, astrologist, contactee, Milab, TI (targeted individual), and Alien "love bite" survivor.

In addition to her multifaceted contributions, Nikki Colombo serves as a guest writer for and holds hosting roles on Truth Frequency Radio and Truth, specifically as the host of The Nikki Colombo Show.




November 7, 2023 Show

Special Guest: Melanie Aguirre 

Author, Researcher, Hypnotist, Reiki Master/Teacher, Ordained Minister, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner

Melanie was permanently disabled after a serious car accident. Finally, when Melanie had enough, she discovered Dolores Cannon's QHHT, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, and the power of healing the mind, body, and soul.  Hypnotist, researcher, and author, Melanie Aguirre of the Quantum Disclosure Project has uncovered revelations regarding ancient hidden knowledge, sacred wisdom, and lost education. Through Dolores Cannon's Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique, Melanie travels the Earth's Ancient Sacred sites to research, regress and reveal revelations of forgotten universal history, knowledge and origins through past life regression




October 3, 2023 Show

Christine Day 

Pleiadian Ambassador for Earth


Christine Day has become internationally renowned as the Pleiadian Ambassador for Earth. She is a spiritual teacher, healer and channel, and the author of three books: "Pleiadian Initiations of Light", "Pleiadian Principles for Living" and "The Pleiadian Promise".  Over the past two and a half decades, Christine has become internationally renowned as the "Pleiadian Ambassador", as a gifted spiritual teacher, healer and channel. She is globally renowned for her powerful and life changing Transmissions of Light that she channels from the Pleiadians. Christine discusses what the Pleiadians call 'A New Dawning' of history of humankind currently happening. 



September 5, 2023 Show

Susan Long

ET and Fairies Contactee, Telepath 

Susan is a licensed massage therapist, Craniosacral Facial Therapist, Holy Fire and Osiu Reiki Master for the last 15 years.  Susan is an ET contactee, and survivor of military programs involving the Secret Space Program (SSP). She was used as a psionic warrior, telepath and all other psi abilities they could activate. She is a descendant of the Tuatha De Danaan, whom her Irish great-grandmother referred to as Fae (Fairy), like her.  She is a psychic medium and remote viewer with bi-location abilities. She does not have to touch you to feel your pain.  She only has to be in your aura.  She remembers many past lives. She is protected by Fairies, Angels, Exra-Terrestrial and Inter-dimensional Beings. 




June 6, 2023 Show

Kathleen Tedder

Experiencer, Psychic Medium, Elemental, Astral Travel

As far back as the age of 4 Kathleen Tedder has had paranormal visitors throughout her life.  She has an ability to hear trees speak and has a natural gift of doing CE5's. She can astral travel and had a very important encounter on the other side with an event that became an international tragedy.

Kathleen happened to be friends with legendary guitarist Jimi Hendrix when she was a teenager.  She returns to POM UFO radio after she received a message from Jimi to share with Kevin Estrella.  Kevin in turn knew exactly what the message was when Jimi referred to 'zero point consciousness.'  Kevin explains.


Kathleens Facebook Group "gMherLlyn" (Merlin)



April 4, 2023 Show

Chris Bledsoe - #1 Best Seller, UFO of GOD 

Chris Bledsoe returns to POM UFO radio to talk about the incredible events that began January 2007 forever changing his life, and become an integral part ongoing to this very day.  Find out why NASA, the Vatican, DOD, FBI, top level government and military officials have become deeply involved with Chris as we move towards disclosure. Chris is a UFO experiencer and a strong believer in God. His life, now that his children are grown, is centered around telling his story and understanding why his experiences are increasing. He is passionate about keeping an open mind and engaging those who question who we are and why we are here. Most importantly he’s working to understand the consciousness connection with UFOs and how it impacts his faith. Like most of us, he is driven to know the answer to the age-old question, "Are we alone?" Chris lives in North Carolina with his wife, Yvonne, and their two dogs.          UFO of GOD - on Amazon


March 7, 2023 Show

Stone Hobbit, Experiencer

Stone Hobbit is a lifelong Experiencer and Survivor from Abductee to Contactee. As an Ambassador, she has ongoing Encounters with other Walk-ins, Star seeds, Multi Dimensional Beings, Orbs, Plasma Spheres, Light beings, Parasitical entities, Grays Tall, Short and brown, Reptilians, Shape shifters, Ghost and Residual Energies, Shadow Beings, Regular craft sightings, Night Terrors, Outer body experiences and things that go bump in the night. She works in transmuting experiences of trauma by navigating energy signatures, reading frequencies, de-programming forms of spell castings and exploring multi dimensions, and timelines. 



February 8, 2023 Show

Solaris BlueRaven - Psychic, Clairvoyant, Author, Radio Host 

Solaris BlueRaven returns to POM UFO Radio to speak about her newest novels Cosmic Travelers An Analysis of Time Travel, and Moonlight in the Water Alchemical Moon Magick.  Solaris is a world-renowned psychic, clairvoyant, remote viewer, published Author, Producer, and Public Speaker with a professional background in healing modalities, covert technology, surveillance, and systems buster for Mk Ultra related programs.

Kevin and Solaris get into a deeper discussion about covert technology, AI and Synthetic Telepathy that she was attacked with.  She also discusses time travel, and Moon Alchemical work that you can do at home.

Ms. BlueRaven's books are available on Cosmic Travelers An Analysis of Time Travel, and Moonlight in the Water Alchemical Moon Magick   Alien Intelligence   Transmutation Through Ascension

Eye of the Remote, Black Operations in Areas Beyond 52    One Million Miles 'till Midnight

Ms. BlueRaven is the host of two radio shows:  Preview the archives of the show below

Ravenstar's Witching hour (Saturdays at 12 Midnight EST on Revolution Radio at Studio A)

Hyperspace on KCOR Digital Radio Network each Friday at 12:00 Midnight EST/09:00 P.M. PST. 

Solaris BlueRaven's websites and for public speaking and information regarding private sessions.



January 4, 2023 Show

Greg Godovitz   Goddo (Band), Musician, Experiencer

Well known throughout the music world, Greg Godovitz is lead singer/bassist of the band Goddo (1975-2018). Seven studio albums, 3 live albums and playing to hundreds of thousands across the world they left their mark firmly in the Canadian Music Industry. But another side to Greg that he is very open about is his connection to extraterrestrials, UFO's and their attraction to him.  Kevin and Greg have a candid discussion about Greg's ET encounters including one who sat next to him on a plane, Greg seeing battleship sized UFO craft flying next to their plane, and the countless UFO encounters he has on a regular basis.

Greg's books:   Travels with My Amp

Up Close and Uncomfortable




December 6, 2022 Show

Don 'Donny Boy' Matthews

Don Matthews was raised to be a hierarchy climbing, rational capitalist. With a top education, a war chest of talents and a knack for the game, after 12 years of sweat, the never before seen firm he founded won a $400M per year budget approval. Weeks later, his most trusted people defrauded him of everything through forgery & threats. After years consumed by wrath, depression and the injustices, and disliking his unwanted ego-thwarting transition to unemployed homemaker.  Then the United States made an admission that "UFO's are real." Don discovered Dr. Greer and learned how to connect with ETs through CE5 protocol. He found the P'nti on the internet at where he discovered the Telepathy 101 Primer. This taught him how to practice telepathy. Soon, Don was reborn into a life filled with gratitude, love and joy where he found empathy and thankfulness for a path that made him a homemaker and endlessly interested researcher.



2022-11-01 Show   Special Guest: Derrell Stokes

Derrell Stokes has been given the gift to photograph Orbs, ET's, Fairies, Angels, and Portals. He now speaks publicly about his incredible experiences and interactions with the unseen world.

"I have had a strong connection with the spirit realm for as long as I can remember. It runs in the family lineage it's strong on both sides of my family but especially on my father's side of the family since he was a minister. I'm able to photograph the unseen realms and share that with others. Spiritual intuitive medium and guide. I was called to Sedona AZ, 11 years ago this year on 11/5/2011. I've had some interesting experiences at Mt. Shasta, Psychic Sasquatch Conference Chewelah, Sedona, and other places. I do Intuitive and astrology readings. And the angelic elementals' light beings share messages with me."

For Intuitive and Astrology readings contact him at




October 4, 2022 Show

Sherry Wilde - Alien Abductee

Sherry's book, The Forgotten Promise tells the story of her lifelong interaction with beings of another dimension….or world. The memories of these encounters were buried deep within her subconscious mind until 1988.  (Her book is being made into a TV series)

"I've had the privilege of living an extraordinary life and learning from beings that exist in a realm quite different from the limited one we do. I am extremely grateful for these experiences. The lessons they taught me, the things they showed me, the profound teachings & the high level of peace that is prevalent when in their company." - Sherry Wilde

Kevin and Sherry discuss how the messages shown to her in 1989 about the shift in consciousness of humans moving to 5D but the vast majority who are not is now playing out. The polarities are now so far apart, that no soul will be able to argue the part they played or choices they made when the planetary changes occur when the controllers lose grip of this prison planet.

You can purchase her book here:



September 6, 2022 Show

Su Walker & Rev White Otter
Live from Sandia Mountain with the P'nti

 A special live broadcast with Su, Otter and Kevin from their home at the base of the Sandia Mountain Information Station. Su and Kevin have the P'nti answer questions in real time from the Twitter followers. We discuss what qualities make right-minded music, art and movies. What music is like on their planet, their activities and hobbies. Also: changes to our galaxy and how it is affecting our sun and planets, and how Official First Contact is moving forward.



August 2, 2022 Show

Dr. Deborah Drake

is a Toronto Native and Doctor of Medicine, Bioenergetics and Integrative Medicine Doctor, Certified Biofeedback Specialist and Quantum Medicine Instructor, Frequency Matrix and Light Therapist.

She recently taught the HUMANITARIAN HEALTH STEWARDSHIP COURSE as one of 12 instructors, providing a Certification Course in Natural Medicine, focused on Bioenergetics called Music is Medicine featuring modern biofeedback self-care apps (like the PEMF Insight Health Apps Genius App, AmpCoil powered by BetterGuide, QUEST9 Quantum Biofeedback, and new Bioptron light therapy). This show focuses on the healing nature of music. Her private practice is in Toronto. 

Call 647-825-4627 for a Private Consultation & Quantum Body Mapping



July 5, 2022 Show

Campbell Foster

Electroacoustic & Computational Feedback Synthesis

Campbell is a Canadian Sonological Researcher, performer, composer, interactive systems designer, entrepreneur, educator, and inventor of Electroacoustic & Computational Feedback Synthesis, and the CREATION SPIRIT MACHINE (CSM) a self-generating cymatics device and instrument. PYRAMIDION Co. designs / builds pyramids, and offers group and individual sessions.

We have an extended conversation about the creation and evolution of the CSM, it’s applications to consciousness and that it is perhaps the worlds first telepathic instrument.  Campbell leads us through a guided meditation.

Contact Campbell  Meditation Soundbaths with the CSM - Campbell Foster (





June 7, 2022 Show

Kathleen Tedder

Experiencer, Psychic Medium, Elemental, Astral Travel

Kathleen Tedder was born in Oregon in 1951 and raised in Florida. As far back as the age of 4 she has had paranormal visitors throughout her life. She has an ability to hear trees speak, and on certain days, she can dissipate clouds with the energy from third eye. She has a natural gift of doing CE5's, since she was a teenager. She can astral travel and had a very important encounter on the other side with an event that became an international tragedy. She has always been in service to others and hopes that by sharing her life experiences that she can help others understand what they are going through. She has always felt blessed by her contacts with the supernatural.

Kathleens Facebook Group "gMherLlyn" (Merlin) 



May 4, 2022 Show


Native American Flutist, Starseed, Galactic Ambassador

Standswithbear is a professional Musician for over 20 years and prolific Native American flutist; nominated twice at the Native E Music Awards. His artistry includes Native American flute, drums and percussion as well as vocals. His many works include, many Native American gatherings, Pow Wows, galleries, exhibits, weddings and special performances.

He later came to understand he was but one of those put upon this planet known as a Starseed. Starseeds literally have DNA of the Starborn within them . As he became more aware, Standswithbear was shown his truth of being a Galactic Ambassador......Standswithbear is releasing his newest CD 'Breathless'. It includes musical collaborations with Kevin Estrella and feature two unreleased tracks in this podcast.

Standswithbear services include private channeling, Starseed Activation & Healings. He has several CD’s available



April 5, 2022 Show

Jacquelin Smith

Tall White Zeta / Multi-Star Nation Hybrid, Experiencer, Telepathic Communicator

Jacquelin Smith, B.A., Certified Hypnotherapist, gifted Psychic, Healer, and Metaphysical teacher.

Before she was born, her star family the Tall White Zeta Hybrids injected her with a DNA cocktail mix of their DNA as well as seven other races. This genetically enhanced Jacquelin making her a hybrid. Jacquelin spent many nights on board starships throughout her childhood learning many skills, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience. Since early childhood, Jacquelin has had numerous experiences as well as telepathic communications with star beings, light beings, angels and inter-dimensional beings. She has been written about in the book, Meet The Hybrids by Barbara Lamb, and Miguel Mendonca.  Jacquelin goes into detail her time on board ships, Mantis beings, and hybrid children. Her new book is
Star Being in the Mirror/My Journey as a Hybrid.



March 1, 2022 Show

Janet Russell 
Experiencer, Psychic Medium

Janet Russell was abducted in 1962. For years she did not know the significance of that day truly meant until she went under hypnosis. Her story involves missing time, telepathic communications, meeting Zeta's, Reptilians, Mantids, Hybrid Children, Hybrid Embryos in pods.  Janet Russell has over 40 years of experience as a psychic medium. She worked with police investigators, New York City Police Department on several murders during her career.  

Janet was the host of a cable television show called "Beyond the Unexplained" and has been the guest on numerous television shows like A&E's Paranormal State and other radio shows as well. 
For readings:   



February 2, 2022 Show

Jeff Demmers, Experiencer

Jeff Demmers is a lifelong experiencer and contactee with the P’nti Zeta race. He has had interactions with the P'nti since his childhood. In 2018 he met a female P'nti named Jrooti. There was ‘a moment of clarity’ for Jeff and a new mission was created. He was visited by Commander Tlkm to develop a forum for reaching out to people to help spread awareness. Their discussion led Jeff to form a non profit corporation called 

Jeff has dedicated his life to researching a race of off planet human beings the Ummo, translated and published from Spanish to English, Gema Lozano’s book, ‘UMMO: Last Message 2016-2019’. Recently, he has published his book, ‘Ummo: A Closer Look’. Jeff assists in the ongoing development of the P’nti coloring books. All of these can be found on Amazon. Jeff has also written a number of white papers about the Ummo and also a paper about the history of the P’nti called ‘Gardeners of Intellect’. All of these can be found on  and can be downloaded           P'nti coloring books



January 11, 2022 Show

Su Walker & Rev White Otter

Official First Contact

Su Walker & Rev White Otter are professional telepaths for @Sandiawisdom.  Extra-terrestrials on Earth using Twitter preparing humanity for Official First Contact. Su & Otter return to POM UFO Radio to talk about the updates to Official First Contact. Su and Kevin discuss the announcement by T'lkm, commander of the P'ntl zetas on behalf of the Galactic Federation that occured December 21, 2021 regarding Official First Contact.  Changes to the schedule are due to several factors.  Increased contact will occur including the allowance of photographing Star Nations visits to people's homes who have invited them.  It is a precarious balance of massive increased open contact with higher authorities and public to lessen fears of our galactic neighbors.  But time is running short due to the planetary changes and coming space weather that threatens humanity as we face an ELE (Extinction Level Event).  And what preparations Star Nations have been making to assist Earth, if we let them help us.




December 7, 2021 Show

Viviane Chauvet

Arcturian Hybrid Avatar

Viviane Chauvet is internationally recognized as an advanced Arcturian hybrid avatar.  Arcturians vibrate at higher dimensional planes and are among the oldest, most enlightened star civilizations known to this Quadrant.  The Arcturians genetically engineered Viviane as a unique hybrid prototype and have trained Viviane in the arts of holographic and intergalactic frequency healing, conscious channeling, soul matrix healing, and holographic body template upgrade.  In 2013, Viviane founded “Infinite Healing from the Stars” and has done thousands of healing sessions with clients worldwide.  She also serves as an emissary for the Intergalactic Councils and other star delegations.

She worked as a hybrid consultant on j3FILMS award-winning second documentary “Extraordinary: The Seeding.” Viviane also features in j3FILMS award-winning third documentary “Extraordinary: The Revelations.” It explores the historical significance of ET presence in specific paradigms, including ascension. Today, she is the producer and co-host of The Infinite Star Connections podcast.  Arcturians oversee the organic ascension timeline and provide an enlightened perspective for spiritual cosmic evolution.

Infinite Healing from the Stars and Energies of Services        Infinite Star Connections - Infinite

 Healing from the Stars     Copper Art Store - Infinite Healing from the Stars  



Reverend John M. Polk
Metaphysical Minister, UFO Tour Guide Sedona  

“Piercing a hole into empty space, I split the Heavens to create my own oriphace into the Universe.” This is Quoting Reiki Master/Instructor, Metaphysical Minister Reverend John M. Polk, who’s here on a mission to spread Love, Light & Consciousness throughout the Cosmos. John works as a UFO, Vortex, Ghost, Medicine Wheel, and History/Paranormal Master Tour Guide in Sedona, Arizona. Reverend Polk collaborates with fellow Starseeds at UFO Conferences around the country as a Speaker/ Emcee to fulfill his Passion for exacting Disclosure.

To book a UFO tour in Sedona contact:



October 5, 2021 Show 



Marina Seren

ET/Human Hybrid, Psychic Medium, SSP Supersoldier


Marina is a psychic medium, conscious channeler, ET contactee, mother of hybrid children in the Hybrid Programs, SSP psychic super-soldier/insider, and MK Ultra monarch survivor.

In 2015, when she was 15 years old, the wake-up call encoded in her DNA activated and she had a spiritual awakening and began recovery of her memories.  She discusses her astral travel and psychic abilities, her experiences in the Secret Space Program and Super Soldier training.  In addition to her connection to the Secret Vril Society going back to Nazi Germany.  She is here to help with disclosure and help prepare humanity for Official First Contact. 



September 7, 2021 Show

Yan Grey, Experiencer

Yan is a Canadian Experiencer. He has 2 college degrees in mining and currently works for a gold exploration company as a mining cartographer. He holds private CE-5 gatherings for people who are interested in knowing more about the ET phenomena, helping them in their own awakening process. Yan currently resides in Quebec, Canada. He has been an Experiencer since the age of 3 years old, though things stopped while going to school. Soon after college, uncontrolled events started happening. From visions, to ET's, UFO's, Angelic experiences to psychic predictions, remote viewing, communications with the afterlife and possible ET abductions. He believes that he has been blessed with the chance to live out these experiences



August 3, 2021 Show

Penny Bradley, Dark Fleet Navigator, Secret Space Program

Penny Bradley’s memories of life in the black ops were activated by an NSA agent in 2013. Her accounts are well documented, and her file has been verified in CIA records. Penny Bradley was kidnapped by the CIA at the age of 4 in 1959. Had her mind fractured then taken to Montauk in 1962 and then the alters were given basic training. This took about 5 years. At the age of 9 in 1964, she was taken to Mars through the Long Island, NY jump room to Ares Prima, that was then, the main base of the breakaway German group on Mars. She went to Schule on Mars, and then served in the German militia as a fighter pilot until the end of the Mars war.

In 1990, she was transferred to Nacht Waffen, the breakaway German military in space. She served as Navigator on a freighter ship until 2014 when she was age regressed and time traveled back to when she was taken.

Penny:     Nacht Waffen Pilot radio show : 

Nacht Waffen Pilot YouTube Channel



July 6, 2021 Show

Nancy Tremaine

Experiencer, Messenger, Reintroduction to the Reptilians

In July of 1961 Nancy, her girlfriend Cindy, Cindy's father, neighbors, and 2 Novi Michigan police officers watched as a UFO hovered above a tree against a clear blue sky. She was silenced and the incident was never mentioned by anyone for 50 years. Nancy has written two books chronicling her experiences. Grant Cameron published her first book, "Symbiosis: A Love Beyond Space and Time", and has written the foreword for her second book: "Enlightened: Chapters of My Life." Her story is the basis of a Broadway style musical titled, "Hypnotta" which is being written by artist and playwright Doug Auld.

Nancy returns to Pyramids on Mars UFO radio (please watch to original interview February 7, 2017 Show ). She and Kevin discuss her new book “Enlightened” as many chapters involve the two of them starting with a set of numbers given to Nancy from an ET, a hand written message Nancy wrote having no recollection of writing ‘Realities vs Illusions’, and a bizarre encounter Kevin and Nancy had when they manifested two extraterrestrials that appeared at the Alien Cosmic Expo Toronto 2017. Nancy and Kevin’s connection can only be described as a quantum entanglement. Nancy discusses her relationship with the reptilian she fondly calls Mr.

                          Symbiosis: A Love Beyond Space and Time          Enlightened: Chapters of My Life        Treaty – Peace In Space (Please sign)



June 1, 2021 Show

Jenna Orion

The Legend of 'The Nine'

Jenna Orion's ongoing true life story with ancient men from our past is chronicled in The Legend of 'The Nine,' The Untold Story.    It is the fascinating, and spellbinding account of Jenna's ongoing in-person visits with all-knowing extraterrestrial Humans from our past who say they are 'Messengers from God'. They possess an all-knowing God-like presence, great power, and striking good looks. From their physical appearance they seem to be of various ancient civilizations, yet still alive and traveling to Earth in mesmerizing spacecraft. They come to protect us, give predictions for Earth and societal changes to come, bring multi-faceted teachings, give us a glimpse of our future.  Dr. Mack Harvard Professor was quoted as saying: ‘After meeting with Jenna, it is my opinion that her experiences of alien encounters are authentic and uncommon.  Her encounters are less common because they have been with various intelligences, such as humanoid Light Beings.


The Legend of the Nine




May 4, 2021 Show

Brad Olsen   Secrets of Antarctica

Brad Olsen is author of ten books, including three in his Esoteric Series: "Modern Esoteric"  "Future Esoteric." and the newly-released “Beyond Esoteric.” An award-winning author, book publisher having enlightened audiences at Contact in the Desert, UFO Mega Conference, the 5D events and dozens of radio shows including Coast to Coast, Ground Zero, and Fade to Black; television shows Ancient Aliens, America Unearthed, Beyond Belief, and Mysteries of the Outdoors. 


Brad discusses the secrets of Antarctica including Nazi UFO's & bases, crashed UFO's, pyramids, Admiral Byrd 1946 Operation Highjump, and did Hitler escape after the end of WWII?



April 6, 2021 Show

Brooks Agnew

Remembering the Future

Brooks A. Agnew is an honor graduate in Chemistry from Tennessee Technological University, Master Engineer, 7-time Amazon best-selling author, Host of America Free Radio, host of X-Squared Radio where he has interviewed more than 250 of the world's greatest authorities on science and spirituality.   He has published thousands of technical papers, been featured on History Channel, Tru TV, and numerous documentaries.  Brooks is a world-renowned public speaker and mentor for his lectures on science and exploration into the mysteries of the Universe and of the Earth.

He discusses time travel, human consciousness, Mandela Effect and the Power and of Manifestation 



March 2, 2021 Show

With Special Guest: Caroline Cory who talks about her amazing life and her new movie SuperHuman: The Invisible Made Visible
Caroline Cory is an award-winning filmmaker, futurist and the visionary author of best-selling books on Consciousness and Energy Medicine, topping the charts of Consciousness Science and mystical literature. As a child and throughout her life, Cory has had numerous non-human encounters, ESP and pre-cognition experiences, which led her to become deeply connected to existential topics, the study of Consciousness and the mechanics of the universe. After teaching Energy Medicine and consciousness work for over a decade, Cory founded Omnium Media, an entertainment and media platform that tackles various thought-provoking topics on the human condition and the nature of reality. In addition to writing and producing, Cory continues to lecture and coach internationally on various mind over matter subjects and appears regularly as a guest expert on supernatural phenomena at major conferences and television shows including The UnXplained with William Shatner and History Channel's popular series the Ancient Aliens. Among several recent accomplishments, Cory’s latest film "Superhuman: the Invisible Made Visible" has won 4 film awards at various festivals around the globe. . 



January 5, 2021 Show

Roger Phillips
Cartoonist, The Gray Zone Comics

Roger Phillips is the cartoonist for the Gray Zone Comics. Comic series featuring the Zetas. Roger graduated with a degree in Fine Art from F.I.T in New York City, worked as a graphic artist for 30 years until trying his hand at cartooning. He has been drawing "The Gray Zone" for 10 years. His interest in aliens and UFO's started in high school when he and his father saw the famous boomerang-shaped UFO in the night sky in the Hudson Valley region of New York. Kevin explains how the Zeta's at the Sandia Information Station learn much about Earth humour and culture through Roger's comics. They fondly call him Roger Roger.  
Twitter: @UFO sculptor



December 1, 2020 Show

Special Guest: Mike Paterson

Sasquatch Ontario

Sasquatch Ontario is about Mike Paterson’s personal journey involving the Sasquatch when their existence was shown early in life with a childhood.  Sasquatch are an advanced ancient people who live throughout the world, hidden from the human race by choice.  We are in the midst of a great reveal.  They’ve chosen this time in our history to bring their existence to the understanding of the human race.  Mike shares his personal journey for the betterment of humanity, new frontier for science, unknown, quantum physics and intelligent life.

Mike discusses the physical, audio and video evidence he has captured including footprint casts and audio of them talking/singing.  Seeing them in inter-dimensional form making footprints feet away, Sasquatch marbles dropping mid air (apports), and how one was pushed slowly through a portal a few feet from his face.  This is an exciting journey into a playful, wise and telepathic community of the Elder Brothers of man.




November 3, 2020 Show

Special Guest: Laura Eisenhower

great-granddaughter of former president Dwight D. Eisenhower

Dark Agendas & its Galactic History and this Ascension window period

Laura Eisenhower is a Global Alchemist, Researcher and Medical and Intuitive Astrologist.  Laura is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower and reveals Exopolitical information about his administration, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of North Americas leading researchers on: Health, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, and Galactic History. She is an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work worldwide.  Laura works to free us from the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems and Military Industrial Complex and exposes hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers. 

Laura and Kevin discuss the trans-humanist agenda of the Controllers, the use of social media controlled brainwashing, belief system control of our institutions, experimental nanotechnology, and 5G grid systems for complete global surveillance.


October 6, 2020 Show

Steve Boucher, Experiencer

Steve returns to Pyramids on Mars UFO Radio.  Steve’s experiences with non-terrestrial beings began since he was a baby. The bulk of his experiences were buried in his subconscious for years until he began to have brief flashes of conscious memory of visitations from short grey-skinned beings approximately 4 feet tall with large eyes and large heads after reading Budd Hopkins’ book ‘Missing Time’.

Steve wrote to Budd Hopkins. Budd invited him to New York to his art studio in Manhattan. Steve has underwent a dozen hypnosis sessions which reveal that he had experienced repeated visitations. Results of the investigation are published in the CUFORN and MUFON Journal and Flying Saucer Review.   

Steve has a new book released on Amazon, called Beyond the Extraterrestrial Firewall.

Steve Boucher: Alien Abductee Tells All: Inside UFO, Secret Bases On Earth, and more (2.2+ million views)



September 1, 2020 Show

Clifford Mahooty

Zuni Tribal Elder

Clifford Mahooty is a member of the Zuni Pueblo Indian Tribe of New Mexico. He has been featured in Ancient Aliens, Cosmic Secret, Sasquatch Speaks and is a featured guest speaker in countless UFO conferences across North America. Clifford presents his Zuni Tribal teachings including oral history, religion, rituals, kachinas, and spiritual practices and how they relate to UFOs, star people, and spiritual beings. Mahooty compares ancient oral teachings to modern scientific theories, discoveries, and cosmic concepts based on his research and analysis to Zuni sacred knowledge still in practiced today.

Led by the ancestors to share this extraordinary lost history, his credibility, humility and integrity combined with his clear ability to interpret and masterfully courageously articulate these experiences and ancient knowledge.



August 4, 2020 Show

Joel Lakey

Draconian Starseed, Super Soldier

Joel Lakey (Ykarta Othideous Chase) returns to POM UFO Radio. Joel Lakey (Dark Fleet known as General Hendricks) is connected to the Royal White Draco, was a super soldier working under the Reptilians and the German Dark Fleet Secret Space Programs. Joel Lakey is a Starseed from the Draco system.  He has a YouTube channel called " Starseed Talk" where he interviews Starseeds from all over the world.

Joel travels the multi verse, incarnating on planets to break slave systems. He discusses control systems on Earth, misconceptions about Alpha Draconians, and the awakening that is happening as more and more Starseeds are incarnating and activating.

Starseed Talk



July 7, 2020 Show

Ryan Stacey 

Certified Private Investigator 

Ryan Stacey is a certified Private Investigator, the C.E.O. and Founder of Black Light Investigative and Surveillance Services and TESA (The Experiencer Support Association). He is also the Former National Chief Investigator for MUFON CANADA.

Ryan has been a private investigator since 2009 and is considered an expert in the UFO/Paranormal field. He has been featured on television, lectured at major conferences and has had many articles published. He is writing his first book, “BELIEVE” , an Investigative Study. He explains how TESA is building a bridge between the borders of Paranormal and Extra-Terrestrial Phenomena. TESA has a support system to help Experiencers.



June 2, 2020 Show

Marlee Boone

Clairvoyant, Psychic, Telepathic Translator, Remote Viewer, and Astral Traveler

Marlee came into this life, with memories of past lives, not just on this planet, but on many. Her experiences started as far back as 3 years of age, having witnessed ships in the sky, & having conversations with them. Marlee does Quantum light Healing, Reiki, Spiritual healing, and other forms of energy work. She was nicknamed Dr. Marlee Doolittle by an ET by the name of Radar.

She has been helping council people for a number of years with ascension/awakening symptoms and energy shifts, helping people assimilate new blue prints needed on this planet for the shifts in consciousness that are now taking place. She currently operates meditation groups on Twitter, WhatsApp, as well as a Skype group.

Contact Marlee for individual or group sessions at,

or Twitter: @Sati13167



May 5, 2020 Show

Su Walker & Rev White Otter

Su Walker & Rev White Otter are professional telepaths for @Sandiawisdom.  Extra-terrestrials on Earth using Twitter preparing humanity for Official First Contact. Su & Otter return to POM UFO Radio to talk about how to develop your telepathy to communicate with Extraterrestrials and invite them through studying the ‘Telepathy 101 Primer’ which was written by T’ni, a P’nti telepathy instructor.

Su and Otter discuss the changes occurring to planet Earth that have been observed by the P'ntl, and the warning that Earth is overdue for an ELE (Extinction Level Event).  And what preparations Star Nations have been making to assist Earth, and what we need to do to prepare.  

Inviting ET at Amazon



April 7, 2020 Show

Jaimee Barrington

Jaimee Barrington is the founder of Divine Healing Heart Ministry in Wahpeton ,Nd. She is a sacred traditional Reiki Master, energy healer and practitioner of Shamanic Native medicines. She is here as a catalyst, a wayshower to share her truths and experiences. Jaimee stands strong in her faith in the pure Love, pure Light and pure Truth of the Divine Creator.

Kevin and Jaimee talk about their time together at the Psychic Sasquatch, Chewelah, WA, the UFO's doing a light show during Clifford Mahooty's talk at the amphitheater. They discuss the Ascension documentary they were a part of. Jaimee discusses many experiences with the super natural, military labs (MILAB) and all kinds of Extraterrestrials she has contact with which has pushed and molded her who she is today.

Ascension Documentary:



March 3, 2020 Show

Kevin Estrella and Zman

hang out for a show and talk about Kevin's first-hand experiences with extraterrestrials and the connection to his music.   Kevin discusses his latest release Edge of the Black, and how it has elements of telepathy and tonal language taught to him by his extraterrestrial teachers.  How the whole concept of the album is about the nature of where creative inspiration comes from, connecting with the collective consciousness.  Kevin also talks about his latest Star Nation visitor.  A blue skinned female, with amber cat-like bioluminescent eyes, looking strikingly familiar to the Na’vi from the movie Avatar.  It appears fiction imitates reality! 



February 4, 2020 Show

Solaris BlueRaven - Alien Intelligence

Solaris BlueRaven returns to POM UFO Radio to speak about her newest novel Alien Intelligence. Solaris is a world-renowned psychic, clairvoyant, remote viewer, published Author, Producer, and Public Speaker with a professional background in healing modalities, covert technology, surveillance, and systems buster for Mk Ultra related programs.

Alien Intelligence discusses the cosmos and exotic technologies used in the covert PSI SPY and surveillance projects.  She will take you into the world of covert psychological warfare.  Ms BlueRaven takes your mind into the vast cosmic oceans to explore consciousness and how the Alien Intelligence in connection with the worlds of Artificial Intelligence created a cosmic footprint in multidimensional space.  And how to assess the real case experiencer vs impostor cases.

 Ms. BlueRaven's books are available on   Alien Intelligence   Transmutation Through Ascension
Eye of the Remote, Black Operations in Areas Beyond 52    One Million Miles 'till Midnight

Ms. BlueRaven is the host of two radio shows:  Preview the archives of the show below

Ravenstar's Witching hour (Saturdays at 12 Midnight EST on Revolution Radio at Studio A)
Hyperspace on KCOR Digital Radio Network each Friday at 12:00 Midnight EST/09:00 P.M. PST. 

Solaris BlueRaven's websites and for public speaking and information regarding private sessions.



January 7, 2020 Show

Bruce Fenton, Scientific Researcher

Hybrid Humans

BRUCE R. FENTON is a British multidisciplinary scientific researcher and media personality. He curates the popular paleoanthropology website Fenton graduated from Anglia Ruskin University with a Higher National Diploma in Information Systems. His expeditions to megalithic ruins in the Amazon jungle and in the Georgian Caucasus have seen him feature in the UK Telegraph newspaper and on the Science Channel. 780,000 years ago a crystalline Pleiadian ship crashed over Australia, a major change in human genetics occurred, and multiple extinction level meteors reigned down all over the planet.  Coincidence?  Bruce examines the evidence how these events are all related.  He discusses the genetic splicing, and altered DNA codes by intelligent design that has happened several times throughout human history. 

Books available on Amazon : Hybrid Humans


December 2, 2019 Show


Sasquatch Message to Humanity: Conversation with Elder Kamooh

SunBôw is a shamanic practitioner, inter-species communicator, channeler and psychic focused on soul healing. Published author, speaker, filmmaker, and event organizer. He authored Sasquatch Message to Humanity book series which was from telepathic conversations with Sasquatch Elder Kamooh.

Kamooh tells of the long history humanity has had with their people and how at one point we lived together. Through one rogue group of Star Nations, Human DNA was altered to make us more controllable like livestock and less spiritual. These ‘Lower Lords” have been controlling and manipulating Humanity ever since. This parallels the Grey’s description of the Repterran Controllers discussed in Judy Carroll’s “Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth: Lessons in History.’

Amazon: Sasquatch Message to Humanity: Conversation with Elder Kamooh

Hairy Humanoids from the Wild – Encyclopedia of all things Sasquatch


November 5, 2019 Show

Garrett Duncan

Navajo Shaman, Ambassador for Sasquatch and Galactic Star Nations

Founder of Navajo Illuminations, and Featherway healing techniques, Garrett was born and raised on the Navajo reservation. Upon receiving his Eagle feathers, Garrett was initiated into the world of shamanism. His mentor had informed Garrett to act as a bridge between cultures in addition to providing healing and counsel to those who sought his energies. He has been initiated by the Sasquatch peoples to establish communication between them and their human ambassadors. He offers Galactic life path readings and activates Star language. He began speaking Star languages after being brought aboard a ship while attending the 2nd annual Psychic Sasquatch Spiritual Retreat in 2017.

Garrett telepathically translates LIVE on radio for several Sasquatch, and a Pleiadian Ambassador. Including an important message of returning music to 432hz

Ascension Documentary: https://youtube/deIAFi7_vIA


October 1, 2019 Show

Jacquelin Smith

Tall White Zeta / Multi-Star Nation Hybrid, Experiencer, Telepathic Communicator

Jacquelin Smith, B.A., Certified Hypnotherapist, gifted Psychic, Healer, and Metaphysical teacher.

Before she was born, her star family the Tall White Zeta Hybrids injected her with a DNA cocktail mix of their DNA as well as seven other races. This genetically enhanced Jacquelin making her a hybrid.  Jacquelin spent many nights on board starships throughout her childhood learning many skills, including telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.  Since early childhood, Jacquelin has had numerous experiences as well as telepathic communications with star beings, light beings, angels and inter-dimensional beings. She has been written about in the book, Meet The Hybrids by Barbara Lamb, and Miguel Mendonca.  She offers Star Origin readings for people as well as light language/symbol activations, which assist others in expanding their consciousness. Jacquelin does consultations with people globally and has for over 35 years.  She has MP3s on her website on how to Communicate with Star Beings/ET's.


September 3, 2019 Show

Miesha Johnston

ET Experiencer Support Group Facilitator & ‘Cael’ and DiDi (Tall White, non-terrestrial human).

Miesha returns to the show, along with Cael.

Miesha Johnston, 3rd generation experiencer with contact with 8 ET groups including Greys, and Reptilians. Miesha facilitates two Experiencer Support Groups monthly in Las Vegas: Starseed Experiencer Group and Starseed Awakening for ET Experiencers, Mk-Ultra, MILAB, Monarch, Targeted Individual & Ritual Abuse. She has a weekly radio show Saturday at 12:00 PM PST on KCOR Digital Radio

Cael is from Queensland. Since the age of 3 Cael has had contact with a Tall White Extraterrestrial whom he calls DiDi. They are connected telepathically and she has been with him his entire life.

The show focuses on how Kevin met Cael through Miesha Johnson’s Experiencer Support Group. The show is dedicated to Miesha for all her work she does for the Experiencer community.

“Covert Abduction: Military Harassment, Surveillance, Interrogation, and Mind Control”

“They Weren’t Butterflies: A Monarch Survivor’s Story”,

websites  &


August 6, 2019 Show

Dr Louis Turi

World famous UFO's contactee and Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dr. Turi is a captivating speaker, author of many books and his profound Cosmic Wisdom continues to astonish skeptics and believers alike. He is a regular guest on George Noory, Coast To Coast. He has appeared on William Shatner Weird or What TV show, The History channel, the BBC in London and in countless radio and televised programs worldwide.

Dr. Turi counseled people including many celebrities such as Ivana Trump, and David Icke to name a few. He channels an ET entity named Draco. Dr. Turi teaches the mighty secrets of the Supra-conscious in time and space and its interaction with the “Cosmic Core.” Dr. Turi regularly warns the world with his undeniable well documented undeniable predictions. Kevin and Dr Turi discuss Reptilians and the Draconis.


July 2, 2019 Show


Native American Flutist, Starseed, Galactic Ambassador

Standswithbear is a professional Musician for over 20 years and prolific Native American flutist; nominated twice at the Native E Music Awards. His artistry includes Native American flute, drums and percussion as well as vocals. His many works include, many Native American gatherings, Pow Wows, galleries, exhibits, weddings and special performances.

He later came to understand he was but one of those put upon this planet known as a Starseed. Starseeds literally have DNA of the Starborn within them . As he became more aware, Standswithbear was shown his truth of being a Galactic Ambassador......Standswithbear is now doing musical collaborations with Kevin Estrella and feature an unreleased track in this podcast.

Standswithbear services include private channeling, Starseed Activation & Healings. He has several CD’s available


June 4, 2019 Show

Devara Thunderbeat

Encounters with ET’s & Angels

International, Multi –Award Winner, A Musician / Composer, Author, Teacher, Speaker, 22 DNA Facilitator, Certified Reiki Master and a Pioneer in Sound Healing.
She has had Contact with Benevolent ETs since the age of 4 and contact throughout her whole life. They have relayed information about healing and knowledge about planet Earth. She has initiated sound activation ceremonies for awakening and empowerment in the Great Pyramid and temples of Egypt, Mount Sinai, the vortexes in Sedona AZ.   Devara discusses her experiences on board ships, being taken to Sirius B, and heart activation she performed on benevolent Alpha Draconian Reptilians in Sedona AZ.  As a trained 22 Strand DNA Facilitator she activates a person to remember their past lives, who they are and why they are here. Contact her for availability

Her CD’s and books


May 7, 2019 Show


Special Guest: Kevin Estrella

Musician/Radio Host/ET Experiencer




April 2, 2019 Show

Judy Carroll

Extraterrestrial Presence in Earth History - Through the Eyes of the Zetas/Greys

Judy returns to POM UFO Radio. Judy is a conscious 'dual soul' Zeta Grey/Earth human Hybrid. Her mission, to be a bridge between the two cultures. In 1995, a long needle with large crystal end was inserted into her brow chakra point and she was given a massive information download. The Greys asked a book to be written explaining ET/Earth human history.

“Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth: Lessons in History” is the historical account of Humanity, of ET-assisted human evolution in Earth’s past, the Repterran hijacking of the planet, the purposeful manipulation and removal of scripture in the bible, the control of historical narrative, and how this human mind manipulation continues to present day.

Kevin and Judy discuss ET concept of God (Oneness, Creator), assisted DNA activation experienced by both Kevin and Judy by the Greys, and the Grey Guardians assisting humanity in our evolution.

Judy’s books are available at:


March 5, 2019 Show

‘How to have ET Contact’

Su Walker & Rev White Otter

Su Walker & Rev White Otter are professional telepaths for @Sandiawisdom. Extra-terrestrials on Earth using Twitter preparing humanity for Official First Contact. Su & Otter return to POM UFO Radio to talk about the ‘Telepathy 101 Primer’; how to develop your telepathy to communicate with Extraterrestrials and invite them. The ‘Telepathy 101 Primer was written by T’ni, a P’nti telepathy instructor.

Su and Otter discuss the hundreds of testimonies of those who after practicing the 101 Primer for 100+ days are having ET telepathic contact, UFO sightings and much more…

Inviting ET at Amazon


February 5, 2019 Show

Shekina Rose & Suzanne Ross

Shekina Rose, Priestess of Light, Harmonic Vocalist, and Channel of the Blue Ray Transmissions. In a near death experience; Shekina was enveloped by an all encompassing Light, creating within her a vibrational attunement. Unique to Shekina are her voice transmissions, who sings and chants in the tones of 528Hz Love frequency.

Her voice was scientifically studied by Physicist, Attiqe Choudry, who analyzed her vocals contain the whole lost ancient Solfeggio scale of 528 Hz frequency Love, transformation & DNA repair. In 1990, Shekina Rose had a prophetic encounter with her Star Family who conveyed that she was a Starseed, and began the activation of her innate higher senses and abilities.

Shekina is the founder of "Shekinah, Sisters of the Sacred Rose - Priestess Training of the Light" which initiates women in the sacred lost art of the Goddess ~ teaching you how to "Be in Your Divine Power Now".

Shekina Rose and Suzanne Ross host Beyond the Matrix - An Ascension Equinox Celebration of Meditation March 19, 20th in Sedona, AZ

You can find out more about Shekina on her websites below:

Sedona AZ/Violet Rose Flame 528Hz DNA/Clearing/Singing Star Language 


January 8, 2019 Show

Geraldine Orozco

Akashic Intuitive, Remote Viewer, Meditation Expert

Founder of Bay Area Meditation & Space Meditation Studio San Francisco, CA Geraldine is an Akashic Intuitive, Remote Viewer, Meditation Expert, international speaker, radio host, Pranic, Quantum & Shamanic Energy healer. Geraldine experienced a vivid ‘wellness visit’ (abduction) 10/14/2013 being taken on board a ship, meeting tall grays that introduce her to her eight hybrid children. The next morning she encounters a hypersensitivity to the human electromagnetic field and an ability to see the Multidimensional body.

Kevin and Geraldine discuss ancient DNA Lineage alterations to humans, Hybrid Program, Reincarnation, Multi-dimensional existence of consciousness, Parallel Universes and Ascension. Come listen to a conversation that dives deep into the Quantum Mechanics of consciousness.


December 4, 2918 Show

Miesha Johnston – ET Experiencer Support Group Facilitator

Miesha Johnston, 3rd generation experiencer with contact with 8 ET groups including Greys, and Reptilians. Certified hypnotherapist specializing in ET Experiencer Regressions, Past Life and Trauma Recovery. She offers Galactic Multi-Dimensional Sessions. She is a Trance channel who speaks many Galactic Light Languages. Working group member of Steven Greer’s C.S.E.T.I. In Las Vegas, Nevada.

Miesha facilitates two Experiencer Support Groups monthly in Las Vegas: Starseed Experiencer Group and Starseed Awakening for ET Experiencers, Mk-Ultra, MILAB, Monarch, Targeted Individual & Ritual Abuse.

She has a weekly radio show Saturday at 12:00 PM PST on KCOR Digital Radio. Miesha is part of a panel on Transcending Realities TV, has been interviewed on many radio shows and speaks at UFO Conventions​.

Author of two books:

“Covert Abduction: Military Harassment, Surveillance, Interrogation, and Mind Control”

“They Weren’t Butterflies: A Monarch Survivor’s Story”,

websites  &


November 6, 2018 Show

Edward T Martin - Jesus Lost Years In India

What really happened to Jesus Christ during the mysterious 18 missing years, age of 12 to 30 not accounted for in the new Testament? The Bible tells us is in one sentence, Luke 2:52 “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” This answer did not satisfy Edward T Martin, turning it into a lifetime obsession to uncover the truth. 

Edward T. Martin is a guest speaker on over 100 radio shows, including Coast-to-Coast with George Noory. Edward is part of a study group of the writings of America’s “Sleeping Prophet,” Edgar Cayce, who declared Jesus was in India. Oswald Gonzales, whom Edward met in a strange synchronicity, who was taken on board a UFO by Pleiadians received an affirmation by them Jesus was in India. Edward did three journeys to India, uncovering the hidden history of Jesus during those ‘lost years’. This lead to a 2008 Paul Davids documentary film distributed by NBC Universal International Television, “JESUS IN INDIA.”

Kevin and Edward further discuss the censored and removed information from Jesus teachings and the Gospels, and the emphasis there are many paths to spiritual enlightenment.


October 2, 2018 Show

‘Inviting ET’ Su Walker & Rev White Otter

Su Walker & Rev White Otter are professional telepaths for @Sandiawisdom. Real Extra-terrestrials on Earth, using Twitter preparing humanity for Official First Contact. Su & Otter return to POM UFO Radio to talk about their latest book ‘Inviting ET’; how to plan a close encounter of the fifth kind (CE5) event. No official Earth protocol for extraterrestrial (ET) contact currently exists. Su & Otter have been given quite a few details by the P’nti (Sandia ET’s) regarding telepathic and in person contact with ET’s and how to invite them.

They are joined by Jason and Kevin Estrella who share their personal stories of their ongoing encounters with the Sandia ET’s, including a ‘Tea Party’ they threw for Kevin at the Ozark UFO Conference 2018. There is a group discussion comparing ‘download’ experiences given by the P’ntl, and triggered memory recall of these learnings.

Inviting ET at Amazon 


September 4, 2018 Show

John Lear, Godfather of Conspiracy

The Great 911 Deception

Holograms & Direct Energy Weapons

 John Lear is a retired captain and former CIA pilot.  Son of William P Lear, Sr. inventor of the Lear Jet he is highly regarded in aviation circles having flown over 150 different types of aircraft, over 19,500 flight hours in 60 countries for 25 different airlines.  John has been coming forward with startling revelations concerning Unidentified Flying Objects, our Moon, Mars, and the US Navy’s Space Program (aka Secret Space Program), and 911.

 John discusses the use of Holograms & Direct Energy Weapons, top secret technologies existing for decades he says were used on September 11, 2001 in New York City to destroy the World Trade Center towers.  He discusses other US Navy technologies, hologram projections used on the moon, space planes, and Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.



August 7, 2018 Show

Penny Bradley, Dark Fleet Navigator & Joel Lakey, Super Soldier

Penny was kidnapped in 1959, taken to Langley for mind fracture and weaponization of her PSI abilities. In 1964, she was taken to Mars through the New York Jumpgate. spent 25 years on Mars in school and as a fighter pilot in the war with the native Green Reptilians and Mantids. In 1990, transferred to Dark Fleet, served as a freighter navigator for 25 years.

Joel Lakey (known as General Hendricks) is connected to the Royal White Draco, was a super soldier working under the Reptilians. Joel is 40% reptilian, 60% human.

Penny and Joel discuss the existence of the Secret Space Program (SSP). A response by Eisenhower after the failure of ‘Operation Highjump’ led by Admiral Byrd in 1946 where a Nazi Antarctic Fortress decimated a 4000 troop led US Naval Battle Fleet with the use of reverse engineered alien technology flying saucers and advanced weaponry. The existence of this program and its technologies has been disclosed in movies and TV for decades.

LINKS:  Penny:                      Follow Joel on Facebook : Joel Othideous Chase

Penny’s and Joel will be Guest Speakers at the 2018 Stargate to the Cosmos Expo in Albuquerque, NM – October 25-28, 2018:


July 3, 2018 Show

Steve Boucher, ET Experiencer

Steve Boucher is a musician, singer and fine artist from St. Catharine’s Ontario, Canada.

Steve returns to Pyramids on Mars UFO Radio to talk about a few other close encounters with off-world visitors. He discusses an incident with his father of a visitation on a country road with two short grey beings 4 feet tall with large eyes and large heads. Steve talks about another encounter in an abandoned building in St. Catharine’s that was not so pleasant.

Steve wrote to Budd Hopkins (Author of ‘Missing Time’) Budd invited him to New York to his art studio in Manhattan. Steve underwent 3 hypnosis sessions which revealed that he had experienced repeated visitations. Results of the investigations are published in the CUFORN and MUFON Journal and Flying Saucer Review. Steve has started speaking publicly about his encounters. His interviews have gone viral on Youtube with over 1.1 million views.


June 5, 2018 Show

Suzanne Ross

Suzanne has been psychic since she was a young child. Author of "The Up! Trilogy", President of Awakening, she is dedicated to being an integral part in the awakening and enlightenment of humanity for ascension into 5D for those who are seeking.  Suzanne is the producer, host and narrator of the popular online television series, 'Lighten Up!', the second most-watched show on VoiceAmerica TV for two years running.  For over 25 years she combines wellness programming for the body, mind and spirit, holds multiple certifications covering many aspects of health and well-being. She has been enhancing her clients, fans and followers through individual sessions, group workshops. inspirational books and internet radio and TV. Her practice is based in the spiritual mecca of Sedona, Arizona.  Suzanne now offers online sessions at that include life coaching, spiritual counseling and psychic readings along with energetic attunements, activations, and alignments.   YouTube channel:



May 1, 2018 Show

Kevin Trimmel – Secret Space Program, Former Soldier

November 12th 2008, Kevin was bicycling when he thought a cloud passed overhead. When he looked up he was shocked to see a triangle shaped craft TR-3B. Three weeks later, Kevin started recalling traumatic memories from another life what he later found out was the Secret Space Program (SSP).

With the help and guidance of Tony Rodrigues, another SSP experiencer of a “20 and back,” helped Kevin develop his SSP timeline, bleed through memories and vivid lucid dreams of what happened during his SSP term. Kevin is now speaking publicly about his involvement in the program. He discusses his training and testing on the Moon Base, his experiences stationed on Mars, and a recent visit from an Alien/Human Hybrid. Kevin Estrella acknowledges he knows several people who have come forward and personally told him about their involvement in the SSP, and their eerily similar experiences.



April 3, 2018 Show

Jennifer Collins - Host of Crypto Truth Seekers

Kevin’s guest is’s host Jennifer Collins of Crypto Truth Seekers. At a young age, and throughout her life, Jennifer has had many extraterrestrial encounters, psychic abilities, dreams, and visions of future events that happened. Because of this she has spent a lifetime delving into research and study of the paranormal. She is a psychic, and a healer, working in the paranormal realm for over 20 years.

Kevin and Jennifer had major lifechanging UFO experiences in August 2014. An interesting synchronicity. They discuss their similar CE5 experiences, increase of personal ET contact in 2018, the present UFO disclosure in mainstream media including ‘false news’ disinformation. Disinformation that may be preparation for a ‘false flag’ alien invasion.  They also discuss the steps one can take if you desire to have CE5 contact.  Contact Jennifer:    Facebook is crypto truth seekers


March 6, 2018 Show

Hildegard Gmiener    Walk-In Hybrid from Andromeda

During her early thirties, Hildegard had a few near-death-experiences. She had a soul-essence exchange, during which she came in contact with intelligence from Boötes/Andromeda. Since then, she has been receiving ongoing telepathic guidance from Luimar, a 7th dimensional consciousness being from Boötes/Andromeda Galaxy. Lumiar is in charge of the Walk-In Project Hildegard’s soul has chosen to participate in.

Hildegard discusses higher vibrational consciousness, and why Extraterrestrials became more present after the detonation of nuclear bomb tests. Hildegard then becomes a telepathic translator for Luimar and Kevin interviews Luimar LIVE ON RADIO. The misconceptions of 'Alien Abductions' being non-consensual is demystified. Other topics include misunderstandings of time, and the message in the movie 'Arrival.'

Hildegard is an intuitive awareness and wellness consultant. She uses her extra-sensory perceptions and insights into the non-physical aspects of the human being, to assist her clients in becoming aware of their inner guidance systems.

It’s Hildegard’s goal, to assist all those willing, in learning to live guided by their inner soul wisdom.

I interviewed Hildegard on my other show aquarianradio.           Interview with Hildegard Gmiener (YouTube)


February 6, 2018 Show

Jason Quitt.

Astral Traveler, Forbidden Knowledge

Jason Quitt, Author of Forbidden Knowledge - Revelations of A Multidimensional Time Traveller released March 2016, and instantly went international being translated into French, Spanish, German, Chinese and Japanese. Jason was featured in the 2015 UFO documentary “The Resonance.” Jason was the creative director of Tesla Magazine from 2014-15.

Jason has been taken on out-of-body time travel journeys remembering many of his past lives, experiencing multidimensional worlds. From his experiences Jason has received information on numerous energetic systems of healing and spiritual development.

Jason and Kevin have an in-depth discussion about the Mandela Effect, the reality of parallel universes, Schumann Resonance, Portals, Alice in Wonderland, and how they are all connected. 


January 9, 2018 Show

‘Cael’ and DiDi (Tall White, non-terrestrial human).

Cael is from Queensland. Since the age of 3 Cael has had contact with a Tall White Extraterrestrial whom he calls DiDi. They are connected telepathically and she has been with him his entire life.

“2018 is the Beginning of the End, and the End of the Beginning. Be mindful, be peaceful, be open minded and trust your feelings. Use critical thinking and reasoning. These qualities will be critical in the up coming times.” – DiDi 09/01/2018

DiDi explains how Earth treaties signed in 1971 are coming to an expiration, and over the course of 2018-2021 humanity will be awakened to the existence of their Star Nation family who have been anxiously waiting for us to join them. But these years will not be easy, as those in higher powers and control will do things to confuse, cause fear and paranoia as they cling for control of humanity.

DiDi answers questions from listeners explaining why landing on the White House lawn meeting with the President does not work. She discusses memories being returned to Experiencers after Official First Contact, and touches on the afterlife.


December 5, 2017 Show

Grant Cameron.

International Researcher of the Year 2012 (Leeds UFO conference), Researcher of the Year at the 2013 (International UFO Congress, Phoenix Arizona) Grant Cameron became involved in Ufology in May 1975 with personal sightings of an object which became known as Charlie Red Star. He testified for the “Citizen’s Hearing on Disclosure” in front of Congress in Washington, DC. Appeared on many television documentaries on UFOs, been interviewed by nearly a hundred radio shows including a series of appearances on Coast to Coast AM. Cameron has lectured widely in Canada, the United States and Europe. After experiencing a mental download event on February 26, 2012 Cameron turned his research interests away from “nuts and bolts” to the connection of consciousness to the UFO phenomena.  Grant and Kevin discuss the conscious universe, Xendra Portal, channelers, involvement of extraterrestrials in music, inspirations & downloads in science discoveries and inventions and Nobel Prizes, reincarnation, savants and prodigies and the concept of Oneness. Grant discusses Tom Delonge member of the rock band Blink182, his involvement in recent disclosure projects. Grant warns of the misconception of ‘evil aliens.’

Books on Amazon



November 7, 2017 Show

Solaris BlueRaven.

Solaris BlueRaven is a world-renowned psychic, clairvoyant, remote viewer, published Author, Producer, and Public Speaker with a professional background in healing modalities, covert technology, surveillance, and systems buster for Mk Ultra related programs.

Kevin and Solaris discuss the teachings in her book Transmutation Through Ascension. Solaris focuses on techniques to move from 3 dimensional to higher dimensional grid works raising one’s vibration, consciousness, and DNA Activation. Solaris illustrates how to practice a sacred lifestyle of daily rituals to connect to one’s higher frequency self, and place a protective energy shield sealing one’s Spiritual Energy.

Ms. BlueRaven's books are available on 
Transmutation Through Ascension
Eye of the Remote, Black Operations in Areas Beyond 52
One Million Miles 'till Midnight

Ms. BlueRaven is the host of two radio shows:

Ravenstar's Witching hour (Saturdays at 12 Midnight EST on Revolution Radio at Studio A)

Hyperspace on KCOR Digital Radio Network each Friday at 12:00 Midnight EST/09:00 P.M. PST.



October 3, 2017 Show

Sandia the ET
(Su Walker, Professional Clairvoyant/Telepath)

Su Walker is a professional detail clairvoyant.  Her career has spanned over 27 years everything from murder and missing person investigations, to working with the CIA.  She has been featured on national and international television for her psychic abilities.  Su is a lifelong experiencer. 

Currently, she and her spouse, Rev. White Otter, live in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area and are involved in one of the most detailed, corroborated Close Encounters of the 5th Kind (CE5) in modern history;  Sandia the ET.

Meet Tlkm, Jrooti, T'ni, and Radar. Real Extra-terrestrials here on Earth, using Twitter (@SandiaWisdom) to prepare humanity for Official First Contact.
Su tells the story how she first discovered Sandia.  Su discusses their connection to Sasquatch and other Star Nations, Archeoplanetography, telepathy, personal visits to their Twitter followers, and what they are trying to teach us in preparation for major Earth changes coming in the very near future.  Su translates directly from them live on radio! 

Follow them on Twitter @SandiaWisdom   Website: /



September 5, 2017 Show

Suzy Hansen

The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement

Suzy is the author of, The Dual Soul Connection – The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement (2014). At age twenty, Suzy Hansen’s life changed. On a lonely country road, her car was engulfed by a massive ball of white light, resulting in ninety minutes of missing time. The experience resulted in her discovery of an alternative reality – time spent with extraterrestrials onboard their craft since her inception as a soul. The Dual Soul Connection uniquely combines scientific examination by Dr. Rudy Schild, Emeritus Astrophysicist, Harvard/Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics (USA).

Suzy Hansen and Kevin discuss consciousness, modes of telepathy, human’s natural telepathic ability, alien culture, and warnings from the greys of catastrophic future predictions for humanity if our spiritual advancement does not catch up to our technical achievements.

Significantly, the book outlines human participation in complex alien programmes to assist and advance humankind, and how this off-planet civilization is preparing us for contact. The Dual Soul Connection highlights our interconnectedness with a wider universal family, revealing a process of disclosure by the aliens themselves – a journey of unfolding contact the whole of mankind is undertaking together.  contact her @



August 1, 2017 Show

Dr. Sasha Lessin   Anunnaki, lessons in history.

Dr. Sasha Lessin has a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Anthropology (U.C.L.A.) He studied under Zecharia Sitchin the Anunnaki – giant people from the planet Nibiru who created us. Sitchin asked Dr. Lessin to help disseminate written, graphic and traditional stories of ETs, hitherto fore considered mythic “gods” on Earth from 450,000 – 300 BCE as well as the latest findings in astronomy that relate to planet Nibiru from which the ETs came to Earth for gold to shield their planet, Nibiru.  Dr. Sasha Lessin takes us on a journey, the history of the Alpha Draconian wars, planet Earth, Mars, creation of the asteroid belts, Nibiru, how the Anunnaki are involved in the creation of man and their continuous influence on mankind to present day. Also discussed, finding ones true happiness and calling, and discussion on polygamy (a cultural phenomenon found among some Star Nation people)
Dr. Sasha Lessin author of Anunnaki: Gods No More and co-author of Anunnaki: Legacy of the Gods and Anunnaki: False Gods.




July 11, 2017 Show

Special Guest: Janet Kira Lessin
Experiencer, Host of , Author, Counselor

Janet is an experiencer, author, radio show host, educator, contactee, counselor conference presenter, workshop leader and researcher.  Information based on her research includes presentations on the Anunnaki, Ancient Aliens, and UFOlogy She and her husband, Dr. Sasha Lessin Ph.D. (U.C.L.A. Anthropology) work as a counselors dealing with clients who have experienced ET contact, paranormal and non-ordinary states of consciousness (astral travel, remote viewing, shamanic journeys, etc). They facilitate experiencers at conferences, in Skype groups and in their growth center in Maui, Hawaii.  On POM UFO Radio, Janet presents her life as an Experiencer (beginning at birth), taken on board a Mothership at the age of 4, inter-dimensional portals opening at her childhood home and beings coming through. Janet has had direct extraterrestrial contact all her life with many races including Zeta’s and Reptilians. She co-validates with Kevin as they both have experienced being telepathic translators for benevolent Alpha Draconian, and Reptilian-like beings including Dragons. Janet Kira Lessin and Dr. Sasha Lessin PH.D. welcome you to contact them.


June 6, 2017 Show

Campbell Foster

Electroacoustic & Computational Feedback Synthesis

Campbell Foster is a guest speaker at the Alien Cosmic Expo, Toronto 2017. Campbell is a Canadian Sonological Researcher, performer, composer, interactive systems designer, entrepreneur, educator, and inventor of Electroacoustic & Computational Feedback Synthesis, and the CREATION SPIRIT MACHINE a self-generating cymatics device and instrument. PYRAMIDION Co. designs / builds pyramids, and offers group and individual sessions.

We have an extended conversation about consciousness, Zero Point Field, Law-of-One, Merkabah, Chakra alignment, channeling and meditation using PYRAMIDION. Campbell walks us through a guided meditation.

Contact Campbell

Campbell Foster Website -


UFO in DNA Formation - Toronto, Canada - Nov 25, 2016


May 2, 2017 Show

Kevin's guest is's show host Arthur D Schwartz, of Philosophic Perspectives.  Arthur is the author of Ethical Empowerment: Virtue Beyond the Paradigms, and is director of Integral Hypnosis, a hypnotherapy and philosophical counseling practice located in Greater Boston USA. 

Kevin's illustrates how Arthur's work has an integral importance to the UFO experiencer, and anyone having extraterrestrial contact or awakening. 

Many of the misconceptions of hypnosis are discussed.  Arthur explains how powerful hypnosis can be, to not only uncover hidden memories, but how to overcome fears and any unwanted behaviors in one's life.

Kevin and Arthur further explore regression hypnosis, and past-life regression; how this powerful technique opens doors into the metaphysical/paranormal denoting phenomena that is beyond the scope of normal scientific understanding.  Kevin explains how past-life regression is significant to understanding how we are spiritual beings having a human experience, and the ET message of the limitlessness of our consciousness existing beyond space/time. 

Arthur is available for hypnotherapy via Skype, or in-person for those living in Greater Boston       

Purchase: Ethical Empowerment: Virtue Beyond the Paradigms


April 4, 2017 Show

Judy Carroll

Through the Eyes of a Grey

Judy is a conscious 'dual soul' (Zeta Grey/Earth human). Her mission, to be a bridge between the two cultures. At age 30 Judy had a fully conscious daytime encounter when several Greys appeared to her who she recognized as “family.” She was given a massive information download and advice for further studies.

The Visitors advised her to meditate, study Tai Chi and Reiki which has assisted Judy to a deeper understanding of life-force energy.

In 1995, a long needle with a large crystal end was inserted into her brow chakra point. Another major information download was given. The Greys suggested a book to be written explaining all aspects of ET/Earth human contact from the ET perspective. Two books ended up as the result – “The Zeta Message- Connecting All beings in Oneness”, and “Human by Day, Zeta by Night – A Dramatic Account of Greys Incarnating As Humans.”

“Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth: Lessons in History” Judy’s newest release provides a history of Humans, from the perspective of the Greys, an account of ET-assisted human evolution in Earth’s past, the purposeful manipulation of scripture in the bible, the hijacking of the planet, and how this subtle manipulation of human minds continues to present day.

Kevin and Judy discuss all this and more, including information shared with Kevin coming from the Vatican Secret Archives.

Contact Judy, and her books are available at:



March 7, 2017 Show

Robert Fullington

ET/Human Hybrid / Artist and Creator of the Pyramids on Mars UFO Radio ‘ET-Shirts’

Robert takes a narrative approach taking us on a journey of his encounters with Tall White Zetas, Goloids, and Mantis beings (called Kekoresh). At age 28 through a dramatic awakening process, he came to understand he is an ET-Human Hybrid. This process accelerated through ongoing interactions with Mantis beings. Through his interaction with Mantis, Robert experienced extreme physical change; as well as spiritual, philosophical and creative development.

He began receiving downloads of designs for 2D and 3D images through what he terms ’consciousness-amplifying technologies’, allowing him to work with advanced visualization. His experiences are shared in the book ‘Meet the Hybrids’ by Miguel Mendonça and Barbara Lamb. In 2016 he joined Barbara and five of the hybrids from the book on stage at the International UFO Congress to share their experiences and perspectives.

You can purchase the book ‘Meet the Hybrids’ here:


February 7, 2017 Show

Nancy Schingeck Tremaine

Experiencer, Messenger, Hybrid Project Participant

Reptilians, Angelic Beings, and Alien Technology are the topics of exploration with Nancy Schingeck Tremaine.

Nancy remained silent for 50 years before coming forward with her UFO experience in 1961. A craft of unearthly origin with swirling, flashing green, white and red lights appeared in her small rural neighborhood and was witnessed by many, including law officers. The craft, (which Nancy says is alive with its own consciousness) spoke to her and took her on board. Two hours later she was returned.

She shares her experiences on board the craft meeting with winged Angelic Beings, and her interaction with a Reptilian, whom she refers to as “Mister”, and her life-long interaction with him. She reveals direct messages from “Mister” of wisdom and guiding light for humanity.

We converse about her hybrid son Drax, and examine the “Standing Wave” technology used to beam her aboard the ship. Nancy continues to receive messages and communicate with the beings. Her book discussing her experiences is in the final stages of publishing.

To contact Nancy: 



Tuesday January 10, 2017

on the Dwight Lilly Show

Guests: Michael Lee Hill (son of Eric Clapton) and Kevin Estrella

432hz vs 440hz

The Secret Behind the 432Hz Frequency.

A conversation sure to blow your mind as well as your ears. 

Click Link:



January 3, 2017 Show

Elizabeth April

Tall Zeta Gray / Human Hybrid

Light Worker

Elizabeth knew from childhood, she was different. Through a lifetime of self discovery, past life regressions, and an alien abduction, her earth contracts are reaffirmed that she is a Tall Zeta Gray here in this lifetime to provide guidance and awakening on this planet at this crucial time. Resonating at higher frequency, it allows her to go into 5th dimension, and translate information Enlightening Humanity for the sake of the Greater Good.

A certified life coach practitioner, Elizabeth takes the term “life coach” to the next level; Elizabeth works with individuals wanting to comprehend their past, present and future. Combining a mix of earthly exploration, along with a twist of universal truth, a more evolved, profound, passionate and meaningful life is accessed.

Watch her YouTube channel, or get an individual reading, the insights channeled through her will leave you feeling in tune with the limitless possibilities which exist within your reality.




December 6, 2016 Show

Sherry Wilde - Alien Abductee

"Sherry has a very important story" - Grant Cameron, UFO researcher

Sherry's book, The Forgotten Promise tells the story of her lifelong interaction with beings of another dimension….or world. The Grays. The memories of these encounters were buried deep within her subconscious mind until 1988.

"I've had the privilege of living an extraordinary life and learning from beings that exist in a realm quite different from the limited one we do. I am extremely grateful for these experiences. The lessons they taught me, the things they showed me, the profound teachings & the high level of peace that is prevalent when in their company." - Sherry Wilde

Sherry shares with us her lifelong journey, and the 3 important lessons the Grays want us to learn.

You can purchase her book here:


November 2, 2016 Show

Cynthia Crawford

Tall White Zeta/Annunaki/Human Hybrid

Cynthia Crawford’s German father, prior to her birth, worked with the OSS in the secret government ‘Project Paperclip’ involving a recovered extraterrestrial medical craft. She was in her mid 30s when she learned from her father she was a hybrid created by a government program utilizing DNA from two different alien races added to human DNA.

She was chastised for having and using psychic powers. Her life changed when she was met by other worldly beings, only to learn that they are her star family. This awakened her to the truth of her mission that brought her to this planet; to help all Starseeds into their awakening.

In 2003, Cynthia began making ET sculptures with the assistance of the various star beings that put their frequency into the sculptures. Clients she makes sculptures for report having conscious telepathic communication from the star beings through the sculptures. To date, she has received thousands of emails from people all over the world who share their experiences and/or communication, as well as healings, with benevolent beings after receiving their sculptures.

Cynthia devotes her life to counseling, teaching how we are all connected to the star people and how to live in an integrated Galactic society in the very near future.

You can contact her at



10-5-2016 Show

Special Guest: Jujuolui Kuita - Reptilian Hybrid

Jujuolui Kuita (Pronounced Zsho-Zsho-Lee, also known as Juju) is a Reptilian Hybrid. Listen to her tell her story of how she came to recall her personal Mission, and the affirmation when her partner witnessed her shape-shift while she was sleeping into her true form. Which obviously then led to a long bedside conversation.

Juju shares with us memories of her home planet Fagui, located in the Andromeda Galaxy. She sheds light into the culture of Reptilians, and some of the misconceptions people have. As she explains:

“I am one of such Extraterrestrial beings who volunteered to come and chose to incarnate on Earth. My Mission, which is to unite with and help awaken other ‘Starseeds’ – and assist in lifting the vibrational energies for Earth’s ascension. Not all Star Beings are here in ‘service to others.’ There are some who’s intentions are more ‘service to self.’ Please do not fear them nor separate yourself from them in judgment. Do not condone their behavior, for we are all one and we each deserve unconditional love.” - Juju

Juju has been in various media including; written articles, radio shows, filmed for documentaries, movies, and aired on Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory Show in Nov. 2012. Recently, Juju’s experiences have been published in both “Meet the Hybrids” by Miguel Mendonca and Barbara Lamb, and “The Messengers” by Mike Clelland.

Juju self-published a book titled, ‘We Are Among You Already’ about ETs incarnating on Earth as Starseeds.

9-6-2016 Show

Special Guest: Abductee Steve Boucher

Steve Boucher is a musician, singer and fine artist from St. Catharines Ontario, Canada.

Steve takes us on a journey of a visitation that occurred in 1971 when their band travelling in a van late at night on the North Service Rd outside St. Catharines comes face to face with a UFO sitting in the middle of the road. Hear about his visitation with short greyish beings approximately 4 feet tall with large eyes and large heads. Steve was given the opportunity to ask any question. Steve asks the big question that is on many people’s minds. Hear what their answer is!

Steve’s experiences with non-terrestrial beings began since he was a baby. The bulk of his experiences were buried in his subconscious for years until he began to have brief flashes of conscious memory after reading Budd Hopkins’ book ‘Missing Time’.

Steve wrote to Budd Hopkins. Budd invited him to New York to his art studio in Manhattan. Steve underwent 3 hypnosis sessions which revealed that he had experienced repeated visitations. Steve returned to Canada and met up with CUFORN (The Canadian UFO Research Network) who took over the case. Results of the investigation are published in the CUFORN and MUFON Journal and Flying Saucer Review.


8-9-2016 Show

Special Guest: Abductee Chris Bledsoe   Part 2

Chris continues his story after his run-in with the red-goggle wearing, glass-like body being. We dive deeper into what is happening today with visiting Orbs, summoning UFO’s to appear, and Chris’ opportunity to actually fly the UFO craft! We discuss the support he has received by high ranking officials like Colonel John B Alexander. And lastly, the encounter Chris had with someone of great religious significance.

7-28-2016 Show

Special Guest: Abductee Chris Bledsoe   Part 1

Chris Bledsoe is Kevin Estrella’s premier guest on Pyramids on Mars Radio.  Known as one of the most important UFO experiencers in the world, Chris has had continuous contact with off-world visitors since 2007.  Referring to them as ‘the guardians’, they bring him messages to prepare humanity.  Join us for Part I as Chris tells his incredible story of his first contact in 2007.  A tale which has attracted Warner Bros. who have approached him about a movie to take his story to the Hollywood big screen.

August 2016


Kevin Estrella and Zman hang out for a show and talk about Kevin's first-hand experiences with extraterrestrials and the connection to his music.



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