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~ Live From Texas, U.S.A.  ~


New Shows First & Third Wednesdays  3pm E.S.T. / 2pm Central Time

Sundays 9am Eastern / 8am Central

~ Listen To Past Shows Below ~

The mission of  the Ask the Chaplain Show is to help unlock those things God has revealed to us, in order to help people find forgiveness, and healing and direction in their lives.

Deuteronomy 29:29
“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law."

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Host: Chaplain Mark Caronna

is a native of Houston, Texas. During his senior year of high school, Mark surrendered his life to Christ Jesus. After high school Mark attended Sam Houston State University switching his major several times. What Mark really wanted to do was to join the Houston Police Department, something he had wanted to do since childhood. During his junior year, he did just that, dropping out of college and moving back to Houston with his new wife Teresa. Mark entered the training academy and graduated in April 1983.

Mark served the people of Houston for 28 years, retiring honorably in 2011. Serving in law enforcement as a Christian was not always easy. During those years Mark was ordained to the ministry in 2007, finally completed his undergraduate degree in religion and a graduate degree in psychology, and served as an associate and then senior pastor in two churches prior to his retirement.

After retirement Mark entered the Chaplaincy, being certified as a Crisis Chaplain in 2012 and again in 2017. Mark has served voluntarily as a Chaplain with two law enforcement agencies, served as Chaplain at Warriors Heart treatment center, Bandera, Texas, and currently serves as a K-8 school counselor in Kerrville, Texas.

Mark has been married to Teresa for over 40 years. They have three grown children.  Mark has authored two books, Taking God on Patrol, and The Tactical Heart. See below:

Mark is the author of 3 books:

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1. Left Click DATE to "Stream" show (it will play like the radio)    or . . .

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March 5, 2025 Show

What is Ash Wednesday?

Is prayer outdated?

If God is sovereign, does that make us pawns in some sort of spiritual game?

Is the book of Acts for today?

Chaplain Commentary: The backwards move of the SBC. No justice for victims.

February 19, 2025 Show

Is the death penalty in the Bible?

If God created sex, and sex is good, then why do I have to wait until I get married to have sex?

Is Rev Brent Hawkes right? Is the word Savior offensive?

Is it a sin to scroll past a religious meme or posting on social media?

February 5, 2025 Show

What does the phrase “speak truth to power “ mean and is it a Biblical concept?

Does Matthew 19 and Isaiah 56 talk about eunuchs mean that being non-binary or transgendered is okay Biblically?

If I become a Christian does that mean that I must choose sides and hate gay people?

What happened in Tulsa Oklahoma, when a pagan priestess gave an invocation at the city council meeting invoking a false Greek god?

January 15, 2025 Show

Is a "Church Hurt" service a good thing to attend?

How can I grow closer to God?

At the time of Jesus' arrest, who was the young man who fled naked ?

Chaplain Commentary: Celebrity Marlon Wayans said what about God?

January 1, 2025 Show

A final word re: abortion as a moral good.

Should a Christian go to Las Vegas for vacation?

Should I anoint my home with oil before Christmas to keep demonic forces out?

Why did Paul write that sin entered the world through Adam, when it was Eve who first sinned?

Does God forgive un-confessed sin?


December 18, 2024 Show

I know a couple of trans people, but I am uncomfortable using their preferred pronouns. What should I do?

Does Jeremiah 10 prohibit Christians from putting up a Christmas tree?

Should I let my child write letters to Santa Claus?

Does John 19 teach that Jesus gave Mary as mother to all Christians, to the church?

In Acts 21, did Paul or James actions deny the importance of Jesus death upon the cross as all that is necessary for salvation?

Chaplain Commentary on the Rev, Dr. Rebeca Peters.

December 4, 2024 Show

Is the Pope correct in saying that all religions of the world lead to God?

I am engaged to get married. How can I be sure that this is the person God has made just for me, my soul mate?

This and more...

November 20, 2024 Show

Did the lack of accountability cause the debacle at Trinity Bible Church in Texas?

I was asked to serve on a committee at church. How do I know if the Lord wants me to do this?

How can I know if I have committed the unpardonable sin?

Do preachers have to wear a coat and tie if they are preaching at a church?

November 6, 2024 Show

There's a popular song out called Jesus Cries. Is it true that Jesus cries with us when we cry?

To what age does a person have to honor their father and mother?

I am divorced and was told that I can't receive Jesus unless I first get an annulment. That made me angry. What should I do?

October 16, 2024 Show

What does the Bible mean when it talks about pouring hot coals on someone's head?

What are Micro-churches and are they Biblical?

Chaplain Commentary: The sad saga of Billy Graham's grandson, and his profane prayer.

October 2, 2024 Show

Chaplain Commentary: Some things we should understand regarding the fall of Steve Lawson.

Does Romans 16:7 prove that there were women Apostles?

What did Paul mean in Romans 12:1 when he talked about being a living sacrifice?

September 18, 2024 Show

Is the Holy Trinity found in the Bible? If so, where?

Are all people God's children? If not, then are some people just out of luck?

Is the TikTok celebrity correct about Matthew 7:1? Does that mean no one can say anything to her about her online presence?

September 4, 2024 Show

Does the creation account in Genesis work with the theory of evolution?

Is repentance necessary for salvation?

Is modern day Sunday School class arrangement by age groups Biblical?

August 21, 2024 Show

Is it possible to mock God? How does someone mock God?

In the new Heaven and new earth, will people have free will, and if so does that mean that there could be another fall of mankind?

If a Christian falls away from the faith for a while, but then returns, does that mean that they never were a true believer in the first place?

This and more...

August 7, 2024 Show

A word on the Olympic Opening ceremony blasphemy.

Can a person be demon possessed today?

Another Moral Failure strikes a mega-church

What is spiritual or religious abuse?

July 17, 2024 Show

Chaplain Commentary: Why our words matter, and why politicians need to learn this.

By what standard does God judge?

Should a Christian attend a secular rock concert?

Why we should not jump on the band wagon of celebrity religious conversions.

July 3, 2024 Show

Chaplain Commentary: Two more celebrity preachers step down from their mega churches within 5 days of each other. More cover-ups? Like a broken, sick record, blame the victim and pretend to be "restored." Is restoring a fallen pastor to the pulpit even Biblical?

What did Jesus mean when He called the Holy Spirit, "The Comforter?"

How to handle a disgruntled, troublesome church volunteer.

June 19, 2024 Show

Based on Jesus words about looking lustfully being adultery, is it sin when I have X- rated dreams?

Are the standards in the sermon on the mount impossible standards that Jesus really didn't mean?

When Jesus said to love your enemies, does that mean that I must love a terrorist? Must I love Russia, an enemy of the U.S.?

Jonathan Lusher interview will be regarding the Torah. What is the Torah?

How does the Torah relate to the reliability of the Scriptures? What about the sufficiency of the scriptures?

June 5, 2024 Show

Did Jesus ever actually claim to be God's Son?

Why did Mary tell Jesus about the lack of wine at a wedding in Cana?

I have a coworker who claims to be a Christian who continually complains about me to our boss. How should I handle this?

Update: The sex abuse scandal in the Assemblies of God church college campus ministry, Chi Alpha. It appears that there was more than incompetence at play in several pastors and campus ministers allowing and promoting a convicted sexual predator access to young college men for decades. Now we know.

May 15, 2024 Show

A final word on deconstruction. Can a person who willingly leaves the Christian faith, change their mind and return to the faith when they want to at some point in the future?

If actually seeing the resurrected Jesus was one of the qualifications for being an Apostle, at what point did Paul see Jesus?

May 1, 2024 Show

The train wreck that is the 2024 Stronger Men's Conference.

Is deconstruction just a fad, or is it something more?

With live streaming church services, is it important for a church Pastor to make in person visits to congregants today, or is that not necessary any more?

April 17, 2024 Show

Who was the replacement Apostle for Judas. Paul or Matthias?

When the Holy Spirit came on Pentecost, did that mean that Jesus became essentially inactive until His future return?

What does the phrase in scripture, "The Kingdom of God" mean?

Since the Holy Spirit used believers to warn Paul not to go to Jerusalem, does that mean that Paul was in disobedience for going anyway?

April 3, 2024 Show

Chaplain Commentary: What did President Biden declare about Easter Sunday?

What is the God Bless America Bible?

Is it okay to pray to deceased relatives, saints etc...

Where did Jesus go after He died? Did He go to Hell?

Who was the replacement Apostle for Judas, Matthias, or Paul?

March 20, 2024 Show

Why did God destroy Sodom?

Is it okay for Christians to participate in Easter egg hunts?

Did the American Bible Society make an $80 million dollar mistake?

March 6, 2024 Show

Is it true that God cannot look upon sin?

A word of caution about new children's Bible stories from author Catherine Sully.

One year later what happened to the Asbury revival?

Are red letter Christians right or wrong about not needing anything but the words of Jesus? What am I missing?


February 21, 2024 Show

A last word on Christians actors and the scenes they portray.

Christian cancel culture & Alistair Begg.

What is a school counselors opinion on this particular behavior, is it bullying, or attempted murder?

Is it really a sin to use cannabis gummies to treat a neuro-developmental disorder?

Is ADHD & PTSD even real?


February 7, 2024 Show

For today, a thank you for the countries with listeners!

Christian persecution around the world

Christians and acting roles. Can Christians do nude scenes, or violent scenes?


January 17, 2024 Show

How should I feel about no one getting in trouble over the Jeffrey Epstein child trafficking/molestation case? I am very frustrated that no one ever seems to get prosecuted.

Is my faith really tied to church attendance? I mean aren't I a Christian when it is just me? So why do I need church?

My church is experiencing a division over worship music, style etc.. Are the only spiritual songs that should be sung, the really old hymns?


January 3, 2024 Show

If God already knows everything, then what is the point of prayer?

Why is the United Methodist Church losing so many congregations?

When I read something like Numbers 31:17, how can you expect me to believe in God, or that God is love?

Does Deuteronomy 28:43 teach that America needs closed borders?

December 20, 2023 Show

Is sexual Intimacy in marriage commanded in the Bible?

What is Advent and where can I find it in the Bible?

What or who prepares a person to receive God's grace? Can a priest or pastor do this?

December 6, 2023 Show

Book review: Conversations With God by Neal D. Walsh

What is the Parable of the Talents about?

Who is right about Jesus, the American church, or JellyRoll the rapper turned country music singer?

Who are Jesus' sheep?

Is the virgin birth of Jesus important?

November 15, 2023 Show

Was the Apostle Paul married?

Carl Jung promoted tarot cards?

Can Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit occur today?

Is Taylor Swifts song "Take Me To Church" good for a Christian to listen to?

November 1, 2023 Show

With war in Israel, how, what should I pray?

Can a Church remove someone from their property? Is that what Jesus would do?

Should I go see the movie After Death?

Was the Apostle Paul married?

October 18, 2023 Show

What did Andy Stanley say about Jesus, the Bible?

What is the role of a pastor?

Can I really obtain a graduate degree in magic?

Who was Jacob wrestling with in Genesis 32?

October 4, 2023 Show

Are Christian "Destiny Cards" okay to use?

Is it possible for a person to truly find happiness?

What is the Book of Life?

September 20, 2023 Show

We complete the look at Paul's words restricting the role of women in the church.

Is the phrase, love is love is love, really about love?

A married man said that God had brought to him, his soul mate, another woman, not his wife. Does God do things like that?

September 6, 2023 Show

What is intercessory prayer?

When Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand, does that mean that He brought heaven down to earth?

When Paul said he didn't permit a woman to teach a man, what did he mean? Is that authoritative?

August 16, 2023 Show

Chaplain Commentary: Recap praise vs. worship, arrested for praying at a drag queen show?

Is idolatry still a thing?

What is the sign that a person has been baptized in the Holy Spirit?

August 2, 2023 Show

Is social justice different from Biblical justice?

Is there a difference between praise and worship?

What is the Sparkle Creed? Is it like the Apostles Creed?

Do Christians have dual citizenship, heaven and earth equally?


July 26, 2023 Show

Is the Star Wars movie series compatible with the Biblical narrative?

Does God have a sense of humor?

When Jesus rebuked Peter with the words, “get behind me Satan,” does that mean Peter was demon possessed?


July 5, 2023 Show

Did KLOVE accept credit for things only God can do?

Is the Old Testament still relevant?

A young woman filed a lawsuit against her parents for giving birth to her without having asked her permission. How does stack up against scripture?

What's the difference between the baptism of John the Baptist and today's Christian baptism?

June 20, 2023 Show

Is it okay to wear blue jeans to church?

How should a Christian respond to pride month?

Should a Christian oppose drag queen story hour events?

June 7, 2023 Show

Another look at Did God send the COVID19 pandemic?

What does it mean in the Bible when it says that someone was gathered to his people?

Are we "sent" in the same way that Jesus was sent?

Does singer Taylor Swift promote witchcraft?

What is the spiritual significance of the appearance of a cardinal (bird) appearing after a loved one has died?

May 17, 2023 Show

Chaplain Commentary: Another denomination, another sex scandal cover-up.

Are church choirs Biblical?

What about Worship Leaders?

What does Heaven smell like?

May 3, 2023 Show

Chaplain commentary on the cost to book Christian "artists."

Where did the Gentiles come from?

Were the Jews the first to introduce non-Jews to God? 

Is there an age of accountability in the Bible? 

Is gender-dysphoria in the Bible?  

In Genesis 6 God said a man's life would only be 120 years, but Noah and some others lived much longer that that.  Is that a error in the Bible?

Is  Mary, the mother of Jesus, actually the Queen of Heaven?

Is Freemasonry compatible with Christianity?

April 19, 2023 Show

Can the dead communicate with us?

If Jesus promised peace, then why am I so stressed out?

What is the difference between descriptive and prescriptive passages in the Bible?

Did Jesus have brothers?

How do I handle my family when they pressure me to compromise my faith for family events?

Should the church meet in bars because that's where the sinners are, and that is the example of Jesus?

April 5, 2023 Show

"Restored" pastor Johnny Hunt now sues the SBC for exposing his sins.

Grace Community Church sent an Elder packing for trying to correct their "mistake" in handling the Eileen Gray abuse case. 20 Years later, no repentance from GCC.

What was it that ignited the Great Awakening? Was it soft guitar playing and religious chorus? Do we see it happening again anywhere?

Where is purgatory found in the Bible?


March 15, 2023 Show

If I type Amen, will I really be blessed by God? Are religious meme's on social media that promise blessings if shared Biblical?

Do pastors really need to allow into their churches those who claim to be modern day apostles or prophets?

Are revivals taking place in the US, or other places around the world?

Song review, I See Grace by Micah Tyler and the problem of signing recording contracts.


March 1, 2023 Show

We will complete a question from the previous show, is it okay to call someone Rabbi?

What is Messianic Christianity? Is there really a Messianic Bridge? 

If a homosexual person in a same sex marriage comes to faith in Jesus, should he/she remain in that relationship in order to not violate the Biblical mandate against divorce?


February 15, 2023 Show

First a follow up to last programs look into claims of trips to hell and back, and why it isn't likely.

A look at the SBC and the rush to put sex offender pastors back int the pulpit. Why?

Is it wrong to call a person Father, or Rabbi?

If a homosexual person, in a same sex marriage becomes a born again believer in Jesus Christ, it is wrong for that person to get a divorce?

February 1, 2023 Show

A follow up on generational curses. Numbers 14.

Congressman George Santos and the really, really big lie.

Is it wrong for Christians to use curse words?

Did Pastor Johnson really make a trip to Hell and back?

January 18, 2023 Show

What was the leading cause of death worldwide for 2022?

Did the president deliver a sermon at Ebenezer Baptist Church?

Does God punish people for their ancestors sins?

Are people basically good, or not?

What are prophetic leggings and do they really work as promised?

January 4, 2023 Show

Is it wrong for a Christian to borrow money?

Should a Christian watch the TV series The Chosen?

Is it correct to call a church building The House of God?

December 21, 2022 Show

Does Matthew 18:35 mean that a person who fails to forgive someone will lose their salvation?

Are Christians supposed to practice giving out Holy Kisses today?

Song Review: Start Right Here by Casting Crowns

December 7, 2022 Show

Chaplains Commentary on Wisconsin Children's Hospital odd selection for Chaplain.

What is an ordination, and where is it found in the Bible?

Do people of all religions go to heaven if they do a lot of good things?

What is modalism?

Do people ever get sick because of their sins?

November 16, 2022 Show

Was the word homosexual incorrectly translated into English from Greek?  Does this mean that the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexual behavior?

Does the Bible actually teach that in order to receive God’s blessings, you must bless Israel?

Time permitting, we critique the old Hymn
Give Me That Old Time Religion

November 2, 2022 Show

Does the parable of the wheat and the tares give evidence of a mid-tribulation rapture?

When Jesus called Lazarus out of the tomb, was that a pro-homosexual message to "come out" of the closet as some pastors are suggesting?

Is Karma a Christian concept, like reap what you sow?

October 19, 2022 Show

Chaplain Commentary on the He Gets Us campaign.

What are some signs of spiritual maturity?

Can Satan read your thoughts?

How do we explain it when someone claiming a death or near death experience describes things that they claim to have seen or heard that they should not have any knowledge of?

October 5, 2022 Show

Did Jesus ever claim deity?

How many Apostles are/were there?

If God is omnipresent, then why do we read about Him appearing to someone, and then disappearing?

Is it okay to pray for, and expect worldwide revival?

September 21, 2022 Show

It seems like in the Old Testament, God would get angry at times and punish someone.

Does God still do stuff like that today?

What about the Shroud of Turin?

Is Christianity in the U.S. on the decline as Pew Research says?

September 7, 2022 Show

Why are there so many forbidden things in the Bible? If something makes me happy, then why is it wrong? Doesn't God want me to be happy?

What about these books being written that tell a person to sit with pen and paper and write down whatever comes to mind as they pray. Is this really how God speaks to people today?

Song Review: Jireh by Elevation Worship & Maverick City

August 17, 2022 Show

Chaplain Commentary on the need for a few Nathan's.

Are UFO's real?

Is John 3:16 a teaching on financial giving?

August 3, 2022 Show

Is YOLO a biblical concept?

Does God always answer prayers for healing? Are any prayers unanswered?

Is there any significance in Jesus practice of solitude, Luke 5:16?

July 20, 2022 Show

Is jealousy a sin? If so, was God sinning in Exodus 20:5?

Is it okay for a Christian to be a naturist?

July 6, 2022 Show

Did U.S. Representative Boebert butcher the gospel for her own political gain?

What does a river represent in scripture?

Can we talk about forgiveness for a minute or two?

June 15, 2022 Show

Where do people go when they die?

Does a person's financial giving show their love for God?

Did God give Cindy Jacobs a prophecy about a wave of joy coming?

June 1, 2022 Show

Editorials: The latest mass school shooting in Texas, Reap what we sow?

the SBC Executive board sex scandal cover-ups, Bringing shame to the Holy Name of Jesus, the Southern Baptist Convention.

How many ways are there to God? 

Are Polyamorous relationships permissible for Christians? 

Was the monkey-pox virus predicted in Revelation 16:2?

May 18, 2022 Show

Do you have to be a pastor in order to baptize someone?

How do I get my unbelieving family to believe in Jesus?

If salvation is by grace and not works, then why is it important to do good works?

Are exorcisms in the Bible? Is that a real thing?

Is it wrong to refer to God as mother, rather than Father?

May 4, 2022 Show

What kind of love is a husband to have for his wife?

Is it okay for a Christian to be cremated upon death?

What is the difference between God's wrath and His judgment?

April 20, 2022 Show

Are all sins the same? Are there any sins that are worse than others?

If a man is the head of the house, what exactly does that mean?

April 6, 2022 Show

Who were the people of Gadara where Jesus cast out demons into swine?

Does God really hate divorce?

Are all divorces sinful?

Is a separation the same as a divorce?

March 16, 2022 Show

Does 2 Chronicles 7:14 apply to all nations?

Would God ever do something like sending the pandemic?

Should I take my children to see the Disney movie Red?

Is Purgatory real?

March 2, 2022 Show

Does God promise to give you everything you desire?

What is the fruit Jesus talked about in the gospels?

This and much more.

February 16, 2022 Show

How can I know if I am In Christ?

Is it okay for Christians to follow Zodiac signs and Horoscopes?

Are my dreams important biblically?

February 2, 2022 Show

How do we reconcile the difference between Jesus' words to love our enemies and David's words about destroying his enemies in the Psalms?

A look at Rap, and the deconstruction of Phanatik.

Did the prophet Daniel predict the internet in Daniel 12:4?

What does Romans 8:1 mean?

January 19, 2022 Show

Does John 4:14 mean that God loves to give?

Does Proverbs 23:31 teach complete abstinence from Alcoholic beverages for believers?

Is doctrine a four letter word?

Song review: My Jesus by Anne Wilson

January 5, 2022 Show

Are Christians required to pay a 10% tithe?

What is an open vision and what does it have to do with rebuilding the Tabernacle of David?

Song Review: For the Good by Riley Clemons

This and more.

December 15, 2021 Show

A quick word on the deadly Astroworld stampede and rapper Travis Scott

When Jesus said, “freely you have received, freely give,” was He talking about money?

Why was Jesus named Jesus, when Isaiah said Messiah’s name would be Immanuel?

A lady posted on social media that her dog died and now would be reunited with a dog she previously owned that had also died. Is this true?

Song Review: On Our Way by Mercy Me

December 1, 2021 Show

Should a Christian get a COVID vaccination?  What about the booster shot?

What did the Apostle Paul mean when he wrote, "I, not the Lord says?"

Can a believer be unequally yoked together with an unbelieving spouse who is from a different denomination, or worships differently?

Song critique: Even at My Worst by Blanca

November 17, 2021 Show

A brief word on church security. 

Is Christmas a pagan holiday? 

How can I believe that God can forgive me when I can't forgive myself? 

Song Review: Into the Wild by Josh Baldwin

November 3, 2021 Show

There are more and more people claiming to have died and gone to heaven. What's up with that?

Is Jesus literally going to reign on earth for 1000 years?

What is meant by out of the mouth of babes?

October 20, 2021 Show

Church on the golf course, is okay right? I mean, who needs a building, or other people? 

Um, does God have breasts like a human woman?

How does a person go about putting to death the deeds of the flesh? 

Song Evaluation: Miracles by Colton Dixon

October 5, 2021-10-06 Show

How should we pray for our politicians?

What does it mean to be unequally yoked?

Did Denzel Washington testify for Jesus in his put God first speech?

Song Critique:  Child of Love By We The Kingdom

September 15, 2021 Show

Did the Apostle Peter address political elections? Was he the first ever pole watcher?

Does John 10:27 mean that Jesus is still speaking to individuals today?  Do some people get private revelations from God?

Song critique: Magnetic, by the Newsboys.

September 1, 2021 Show

What did Paul say to Timothy about repentance? What is Biblical repentance anyway?

Also, what is deconstruction? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

August 18, 2021 Show

What was the Fiji Men's Olympic Rugby team talking about? 

Is it wrong for a Christian man to have long hair? 

Tell me again what Hallelujah means?

July 21, 2021 Show

What did it mean when Jesus cursed a fig tree? Did He hate fig trees or is there more to it?

Why did Jesus tell Mary not to touch Him the morning of His resurrection, but days later tell Thomas to touch His scars?

What is the significance of the transfiguration?

Song critique: Gospel Song by Rhett Walker

July 7, 2021 Show

God is LOVE.

June 16, 2021 Show

What does a soul look like?

What Bible translation for a new believer?

What is the difference between reincarnation and resurrection?

How long does a child need to keep obeying his/her parents?

What are the benefits of going to church?

June 2, 2021 Show

Is it okay for a Christian musician to play secular songs?

Why does the world hate Christians?

Are Christians required to pay tithes to the church?

Song Review: Raise a Hallelujah by Bethel Music

May 19, 2021 Show

We answer the questions:

Did God approve of all the polygamy in the Old Testament?

What does the word Hallelujah mean and is it a religious word?

Who is being referred to in Psalm 1:3?

Song critique: Almost Home by Mercy Me

May 5, 2021 Show

Question: How do I get my spouse to go to church with me? Interested in the Bible?

Question: My supervisor failed to investigate a sexual harassment complaint filed by a coworker. Should I get involved?

Song critique: Bible Verses By Blake Shelton

April 21, 2021 Show

Is it Biblical to pray for God to help you hate people?

Where did all of the different ethnic groups come from?

What is intercessory prayer?

April 7, 2021 Show

We answer the question, what’s the difference between empathy and sympathy? Which one is a Christian supposed to show?

Also, for people hurt when their Christian Hero falls, how do we minister to them?

Special guest Larry Taylor, evangelist to South America.

March 17, 2021 Show

Did J.D. Greear, president of the Southern Baptist Convention really say that sexual sin is no big deal?

Did the Apostle Paul teach that some Christians are spiritual, and some are carnal, thereby giving permission for Christians to never grow into spiritual maturity?

March 3, 2021 Show

What does it mean to backslide?

Book review of
Choosing the Extraordinary Life: God’s 7 Secrets for Success & Significance By Dr. Robert Jeffress, Pastor FBC Dallas. Baker Books 2018

February 17, 2021 Show

First we quickly answer a question the late Christopher Hitchens was proud of when he attempted to stump people of faith, saying that his question was unanswerable. We will answer it in the first 3 minutes of the program.

Next, What is the book of Jashar and why isn't it in the Bible?

What is the difference between worship and praise?

Time permitting we will critique a song by Tauren Wells.

February 3, 2021 Show

Is it always wrong to be angry?

Also, what did Jesus mean when He said in Revelation 2:4 “you have left your first love?”

This and more.

January 20, 2021 Show

What is the Transactional Ministry Model, and is it Biblical?

A quick look at the Sew a Seed of Faith teaching, and is it connected to the Transactional Ministry Model?

What about all of those 2020 U.S. presidential election "Prophecies?"

Finally, a song review, by We the Kingdom, 2X Grammy nominated song. Holy Water.

January 6, 2021 Show

What does true repentance sound like when the media reports it? Carl Lentz, true repentance, or playing the victim? 

What is the difference between someone's soul and spirit? 

Also, Song Critique: A popular Hymn with a secret Buddhist practice hidden in plain sight.

December 12, 2020 Show

Is the Daniel Diet Plan a Biblical directive, or just more snake oil?

The Alabaster Bible. Do adults really need a picture Bible in order to connect with God?

December 2, 2020 Show

What is meant by the phrase The Kingdom of God

Is Torben Sondergaard right about The Last Reformation

Song critique: Known by Tauren Wells

November 18, 2020 Show

Who was Jesus talking about in Matthew 5:9? Who are the peacemakers?

What is Contemplative Prayer and is it okay for Christians to practice?

Also, song critique : Who You Are to Me, By Chris Tomlin, with Lady A.

November 4, 2020 Show

Did Jesus say anything about Hell? Is it a literal place or just a metaphor?

Also: What is Theophostic Prayer and is it Biblical?

October 21, 2020 Show

We will conduct a review of the 2010 book: Have Heart. Bridging the Gap Between Heaven and Earth. 

We answer the question, Is it okay for Christians to try to make contact with the dead? 

Song review of You Say by Lauren Daigle. Who is You, Lauren?

October 7, 2020 Show

Can a seemingly innocent church worship song deny a major Bible doctrine?

If men wrote the Bible, then how is it God's word?

Does God take direction from the feminist movement? Was the Apostle Paul just a sexist?

September 16, 2020 Show

We take a look at the latest words of Andy Stanley and his departure from the scriptures. 

Also, couldn't God forgive without Jesus having to die? 

Music critique, Does Michael W. Smith even sing Christian music these days?

September 2, 2020 Show

We answer the questions:

If God commanded not to kill, then why did He tell the people of Israel to kill inhabitants of the promised land?

Why did God allow Job to suffer?

Also we critique the old hymn The Old Rugged Cross.


August 19, 2020 Show

We answer the questions: 

Is God even able to do anything about evil in the world? 

Why can't I find answers in the Bible? 

Why is the Old Testament God so angry and in the New Testament He suddenly becomes a loving Father? 

Also, we critique the song: Keep Me in the Moment by Jeremy Camp


August 4, 2020 Show

We continue to address the complaints of a high profile Christian leader/musician who publicly denounced the faith.

If God is love then why does He send people to hell?

We critique the song Drops in the Ocean, by Hawk Nelson

July 15, 2020 Show

Another high profile Christian Music Artist has publicly denounced the faith.

We will begin to examine his reasons, as he posted them on Twitter.

Additionally we begin a new feature, we will critique popular Christian music/songs via the scriptures. Today Zach Williams and Dolly Parton's song There Was Jesus

July 1, 2020 Show

We will answer the question, Do Jewish people have a separate covenant with God that doesn't require faith in Jesus?

Also, Special Guest: Christopher Dion

Retired Master Sergeant US Air Force
Minister, Founder of Rusted Knight Ministries in Bandera, Texas

Will discuss Christians in military service, and what exactly is Rusted Knight Ministries?

June 17, 2020 Show

If I commit a sin, does that mean that I am no longer a Christian?

What did Jesus mean when He said to turn the other cheek?

Should a Christian consult a medium for advice, or to speak to a deceased loved one or pet?

June 3, 2020 Show

Do the warnings of Jeremiah found in Jeremiah chapters 5, 6 and 7 sound a little familiar? Is there anything for us to learn from the experiences of Judah, several thousand years ago?

In Mark 10:21, What did Jesus mean when He said to take up your cross?

Finally in light of the death of Floyd George, and the resulting protests and riots, does the Bible say anything about racism?

May 20, 2020 Show

The program looks again at Paul’s words on the fear of the lord.

We take a look at Mark 16 and what is meant by the signs that follow a believer.

And we answer a question about whether or not God communicates through dreams.

May 6, 2020 Show

Is there ever a time for Christians to fear? Is fear always bad? 

Did T.D. Jakes misquote Habakuk 2:2?

Who is being referred to in 1 Chronicles 16:22?

How do I know if it is time to leave my church and find another one?

April 15, 2020 Show

Is N.T. Wright correct, or does Christianity have something to say about COVID19?

What can I read in order to hear from God?

How can I tell a real pastor from a fake one?

April 1, 2020 Show

Question: What does the scripture mean that God has not given us a spirit of fear in 2 Tim 1:7 and how does that relate to the current worldwide virus pandemic?

2nd half of the show will feature:
Special Guest
Richard McAlister.

 We will discuss disaster planning and preparation for future events, as well as the Christians response to the COVID19 pandemic.

Richard McAlister retired US Air Force Officer, licensed, trained professional meteorologist, former director of Hurricane Plans and Preparations at eh Kennedy Space Center, participated in 72 space launches, Meteorologist and Senior Incident Manager in the USAA Unified Command Center, San Antonio, Texas, currently serving as meteorologist for the Southwest and Rocky Mountain Division of the American Red Cross. Ordained minister with over 21 years ministry experience.

March 18, 2020 Show

We Will answer the question , what did Jesus mean when He said He came to bring a sword and not peace? Does that allow Christians to engage in civil disobedience?

Also we will discuss COVID19 and the Christians response. Can peace be found during these times?

March 4, 2020 Show

Special Guest: Jonathan Lusher

What is peace and where does it come from?

Also, we will review the statement by Dr. Barrientez, that a "White Jesus Can’t Save a Brown Child".

February 19, 2020 Show

We will answer the question about whether Easter is really the celebration of a pagan fertility goddess that Christians should avoid celebrating.

Next we will talk about the odd situation involving people identifying themselves as Christian Witches

February 5, 2020 Show

We will do a short follow up to the question about why God seems far away at times. 

Next we will answer the questions about Christians and drinking, and smoking marijuana.

We will take a look at the anti-Christianity words of NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers. 

We will discuss the NFL Super Bowl halftime show. What's all the uproar about?


January 15, 2020 Show

We will answer the questions?

What is the Apostles Creed?  

What are the saints to be equipped with? 

And, Did God make Mayor Pete a homosexual?

December 17, 2019 Show

A review of Matthew 25

And the most frequently misquoted verse in the New Testament.

December 4, 2019 Show 
Is it possible to know God's will for my life?
What is this slain in the spirit stuff all about?
And of course the often asked question,  Where did Cain get his wife?
November 20, 2019 Show

We will answer the questions:

Are there modern day Apostles?

What is meant by taking God's name in vain?

Did the Apostle Paul prohibit a divorced man from becoming a pastor?

November 6, 2019 Show

We will answer the question: What does it mean to ask or do something in Jesus Name?

Also, we answer, Is money the root of all evil?

And lastly, we will answer what is meant by the words in Romans 4:17, about calling things that do not exist, as though they did exist?

October 16, 2019 Show

           We answer the question, how important are our words?


          Where did Satan come from?

October 2, 2019 Show

We will answer the question: What did Jesus mean when He said He was going to prepare a place found in John, Chapter 14?

Also, we will answer the question about churches putting transgendered people into the pulpits. Is there a Biblical basis for doing that?

September 18, 2019 Show

Why did God love Jacob, and hate Esau?

We will address another high profile Christian leaders recent suicide.

How can a person be ready in season and out? Ready for what exactly?

September 4, 2019 Show

Can a person really know if they are saved and heaven bound?

High profile celebrity Christian leaders denouncing their faith. What you should know.

What about body modification for Christians?

August 21, 2019 Show

Finishing the question about Romans Chapters 1 & 2. Are these chapters talking about the USA?

Answering the question, Does God really have a wonderful plan for my life?

How do I find a Biblical church to attend? What should I look for, and how do I know when it is time to leave a church?

August 7, 2019 Show

What country or nation was the Apostle Paul referring to in Romans chapter's 1 & 2? Is this the USA?

Does God really have a wonderful plan for my life as I I keep hearing? What about the lives of other people?

July 17, 2019 Show

What’s with the fear mongering from top name preachers?

Is Christian Nationalism part of the Great Commission?

July 3, 2019 Show

We take a look at the theology of the defensive radio teacher/preacher.

Also we will answer the question, Is the word "doctrine" a four-letter word?

June 19, 2019 Show

What does it mean that iron sharpens iron?

If I can't forget a wrong done to me, does that mean that I haven't forgiven?

If time permits we will also answer: Was the Pope wrong about the Lord's Prayer?

June 5, 2019 Show

Does the senator have a clue? What is free will and is it a tenet of the Christian Faith?

Also, Is the Satanic Temple telling a lie? Are they playing with fire, and what does the Bible say about Satan?

May 15, 2019 Show

The Yoke's on You. What was Jesus talking about when He said "Take My yoke upon you?" 

What's up with the Lord's prayer? An exposition of what Jesus was teaching about prayer.

May 1, 2019 Show

What are Easter Worshippers?

Do other world religions recognize the Christian holiday of Easter as a holy day?

What exactly is a Christian anyway?


April 17, 2019 Show

The first 1/2 half of the show we will answer the question What is repentance, and is it important?

2nd 1/2 of show:

Special Guest: Sergeant Glen Dickerson, of the Houston Police Department.

Joined in 1991, and is a night shift patrol supervisor. Sgt. Dickerson began a non-profit organization called: Sharks Templar. Sharks Templar, in it's 8th year takes military veterans shark fishing at no cost to the veteran.  Tune in to find out why shark fishing and why military veterans???

April 3, 2019 Show

Do Christians need to go to church?

Was God unfair in hardening Pharaohs heart?

Just how far do I have to go in turning the other cheek?

March 20, 2019 Show

When politicians misuse, and misapply scripture.

The nonsense of The Old Church Bishop, and his paper prosperity handkerchief.

If it is so amazingly successful, then why couldn't you afford to send a real cloth handkerchief, rather than a cheap piece of paper with a fake red border on it?

March 6, 2019 Show

We will answer the question, Should a Christian take medications? What about anti-anxiety or anti-depressants?

Next we will take at a look at the misuse, and misunderstanding of Isaiah 53:5

February 20, 2019 Show

We will address a retired ministers warning that the Bible contains no moral absolutes, so stop using it that way. What is his hidden agenda?

In the second half of the show, we will address a few of the most often misquoted, misused Bible verses.

February 6, 2019 Show

Is Hyper Grace okay?   Can't I continue to sin because God loves to forgive me?

Where do Christians fit in to God's plan for Israel?

What is God's name?

January 16, 2019 Show

A look at harsh words and threats from the BGCT's Head of Evangelism, and the BGCT's fawning words of praise of the same man.

2nd 1/2 of the show:

How to talk to your believing friend who is living in open sin. Do we have a right and or responsibility to do this?

January 2, 2019 Show

We look at a correct view of Christmas, and correct an article in the San Antonio Express News.

2nd 1/2 of the show:

Special Guest: Larry Bookman

Larry Bookman,  a Texas Department of Criminal Justice Chaplain, will be with us to talk about prison ministry, inmates, and "jail house" conversions.

December 19, 2018 Show

Completing the question about Christians and yoga.

How to find purpose in life.

How to find the right church, and get involved.

December 5. 2018 Show

Does Christian Liberty exist?

Does God care about how we spend our time outside of church, what we see, what we do? Is there anything for a Christian to know before participating in Yoga?

November 21, 2018 Show

If there is only one Spirit, then why are there so many different churches?

What responsibilities do church leaders/ministers have with regards to protecting the flock? Spiritual care only, or physical as well, & the Catholic Bishops disappointment.

November 7, 2018 Show

Special Guest: Chaplain/Evangelist Josh Tapia

Chaplain Tapia, has been in ministry as an evangelist for 26 years. He is also a Chaplain with the Bexar County Sheriff's Office, San Antonio, Texas. Tapia is a graduate of Luther Rice University, has been married for 20 years, and has three children.

First half hour will answer the question of whether or not animals will be in heaven?

(2nd half hour with Chaplain Tapia)

A short discussion of the Lauren Daigle on Ellen Show controversy.

We also talk about the purpose and work of a law enforcement chaplain, and the unique stresses and or situations a Chaplain has to deal with and be prepared for.

October 17, 2018 Show

Does Jesus love the little children?

Do people become angels when they die?

October 3, 2018 Show

An exposing look at one of the newest ridiculous crazes to infect the Church.

2nd half of the broadcast: Answering a question about angels at the time of death?

September 19, 2018 Show

Today's show is a follow up to the previous show on What did Jesus mean and the church, and what are His future plans of the church?

 Does adultery still exist?
Is a woman having relations with several married men a Home Wrecker?

September 5, 2018 Show

What did Jesus mean when He talked about His church? Can a person be a Christian and reject church?

Special Guest: David Billeiter

Retired Law Enforcement Officer, former Justice of the Peace and Pastor. Author of The Rescue (Stopping Child Predators) soon to be released through Xulon Press.

August 15, 2018 Show

Headlines, the Matthew 24 perspective, False visions that depart from the absolute truths of scripture, and Answering the atheists question.


August 1, 2018 Show

Mark begins this broadcast discussing the biblical case for law enforcement and the use of force.

Special Guest: Mr. Jim Conley

President CEO of Operation Lonestar.

Bio: joined the Navy in 1966 after high school graduation. Made 3 deployments (called WestPac cruises back then) to the Tonkin Gulf off of North Vietnam between Nov 1967 and June 1970. Spent 3 Christmases in a row there. Got out on June 1, 1970 after returning to States.

Applied for HPD (Houston Police Department), within a week of being home and somehow got in June 22, 1970 class. 9 yrs in Patrol, mostly Central Nights. Transferred to Academy in 1979. Developed Officer Safety and related classes with Terry, Terry Bratton), also was department “expert” on training and use of force. Retired Aug, 2007.

Formed Operation Lone Star July 4, 2008. Celebrating our 10th anniversary.

July 18, 2018 Show 

Mark begins this broadcast discussing the antics of the current Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, and his comments on how "stupid" God is.  Mark also speaks about comedian, artist and activist Jim Carrey.

July 4, 2018 Show

Special Guest: Karen Solomon

Founder and President of Blue Help

Since 2014, Karen has been giving a voice to the thousands of officers in the field who can’t or won’t speak out. She has interviewed hundreds of law enforcement officers and their families to gain insight into the field, trauma, stress, and both physical and emotional survival. Karen is a national speaker, author, columnist and advocate. Her books Hearts Beneath the Badge and The Price They Pay are used in citizen’s academies throughout the country and endorsed by law enforcement leadership. Her articles can be found on Calibre Press, PoliceOne, LawOfficer and Law Enforcement Today. Married to a police officer for sixteen years, Karen understands today’s challenges and puts her knowledge to work on behalf of the entire profession. Karen has a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Eckerd College. She’s a member of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association (ILEETA), the International Public Safety Association (IPSA), and the Public Safety Writers Association

June 20, 2018 Show 

Mark begins the show with some comments about New Orleans' televangelist Jessie Duplantis and his recent claim that God told him to take the money his congregation puts in the collection plate and go buy yet another jet (his fourth). This one's going to be really really nice and only costs $54 million!

Special Guest: Jonathan Lusher
Pastor Lusher is a completed Jew. Jonathan is Jewish, was raised as a Jew and came to faith in Jesus Christ late in life. Lusher has a deep and unique understanding of the Old Testament of the Bible. Jonathan Lusher and I will discuss a number of things to include the Dual Covenant theory, Messianic Christian Churches and more.

June 6, 2018 Show 

Special Guest: David Billeiter

Retired Law Enforcement Officer, former Justice of the Peace and Pastor. Author of The Rescue (Stopping Child Predators) soon to be released through Xulon Press.

May 16, 2018  Inaugural Broadcast