Email the Show

with Hosts: Michael & Margaret Lynes     Tuesdays at 7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific

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Mission Statement:

Life is a mysterious and terrible and wonderful journey…a trip that we are all on, like it or not. The best part about it are the people we meet along the way, our friends, our family, those we grow to love and who love us back.  Loss is part of everyone’s life, and no one gets off the planet alive. Join us as we talk about our shared journey and discover the soul of the everyman that binds us all together.

Meet Your Co-Hosts Michael and Margaret Lynes

Michael D. Lynes
Mr. Lynes is a serial entrepreneur who enjoys dry red wine and single malt scotch. When not occupied with arcane engineering projects he spends his time playing with his two grandchildren, baking bread, feeding seasoned hardwood into his ancient Timberline woodstove, working on his various cars, bird watching and taking amateur photographs. His current menagerie includes one short-haired turtle shell cat and a pair of actual turtles.
His last book, There Is A Reaper: Losing a Child to Cancer, was an Indie B.R.A.G. Gold Medallion Honoree in January 2017, a silver-medal winner of the 2016 Readers’ Favorite International Book Awards for Memoir, a medalist in the 2015 New Apple Book Awards for Memoir, a winner of the 2015 TISBA (The Indie Spiritual Book Awards), and a finalist in both the Independent Author Network 2015 Book of the Year award and the Beverly Hills Book Awards for 2015. Mr. Lynes was awarded a BSEE degree in Electrical Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology and currently works as an embedded software engineer. He has a consuming interest in the science of emotion as promulgated by Dr. Paul Ekman and has made a comprehensive study of his Face and Emotion courses.
Mr. Lynes has four sons, has been married for over thirty years and currently lives with his wife and youngest son in the beautiful secluded hills of Sussex County, NJ.

Margaret B. Lynes

Ms. Lynes likes her coffee they way she likes her men, strong and sweet! She is a business owner who has been trained in both the science and spirituality of earth’s minerals; everything from designing and making her own jewelry to using crystals as tools for energy work and healing. She is also a consummate and adventurous cook and loves to explore new dishes and create her own unique recipes. Ms. Lynes was the owner and operator of The Rock and Gem Store, a mineral and gem shop that she ran for over a decade. At the shop she taught courses in grounding, meditation and healing, as well as carrying a wide selection of exotic gemstones, crystal specimens from around the world and a beautiful assortment of cut stones and jewelry. Ms. Lynes is a ‘people person’ who enjoys meeting with everyone. Often she is called to read deeply into internal their energy flows - removing blocks and restoring balance. She connects up to the divine, becoming a conduit for guidance that they need to hear.  Ms. Lynes has spent a great deal of her life studying the spiritual arts. She has been trained in energy work, grounding, and chi infusion, studying under Master Jack Teoh, a Tibetan Monk and world champion martial artist. She has also studied Pranayama Yoga, yoga that deals with breath and breath control to enhance and move the energy flows within the body. Ms Lynes has four sons, two grandchildren and has been married for over thirty years. Her favorite place to relax is a sandy beach looking out over the ocean. She currently lives with her spouse in the beautiful secluded hills of Sussex County, NJ.

Michael is the Author of 4 books:

Time For Blood

For Book Click Here

Destroyer's Blood

For Book Click Here

There Is A Reaper. Losing A Child To Cancer

A True Story       For Book Click Here

The Fat Man Gets Out of Bed

For Book Click Here


Social Media Links: 

Twitter: @woodheat    #soulof everyman     Website:


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Sorrow is unavoidable and NECESSARY.

It is the JOYLESS life that has no SORROW.

We discuss . . .


All experience is in the eye of the beholder. . .

We are not in the Universe as much as the Universe is in US, our Consciousness.

Being Fully means Seeing Clearly.

We discuss. . .


How do I know if I am on the right path? If I'm having the right experience?

Know that you are exactly where you need to be, doing exactly what you need to do, 


We discuss. . .


Trust and Betrayal

TRUST is easy to lose and hard to regain

Betrayal is a Gut Punch, wrenching the HEART, and burning the SOUL.

We discuss. . .


Are you Prepared to DIE?


Then. . .how can you LIVE?

We discuss. . .



"Pain and SUFFERING can carve depth in your character in ways that COMFORT never could."

We discuss. . .


Who writes your name

in the Book of Life,

 and, HOW is it written?

We discuss. . .


Why are you so ANGRY?

Learn to Identify it,

Find its ROOT

and OVERCOME it. 

We discuss. . .


On Joy and Sorrow

A poem by Khalil Gibran

We discuss. . .


Matter or SPIRIT

Which one is more REAL?

We discuss. . .




Your focus IS your reality. . . don’t misplace it.


Pain Body results from False Identity, a misplaced FOCUS.


Proper focus becomes Conscious Awareness. . .


Everything depends on INTENT


We discuss. . .


Stoicism Understood. . .

We discuss


Gratitude - Thanksgiving - Prayer

We need more of all three. . .

We discuss.






We discuss . . .






or the capacity to RULE over OTHERS


True power comes from CHOICE,


and choice comes from WITHIN.


We discuss. . .


Walking through HELL 

for dummies (like us)

We discuss. . .


Definitions are like a BOX.


THINGS belong in BOXES


BEINGS do NOT. . .


We discuss...


Discovering the 


We discuss. . .



Why do we have one?

Where does it come from?

Would we all be better off without one?

We discuss...

10-8-2024 Does the Universe exist because of free will

or in spite of it?

We discuss...


When given the choice,



Choose NOW

Choose LIFE


We discuss.



Stupidity’s Ancient Foe. . .

How to use the Socratic Method in the Internet Age.



No greater force exists in the UNIVERSE.

We discuss. . .


The Five Stages of GOD. . .


We discuss


Emotional Resilience 

Life is full of storms. Sudden upsets that seem to blow in out of nowhere and wreak havoc on the Ship of your Life.

No one can avoid all storms. It is foolish even to try.

The key is in how you navigate them.

We discuss. . .



The root of KINDNESS is Compassion

The root of COMPASSION 

is to see Yourself in the Other

The root of All Beings is SOURCE

We discuss. . .


Expectations are the root of all SUFFERING

ACCEPT what IS. 

Move beyond it.


We discuss. . .


The Causal Universe,

and our ability to use Reason to discover its fundamental truths, reveals the Presence of Source, the Primary Mover.

This Ultimate Consciousness pre-exists and underlies Creation as a whole, and is reflected within our own Consciousness.

We discuss. . .

7-16-2024 Relationships Vs. EGO

Relationships seem to be an elusive commodity in the modern world.

Frustration and Despair rise in direct proportion to the amount of EGO that pollutes expectations.

Genuine relationships minimize EGO. They are forged from Common Experiences, Attentiveness, and Openness.

We discuss. . .

7-9-2024 Negative Self-Talk

Voices in your head, self-talk that sounds so reasonable and convincing, it's almost impossible to ignore.

The internal voice sounds like you, and it wants to convince you that it's always right, lulling you into hypnotic compliance with its incessant, and sometimes self-destructive, monologue.

Awakening from this spell requires an act of will.

Seek the true I - beneath the chatter.

We discuss. . .

7-2-2024 It's


Our selection for discussion is:

On Death - by Kalil Gibran.

Buckle up. . .

6-25-2024 Quantum Consciousness:

Objective Consciousness via Orchestrated Objective Reduction [Orch OR] cannot be defined.

In a fundamental way is outside of all rules and means of understanding.

Sir Rodger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff theorize that consciousness arises from a quantum phenomenon.

New discoveries support their theory.

We discuss. . .



To confuse the Personal with the Intimate is to confuse the Sun with the Light it emits, or to conflate the Body with the Soul it contains. 

Personal Awareness, "Who am I? What is my job? Where do I live? What is expected of me? What do I like or dislike?", is far different from Intimate Awareness, the feeling of Presence, of the eternal Moment of Now

The Personal is the Ego, the Little I

The Intimate is the Now, the vast I AM. . .

We discuss.

6-4-2024 NOW

This simple three letter word encompasses every moment of your life, every moment of all existence, yet -- it is impossible to codify in thought.

NOW is being - pure existence - the true IAM.

We discuss. . .


Our brains are electro-magnetic-organic structures, deeply influenced by their energetic environment.


Quantum theory has shown that Consciousness is beyond the physical, transduced, rather than produced by this organ.


The Brain is our interface, not our origin.


Electromagnetism, EMF, magnetism, and even solar storms, affect consciousness. 


Just as waves in water change sunlight as it passes through, refracting and reflecting physical reality.


We discuss. . .


Uneasetensiondismay, and distress. . .


Our world seems full of these things.


People are on edge -- the smallest thing can ignite a virulent response.


What is the source?


How can we fight the disquiet of the soul?


We discuss. . .

4-30-2024 Love and Understanding are Rare. . .

To find them individually seems difficult, perhaps impossible.

Compassion is their unifying principle.

Being Present in full awareness is your connection. . .

We discuss.

4-16-2024 Desire. . .

We all want things.

They can be physical objects, or positions of esteem and power.

Fulfillment of our desires is always the future, forever out of reach.

Do we get what we want?  Or what we deserve?

We discuss. . .

4-9-2024 The EGO is Untouchable and Invincible. . .

Its power grows as you struggle against it, feeding like a parasite in the darkness.

The Light of Consciousness is your sword, cutting like a sunbeam through shadow.

We discuss. . .

4-2-2024 Fate:

As Thoreau famously said, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation."

Buddhists call it Samsara, the endless wheel of Karma.

The source of this desperation is the Unobserved Unconscious, the feeling of being trapped in the Pain Body.

The Light of Consciousness brings awareness to this spinning darkness,

We discuss. . .

2024-03-26 Authenticity:

How do we know when we are being Authentic?

 How do we come to the Authentic SELF and not the EGO self?

Authenticity is Creative, it engenders Trust and Love.

It is revealed when we suffer, when we struggle and overcome.

We discuss. . .

2024-03-19 CREATIVITY

The process of bringing something new into existence is associated deeply with Presence and Being.

True creative force flows from our connection to Source.

Stillness is the root creation and the path to our creative power.

We discuss.

2-27-2024 The Spirit of Contention

Affects every relationship, both human to human and human to source.

Disarming contention is the first step onto the pollen path .. .the beauty way.

We discuss. . .
2-13-2024 IT'S POETRY NIGHT!

And the subject is FEAR.

The amazing Kalil Gibran is our author and our muse

We discuss. . .

2-6-2024 Courage:
The courage of one's convictions is a rare quality. Very few have the capacity to stand up, in the face of the opinion of the crowd, or society, or the majority, and choose what they believe is right, or love themselves enough to not care what others think.
We discuss. . .
1-30-2024 Life without end is life without MEANING.

Limitations and Mortality are what make life precious.

They make our actions MATTER.

We discuss. . .

1-23-2024 Suffering also TAKES time - -

stealing from your present LIFE.

Fear of suffering can rule us.

The Memory of suffering can cripple us.

Live without suffering in the NOW

We discuss. . .

1-16-2024 Problems:

We all have them, and in the worst case they seem to come from within.

The EGO loves identifying problems, and its toxic voice can be internalized, finding fault in all that we do.

All of this falls within the "Dilemma of Me. . ." The ego-persona which wishes to exist in our thinking mind.

This is our only true problem.

We discuss.

1-9-2024 Unconditional. . .

Love is a word in the same way that Death is a word.

We see a symbol, move our breath, utter a sound, and, we think we know it.

We no more understand Love than we do Death.

Both are beyond us, and both are Unconditional. . .

We discuss.
1-2-2024 Non-Attachment: Stoicism

Conserve your attention!

Guard your engagement with people, and avoid emotional attachments.

People engage in melodrama. They wish to feed on your energy and occupy your awareness.

Do not give your attention haphazardly

Detach from PEOPLE and find your inner PEACE

We discuss. . .
12-26-2023 You are NOT special:

On the other hand,

you are a unique and irreproducible creation,

living a life of extraordinary exceptionality.

Both these things are true.

We discuss. . .


Gratitude: The root of JOY is GRATITUDE.


Far too often we neglect to be grateful for what we already have.  

We spend our days seeking that which we lack, rather than accepting and being thankful for what we have.


Ingratitude brings negativity, envy, and resentment – stealing our Joy in the Present Moment of NOW.


In this world with all its troubles, more than ever we must be mindful of our blessings.


We discuss. . .


The WORLD is a pathless wilderness.


There are no maps, no shortcuts.


No wrong way.  No right track.


Life is an adventure to be LIVED.


We discuss. . .


Why Be Good?


Being good means following the rules, playing fair, and doing unto others as you would have them do to you.

But why?


Often the motive is a selfish one, an unspoken “Quid pro Quo” or “This gets that”.


If I am good, we reason, then good will come to me.

We deserve it.


But this is FALSE.


Life does not care if we are good. Bad things come regardless. Good is not a reward.

Bad is not a punishment.


We discuss. . .


Overcoming Past Trauma


Memory is crucial to our ability to function.


But it is a two-edged sword, and living in a world warped by the past is stultifying and stressful.


Overcoming and integrating Past Trauma is the key to unlocking Present Joy


We discuss. . .




And we’re picking one of our favorites by Longfellow:


A Psalm of Life. . .






You are not.


Sartre, Niechtzhe, and Camus proved that the Universe is absurd, without meaning, void, and endless.


But the UNIVERSE is contained within your consciousness. It exists nowhere else.


Meaning cannot be found in any goal or achievement.

Yet every instant of your existence contains boundless worth.


We discuss. . .



Stupidity is a force of nature. A scion of the fundamental chaos underlying the universe - it channels energy from an infinite source, overcoming any imaginable barrier or safeguard. 

Few prisons are so vast, deep, or dire.

We discuss. . .



Habits are spirits. They posses you. They can shape your life and the lives of those around you. They have the power to animate your body. They enable EGO and energize the PAIN Body.

Habits can be a prison - easy to get into - difficult to escape.

We discuss. . .


Prison Series Part 5


The Prison of Anxiety Continued:


Escaping the Prison


The Prison of Anxiety is dark and deep.


Those trapped inside often need guidance to escape.


We discuss. . .


Part five in the PRISON Series:


Anxiety, Worry, Stress, Tension. . .


All come from living in the unknown FUTURE instead of the present moment of NOW.


Your focus is on that which ‘could be’ or ‘might be’ – stealing enjoyment from your present life.


Worry is toxic to the soul – a prison made of imagined fear.


We discuss. . .


Sacrifice is the key to MEANING

What is meaningful in your life? Relationships, Conversations, Goals.

All require SACRIFICE to achieve, and all have meaning in direct proportion to how much you sacrificed for them.

A meaningful experience requires sacrifice. An EASY life is also a MEANINGLESS one.

We discuss. . .


Prison Series Part Four: The PRISON of GUILT


Atonement or At-One-Ment is the sense that you must reunite with one that you have separated yourself from.


 Our actions separate us from our loved ones.


 ATONEMENT brings us back into alignment with them.

The sense of Guilt, Shame for one's actions, Realization that you have wronged another, Action to admit your transgression, and finally to make Restitution.


These are all phases of ATONEMENT.

It is, as Dostoyevsky says, “. . .what we must do. . .”

We discuss



Can you AFFORD your EGO?

The cost of the unobserved EGO, in experience, relationships, somatic illness, and wasted energy can be enormous. Few realize how much of their limited and precious lives are spent feeding this insatiable monster.

The solution lies within, but it requires the WILL to choose it.

We discuss. . .


Prison Series Part Three: The PRISON of NARCISSISM


The Prison of the Mind is built from more than Dogma and Rules.  It is also walled with the mirrors of Self-Love and Self Hate.

The Obsession with Self and the endless Critical Voice of judgment are both manifestations of Ego.

The relationship of Narcissus with his Reflection is an analogy for this internal Duality.

The Ego seeks the imperfect Other, gratifying itself in finding Fault and Lack that can never be assuaged.

The KEY to this PRISON is in our grasp – if we can tear our eyes away from our reflection long enough to use it.

We discuss. . .


Prison Series - Part 2:

The Prison of Unforgiveness 

Just as the Prison of the Mind is Dogma, the Prison of the Soul is Unforgiveness

Unforgiveness traps Consciousness behind bars of Regret and Bitterness.  All present experiences are ignored; all future pursuits are blunted as the parasitic Ego fixates upon the Pain Body and the grievances of the immutable Past. 

Forgiveness is the key to this prison, that and the Will to use it.

We discuss. . .


The Prison of the Mind

The mind is a dogmatic animal.  It craves order.

It needs rules and restrictions,  exceptions and concepts, surety and abstractions.

The Being needs nothing - only to BE.

The Prison of the Mind is self-created. You are Judge, Jury, and Jailor.

The only one who can set you FREE - is YOU.


God is Dead

Nietzsche's often quoted plosive aphorism, the meaning of which has been lost in a postmodernist world.

We explore the philosopher's kernel of meaning - God is the absolute, the SOURCE from which we all spring.  If God is dead so is meaning, and consciousness itself. 

The death of God is the conceit of the EGO.

We discuss. . .


The Dark Night of the Soul

Common to all Human experience - the dark night symbolizes spiritual destruction. The Ego comes to its end, and all that it depends upon suddenly seems meaningless. 

All heroic journeys contain the Dark Night, the moment when all is lost.  For it is only in Darkness that we can see the Light.

We discuss. . .

8-1-2023 The Origin of Freedom - questions. . .

We have Free Will.

But, why are we free? 

What allowed us to internalize, conceptualize, and be free?

We discuss. . .


The religion of SOLITUDE.

Isolation is both a shield and a weapon. Brilliance and originality can attract accolades, or inspire vicious rejection.  

The degree of rigidity in a society is often a measure of its danger to free thought.

Solitude is tolerable, and the Original and Brilliant may choose it for safety as much as their comfort.

We discuss. . .


The Soul of the Everyman

meaning the unique incarnate portion of the eternal Spirit that is you,

needs three things:

To be SEEN,

To be KNOWN,

and to understand its PURPOSE

We discuss. . .


Unconscious Resentment:

There is a phrase that goes - "We're not happy until you're not happy."

It's meant as a joke, but all too often it rings true.

Unacknowledged resentment of others can become poison, robbing you of joy, and leading to bitterness and envy.  

Recognizing this feeling is the first important step towards releasing negativity from your life. 

We discuss. . .

6-20-2023 LIFE

Nobody gets off this coaster alive, and nobody gets to decide where the cars take them, how steep the drops are, or when the ride ends. 

The Ego wants to control all these things and it feels helpless when it cannot.

The Being knows it has the ultimate choice - to take what life gives and enjoy it, or not.

We discuss. . . 


As Yamamoto Tsunetomo said: 

"(If) one is able to live as though his body were already dead, he gains freedom in the Way."

The death of the body, the mind, or the Ego, is not a true death. It is death in concept, in fear only.  

People fear death because they see it through the false eyes of the Ego.  But, as Yamamoto says, in living as though one were already dead, a death of the Ego rather than a physical death, one is in the moment of NOW, and there is no death.

We discuss. . . 


One person's trash is another's treasure.  Things, in and of themselves, are valueless.  

No thing or situation is intrinsically good or bad. It is all a matter of PERSPECTIVE.  

Thoughts, and their associated emotions, are tied to JUDGEMENT.  Happiness, on the other hand, resides in the BEING of the BEHOLDER.

We discuss. . .


Heroic Transformation

The way of the Hero is a frightening one.  He or she is not a super-being, but rather an ordinary person, thrust unwillingly into extraordinary circumstances. 


The Hero journeys outside of ordinary reality, with no clear sight of the challenges they may be required to face.

To survive, they must not find identity in the struggle, but rather in the transformative path that exists within themselves.


It is in Trusting their choice that they will find that they are equal to, or greater than, the task set before them.


We discuss. . .

5-23-2023 It's POETRY NIGHT!

And the topic is Marriage. . .

You are in for a Wild Ride.

We discuss. . .

Peace is not something that you get, or that can be given to you.  Peace is something that you can have at any time, yet it often seems unobtainable.
The root of PEACE is acceptance, the embracing of the Is-ness of NOW.
NOW IS - that is all. 
NOW is not here for you to change, or to like or dislike. 
NOW is here for you to BE, and, in BEING - experience fully.
With this realization comes peace, and the ability to act freely in the NOW.

We discuss. . .



All of our senses tell us that form is real, and it is.  

Our Ego tells us that Form is ALL, and it is not.  

The Ego dwells in endless forms, and is terrified when it thinks of form changing or ending.  

Consciousness, our BEING, is beyond FORM.

Our true nature is formless, infinite, and timeless.

We discuss. . .



Our Reality is a boundless, infinite continuum.  Our form is an infinitesimal speck within it.  Reality is completely and totally real, but it is not what we perceive. 

Our words are abstractions, concepts through which our limited thoughts and ego-persona attempt to bind our experience.  All this is TRUE, yet still, our beings are vast enough to hold the Universe within.

We discuss. . .

Responsibility: it's the only thing that gives life meaning.  

In a free society, you are free to live with no responsibility whatsoever

The price of that choice is - nothing matters.

In reality, Life - every moment - is a precious gift. 

EVERYTHING matters - but - you have to take responsibility.

We discuss. . .

Give up!  

Give up spending all of your life trying to define yourself, or fighting against how others define you. 

Give up - as Tolle says - and you won't die, you won't cease to exist - rather you will have the present NOW, and you will have an abundant LIFE.

We discuss. . .

Listening. . . 
We all want to say our piece and speak our mind.  In conversation, often it feels like the person you are speaking to is just waiting for your lips to stop moving so they can interject.  

Active communication is all about LISTENING, far more than speaking. Your words are useless if the other does not receive them. Similarly, you must provide the other with a space to be heard.

We discuss. . . 
4-4-2023 We all see the world through our own lens.

The entire universe exists nowhere except within our minds-eye, our consciousness, and awareness.

Your ego-persona, or character, can be an impediment to clear sight.

Your opinion is no more than a reflection of that ego.

We discuss. . .

3-28-2023 Children - all of us really - are embodiments of Spirit - connected to Source.
We are Beings, temporarily incarnate, and blinded to our true nature. We come to this world to Dream the Common Dream.
We move from helpless Child to Adult, to Parent and Caregiver, and lastly, to one who receives Care. A vital and necessary path.
We experience the Arc of Life itself as unique Beings, and yet we are bound by the common experience of LIFE to ALL.
We discuss. . .
3-21-2023 The Universe is not Reality.
Reality is what our incarnate senses Perceive.
The Universe is REAL but it is not what we see.

We are Beings that are emanations of God or SOURCE.
Our Incarnation allows us to Experience the Universe.
What we call Reality is that totality of Perception.
Emanations from SOURCE is what we ARE.

We discuss. . .
3-14-2023 Man, as always, is his own worst enemy.

Taken in the aggregate, we are Yin and Yang, Darkness and Light, and our dual nature leads to both individual acts of cruelty as well as crimes against humanity itself.

Psychic Epidemics are often the most destructive of these attacks.

Awareness and the freedom of the unfettered Spirit are our most powerful defenses.

We discuss. . .
Frustration - Irritation - these feelings seem to be constants in life.  

The solution is not power or control - it is AWARENESS

With awareness comes the ability to CHOOSE.

You choose to accept, to be happy in the moment of NOW whatever it is. 

Irritation and Frustration are gone, and PEACE is yours. 

We discuss

2-28-2023 Relationships:

the difference between 

Happiness and Consciousness

 - we discuss. . .

Extremes. . . Anarchy or Tyranny?

They seem to be opposites, forcing a choice between one or the other, but this is an illusion.

Both lead to destruction and death.  

Both deny the Human Spirit and injure Free Will.

We discuss.



rule the world


End of sentence.

We discuss. . .

2-7-2023 Courage:
The courage of one's convictions is a rare quality. Very few have the capacity to stand up, in the face of the opinion of the crowd, or society, or the majority, and choose what they believe is right, or love themselves enough to not care what others think.
We discuss. . .

Experience is the root of Wisdom,

the heart of knowledge holds Joy,

and no one is Great who forgets their beginnings. . .

we discuss.

1-24-2023 Religions come in all shapes and sizes.

They are all about RULES, who is in, who is out, who is right, and who is wrong.

The EGO is an ENTITY that seeks IDENTITY, and religion of any sort feeds it. 

We discuss. . .

1-17-2023 Humans:

Our lives are an experiential journey, and shared experience -- in the form of wisdom passed to newer incarnate beings -- builds and amplifies over time.

As the twig is bent, so the Tree will grow.

We discuss. . .

1-10-2023 "I'm OFFENDED!" 

What are the root causes for this oft-heard phrase? 

The feeling of offense is driven by the EGO. 

The EGO identifies itself with its thoughts and emotions. 

When it encounters disagreement - it feels threatened, and it attacks.

We discuss.

1-3-2023 The beginning of a new year is a good time to reflect and count your blessings.

For every moment of your life, two things are true:

Your Happiness is entirely within your control.

Your Outcomes are not.

We discuss.

12-27-2022 Fear can arise in an instant - overwhelming us and driving our actions.  

We can feel trapped by fear, and the fear of pain or suffering can be worse than the pain itself.  

Facing your fear, as difficult as it seems, is the key.  

We discuss

Solstice, Yule, and Christmas are times of deep stillness.

 Open your awareness. 

Hold to Joy, Love, and Peace. 

 Take time to simply BE. . .


Presence is not the act of WAITING -

 it is intentional STILLNESS.

We discuss...



Nothing stirs the ego more than being forced to WAIT

If you want to see the ego in a furious display, sit in any airport terminal lounge and watch the reaction when the flight is delayed.

Waiting feeds the ego’s need for attention, sending it into paroxysms of rage and storytelling.

Learn that the present moment, the one you are in NOW, is also the perfect moment. 

Don’t wait – BE!


Fear can be useful – or destructive.

We discuss


What you give your ATTENTION to is YOU

If you are anxious about the future, you become WORRY.

If you focus on past sadness and loss, then you become LOSS.

To transform yourself, you must give your full attention to the PRESENT Moment and the NOW.

Give your full attention to what IS, and you will transform.


You are NOT your thoughts – part 2:

The mind and its creation, the EGO, spend all of their time telling you who they THINK you are. 

One of the greatest spiritual revelations is to realize that YOU are not your thoughts.

You are LIFE, the awareness in which your thoughts occur. 

You are. . .not what you THINK.


Heroic Sacrifice: We see those who sacrifice as noble, or self-effacing. 

But giving one’s life for another is a triumphant act, especially when done willingly, gladly, and in full knowledge of suffering.

The act of true sacrifice is the hallmark of the HERO

We discuss. . .


One alone is bound to the earth –

two together can reach the infinite.

You are in luck. . .it's POETRY NIGHT

and the stars are within reach. 

We discuss. . .


The Ego cannot exist in the NOW.  Therefore as the ego develops it must invent TIME, or rather it invents a RELATIONSHIP with time. 

 The more we do away with this false relationship, the weaker the Ego becomes. The death of the EGO is NOW.

We discuss.

10-18-2022 Donne perhaps said it better - but Thompson is our muse tonight. 

Life is an experience to be lived - seizing each day - each moment of the NOW.  Understand that this WILL cause pain, great joy, suffering, and bliss. Know that this is the ultimate purpose of your life and every life. LIVE! 


Yesterday. . .

it feels real, tangible, but it is an illusion

and a burden that no one should carry. 

Learn from the past – and let it go. . .


10-04-2022 Normalcy:  We are hard-wired to crave it, to somehow make it up despite the reality of circumstances. 

Why do we need NORMAL

We discuss.

9-27-2022 EGO: Humans need to feel superior. We constantly compare ourselves to others, and judge those who are less.

We all want to be ‘special’.

The irony is -- that which makes us special does not make us either greater or less.

We are all UNIQUE. . .but no one is more unique than any other.
9-20-2022 Are you an Angelic? A Spiritual Master? A Guru, Mystic, Light-worker, or Healer?

The journey to enlightenment has many names and forms. But. . .is the Signpost the Destination?
9-13-2022 Defining GOD - part 3:

What does the word GOD mean? Or is our quest for
the definition itself meaningless. . .

We discuss

9-6-2022 Love is an end unto itself - desiring nothing but fulfillment.  It is the ultimate BE-ing state - - needing nothing.  Desire is qualification - a 'mental aspect' of LOVE.  However - with proper intention it can be your guide. . . We discuss.
8-30-2022 The moment of NOW is full of chaos. Things just happen. . .
The EGO wishes to control the NOW - like or dislike it, or pretend it is another time or place.
To be in the moment of now is to understand one simple thing: You cannot control NOW, you can only PERCEIVE and then DECIDE to ACCEPT. . .
8-23-2022 Be the Observer – Part 2

Consciousness is the OBSERVER – the ever-listening spaciousness that is the true YOU.

But – where do YOU come from?

All of us are aspects – individual sparks of Universal Consciousness.



When you talk to yourself, WHO is listening?  Thoughts can't listen, they can only speak. The listener/observer is the real YOU.  

We discuss.

8-9-2022 IMPORTANCE:

What is Important? Are some things more important than others? Does your perception of what is important rule you, or guide you?



We have to suffer them, and do so gladly, for ALL men are fools. . .in their time.

We discuss.


Are you a healer. . .?

The question begs an answer.

We discuss.

7-19-2022 Attachment is the root of all evil. . .

we discuss.

7-12-2022 Balance:

Male and Female – Negative and Positive –

Light and Shadow.

We see balance in all Natural Things and disharmony when that balance is broken.

We discuss. . .


Detach yourself from outcomes,

and make uncertainty your guide and mentor.

In this, you will find true wisdom. 

We discuss.



Becoming who you THINK you are. . . 

We discuss.


You are not of the world

and you are not IN the world either –

you ARE the world. . .

and the world is NOW.


Situations are CIRCUMSTANCE. They come and go, changing as often as the weather or the tides. 


Life is NOW.  At once instantaneous and timeless.  The ephemeral, eternal, and immediate reality of being.

We discuss.


With great POWER comes great RESPONSIBILITY.  The reason for this is simple.  Power is no more than CAPABILITY until there is INTENTION


Power restrained is peace, power unleashed, war.  Powerlessness is neither, it is an invitation to be trampled upon. 


You are powerful. . .choose wisely.

5-31-2022 The Essential Paradox of Suffering:

It is unavoidable. . .inevitable. . .

until it is not.

We discuss.

5-24-2022 You will never find wisdom or compassion in the collective. The MOB is always right --- because it destroys all those who oppose it.

Beware the seductive nature of group-think, the effectiveness of any gathering varies by the inverse of the number of attendees.
5-17-2022 Usefulness:

In the modern world, we gauge the value of someone or something by its usefulness. This paradigm is true, but not absolute. The Ego is useful, the Being has intrinsic value.

We discuss.

5-10-2022 Passion:

Love, gusto, sex, focus, intensity, rage, obsession  - each of these holds a facet of passion, but no one of them defines it.  Passion encompasses them all and more. 

We discuss.

5-3-2022 There is liberty in MADNESS

and madness at the heart of FREEDOM

Come, follow us. . .

be free. . .and mad.

4-26-2022 What is the secret to living a MEANINGFUL life?

It is a Mystery. . .we discuss.


The mind of GOD – unknowable, except in humankind’s greatest conceit, yet we all yearn to understand from whence we come and to whom we owe our spark.  Uncle Albert felt the same longing – we discuss. . .



4-12-2022 It is said that there is poverty in ignorance and wealth in knowledge. But Ignorance is to Knowledge as one side of a coin is to the other. Heads, or Tails? The true path to wisdom lies in not flipping the coin.


There is power in controlling the definition of who and what are conscious.  Those beings who are taught that consciousness is equal to physical perception teeter upon the edge of non-existence. True awareness accepts no control or constraint.

We explore and discuss.


Do - - - or Do Not


Words of Wisdom that require only one thing. 


A Decision. . . .


What is the source of suffering?

Human existence consists of Confrontations between the finite and the infinite.

We discuss. . .


3-8-2022 Ignorance is a luxury beyond all price. . .and, those who purchase it live empty lives. 

 We discuss the injury of ignorance.

3-1-2022 Fear is a MATRIX that can trap your thoughts and baffle your actions. 

The key to combat fear is not courage – it is DISCERNMENT

We discuss.

2-22-2022 A life half-lived is no life at all.

It’s Poetry Night - - -

and we’re going ALL the WAY. . .

2-15-2022 Question:

Are you living your life. . .

or just narrating it? We discuss.

2-8-2022 Life is Pointless - - -

as it should be. We discuss.

2-1-2022 Obedience vs Morality:

In our lives, we will encounter challenges. Inflection points where we must make a decision - often with far-ranging consequences.

The choice is between what we are told to do, by society, or law, or those in Authority, and that which we know to be inherently right.

At these crucial junctures, it is the guidance of our hearts which must prevail.


We place a great deal of emphasis on this word, but what do we mean by it?  To be educated in many ways is to become progressively more 'unteachable'. The I Know becomes our mantra.  The key is to remain unchanged, retain the essential essence of your innate natural innocence. Always be the student - never the master.


You can't wait. . .none of us can.  Waiting for life to make you happy never ends.  The only way to find happiness is to Be Happiness.


1-11-2022 You can teach a person to construct something perfectly, repeatably, and with skill.  Creation, on the other hand, cannot be taught. It is the difference between art and artistry, between inspiration and inference.  We are born to be Creators. . .


Why do we allow it?  Why do we cultivate a relationship with pain, or with those who cause it?  The Pain-Body, and our IDENTIFICATION with it, is at the root of our relationship with PAIN.  Knowing this fact is the first step towards severing the hold that pain has on our lives.


Free Will

Free Will is what separates the Creation from US, the beings which are embodied within it.  It is the evidence of our connection to Source – to the vastness from which we have come.  Free Will puts us on equal footing with the Creator – for what else except this power allows us to say NO. . .



Truth does not suffer fools – or lies

The truth is an absolute – regardless of your opinion and in spite of your feelings. 

Bend to it or live a lie.

12-14-2021 Reason and Passion

essential atomic elements that make up the soul-being of everyman. We need them for life. For without reason life is rudderless, and without passion, life is powerless. . . We discuss.

12-07-2021 Prayer:

It is the universal voice of the Soul of Man – that spirit within us all which cries out to God our creator.

We discuss the relationship between Man – the Creator and the Creation.



Dreams are what make life worth living. 

Without them, we are dull, diminished, and without hope for

 a tomorrow that is better than TODAY.



The stress. . .the hate. . .

the essential need to forgive and be forgiven

 All in great thankfulness.  We discuss. . .

11-16-2021 Tomorrow NEVER comes.

Live NOW.


11-9-2021 Great Minds

are often associated with Great Souls, Great Spirits, and profound Consciousnesses. However: The difference between the Great, the Average, and the Small is PERSPECTIVE.


11-2-2021 Domination:

To be made inferior to another you must consent. Oppressors do not merely wish to oppress, rather they wish to break your spirit, and thereby own that which is most precious. Your FREE WILL.


We all dream the impossible dream.  We all fight the unbeatable foe.  Unbearable sorrow is our constant companion in this Vale of Tears.  What sustains us is the Nobility that is at our core.


10-19-2021 Invincible: We are all unbreakable – if we chose to be.
10-12-2021 Just as Darkness is the absence of Light -- Evil is not a thing unto itself. . .It is merely the absence of GOOD. 
10-5-2021 Can the ego surrender itself to the light of Consciousness?

The proposal is couched in the terms of a battle.

But who is the enemy. . .?

We discuss.

9-28-2021 Manifestation is not always about THINGS. Things are form -- ephemeral and time-bound. They dissolve as all form does.

You – the time-less spirit, incarnate in form for a brief moment – you need to believe in what you desire to BE – and then BE it.
9-21-2021 Peace

It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.  – Unknown


9-14-2021 When confronted with a situation - the response of the ego is to create drama.  The response of the mind is denial or justification.  Guard your responses – don’t engage.  As with the Zen Master Hakuin – respond with the simple phrase:  Is that so?
9-7-2021 The Mind needs a break from the gluttony of thought. Removing the feast of constant spin, distraction and the sugar-high of our own ideas puts the mind into a state of fasting. Sharpen your mind by giving it a rest from the excess – it will be leaner and more fit for the Being State of LIFE.
8-31-2021 TRUTH

it is the only thing that Lasts

and the only thing that Matters.

8-24-2021 What is the meaning of life?

We explore the essential paradox in this question.

8-17-2021 Beware the BARRENNESS of a BUSY Life. . .
8-10-2021 People ruin Beautiful Things

. . .but why? We discuss.

8-3-2021 Intention is often confused with manifestation.

Intention is a being state – manifestation is a doing state. What role does your INTENTION play in your life choices?

7-27-2021 No one can choose their moments

but everyone can choose their reaction. Claim all your moments and accept them, for they are precious beyond measure, and they are yours.

7-20-2021 Hardening of the Heart:

One of the Heart’s great secrets is its ability to harden. It is both a defense and an obstacle. We discuss this hidden human power.


7-13-2021 You have to trust yourself

because you have no choice. We discuss TRUST in the context of the irreducibility of perception in individual consciousness

7-6-2021 Trust: Who do you trust? Can you Trust anyone?

The sacred commodity of trust has been broken – exploited by our hyper-connected world and made almost meaningless. How can we rebuild it? Where do we start? We discuss.

6-29-2021 Do you live your life by burning SHIPS or BRIDGES?

We discuss.

6-22-2021 Steadfastness:

What does it mean to be steadfast? When the winds of adversity blow, do you allow yourself to be taken off course? Or when caught in a great storm, do you hold to your principles, and remain true to your purpose?

Those who follow the path of truth, seen with the eyes of the heart, build their strength and feed the bright flame of hope for others.

6-15-2021 We are the stories we tell ourselves – but why do we trust and believe them?

We discuss our inherent need to tell ourselves stories, assign motive and blame, and always, ALWAYS be right. . .


We all crave Certainty

  Things and people that offer us the illusion of certainty can be used to entrap us or manipulate our actions. 

When we become comfortable with uncertainty, with not knowing -- then we can be Free.

6-1-2021 Rose-colored Glasses:

We discuss the various ways that this phrase is used – always keeping in mind that Pessimists may be more realistic – but Optimists are happier, and live longer. . .

5-25-2021 Failure and Success:

Polar opposites separated by only one thing – the willingness to FAIL. As Edison surely believed, and Eddie Cantor once said

It took me twenty years to become an overnight success.

Allow yourself the space to fail, and the grace to try again.

5-18-2021 Hummingbird:

We discuss the meaning of the hummingbird to the human soul: The energetic, medicinal, and physical manifestation of the Hummingbird, and what it symbolizes as a totem or spirit animal.

5-11-2021 Living beyond Fear:

Fear stops at the Third Chakra. The First (root) holds the fear of non-existence. The Second (sex/food) holds the fear of lack. The Third holds the fear of being powerless. Beyond this – fear cannot exist. To live beyond Fear you have to reach the Heart.

5-3-2021 Free Will and the Infinite Universe:

What role does Free Will play in a Universe of infinite possibilities?

4-27-2021 Doubt versus Faith

The wise will know that it is impossible to have one without the other.

4-20-2021 The breath is the King of the MIND. . .

Breath = life force = chi.

The mind follows the breath. RUACH = the I AM

4-13-2021 Security: Why do we seem to crave it?

At best it is an illusion – at worst, a prison.

4-6-2021 4th Anniversary Broadcast!

Keep those you love in your Heart:

We exist here to move our Love past the physical or temporal, and into the eternal. The path of unconditional love, that leads to the Creator, starts with placing all those you love into your HEART.

3-30-2021 Choices made out of fear don’t stay choices

. . .they become habits. By choosing the mistake again, and again, it becomes a cage of chains, an unconscious substitute for your true identity.

3-23-2021 Poverty of SPIRIT:

It is the true epidemic that plagues our modern world. Material abundance is everywhere, yet it does not fill the void. True wealth resides within.

3-16-2021 On Pain

We discuss the beautiful poem by Kahlil Gibran, and relate his words to our present-day lives.

On Pain   Kahlil Gibran - 1883-1931

And a woman spoke, saying, Tell us of Pain.
And he said:
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.

3-9-2021 Honor the Broken

The Japanese mend porcelain by fusing the shards with pure gold. Their brokenness is not concealed. It is honored.

3-2-2021 The killer of life is routine.

We are tempted to exist in the past, or future, or some other fantasy of our imaginations. To truly live - - we must BE in the moment.


2-23-2021 Secret Perception:

Appearances are meant to be deceiving. We all are hidden – most times for our own good.

2-16-2021 Love:

You can't love unless you lose yourself completely. The first obstacle to love is YOU.

2-9-2021 What hurts worse – the anticipation of PAIN or the pain itself? Our imaginations are powerful tools for creation and learning. But they can also provoke or extend needless suffering. Let the reality of any situation be your guide. True comfort comes from being grounded in the NOW.
2-2-2021 The heart of injustice, cruelty, and needless aggression is weakness. Weak people lash out at others to cover their own inadequacy. Justice and Mercy are given by the strong, and confident. A weak person acts to benefit themselves. No matter how powerful they appear, they are always the victim…
1-26-2021 Art is often defined as having great talent and then pursuing it to the fullest. This is true but limiting.

In this incarnation, Life is its own over-arching purpose, and the ‘art’ of living is one that we can all share in.

But – as Alexander Pope said, we must ‘…drink deep…’ and force ourselves into the secrets of our life-art – for only then can we raise our mundane existence towards the Eternal.
1-19-2021 The Courage of your Convictions is egoless.

If you have not been taken to the point where doing what is right trumps what is good for you personally - - then you don’t yet comprehend.


The seeds of many things are planted in us, every day of our lives

 They sprout within us – but only the ones we nourish can grow.

Take care what you feed.

1-5-2021 The great AUM is the confluence of all human sounds -- and something more.

We discuss this relationship in the context of Winter-time, the necessary season of rest.

12-29-2020 We Choose JOY
12-22-2020 Defeat:

We all must suffer it, and ultimately we must make our peace with it. . .for within all our defeats there lie the seeds of Victory. .

12-15-2020 The Relativity of Time – PART 2:

We discuss some of the aspects of the mystery we call Time.

12-8-2020 Vanity Part 2:

The Vanity of the Soul – we continue our exploration of this all-consuming topic.

12-1-2020 The Root of Sorrow:

The sorrow that we feel when we are separated from our loved ones by death stems from the body. The spirit observes the sorrow but does not participate. The truth is that there is no separation.

11-24-2020 Even the Healer needs Healing.

 We discuss the destructive effects of being too giving – too selfless. None among us – even the strongest – ever loses the right to be weak, the need to be broken, and the grace to accept healing.

11-17-2020 Healers are people who can listen to your pain without bringing up theirs. They are wounded. In conquering their own adversity they acquire the power to bring light to others.
11-10-2020 We were not born into this world to escape unscathed.

Life is about growth, trial, and change.

11-3-2020 Time:

The relativity of Time. We discuss Time and how we experience it and live within it.

10-27-2020 Vanity:

We discuss this quintessentially human conceit. People associate vanity with the physical, but it is the vanity of the Mind which impoverishes the Soul. With thanks to the poet/scribe of Ecclesiastes, Thomas Merton, and many others.

10-20-2020 The FIGHT:

It doesn't matter what they say. It doesn’t matter what happens or if you win or lose. You Fight On. It is the fight that matters.

10-13-2020 Emotional Thinking:

Two words that just don’t go together. . .

We discuss the difference between Emotional Thinking and using your Emotions and Feelings to inform Thought.

10-6-2020 Fame

Too many people seek fame and notoriety in place of true relationships. We talk about fame and how seeking it can lead to toxic effects on your being.


Spirit versus Soul

Concepts that are often confused – we discuss the differences and the important role of both.

9-22-2020 Serial rigidity vs. true flexibility:

Flexible thinkers have the confidence to both hold deep convictions and consider new information that might cause your position to change. They always support the scientific method and let reality overrule theory. Ideologues are the only ones who hold on to dogma in the face of facts.

9-15-2020 Following your guidance:

How listening to your inner voice, and giving permission for grace, can guide you through troubled times in your life.

9-8-2020 Social Media is more about Hiding than Communicating.

It increases distance rather than promoting connection. It encourages intolerance. Its more about who you think you are, or who you think you want to be than who you are.


9-1-2020 What does it mean to Own?

We discuss the concept and roots of ownership.

8-25-2020 DETACHMENT:

We discuss the concept of detachment and how to employ it as one of your essential life-skills.

8-18-2020 “Grief is not a task to finish. . .

It is a new definition of self"

We discuss the journey that we all share.

The journey of grief.


8-11-2020 Wherever you go – there you are.

People are always trying to find themselves – but who told you you were lost?

8-4-2020 Intimacy is not about the physical –  it’s about Trust.

We discuss who you can be intimate with.

7-28-2020 Life is a battle – or a hundred separate battles.

The outcome is uncertain but we need not fear the results. We discuss the battle of Life according to Sun Tzu.

7-21-2020 Dealing with people who WANT to be the problem.

We discuss the perverse enjoyment some people get from

being a PITA.

7-14-2020 We are all appointed to die.

Sounds depressing – but it’s not. Your existence is not defined by your body.

We discuss Spirit – Soul and Incarnation.

7-7-2020 Power versus Autonomy:

Wanting to have the ability to choose the destiny of others. We discuss the confusion between power and autonomy.

6-30-2020 Love:

When you love someone you make room for them.

Conversely Love by its very nature binds itself.

The balance of boundaries, both expansion, and circumference, is the dance of the energy of love.


6-23-2020 Greatness:

Does not come from your surroundings. It’s all in what you choose to look at. It is a tool – never a weapon, and it grows. Greatness releases greatness unselfishly in others, it maintains honor.

We discuss what makes us great.
6-16-2020 The Fifth Dimension is the dimension of experience.

It is above space-time. Free Will or Choice is the ‘’agent’ of the fifth dimension, moving at right angles to the entropy field of existence.

6-9-2020 Why does it hurt us so much when we see violence?

We explore the root of our reaction to violent acts – and why we feel so strongly about them.

6-2-2020 Scars: Wear your scars with pride.

We discuss the visible and invisible marks that result when you decide to survive and allow yourself to heal.
5-26-2020 The rules. . .

Rule #1 and the most important: There are no rules. May and June are the wedding months - We discuss the “rules” for having happy relationships.

5-19-2020 Right and Wrong

When is it wrong to be right? In honor of the great Apologist and Philosopher Ravi Zacharias

5-12-2020 The most powerful deception is Self Deception:

We discuss the pitfalls of trusting your own opinion

 – and how difficult it is to change.

5-5-2020 Honor:

It’s not what you are given that makes you honorable. We discuss Honor and Valor and why they matter

4-28-2020 Nobody is happy – period:

This is the trait that separates us from the rest of creation. The question is why? The answer is a paradox:

To be truly happy – you have to cease caring if you are.

4-21-2020 Life is difficult - - or is it?

We discuss the paradox inherent in the realization of this truth.

4-14-2020 Commitment is what connects

Promise to Fulfillment

we discuss the importance of Promises kept.

4-7-2020 Resurrection - Rebirth - Rising Up:

The spirit of renewal is in us all. It is reflected in Spring festivals, the Pesach, Easter, and all human cultures. We discuss the cycles of retreat, stillness, and rebirth that define our world and our existence.

3-31-2020 3rd Anniversary Broadcast!

Keeping your head:

How to be calm when others are in a STORM. Now more than ever it is needed.

3-24-2020 Freedom is in your mind.

Nothing can cage you - except if you allow it. Likewise nothing can free you from the prison of your own making.

3-17-2020 Surviving ‘world-ending’ Grief changes your perspective.

We discuss the depths of human resilience.

3-10-2020 You cannot be a VICTIM and a VICTOR at the same time:

We explore the dangers of succumbing to the victim mentality.

3-3-2020 What is the SOUL?

We discuss the soul of everyman. . . (see what I did there?)

2-25-2020 Breaking out of the prison of opinion:

Often our greatest fear is our fear of what we think other people will think.

2-18-2020 Toxic People: We all know they are out there.

How to deal with toxicity in your life.

2-11-2020 Forgiveness: Can you forgive the FUTURE?

The time to forgive then is now.


150th Broadcast!


Where do rainbows come from?

They come from rain…  

We discuss the ups and downs that make up the cycles of life.

1-28-2020 Contentment is a state of being, and it is different for all people. Contentment is difficult to define but it can be sought and ultimately  found. It is not found in things or in the physical, but in the completion of the spirit.

What is Love?: (…baby don’t hurt me…)

Is Love a Noun? Is it a verb? Is it static and never-ending or dynamic and flowing?

We discuss Love (with apologies to Haddaway)


1-14-2020 Choice Chance Change:

You must make a CHOICE to take a CHANCE if you want anything to CHANGE.

1-7-2020 “Never give up. . .never surrender!”

We all want to quit. It is the heart which says. . .try again.

12-31-2019 Old Endings - New Beginnings
12-24-2019 Gratitude:

‘You don’t know what you have until it’s gone’ is the old saying. But that’s only half the story. It’s not about OWNERSHIP it's about THANKFULNESS.

12-17-2019 Love will hold you:

Even to something as painful as a cross. Love knows no boundaries to its devotion and capacity to willingly sacrifice. Love is the ultimate power.

12-10-2019 The tyranny of expectations:

Or how to drive yourself crazy for free!

12-2-2019 Holiday STRESS:

Becoming mindful of the stressors that this season can impose on us.

The warning signs – how to cultivate an environment of peace.

11-26-2019 Hating Thanksgiving:

How to Grit your teeth and give Thanks anyway…

11-19-2019 The Grass is always Greener…or is it?

No one sees your struggle and you don’t see anyone else's. Don t envy someone else's life or situation.

11-12-2019 Defining God:

Can we? Should we?

11-5-2019 The “I” centered Universe:

Did the Universe begin the day you were born?

10-29-2019 The importance of SEPARATION:


10-22-2019 Special Guest: Dr. Christopher Bump


 The Dangers of Screentime: Distracted Parenting


10-15-2019 What satisfies the Heart

(hint… NOT things)

10-8-2019 Live your life!  Own your Death:

Learning to Live so that the song of your life means something…

(Part 2 of 2)

10-1-2019 Live your LIFE!

We discuss living life fully without regret or fear.

Part 1 of 2

9-24-2019 What Makes Us Human?
9-17-2018 Compassion vs. Sympathy the compassion of equals:

True compassion stems from having suffered and then identifying with the other in their suffering

9-10-2019 You can’t love a CONCEPT:

If you love an idea you only love yourself.

True love is seeing the reality of the other.

9-3-2019 PASSION:

We discuss passion -

what it means in our lives and how primary and basic it is to life itself.

8-27-2019 Take back the freedom to be YOU:

We discuss Being who you are versus

Being who people want you to be.

8-20-2019 It’s all in how you market the SUFFERING…
8-13-2019 The Illusion of CONTROL

In Love and in Death we don’t get to decide:

8-6-2019 The illusion of PERMANENCE
7-30-2019 ANGER:

Anger is an emotion – neither good nor bad, but when repressed or hoarded it can do great damage.

Question: Are YOU angry?

7-23-2019  Doing  versus Being:

The Habit forms of Crisis Response

7-16-2019 Gratitude:

‘You don’t know what you have until it’s gone’ is the old saying. But that’s only half the story. It’s not about OWNERSHIP it's about THANKFULNESS.

7-9-2019 The Importance of Connection: Living in the e-ME age.
7-2-2019 When you can see someone’s face – then they are human. The importance of identity.
6-25-2019 Why do we have to live forever?
6-18-2019 Connecting to the Higher Consciousness Part 2:

Becoming aware of the tyranny of Continuous Partial Attention.

6-11-2019 Connecting to the Higher Consciousness Part 1:

We explore the roots of Christ/God Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness and consciousness… Are you still with us?

6-4-2019 Feeling it’s Right:

We all know when it feels right – but where does the feeling come from?

5-28-2019 When all else fails:

Choose Peace

5-21-2019 Find your place of PEACE:

Choosing peace in the storm…



The essential component of existence is the acknowledgement of the unknown.




Being secure – what does it mean?


4-30-2019 Claiming the moral upper hand in relationships:

Should you?

4-23-2019 BLOOD: buckets and buckets of BLOOD…

Just kidding! We discuss the concept of Blood – Family & Life
4-16-2019 Home:

The concept of Home is universal. It is part of the soul of all of us, of everyman…

4-9-2019 Time:

Why can't everything just stay the same? Time changes all.

4-2-2019 Perception is everything:

How you see a situation is how it affects you. Control your perception and others won’t be able to control you…

3-26-2019 Finding Yourself:

Who told you that you were lost?


3-19-2019 Special Guest: Doctor Christopher J. Bump

will join us to discuss:

Wireless Neural Communication - a new form of thought without chemistry! 

3-12-2019 Helping:

When is the help you receive not much help. We discuss the concept of ‘Helping your way’ On the flip side - Are you asking for help or taking over?

3-5-2019 The Essential Role of the Witness:

We all have the need to be Witnessed and we also are all called upon to Bear Witness.

2-26-2019 100th Broadcast!


God will NEVER give you more than you can handle:


2-19-2019 Appreciation:

We don’t value things that come to us too easily. You never know how much something is worth to you until it’s gone and you want to get it back.

2-12-2018 Change:

Life is change. Change is bad. Does that mean Life is bad? Discuss…


2-5-2019 Undeserved, Unworthy, Unearned: Learning to accept unmerited favor.

Can you handle GRACE?

1-29-2019 Hate:

Why do people cling to hate?

1-22-2019 Shame versus Guilt:

We discuss the differences in these two interrelated feelings.

1-15-2019 Spiritual but not Religious (SBNR):

We compare and contrast these two interrelated concepts. Is there a real difference?

1-8-2019 Attitude is EVERYTHING:

Optimist? Pessimist? Or do you just wish you knew what things were?



Letting go of Fear:

Fear is the power drain, fear is the heartbreaker, fear is the mind killer.

 2 Timothy 1:7

We are not given a Spirit of Fear, rather we are given a spirit of Power, Love and of a Sound mind.

This corresponds chakras 1-2-3, 4 and 5-6-7

(Power = 1,2,3) (Heart = 4) (Sound mind = 5,6,7)


Fear attacks all of these in different ways

and must be battled in different ways.

12-25-2018 Service:

A life lived without service is an empty one.

12-18-2018 Solstice:

the Death of the Old Year…the birth of the New. We reflect and prepare for what is yet to come.

12-11-2018 Courage:

 is born from the harmony of Heart and Spirit: Once they are Unified you can face any challenge that Life presents.

12-4-2018 Hope:

All things are possible.....

11-27--2018 Holiday STRESS:

Becoming mindful of the stressors that this season can impose on us.

The warning signs – how to cultivate an environment of peace.

11-20-2018 The Fates:

We discuss the concept of the Fates.

Is our destiny pre-determined?

11-13-2018 PRIDE:

Worst of the Seven Deadlies or the very essence of existence?

We discuss this often misunderstood feeling.

11-6-2018 What goes around comes around…:

We discuss Karma and the cycles started by our words and actions.

10-30-2018 Loneliness vs. Solitude:

We explore the difference

10-23-2018 Who Are You?:

Finding out who you are.

10-16-2018 The Samsara of SEX:

A journey through the seven chakras.

10-9-2018 Why is it so easy to hate people?

We discuss the imbalance between hate and love.

10-2-2018 Forgiveness:

The power we all possess and struggle to use.

9-25-2018 Faith:

We discuss Faith - what defines it and demonstrates it. Honoring faithfulness in relationships. The difference between Faith and Trust.

9-17-2018 LIFE…it’s not for the faint of heart:

We discuss the courage that life requires from us all. Each of us made a soul bargain before we entered into the world.

9-11-2018 Reminders of Loss:

How the pain of loss can be intensified by anniversaries, holidays and birthdays.

9-4-2018 Stress:

Trauma and stress can cause you to fragment in self-defense. Processing the pain and Bringing the pieces back together takes time…

8-28-2018 Service:

A life lived without service is an empty one.

8-21-2018 Inner Face versus Outer Faces:

We all have two faces. One we show others, one no one sees

8-14-2018 Balance:

How Maintaining Balance leads to Understanding Proper Action

8-7-2018 Instinctive Thinking:

The difference between intellect and instinct and how to combine the two.

7-31-2018 Defining God

How do you do it?

7-24-2018 Conversations

How to have a real one.

7-17-2018 The Heroic Journey:

We are all heroes and heroines of our own lives.

Finding the hero within.

7-10-2018 The Struggle is Real:

Everyone is battling something…

Reality versus what people post on social media

7-3-2018 The Meaning of Life:

Experiences versus Relationships





Becoming open to Spirit

6-19-2018 “Meditating for Your Health, Your Mindfulness, Your Career and World Peace”

 with emphasis on the book “Search Inside Yourself” by Chade Seng Tan.

Special Guest: Dr. Charles D. Seligson, PhD

Dr. Seligson is the CEO of his own private company and has over thirty years of experience in International Sales and Marketing in the Technology Sector. He has a consuming interest in philosophy and self-development, a passion he has pursued for his entire life. Dr. Seligson was formerly employed as an Executive Vice President and has been the founder and chief executive of two high tech startup companies. He holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University.




Life and Death:

What makes life worth living?




Mawwiage (Marriage):

We discuss the some of the fundamental elements

of marriage and how they interact

to either strengthen or tear apart relationships.




Judgment: Part 2

The Second Coming…

Question for this episode:

Are you worried?




Judgment: Part 1

We discuss the difference between

perception, discernment and judgment and

why we love to judge others and hate when we are being judged.





Everyone has one and

can you handle it?





Man is the only creature that has an awareness of his/her mortality:

How the awareness of our mortality, the finite aspect of physical life,

 affects nearly all that we do in the world.





The relationships that are in your life are a reflection of what you hold in your

 heart. When the ‘wrong’ relationships keep recurring in your life it can be

 because they are a reflection of what you are forcing into your heart.



Wabi – Sabi: Perfection in imperfection.

We will talk about beauty that is

 "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete".

Wabi-Sabi is a concept derived from the

Buddhist teaching of the three marks of existence

(三法印 sanbōin), specifically impermanence

(無常 mujō), suffering (苦 ku) and

emptiness or absence of self-nature (空 kū).



Letting go of Fear:

Fear is the power drain, fear is the heartbreaker, fear is the mind killer.

 2 Timothy 1:7

We are not given a Spirit of Fear, rather we are given a spirit of Power, Love and of a Sound mind.

This corresponds chakras 1-2-3, 4 and 5-6-7

(Power = 1,2,3) (Heart = 4) (Sound mind = 5,6,7)


Fear attacks all of these in different ways

and must be battled in different ways.



Gifts & Dreams:

We all have them.

Stating your Intentions,

Accepting your gifts

realizing your dreams.





Resurrection and Rebirth

The energetic significance of Easter and Passover

3-27-2018 Our One Year ANNIVERSARY SHOW!!

Guest Dr. Christopher Bump

Topic: Viruses – common and not so common viruses.

How to combat chronic ones, like EBV, HHV6, Cytomegalo and critters like Mycoplasma pneumoniae!



The First Day of Spring!

We talk about Balance – cycles in the year and the seasons and how they reflect our lives.



Understanding your focus: It’s not all about you…

Question for this episode: Do you need this sign?




What makes timing work?

Why is it important?

Listening to your inner voice – finding your moment – its all about timing.

2-27-2018 Guest Lou Redmond

joins us to discuss Addiction and how prevalent it is in our society. We will discuss the mislabeling, the different types of addictive disease, and why it is such an epidemic.

Lou Redmond is an Author, Speaker and Meditation Guide who hosts weekly self-discovery workshops in Nutley, NJ. Lou's passion is helping people find their purpose so they can share their unique gifts with the world.   Website:

2-20-2018 Life is short:

we discuss how precious our time is here on the planet and how to avoid getting lost in the minutiae of everyday details.




Love and its Many Aspects:

Part 2 – In honor of the occasion of Valentines Day.


GUEST: Farmer Bob Alex will be appearing to talk about - Biodynamics Part Two – preparing for Spring!

Farmer Bob Alex
established the Evergreen Berry Farm in 1979, purchasing 28 acres of abandoned cornfield and converting it into a beautiful family-run blueberry/raspberry farm with over ten acres under cultivation. Evergreen is a Pick-your-Own establishment that welcomes thousands of visitors each year during the berry season (early July thru the beginning of September). The farm is located in the greater Watertown Connecticut area and is a member of the CT Northeast Organic Farming Association.  Mr. Alex received his bachelor’s degree in Horticulture from Penn State University and worked in several forestry and farming related industries before founding his own farm. He is a certified licensed Falconer, and has kept and flown a variety of raptors. He is married with three grown children and currently lives on his farm with his spouse Cathee and their happy collection of farm cats, gardens and grandchildren mean there’s never a dull moment!  Biodynamic Association:


Super Blue-Blood - Eclipse Moon – the Sensitivity that occurs as part of a Full Moon is heightened by the Super Moon. Combine that with a Lunar Eclipse not to mention this is the second Full Moon in the month of January (making it Blue Moon) as well! – We will discuss the opening of the doors, dreams, energy flows and new possibilities of this rare phenomenon.


Near Death Experiences – the fascinating subject of the NDE and its companion topics of altered states of consciousness (meditation).


Free Will Part 2 – Good and Evil – two sides of the free will coin. Discussion of the origins of both good and evil as they relate to free will.


Free Will - the fundamental force of an indeterminate universe. We will discuss free will and its intimate relationship to value.


Relationships: The difference between Love and Attachment.


Manipulation Vs. Information: Becoming aware of information imparted with intention.


Winter Solstice: The Longest Night – the Shortest Day. The celebration of the death of the Old Year and the beginning of the New. The balance of male and female energies (Yang & Yin) The Dark Night of the Soul. The Yule.


Dreams: Our Pathways to Enlightenment and Our Connection to Spirit. Putting us in Touch with our Higher Selves and other Aspects of our Soul Bodies. Harbingers of Warning and Prophesy.


The Holidays and child loss: Dealing with the heartbreak that family holiday times can bring.


Power: The consequences, responsibilities, abuse and allure of power.


Finding Your Truth        Guest: Lou Redmond, Author

Creating a "New Normal" so we can find our true path. Where we start to veer off our path. Contradictory advice we are given in our youth.  The power of Permission. Why we must focus on being connected. Using meditation to stay grounded.

Lou Redmond is an Author, Speaker and Meditation Guide who hosts weekly self-discovery workshops in Nutley, NJ. Lou's passion is helping people find their purpose so they can share their unique gifts with the world.



Giving Thanks: Our Human Response to Grace.


Topic: Sleep Deprivation: The Catastrophic lack of sleep in modern society and the damage it is doing.  

Guest: Dr. Christopher Bump   More than thirty years ago Dr. Christopher Bump went through a rigorous course of classical medical education and training with intentions of creating a holographic model of health care. He was a pioneer in the field now known as Functional Medicine. Dr Bump’s educational background is extensive and eclectic. His undergraduate work encompassed art and psychology as well as full premedical studies. He has a Master’s Degree in human nutrition as well as wide-ranging experience in acupuncture and myofascial therapy. He also is a gifted teacher, spending much of his time educating medical students, health care professionals, corporate employees and the public on the techniques of Functional Medicine in practice. Doctor Bump has his own private practice located in Hamburg NJ where he continues to explore the Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical causes of imbalanced health.


ENCORE BROADCAST  Wellness As A Spiritual Practice. Approaching the wellness of our Health and Bodies as a Spiritual Path.

Guest: Dr. Christopher Bump   More than thirty years ago Dr. Christopher Bump went through a rigorous course of classical medical education and training with intentions of creating a holographic model of health care. He was a pioneer in the field now known as Functional Medicine. Dr Bump’s educational background is extensive and eclectic. His undergraduate work encompassed art and psychology as well as full premedical studies. He has a Master’s Degree in human nutrition as well as wide-ranging experience in acupuncture and myofascial therapy. He also is a gifted teacher, spending much of his time educating medical students, health care professionals, corporate employees and the public on the techniques of Functional Medicine in practice. Doctor Bump has his own private practice located in Hamburg NJ where he continues to explore the Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical causes of imbalanced health.


The Energetic Landscape of True Relationship: Knowing when it’s REAL…


Life: The Unexpected Journey – the illusion of control and the reality of the unforeseen.


Rejection: Building resilience through personal ordeal


Janet Perez Eckles 

Show Topic: How can we reach peace after pain, and triumph after trials?

Neither adversity nor tragedy defeated Janet Perez Eckles. On the contrary, because of God’s grace, she became an international speaker, author of four inspirational Christian books and writer of hundreds of Christian magazine articles. She has contributed her work to dozens of anthologies, including more than thirty stories for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books. Janet is the host of the “Cooking in the Dark” video series. She is also a radio show host, a Christian life coach, missionary, award-winning Spanish interpreter and founder and President of JC Empowerment Ministries. But what is most revealing of God’s grace is that Janet is blind.  Janet’s books, including Amazon No. 1, Simply Salsa, have been called life-changing. Their Bible based content has inspired thousands to turn their trials to triumph by learning to conquer fear.

Janet can be reached at


Time: We all have all that there is…


Our Fathers: Providing – Leading - Protecting – Guiding


Being the Calm within the Storm – holding the Center


Sunset Beach


End of Summer Sojourn. The cleansing energy of the sea.


Brokenness and Addiction - Part 2 - The Spiritual Aspects of Recovery


Eclipse: A Door to New Beginnings. How lunar and solar events affect our personal energy…


Grief: Processing The Pain Of Loss


Wellness As A Spiritual Practice. Approaching the wellness of our Health and Bodies as a Spiritual Path.

Guest: Dr. Christopher Bump   More than thirty years ago Dr. Christopher Bump went through a rigorous course of classical medical education and training with intentions of creating a holographic model of health care. He was a pioneer in the field now known as Functional Medicine. Dr Bump’s educational background is extensive and eclectic. His undergraduate work encompassed art and psychology as well as full premedical studies. He has a Master’s Degree in human nutrition as well as wide-ranging experience in acupuncture and myofascial therapy. He also is a gifted teacher, spending much of his time educating medical students, health care professionals, corporate employees and the public on the techniques of Functional Medicine in practice. Doctor Bump has his own private practice located in Hamburg NJ where he continues to explore the Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical causes of imbalanced health.


Love And It's Many Aspects Part 1.  (For Part 2 see 2-13-2018 Show)


Writing Alchemy: Transmuting Pain Into Gold. 

Guest: Katy Huth Jones
Through a writing assignment she gave herself at the beginning of her Father's final battle with lung cancer in order to cope with the agony of watching her larger-than-life hero slowly disintegrate before her eyes, Katy Huth Jones' epic fantasy series finally came to life. The fifth and final book will be released later this year, each volume Providentially completed through a series of life upheavals, including the painful recurrence of her own cancer.  Mercy's Prince, Book One of the YA epic Christian Fantasy series He Who Finds Mercy, is a stand-alone. When his older brother is killed in battle, Prince Valerian must put aside his dreams of becoming a scholarly monk and be crown prince during a time of war. While a traitorous knight plots to kill him, Valerian meets Mercy, a pacifist Healer. Unexpectedly they can speak mind-to-mind, as only the great dragons can. Armed with Mercy's love and a pure heart, Valerian seeks out the dragons to ask for their help against a devastating swarm of monsters.  Facebook author page:  Blog:


Duality: the basic nature of our Reality.


 Autoimmune Disorder: The Physical, Emotional, Societal and Spiritual Causes

Guest: Dr. Christopher Bump   More than thirty years ago Dr. Christopher Bump went through a rigorous course of classical medical education and training with intentions of creating a holographic model of health care. He was a pioneer in the field now known as Functional Medicine. Dr Bump’s educational background is extensive and eclectic. His undergraduate work encompassed art and psychology as well as full premedical studies. He has a Master’s Degree in human nutrition as well as wide-ranging experience in acupuncture and myofascial therapy. He also is a gifted teacher, spending much of his time educating medical students, health care professionals, corporate employees and the public on the techniques of Functional Medicine in practice. Doctor Bump has his own private practice located in Hamburg NJ where he continues to explore the Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical causes of imbalanced health.


Biodynamic Farming: Converting my berry farm to biodynamics PART 1

Guest: Farmer Bob Alex
established the Evergreen Berry Farm in 1979, purchasing 28 acres of abandoned cornfield and converting it into a beautiful family-run blueberry/raspberry farm with over ten acres under cultivation. Evergreen is a Pick-your-Own establishment that welcomes thousands of visitors each year during the berry season (early July thru the beginning of September). The farm is located in the greater Watertown Connecticut area and is a member of the CT Northeast Organic Farming Association.  Mr. Alex received his bachelor’s degree in Horticulture from Penn State University and worked in several forestry and farming related industries before founding his own farm. He is a certified licensed Falconer, and has kept and flown a variety of raptors. He is married with three grown children and currently lives on his farm with his spouse Cathee and their happy collection of farm cats, gardens and grandchildren mean there’s never a dull moment!  Biodynamic Association:    


The Road To Hope. The relationship between addiction and true spiritual awareness.

Guest: Keaton Douglas
is a consultant, educator, counselor, and frequent guest speaker in the field of addiction and recovery, particularly as it pertains to the interface of Catholic spirituality and recovery. She is the creator of the I THIRST initiative – (The Healing Initiative – Recovery, Spirituality, Twelve step) , a comprehensive program which focuses on the prevention, treatment and aftercare of those suffering from substance use disorders and their families. She is currently in residence as the Program Coordinator for the Recovery Ministry for the Shrine of St. Joseph in Stirling, New Jersey. She works in the detox department at Straight and Narrow in Paterson, where she is on the front lines of the opioid epidemic, and she is a regular contributor for Relevant Radio – where she discusses issues on forgiveness, healing and addiction. She holds a Masters Degree in Theology from Seton Hall University, a Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University, and she is a CCAR certified Recovery Coach. To contact Keaton: Call 973-370-DRUG (3784)


Overcoming Adversity

Guest: Keith Guernsey
Mr. Keith D. Guernsey is retired after a forty year career in sales and sales management with several fortune 500 companies. He currently lives on Lake Lanier with his wife Susan and four-footed son Harley. Mr Guernsey spent a good portion of his youth playing sports, active in both football and hockey. In 1995 Keith was diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumor (called an Acoustic Neuroma) and he underwent a ten hour operation at the world-renowned Brigham and Women's hospital where it was successfully removed. While recovering, he met and married Susan. Together they faced his next challenge. In 1997 his neuroma returned. He was to undergo yet another, more complex, operation which resulted in a complete cure, however side effects of this second more invasive procedure caused prolonged inactivity and led to severe weight gain of over 100 lbs. Today Mr. Guernsey is very proud of the fact that he has been able to overcome his physical challenges, losing over one hundred and thirty five pounds, and has found the time to write two successful books (“Confessions of a Beantown Sports Junkie and “Fathers and Sons-Sports and Life”). 


 Autoimmune Disorder: The Physical, Emotional, Societal and Spiritual Causes

Guest: Dr. Christopher Bump   More than thirty years ago Dr. Christopher Bump went through a rigorous course of classical medical education and training with intentions of creating a holographic model of health care. He was a pioneer in the field now known as Functional Medicine. Dr Bump’s educational background is extensive and eclectic. His undergraduate work encompassed art and psychology as well as full premedical studies. He has a Master’s Degree in human nutrition as well as wide-ranging experience in acupuncture and myofascial therapy. He also is a gifted teacher, spending much of his time educating medical students, health care professionals, corporate employees and the public on the techniques of Functional Medicine in practice. Doctor Bump has his own private practice located in Hamburg NJ where he continues to explore the Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical causes of imbalanced health.


A Bump in our schedule...Chi Infusion and the Balance of Eastern & Western Healing Modalities


The State of Speech in America: How our Political Discourse has changed.

Guest: Author Paul Cwalina   is a published author with three titles to his name. A grandson of immigrant coal miners, he was raised in the working middle class of northeastern Pennsylvania’s Wyoming Valley — specifically, the small town of Swoyersville. By day, Mr. Cwalina is a marketing executive with more than 30 years of experience with various companies in various industries. A slow adopter of other people’s advice, he finally self-published his first novel Dropping Stones in the fall of 2014 at the age of 50. He followed that up with Kingmake’ in 2015 and Qoheleth in 2016. Check out his latest thoughts on his new blog site: 

5-16-2017 Energy Shifts. How to deal with the feelings of uneasiness and anxiety that manifest during a shift.
5-9-2017 Mothers and everything they represent and do for us.
5-2-2017 Brokenness and Addiction and how Life Voids and Loneliness can drive people to destructive behavior
4-25-2017 Holistic Living

Guest: Susanne Meyer-Fitzimmons

A discussion about Holistic Living, by which she understands putting the meaning back into life and creating a good-for-all, not just a good-for-some, life. 

4-18-2017 Teens. Body Shaming/Social Pressure

Guest: Author Krysten Lindsay Hager

who writes about friendship, self-esteem, fitting in, frenemies, crushes, fame, first loves, and values. She is the author of True Colors, Best Friends...Forever?, Next Door to a Star, Landry in Like, and Competing with the Star (The Star Series: Book 2). Her debut novel, True Colors, won the Readers Favorite award for best preteen book. Krysten's work has been featured in USA Today, The Flint Journal, the Grand Haven Tribune, the Beavercreek Current, the Bellbrook Times and on Living Dayton. 

4-11-2017 Energy work: re-grounding & clearing out the negativity of winter and guided meditation.


Our Trip to find Spring!


The First Show