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with Dr. Bruce and Lucinda Laughing Eagle
Dr Bruce is no longer producing new shows at this time however there are many great shows below. Enjoy! We want to hear from you.
![]() thought she had a very active imagination, until her first mentor informed her that she is a medium. After that, a lifetime of contact and other paranormal experiences made sense. She enjoys exploring the greater consciousness and beyond. Lucinda is a graduate of the Clearsight Clairvoyance Program, and has worked under the guidance of the Shamanic community. She works with local support groups and charities. Her intention is to help her clients live a life in accordance with their highest purpose. Her skills are a gift that she loves to share. |
Here is my new comic SNARC Illustrated by Clevelander Gary Dumm! Order yours today at ComiXology (digital comic) or (traditional printed comic)
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Special Guest: Terry Lovelace
August 25, 2020 Show Debbie Jordan-Kauble Debbie Jordan-Kauble was the central figure in Budd Hopkins’s New York Times best-seller, "Intruders, the Incredible Visitations at Copely Woods", as well as the 1992 CBS mini-series, “Intruders”, using the pseudonym "Kathy Davis" to protect her young family. In 1992, she revealed her true identity and co-authored, with her sister Kathy Mitchell, “Abducted, The Story if the Intruders Continues". And has just finished a revised, expanded edition of Abducted. While more recently she very rarely makes public appearances, she has appeared on The Discovery Channel's "Investigation X", the History Channel's UFO Hunters", The Sci Fi channel, Unsolved Mysteries, Sightings, Maury Povich, Danny Bonaducci, Oprah Winfrey's A.M. Chicago, The Dini Petty Show (Canada) as well as others. She has been the guest speaker at numerous universities, think tanks and conferences around the world as well as guest appearances on numerous radio broadcasts and pod casts. She co-hosted her own podcast, Midwest Paratalk, with Gregg Cable and together with Gregg, co-founded the paranormal research team, The Paranormal Underground. Her special interest in paranormal research is with Electronic Voice Phenomena and she has collected many impressive examples over the last several years. She is a wife, mother to 4 and grandmother to 8. She lives in North Central Indiana, was a member of the Disaster Action Team for the local chapter of the American Red Cross, a member of MENSA, a licensed cosmetologist and works full time as a circuit board repairperson at an automotive electronics parts supplier. |
July 28, 2020 Show Reverend Shawn Whittington
Ghost B Gone website Phone: 702.416.6288 : |
Kevin J Briggs Kevin J Briggs is an author and specializes in consciousness and the connection to ET/UFOs. His recently published book is titled “Spiritual Consciousness A Personal Journey” and covers 57 years of his experiences of ET contact and UFO connections. Kevin speaks to many groups of UFO and ET enthusiasts. They are always eager to hear of his interactions, he always receives a warm reception. Kevin has written articles which have been published in the Truth Magazine. His published book was also mentioned in Psychic News (UK) in their editor’s good read section. He has also written an article about his ET experiences which have been published in The New Observations magazine. Kevin has also appeared on local radio stations and recently filmed for a TV show “Unlocking Your Limitless Life” hosted by Susan Shatzer and produced by Robin C Adams. Kevin was also a keynote speaker, in Miami at the FREE “Consciousness & Contact Experiencer Conference”, hosted by The Edgar Mitchell “Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and extraordinary Experiences”. Kevin was a speaker at the Consciousness and Contact Conference held in July 2019 at The Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. Kevin has also a guest on The Karen Swain Show from Australia, also The Kevin Moore Show UK .Kevin also appeared on Melisa Kennedy’s TV show The UFO Women, filmed locally in Florida. Kevin is a co-author with Melissa Kennedy and Edgar Yohe of the recently published book “Tap Into Universal Energy” Understanding cosmic energy and consciousness. Kevin’s website: |
Cindy Catches married her husband, Peter, and moved to Pine Ridge in 1991. Prior to that, she had her own environmental design & landscaping business in Jupiter, Florida for 20 years. She went from one of the wealthiest communities to the poorest community in the U.S. They built their own home but lived without water and electricity for the first ten years. Her husband and his father were both medicine men of the Lakota Sioux people, a 37th & a 38th generation. In Lakota, a true medicine man must be in the DNA. Peter believed he was the last of his kind. Her father-in-law was known and loved in Indian country for bringing the most sacred of the Lakota sacred ceremonies, the Sundance back out into the open in the early 60's even though it was against the law till 1978. Her husband put on and conducted the Spotted Eagle Sundance for 44 consecutive years, the longest-running Sundance in Lakota country. These two medicine men felt the way to heal their people, who have the lowest life expectancy in the Western Hemisphere - 2nd only to Haiti was to bring them back to themselves as they were created, to be Lakota. To do this they started a non-profit, Oceti Wakan (Sacred Fireplace), in 1989. Not only did the two bring the Buffalo Sundance to Sitting Bull's people at Standing Rock, but the Spotted Eagle Sundance to Cheyenne River, Rosebud, Lower Sioux, and to Pine Ridge Reservations. Cindy helped her father-in-law publish his book, "Sacred Fireplace - The Life & Teachings of a 37th Generation Medicine Man." She helped her husband write and publish seven books and CDs on Lakota language and culture. Cindy wrote and published two books on prevention, "Learning Prevention Using Lakota Values" primary and secondary. She and her husband created a Wellness Program which included seven years of curriculum, 2nd to 8th grades, using a medicine wheel approach with life skills for the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental bodies. This includes over 300 ancestors' stories to give the children the values and cultural identity which they feel is so important to good health. This program is starting in Oglala Lakota County Schools this coming fall. This also includes a Parenting Handbook so the parent is able to support what the children are learning, trauma healing tools, addiction prevention, and the education to make help a child learn to make healthy choices to live their best life. Cindy believes, because of her husband's prayers being so powerful, they were able to create a program that would really help children all over the world. Cindy is almost finished writing a book of her and her husband's spiritual journey called, "I Married a Medicine Man." |
Special Guest: Yvonne Smith Yvonne Smith became concerned with victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the late 1980s, and in 1990 received her certification from the California Hypnosis Motivation Institute. In 1990 she immediately began to work with PTSD victims, assisting them and encouraging them to work through and cope with their PTSD. Observing that many of her subjects were describing a pattern of alien abduction and other close encounter experiences, in 1991 Yvonne founded Close Encounter Resource Organization (CERO) which provides personal attention and maintains active monthly support group meetings where PTSD victims share their thoughts and feelings about their unusual experiences. Website: http://cerointl.comBooks: Chosen- Recollections Of UFO Abductions Through Hypnotherapy Coronado- The President, The Secret Service and Alien Abduction |
Special Guest: Lisa O'Hara has a B.S. Degree in Business Administration from San Jose State University in California where she lived until 2011. She worked for many years in law firms, starting as a floater legal secretary and ending up in Information Technology on the IT helpdesk and sent on to become a Network Administrtor in other industries. She is now enjoying retirement. Since retiring, she discovered she was a psychic medium and that knowledge was the catalyst for many discoveries about herself, one of which was that she was an ET abductee. After reading Terry Lovelace's book, Incident at Devil's Den, she wrote to Terry Lovelace and he encouraged her to write her own book, detailing her ET experiences as an abductee. She now lives in Chandler, Arizona with her husband and two Maine Coon cats. |
Get ready to dive deep into ancient history and
lore as a real-life Templar Knight and their female counter-part a
High Priestess in the Temple of Isis come forward to reveal the
truth about the founding of Christianity, the secret teachings and
practices which were suppressed, their ties to a much older
mystical order from Egypt who called themselves the Djedi, and
what it all means for our modern world today. This is an episode
not to be missed! |
Special Guest: Lucinda Morel Lucinda Morel thought she had a very active imagination, until her first mentor informed her that she is a medium. After that, a lifetime of contact and other paranormal experiences made sense. She enjoys exploring the greater consciousness and beyond. Lucinda is a graduate of the Clearsight Clairvoyance Program, and has worked under the guidance of the Shamanic community. She works with local support groups and charities. Her intention is to help her clients live a life in accordance with their highest purpose. Her skills are a gift that she loves to share. |
Special Guest: Terry Lovelace
November 26, 2019 Show Pt. 2 April 22, 2019 Show Pt. 1 Part 2 of the discussions with Dr. Edwin M. Young SCIENTIST CREATES DEVICE THAT PROVES PSYCHIC ENERGY EXISTS See a photo of the device on page 3 of the following linked document:
Dr. Young Webpage: Contact Dr. Young: |
Victoria Fitzpatrick |
Raymond Szymanski Award winning author/researcher, Ray, is the undisputed expert on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) and its alien connections. In his first book, Fifty Shades of Greys: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond, Raymond reveals personal photographic evidence and research that supports long held rumors of Wright-Patterson’s alien involvement. Forty years of employment at the fabled Air Force base has given Raymond unique access to locations and individuals with tantalizing information. In his newly released 2nd book of the Fifty Shades of Greys trilogy, Victoria’s Secret Truth, Raymond presents a case study for Close Encounters of the 7th Kind that crosses multiple generations of the same family. Therein, Raymond will share all the evidence that includes medical, clinical, photographic, audio and video, which will allow the reader to come to unavoidable conclusions. Raymond has appeared on History Channel’s Ancient Aliens show, Dayton Fox 45 Morning Show, Youngstown NBC Morning Show, and has been misquoted in every major UK tabloid including The Sun, The Express, and The Daily Mail. He has made guest appearances on: Coast to Coast AM with George Knapp (17 March 2019);Open Minds; Midnight in the Desert; Fade to Black; The Unexplained; Military X-Files; The Danny Gordon Show; Spaced Out Radio; Strange Dimensions; Aquarian Radio; Sacred Matrix Radio; Veritas Radio; and many others. Ray has made well-received presentations to the Los Angeles UFO and Paranormal Research Society; the Denver Paranormal Research Forum; the Florida Paranormal Research Group; the Arizona, North Carolina, and Michigan MUFON Chapters; Engineers Club of Dayton (loaded with former intelligence personnel); and a long string of other public and Skype appearances. Raymond holds a Bachelor’s in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from the University of Detroit (1975). In 1983 he completed his graduate studies in Computer Engineering at Wright State University. From 1983 -1993 he led the Ada Joint Program Office’s Evaluation and Validation Team sponsored by the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. He served two years as the first Director of the WPAFB Installation Civilian Wellness Program, impacting the lives of 12,000 base civilians. He has run 16 marathons, including the 2010 and 2015 Boston Marathons. He retired in 2011 as a Senior Engineer/Scientist from the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson. |
Lyn Buchanan, Project Stargate Remote Viewer Leonard (Lyn) Buchanan is the Executive Director of Problems>Solutions>Innovations(P>S>I) which started as a small data analysis company in the Washington, D.C. area in 1992 after Lyn's retirement from the military. In late 1995, when the US government declassified their Remote Viewing project, information became public about Lyn's prior involvement with that project as one of the unit's Remote Viewers, Database Manager, Property Book Officer and as the unit's Trainer. Public demands for training and applications became great, and P>S>I moved into the remote viewing field full time, bringing with it Lyn's extensive databasing capabilities. At the present time, P>S>I possesses the most complete body of data on the applications of remote viewing in real-world applications. The U.S. government used a specialized form of remote viewing known as Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV). Lyn's involvement with CRV came about by a long, strange, and circuitous series of events, some parts of which are still classified. Lyn was brought into the unit in 1984 and remained there on special assignment for the rest of his military career. Lyn has been plagued throughout his life with "psychokenetic" events. One fateful day in Augsburg, such an event, parts of which are still classified, happened and brought about official recognition and record of his "ability". Shortly thereafter, the commander of the U.S. Intelligence and Security Command decided, because of these abilities, to transfer him to the special "psychic spying" unit at Ft. Meade, Maryland, where he planned to have Lyn affect and/or destroy enemy computer systems. This plan was aborted for funding reasons, and Lyn became one of the unit's Controlled Remote Viewers instead. Seventh Sense: For Book Click Here |
Congratulations Dr. Bruce on your First Anniversary Broadcast! Dr. Bruce talks about high strangeness, plays some music, and talks with Zman from ArtistFirst Radio |
Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove |
![]() Pegi Robinson Pegi has two Near Death Experience Groups in Ohio. She films her Near Death Experiencers and posts them on her Facebook Group called NDE Newbie's. She encourages anyone who has had a Near Death
Experience to tell their their story , any where and any way they
can. She hopes NDE Newbie's will provide a platform for all NDErs
, not just the well known. |
Special Guest: Dr. Michael P. Masters Dr. Masters spent the following decade developing a broad academic background that unites the fields of anthropology, astronomy, astrobiology and physics, to examine the premise that UFOs and Aliens are simply our distant human descendants, returning from the future to study us in their own hominid evolutionary past. His new book, Identified Flying Objects: A Multidisciplinary Scientific Approach to the UFO Phenomenon, challenges readers to consider new possibilities while cultivating conversations about our ever-evolving understanding of time and time travel. |
See a photo of the device on page 3 of the following linked
received the Outstanding Senior In Electrical Engineering award among other honors when he graduated from Notre Dame in 1973. He then worked at Westinghouse’s Advanced Reactors, Pressurized Water Reactors, and Research Laboratories divisions, including electric vehicles, back in his Pittsburgh home town for a year before a Full Dean’s Fellowship offer from Stanford University took him out to the West Coast for MSEE and PhDEE studies that included running a highly controversial psychic research laboratory on the Stanford campus. Upon graduation in 1985 he was invited to join the MIT Lincoln Laboratory think tank, conducting research on microelectronics, where he remained for several years before being invited back out to the West Coast, to Silicon Valley, in an executive-level position at Digital Equipment Corporation’s million-dollar-a-day advanced computer operations where he guided highly technical diagnoses of product quality issues. In mid 1992 he finally gave up the security of a normal job to do private consulting and daring to widely publish long-hidden Truth from the little mountain country town of Tehachapi, CA, north of LA near Edwards AFB, China Lake Naval Weapons Center, and who knows how many related secret underground facilities, where he remains to this day a thorn in the side of the Deep State. This is the first interview that Dr. Young has done in many, many years. Dr. Young Webpage: Contact Dr. Young: |
Raymond Szymanski Award winning author/researcher, Ray, is the undisputed expert on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) and its alien connections. In his first book, Fifty Shades of Greys: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond, Raymond reveals personal photographic evidence and research that supports long held rumors of Wright-Patterson’s alien involvement. Forty years of employment at the fabled Air Force base has given Raymond unique access to locations and individuals with tantalizing information. In his newly released 2nd book of the Fifty Shades of Greys trilogy, Victoria’s Secret Truth, Raymond presents a case study for Close Encounters of the 7th Kind that crosses multiple generations of the same family. Therein, Raymond will share all the evidence that includes medical, clinical, photographic, audio and video, which will allow the reader to come to unavoidable conclusions. Raymond has appeared on History Channel’s Ancient
Aliens show, Dayton Fox 45 Morning Show, Youngstown NBC Morning
Show, and has been misquoted in every major UK tabloid including The
Sun, The Express, and The Daily Mail. Ray has made well-received presentations to the Los Angeles UFO and Paranormal Research Society; the Denver Paranormal Research Forum; the Florida Paranormal Research Group; the Arizona, North Carolina, and Michigan MUFON Chapters; Engineers Club of Dayton (loaded with former intelligence personnel); and a long string of other public and Skype appearances. Raymond holds a Bachelor’s in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from the University of Detroit (1975). In 1983 he completed his graduate studies in Computer Engineering at Wright State University. From 1983 -1993 he led the Ada Joint Program Office’s Evaluation and Validation Team sponsored by the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering. He served two years as the first Director of the WPAFB Installation Civilian Wellness Program, impacting the lives of 12,000 base civilians. He has run 16 marathons, including the 2010 and 2015 Boston Marathons. He retired in 2011 as a Senior Engineer/Scientist from the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patterson. |
Donald W. Pageler Don was born in Wamego, Kansas. He entered the US Navy in June 1966 and went to boot camp in San Diego, California. He went on to communication technician school in Pensacola, Florida, and was assigned to the USS Liberty which had its homeport in Norfolk, Virginia. Don was wounded on June 8, 1967, during an Israeli attack on the USS Liberty during the six day war. He received lacerations and burns while transporting wounded shipmates during the attack. The attack resulted in 820 rocket and cannon holes in the USS Liberty, in addition to napalm fire, and a 38 foot torpedo hole. Of the 294 sailors and marines on board, 206 were wounded or killed. It was 20 years later that Don found that he was suffering from PTSD. Do was released from active duty in March 1970 as a CT2 (E-5). He earned a purple heart, presidential unit citation, combat action ribbon, good conduct medal, and a national defense medal. Don married Eva G. Pageler on August 28, 1993, and has four step-children. He returned to the University of Kansas after leaving the navy and earned his BS in business administration. Don worked for Hughes Aircraft Space and Communications Group and is retired from Boeing where he worked in management for planning communication satellites programs. |
Simeon Hein, Ph. D. Simeon Hein received his Ph. D. in sociology
from Washington State University in 1993 and is the author of
Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop
Circles, and Resonance (Mount Baldy Press, Inc., 2002). His
dissertation focused on the role of technology in social and
economic change, specifically how technology can destroy
information and interfere with natural evolutionary processes. A
former sociology teacher, he now runs the non-profit Institute
for Resonance and the publishing company Mount Baldy Press, Inc.
in Boulder, CO. He specializes in instructing people in the art
of Resonant Viewing, Hyper Intuition, Human Fusion and also
leads people on crop circle tours. |
Dr. Dale Salwak: The Gentleman of Magic
For book click here |
Special Guest: Beverly Oliver Massegee Beverly Oliver Massegee (formerly Beverly Oliver) has lived a truly remarkable life. She was a former nightclub singer in Dallas, Texas, and is now an evangelist touring with her husband. Beverly was married to a mobster, was friends with Jack Ruby (who killed Lee Harvey Oswald), and was an eye witness to the JFK assassination. She wrote a book about her experiences: Nightmare in Dallas. Beverly has spoken out publicly about the assassination at great risk to herself and was part of Oliver Stone’s epic JFK film production. She is a very talented singer and continues to perform.
Special Guest: Terje G. Simonsen
Special Guest: Terry Lovelace
Inaugural Broadcast: |
His academic articles have appeared in journals ranging from Foundations of Physics and Physics Essays to Psychological Bulletin, Psychology of Consciousness, and Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. He was featured in a New York Times Magazine article; and he has appeared on dozens of television programs worldwide. He has given over 400 interviews and talks, including presentations at Harvard (medical), Stanford (statistics), Cambridge (England, physics), Princeton (psychology), the Sorbonne (yoga), and the University of Allahabad (in India, neuroscience); for industries including Merck, Google, Johnson & Johnson, and Rabobank; and for government organizations including the US Navy's Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Studies Group, US Army Special Operations Command, the Naval Postgraduate School, DARPA, the Indian Council of Philosophical Research (India), the International Center for Leadership and Governance (Malaysia), and the Australian Leadership Retreat (Australia). In 2017 he was named one of the 100 most inspiring people in the world by the German magazine, OOOM, and as of 2018 his filmography on IMDB lists 18 documentaries he's appeared in. |