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~ Live From England  ~

Saturdays & Sundays  3pm New York / 8pm London

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Host Debra Rufini

is a former Samaritan and Kate Bush look-a-like!  Raised in a loving Christian home with a Minister Father, she is passionate about people seeking evidence for themselves for a God of love, especially when those who claim to love and live by Him have unapologetically failed and harmed them along the way.

Debra Rufini is the author of The Artist's Page, an inspirational short story brought to life through expressive illustration. It's an ideal read for anyone on a spiritual journey, spiritually seeking, or spiritually skeptical. It tells of an incredibly talented Artist who has created a love gift upon His drawing board for any of the takers who enter His studio. . . . . . but who will recognize His wonderfully creative hands behind the Masterpiece He has produced for them?

For Book Click Here       


Debra's email


Debra's Youtube Channel


The Artist's Page Facebook link:

Please visit Debra's Women Who Abuse Women Website



2 Ways to listen to past shows:

1. Left Click DATE to "Stream" show (it will play like the radio)    or . . .

2. "Right Click" on DATE then select "Save Target As" (or similar i.e. "Save Link As" etc,) and a copy of the show will download to your device which you can then play anytime.


September 21, 2024 Show

David Hayward

In this broadcast, it is my absolute pleasure to be speaking with David Hayward, aka Naked Pastor. David is a Pastor turned artist, who creates the most incredible thought provoking powerful illustrations, which leaves us pondering spiritual injustice, and thinking things through for ourselves.

I trust you receive a blessing from this show.


August 10, 2024 Show

Magdalene Laundry Survivor, Maureen Sullivan

In today's show, I have the privilege of speaking with Magdalene Laundry survivor, Maureen Sullivan. Maureen is an absolute Trooper, bravely speaking out about the horrors of these appalling institutions run by Catholic orders. In this show, Maureen speaks about the release of her book: The Girl in the Tunnel, which is available from Amazon: 

For Book Click Here





June 8, 2024 Show

PTSD, and it's Long Term Effects - In Conversation with Nancy Little.

In today's show, it is our pleasure to be having our former guest, Nancy Little, speaking on the subject of PTSD and it's long term effects. Nancy is more than a survivor...she is a thriver.

Nancy can be contacted via the following: 


The chat room is: Healing Body Mind & Spirit




May 11, 2024 Show

Hiding Abuse in the Church Environment - In Conversation with Nancy Little

Today, we are privileged to have Nancy Little with us on the show again, exploring areas that people don't like to cover within the church environment when it comes to abuse.
Nancy is not only a survivor, but a thriver!

Nancy can be contacted via the following: 


The chat room is: Healing Body Mind & Spirit




April 13, 2024 Show

In Discussion with Jim Barrows

In today's broadcast, it is my pleasure to be speaking with Jim Barrows: Host of The Atheist Experience and Truth Wanted - shows exploring theistic belief.
I hope you enjoy listening to Jim as much as I enjoyed chatting with him.




March 9, 2024 Show

An Insight Into Police Misconduct

In this broadcast, I elaborate on my observations as to the manipulation and mistreatment held within the British Police Force, and stress the danger this poses to the general public.



February 10, 2024 Show



The Artist's Page

January 13, 2024 Show

Debra Rufini

Author's First interview on The Tony Kay Show with Debra Rufini for The Artist's Page book - a short story brought to life through expressive illustration, ideal for those on a spiritual journey, spiritually seeking, or spiritually skeptical.




December 9, 2023 Show

Waterbugs and Dragonflies

In today's broadcast, I share the beautiful story of Waterbugs and Dragonflies by Doris Stickney...and explore the whole area of belief, and God's compassion towards those who struggle with it.

I hope this little story is of blessing to you, as it is to many.




November 11, 2023 Show

The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God.

In Conversation with Justin Brierley.

Today, it is my absolute pleasure to be speaking with the amazing Justin Brierley - host of the podcast: The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God, which features interviews with secular and Christian thinkers.

This series accompanies Justin's book of the same title.

I trust that Justin is a blessing to you, as he is to me.




September 9, 2023 Show

Police Misconduct...the Lunacy Continues!

In today's show, I share of the latest shenanigans concerning my case with the local Constabulary. Will the surrealism, dishonesty, lies, and corruption ever end by those who are supposedly called to serve and protect the general public?




July 8, 2023 Show

Nancy Little

In this show, I have the pleasure of speaking further with the awesome Nancy Little, on the subject of abuse carried out within the church environment, and by those putting on a 'holy front.'

Nancy can be contacted via the following: 


The chat room is: Healing Body Mind & Spirit



June 10, 2023 Show

Rael Cartagena Sandoval

In today's show, it is my absolute pleasure to be speaking with a fellow Donna Summer mega fan - my friend, Rael Cartagena Sandoval, where we will be discussing our love, adoration, and admiration for our late great hero.



May 13, 2023 Show

Coincidences or God Winks?

In today's show, I share of a recent scenario, and explore whether things happen by chance...or is there a broader picture of involvement at work?



February 11, 2023 Show

Exploring Munchausen By Proxy

In Conversation with Nancy Little. 

In today's show, I have the pleasure of speaking again with the amazing Nancy Little - further discussing the horrendous things which she had to suffer as a child, but especially taking a look at Munchausen By Proxy. Nancy is indeed a Trooper and a blessing. 



January 14, 2022 Show

Roy Williams

Today, it is my privilege to be speaking with Roy Williams. Roy is a retired Chief Inspector with the Metropolitan Police, who of late is concerned by the nature of policing carried out within our Police Forces.

He is Chairman of the Sussex Residents Association - raising awareness of environmental issues which may have a negative impact on people's lives.



December 9, 2022 Show

Maureen Sullivan

In today's show, I have the privilege of speaking with Magdalene Laundry survivor, Maureen Sullivan. 

Maureen is an absolute Trooper, bravely speaking out about the horrors of these appalling institutions run by Catholic orders. We look forward to the release of her book: The Girl in the Tunnel, to be released in April.



November 12, 2022 Show

Observing the Bully 

In today's broadcast, I will be pondering why people feel the need to bully those who have previously suffered...and people who fail to recognize bad behavior, while the one on the receiving end is in the wrong!



October 8, 2022 Show

Police Misconduct, and My Own Experience. 

In today's show, I am going to be tackling and exploring the disturbing topic of corruption within the Police Force, and sharing of my own recent unfortunate experience of Police misconduct. 

Credit to Paige Warner for kind permission of Angel Down cover by Lady Gaga. 

Find her at or @paigewarnermusic



August 12, 2022 Show

God, Scripture study, and spiritual development.

In Conversation with Dr Bill Creasy

Today, it is my absolute pleasure to be speaking with Dr Bill Creasy: Founder of Logos Bible Study - Understanding the Bible from Genesis through to Revelation, and Podcaster of Scripture Uncovered.

I trust you enjoy the show.





June 11, 2022 Show


Exploring a Real Life Case of Narcissistic Baiting

In today's show, I will be unfolding the cruel and manipulative phenomenon of Narcissistic Baiting - which has recently been brought to my attention, and one that I have been witness to.



May 7, 2022 Show

Child Sexual Abuse by a Mother

On this show, I have the pleasure of speaking further with the awesome Nancy Little, on the subject of child sexual abuse, which was unfortunately carried out by the cruel hands of her mother. In Nancy's own words, she is a thriver, not a survivor.


The chat room is: Healing Body Mind & Spirit



April 8, 2022 Show

In Conversation with Karen Lafferty

In today's show, it is my absolute pleasure to be speaking with the amazing Karen Lafferty - composer of the wonderful hymn: Seek Ye First, and Director of Youth With A Mission Santa Fe.
I trust you enjoy the show.





March 12, 2022 Show

Near Death Experiences

Dr. Jeffrey Long

In today's show, it is my pleasure to be speaking with Dr Jeffrey Long - author and researcher into the phenomenon of near death experiences, and founder of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation. What a blessing Dr Long and his findings are.



February 12, 2022 Show

Michael P. Hays

In today's show, I have the pleasure of speaking with Michael P. Hays of Critical Mass Ministries, where we shall be discussing various matters relating to the existence of God. Enjoy!



January 8, 2022 Show

Peter Murphy

One Man's Journey of Courage and Hope.

In today's show, I have the pleasure of speaking with the amazing Peter Murphy, where he shares with us his life story of many challenges of many forms...yet greeted with a successful outcome. I trust you enjoy the show.



December 11, 2021 Show

Boz Tchividjian

In today's show, it is my pleasure to be speaking with Boz Tchividjian of GRACE - Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment; Empowering Christian Communities to recognize, prevent, and respond to abuse. Boz is a blessing, and a good man, like his Grandad, the late great Billy Graham.




November 13, 2021 Show

Kenny Wheatley, Adoptee

In today's show, it is my pleasure to be speaking with Kenny Wheatley who is an adoptee, born in a home run by nuns. Kenny will be sharing with us, and enlightening us on the implications for an adoptee.



October 9, 2021 Show

Extreme Child Abuse

Special Guest: Mary Knight

In today's show, it is my honor to be speaking with the amazing Mary Knight - survivor of extreme child abuse. Mary has devoted her life to helping other survivors of this horrific thing. She truly is a blessing. 



September 11, 2021 Show

Child Exploitation

Today, it is my pleasure to be speaking with my dear friend who works with young adults who have sadly suffered trauma in their lives.

The areas of child grooming, consent, and exploitation are explored in this show.



August 8, 2021 Show


Child Abuse

In Conversation With Nancy Little.

In today's show, I once again have the honour of speaking with the amazing Nancy Little, exploring what signs to look for in a child who is being abused. Nancy is insightful and educational in that which she has sadly had to suffer herself.



July 11, 2021

Show Roaming Brit
In Conversation with Luke Martin-Jones.

In today's show, it is my absolute pleasure to be speaking with my very dear friend, Luke Martin-Jones - blogger of Roaming Brit, where we will be discussing his blog, along with the issue of narcissistic abuse.

I trust you will enjoy the show where there is much to be learnt.



June 12, 2021 Show

Special Guest: Nancy Little

In today's show, it is my absolute pleasure to be speaking again with the amazing Nancy Little - survivor of childhood abuse. Nancy has (in her own words) had 'a life of horror turned into a life of honor.' She is a motivational speaker, raising awareness and encouragement for others to speak up of this truly horrific thing. Nancy is a blessing to so many. 



May 9, 2021 Show

Special Guest: Nancy Little

Today, it is my great privilege to be speaking with the inspirational Nancy Little - survivor of childhood abuse, now motivational speaker and CASA volunteer.

Nancy has had 'a life of horror turned into a life of honour,' as CASA described their award winner.
Nancy is a remarkable woman, as you will hear. 

email Nancy at; 



April 11, 2021 Show

The Unexplained - Or Is It?

In today's show, it is my great pleasure to be discussing UFOs with my very dear friend, James.

No doubt you will find James an eye opening and interesting listen.




March 13, 2021 Show

In today's show, I will be discussing a couple of personal issues reverting back to The Artist's Page book, which is due for republication. I trust you enjoy the show.



February 14, 2021 Show

Special Guest: Sheila Isenberg

In today's show, it is my huge pleasure to be speaking with Sheila Isenberg - author of Women Who Love Men Who Kill, among other titles. I hope you will enjoy listening to her as much as I enjoyed talking with her.



January 10, 2021 Show

Special Guest: Bruce Sudano

In today's show, it is my huge pleasure to be speaking again with my hero, singer/songwriter, Bruce Sudano.

Bruce was married to the late great Donna Summer for 32 years. He is such an inspiration to so many (including myself,) in both person and in song - where his messages are of comfort, encouragement.
and enlightenment.

I trust you will enjoy the show.




November 7, 2020 Show

Bruce Springsteen

In Conversation With A Fan

In today's show, I have the pleasure in speaking with fellow Bruce Springsteen fan, Julian Garcia, where we explore our love for The Boss, and discuss what credits him with his much deserved title.



October 10, 2020 Show

In today's show, we are doing things a little differently.

I am placing myself in the hands of someone I trust, who shall be interviewing me on the issue of gay conversion therapy.

My very special friend holds two degrees - in both Psychology and Corporate Law, and is a practicing Attorney ... but holds a deep spiritual belief, and is of huge blessing to me in my spiritual journey.



September 13, 2020 Show

Special Guest: Penelope Larkin

Today, it is my huge pleasure to be speaking with Penelope Larkin, who works for Kerr House, the Durban Hospice for Women in South Africa.

Kerr House is a shelter of safety for women in crisis. Penelope shares with us the various work which God has placed on her heart. She is a blessing to so many.



 Rosemary West

August 9, 2020 Show

Mike, of the YouTube channel; Bizarre Bazaar

In today's show, it is my great pleasure to be talking with Mike, of the YouTube channel; Bizarre Bazaar, which speaks to the world's most notorious inmates.
We will be discussing 'House of Horrors' serial killer, Rosemary West - a woman who is quite rightly serving a life sentence.



Part 1: June 14, 2020 Show

Part 2: July 12, 2020 Show

Christy Parker

Gaslighting Explored!

Today, it is my huge pleasure to be speaking with my dear friend, and my first American guest who was on the show - the amazing Christy Parker; founder of Emotional Ethics - helping individuals and businesses spot and deal with toxic people.
We will be exploring the manipulative phenomenon known as Gaslighting.
I trust you will find this show enlightening and informative.



May 9, 2020 Show

Abusers Exposed!

In this episode, I have the pleasure of speaking with my wise friend, who has recently been of great blessing to me, with her insightful understanding on the issue of narcissistic abuse.

I trust this show will be of help to anyone who this may sound familiar to.



April 12, 2020 Show

Covid-19 Survivor Elizabeth Schneider

In this show, I speak with Covid-19 survivor, Elizabeth Schneider, where she shares her 'no panic' message of positivity and hope - exactly what we need at this time of uncertainty and concern. I trust you will feel encouraged by what she has to say.



February 14, 2020 Show

A Discussion About Bullies


In this show, I have the great privilege to be speaking with my old college buddy, Melody, who was of huge blessing to me back in the day.

I recently got back in contact with her, to find that she too has been subject to the horrors of narcissistic bullying. I trust this show is a blessing to many, as Melody has been a blessing to me.



January 11, 2020 Show


In today's show, it is my huge pleasure to be speaking with Renee. Renee has been subject to the most horrific narcissistic abuse, but has wonderfully triumphed. We explore the surrealism of the phenomenon known as Gaslighting.



December 13, 2019 Show

Another Survivor

In today's show, I have the pleasure of speaking with my good friend, Julie.

Julie is a survivor at the hands of her abusive Mother ... or the more fitting term; 'the person who brought her into the world,' as she refers to her. Julie is truly an inspiration, and an advocate of positivity. 


November 8, 2019 Show

Female to Female Abuse (Pt. 2)

In today's episode, I give an update on my show of July, sharing my horror story with my narcissistic ex-partner.

Just when you think things couldn't get any worse.....


October 11, 2019 Show

Special Guest: Kim from

Safe Sheep: Church Abuse Awareness


In today's show, I have the pleasure of speaking with Kim, the founder of Safe Sheep: Church Abuse Awareness. Kim is an inspiration in raising awareness of the abuse carried out by church leaders who claim to represent a God of love. In this show, she shares her own horror story. Thank God for Kim.




September 13, 2019 Show

Special Guest: Dr. Jane Gregory

In this show, it is my great pleasure to be speaking with Dr Jane Gregory, Clinical Psychologist, on the subject of Misophonia - something that Jane and I both have in common.  Misophonia is selective sound sensitivity syndrome, where people react to certain sounds, referred to as 'triggers.'  I hope this show is enlightening, and I trust it is of help to any sufferers of this condition. 


August 9, 2019 Show


Special Guest: Maureen Sullivan


In today's show, I have the honor of speaking with Magdalene Laundry survivor, Maureen Sullivan.

The Magdalene Laundries were Irish institutions run by Catholic orders for "fallen women."

The abuse which took place was horrific beyond words.
The fight for justice continues.


July 12, 2019 Show

Female to Female Abuse (Pt. 1)

In today's show . . . . it's me having a rant!

I want to raise awareness of the rarely recognized issue of

female to female abuse.

In this show, I share my horror story.


June 14, 2019 Show

Special Guest: Bruce Sudano

In today's show, it is my huge pleasure to be speaking with one of my heroes; singer, songwriter, performer, Bruce Sudano.

Bruce was married to the late great Donna Summer for 32 years. He has written many songs for many artists, including his wife.

I hope you will enjoy listening to him as much as I enjoyed speaking with him, which was an absolute privilege.


May 10, 2019 Show

Special Guest: Nancy Little

Today, it is my great privilege to be speaking with the inspirational Nancy Little - survivor of childhood abuse, now motivational speaker and CASA volunteer.

Nancy has had 'a life of horror turned into a life of honour,' as CASA described their award winner.
Nancy is a remarkable woman, as you will hear. 

email Nancy at; 



April 11, 2019 Show

Who Is God?

In this show, I explore a possible link which may be present between narcissism and religious faith.

I also explore the possible nature of God.

Could He truly be all knowing and unconditionally loving, while at the same time have prepared Hell for His own creation who sincerely fail to recognize Him?

I trust this show will be thought provoking. 


March 8, 2019 Show


Today, it is my pleasure to speak with

 Becky Salmons, founder of Anti-Bullying Project, along with fellow members;

Todd Barlow and Danielle Durham.

 I hope you enjoy the show, aiming to bring awareness to this awful phenomenon. 


February 8, 2019 Show

Destiny Maria Johnson

Today, it is my great pleasure to speak with Christian fiction author, Destiny Maria Johnson. Destiny has covered controversial issues which the church needs to address, understand, and take responsibility for. I trust you will enjoy listening to her, as much as I enjoyed talking to her. 



 January 11, 2019 Show

Special Guest: Sarah the Scambaiter

On this new year's edition of the show, I have the pleasure of speaking with Sarah the Scambaiter of Music Is A Rainbow YouTube channel.  Sarah has given me many hours of entertainment and laughter with her many Scambaiting characters- stringing the scammers along, wasting their time, and doing us all a favour by keeping them away from us, all the while she
can play them! It is also a warning to be watchful of these deceivers. Enjoy! 


December 14, 2018 Show


Special Guest: Xara Imogie

Today, it is my pleasure to speak with Xara Imogie - a survivor of spiritual abuse. There is sadly too much unrecognised and denied abuse taking place within our churches, carried out in the name of a loving Heavenly Father, by those who claim to represent Him. Xara has a powerful testimony and message, which I trust will be of blessing to many. 


November 9, 2018 Show

Special Guest: Suzanna Terrell

Today, I have the pleasure in speaking with Suzanna Terrell -author of

Suzanna's Laws of Consciousness - Scientific Proof of Life After Death.

For Book Click Here

Suzanna has an amazing and reassuring message for us all - a message the world needs to hear. I trust you will be blessed by her good news. 


October 12, 2018 Show


Special Guest: Matthew Ward


Today it is my big pleasure to speak with singer/songwriter, Matthew Ward, formerly of Christian music group, Second Chapter of Acts - Christian music pioneers.
I have been a huge fan of Matthew's work since hearing his amazing vocal talent on some of Donna Summer's work. To me, Matthew is a genius! I hope you enjoy the show.


September 14, 2018 Show


Life With A Narcissist

In today's show, I wanted to talk through narcissism, and examine narcissistic traits, as this personality disorder affects so many people who are victims on the receiving end of this awful condition, quite possibly without realizing it. You are not alone. There is help out there for recovery.




August 10, 2018 Show

Today, I have the pleasure of speaking with Anthony Magnabosco,

worldwide promoter and practitioner of Street Epistemology, which is a conversational method for respectfully challenging claims by asking probing questions to uncover the reliability of one's belief formation process.



Street Epistemology: A Turning Point for Atheism:



July 13, 2018 Show

Today, I have the pleasure of speaking with Christy Parker;

Speaker, consultant, and author, specializing in recognizing and dealing with toxic people - a subject very close to my heart, and maybe yours too. We can all learn something from Christy. Enjoy.

Christy on Facebook:

See clips of Christy on Youtube:



June 8, 2018 Show

Today, I'm speaking with Chris Pluck

Deputy Director of Samaritans in the UK.  Samaritans is an organization which is a listening ear for those in despair or feeling suicidal.



May 11, 2018 Show

Today I interview Street Pastor, Jackie Hunt

Street Pastors is an organization of churches serving together in partnership to support young people.