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Thank you for all the great e-mails about Riley and the show. You guys (and gals) Rock! We think we have about 160+ episodes. Hear how it all got started!  Enjoy!  We are also posting archives for downloading. See below.

Hear Past Shows Below

Riley Martin ArtistFirst Radio Archives (The Early Years)

ArtistFirst notes the passing of former show host and great friend

Riley Martin

Riley Martin & Zman aired 160 shows over many years until Riley moved to Sirius/XM. 

In his honor ArtistFirst will be re-airing and posting archives of the best of the Riley Martin shows. See below.

Upon Riley's departure, the show evolved into Project Urantia which still airs weekly with Michael who was on the mothership with Riley and others. Check It Out!

2 Ways to listen: 

  1. Click Show Link to "Stream" show and it will play like the radio.   or...

2. "Right Click" on Show Link then select "Save Target As" (or similar i.e. 'save link as' etc.) and a copy of the show will download to your device that you can play repeatedly.

Riley Martin Show Archive

We will be adding shows as we can so return often for newly posted archives.

ATTENTION RILEY MARTIN LISTENERS: A gentleman named Michael met Riley Martin while they were together on the Mothership. Riley left ArtistFirst for Sirius in 2009, and since then Michael and Zman have continued the "revelation" and the radio show. We renamed the show "Project Urantia" because the Celestials don't call it Earth, they call it Urantia.

Check it out  Project Urantia.

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