with Janet & Heather
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If you’re stressed by life, burdened by challenges, drained by difficulties, this hour is for you.
Janet and Heather share with you comfort, inspiration and encouragement from God’s Word, from His promises and His truth.
Grab a cup of tea and sit back. We invite you to open your heart to let words of reassurance and comfort calm your hectic day.
The ordinances of the Lord are sure and altogether righteous. They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb. Psalm 19:10
A bit about your hosts
A story of triumph over blindness is marked by her work as an international speaker, #1 best-selling author, founder of Camino de Luz Ministries and personal success coach. Although blind since 31, her passion is to help you see the best of life.
Heather Johnston Heather has triumphed over painful episodes through the grace of God. She is now a ministry leader, conference speaker and recipient of a certificate of General Theological Studies from Oral Roberts University. Heather’s passion is to lead you to victory found in Christ.
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Jesus’ miracles are undeniable. And now you can step into the action of each of the seven miracles through a brand new virtual reality production. Listen to the compelling details as director and producer, Rodrigo Cequerai relates the birth of a close-to-real-life production of the miracles Jesus performed in the film “Seven Miracles.”. | |
Why don’t I see miracles in my life? The answer in this segment as you learn the secret of praying God’s promises upon your life. You’ll be inspired to know God has a promise for you in every circumstance. In this segment learn how to access God’s best for you. | |
“Help me, I’m falling apart. The man I loved and was going to marry just left me for another woman. Why did he do this to me?” Do you know someone facing this pain? I invite you to learn about men—what they fear, what makes them tick, what they struggle with, what they desire and need. Dr. Wade Mumm offers an hour of Powerful insights for men to be strengthened and for women to become wise and confident. |
Sometimes we look for success in the wrong direction. Former professional baseball player and author, Lou Vickery relates personal stories to teach how to overcome obstacles and reach the kind of success that goes beyond fame and money. Relax and enjoy this hour interview to encourage you to hit a lifetime of home runs. |
This episode could have emotionally destroyed and thrust this Mom into misery. But instead, God turned it around and the result will leave you in awe, will renew your hope and help you see how, in the midst of indescribable pain, God still brings triumph. This hour of inspiration features Carol Kent’s story. Open your heart and be encouraged. | |
The negative and dangerous side of Yoga. Is there such a thing? Or is it just a view held by super-conservative, legalistic Christians? The answer in this segment of “Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather.” | |
He was told he only had a few hours to live, they called the family to say good-bye. But God had the last word. Listen to this segment which contains an example of how God performs miracles today. Is it our prayer? Is it our amount of faith? Or is it the way we pray. Find out and be encouraged in this segment. | |
Doctor said, “You have cancer. And the two choices are either you have a hysterectomy or you die.” Carol rejected these options. And instead, she trusted God for the last Word. Listen to the story of hope turned to healing. The faith turned to triumph. And learn the path to your own victory. | |
How to live with peace and confidence in a violent world. Join Janet and Heather for inspiration to help you live a triumphant, joy-filled life, learning how to apply the secret of gratitude. | |
What is the secret to be a loving Mom, to have a strong marriage, be a good friend and have relationships that enrich our lives? The answer in this segment. | |
Where is God? In the midst of all the disasters, is He there? Did you ever ask that? Many wonder, doubt and question God’s goodness in the midst of such disasters and tragedies. This hour of “Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather” will provide inspiration, answers and reassurance for you. |
When life turns dark, relationships are falling apart and the future is too dark to face, there might be something more urgent going on. In this segment, you'll find the reason for these dark moments in your life. You'll learn the path to defeat the forces that might be against you and how to find peace for your life, answers to your problems and solutions to your pain. | |
Special Guest: Author, Mike Moore | |
How does God bring about success? Is making money in His plans for us? How do we find the passion to be successful in life? Answers to these questions with Mike Moore, international speaker and author of “Love God, Make Money.” | |
Worried about the unknown? WE all are, unless we know where to find the strength and courage to, not just survive, but thrive and live the abundant life God promised. | |
Can God restore my life? Can He erase the effects of past mistakes, of sin, rebellion and pride? God's answer will surprise you in this segment. Grab a cup of coffee and relax while God whispers to your soul the abundance He prepared for you. | |
Can God perform miracles today? Can God turn your heartache, devastation and grief to triumph and success? The answer in this segment of “Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather.” | |
I'm so bad, done so many wrong things, lived a life that I'm ashamed of. Have you ever have those thoughts? Here is how to set you free from those chains of regret, gloom and even shame. | |
Help me, God; the doctor said I have cancer! What do you do when you get those news? Or when blindness strikes, or when you face the death of your child, and you carry a past of sexual abuse? Misery is not the result. Listen to two women's victory over all the above as they share how God turned the darkest sorrow into the deepest joy. |
Does God ever show up? Is His presence real? Does He make Himself known in the midst of pain and disappointment? Listen to the answers with inspiration, real-life illustrations and uplifting truths from the Bible. | |
In the midst of stress and fear, in whom do we trust? Who will be in charge of my future? How can I find reassurance for tomorrow? The answers from the Bible in this program. |
As we try to overcome life’s struggles, how can we reach victory? This segment of Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather highlights the steps to live a life of triumph, peace and confidence. | |
When we face turmoil, feeling overwhelmed by the state of our country, our world…is God’s Word enough? This segment answers this question. | |
How do we go on after the shooting massacre in Orlando? What happens when our world shakes with fear, terror and tragedy? What does God say when these things happen? What is shaking your world lately? Find encouragement and inspiration in this segment of Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather. | |
Who do you say Jesus is? In the midst of conflicting versions of His identity, His purpose and His impact, many disagree. The truth is revealed in this segment. | |
When fear invades our life, where do we turn to? Find the answers as how to conquer fear, approach God with confidence and boldly declare His triumph. | |
Prostitution, shame, sin, confusion, pain and humiliation — she had it all. But listen-in to see how God validated her, forgave, brought her freedom and incredible peace. | |
When God is in your life, you are "Too Blessed To Be Stressed" | |
“Help, my life is overwhelming!” Have you ever said that? Millions do and have no idea how to resolve a hectic life filled with struggles, problems and conflicts. Listen to the program tonight. You’ll find the answers the world cannot give. | |
We all ask at one time or another, why this? Why now? Or why me? We might not have the explanation or reason, but God’s Word has the comfort to endure and the courage we need to keep going. Listen for inspiration and encouragement. | |
Just when you think God is far away, distant and unaware of our needs, He performs another miracle. Tonight’s show will bring you the reassurance that God is indeed performing miracles today. Relax, be comforted and inspired! | |
I can’t’ do this anymore! Have you ever said that to yourself as you care for elderly parents? Or perhaps when you face the care of a loved one who needs your energy, your time and your constant care? Here are insights to encourage and uplift your spirit as you tackle this difficult stage in your life. | |
Clothe yourself with the word of the Lord | |
God’s purpose is for you to live in freedom. When burdened by past guilt, shame or wounds, God has the answer to set you free. This segment of Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather brings God’s truth for you to release the past and restore your peace for today. | |
God wants to heal you, to bring you triumph and to set you free. He prepared the path to draw you close, to comfort you and bring triumph in illness, dark valleys, desperation or fear. This segment presents God’s Word and inspirational truth to fill your heart. | |
Jesus is not real, or is He? Does He truly impact lives? Is He relevant? Can I trust Him? Answers in this segment. Be prepared to learn that you’re not alone; you’re not abandoned or left behind. |
When stress, anxiety and fear reached the breaking point, the answer comes in a simple, yet transformational book. Listen to find out how “Contagious Courage: Your Thirty-Day journey to Overcoming Stress and Anxiety” can bring a new beginning. With simple and practical steps that you can put into practice right now, you’ll see how God speaks victory into your situation. | |
Broken hearted because of broken promises? Tired of life’s disappointments? In this broadcast, learn how to triumph, bring back peace, confidence and a rich life of God’s promises that come alive. “Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather” presents spirit-filled conversation with insights and truth from God’s Word. | |
Are you awake at night, worrying about tomorrow? Have fear and worry become part of you? When the world has no answers, God’s Word has the solution and soothing reassurance. Tonight’s broadcast is rich with insights and powerful messages from God to you. Give yourself this hour to relax, be inspired and encouraged to face tomorrow. |
In the midst of contagious diseases, violence, wars and personal conflicts stirring fear, stress and anxiety, where do we find refuge? Who can we turn to for comfort and protection? What characteristics of Jesus bring the answers we long for? Grab a cup of coffee and settle in to be inspired and encouraged with God’s Word presented in this segment. |
Why is God not answering your prayer? Does prayer really work? How does God answer prayers? | |
Are you asking yourself why you're not blessed? Why you don't seem to prosper? Why is life so difficult? Answers to inspire you through God's Word on this segment of "Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather." | |
When a road unknown, and uncertainty is before us, what do we do? How do we gain courage to keep going, to keep on trying? Tonight’s show live “Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather” will give you the insights to inspire you and the message to encourage in times where the path seems dark. One click and you’re there: | |
In moments of heartache and doubt, how can we
believe in someone whom we don’t see? How can we follow someone whom we
cannot hear? And how can we trust in someone we don’t know? |
“You’re stupid, you’re fat, you’re ugly…” Have you ever heard these words before? Maybe you say them to yourself. Tonight live on “Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather”, you’ll find how to triumph over words, messages and destructive notions that can paralyze you. Join us to be inspired, encouraged and receive refreshing affirmations from God’s Word. |
What is missing in your life—success, security, peace, meaning? This show will enlighten and inspire you to find out what you were missing is something bigger and more powerful. | |
Looking for happiness? Fulfillment? Meaning? You’ll be renewed by the answers in tonight’s “Sweet Talk with Janet and Heather.” Be empowered as you listen to God’s way to finding genuine fulfillment, meaning and lasting joy. |
God is at work within you! You are highly favored. | |
Happy New Year! Happy New Life! God can make anything and anyone new again! | |
Janet and Heather discuss how did the Blessed Women of the Bible such as Mary and Elizabeth cope with their extreme situations. | |
Janet and Heather discuss how difficult the first holidays are after losing a loved one. |